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GUys, is it worth the time & airfare to fly into Bangkok to get a btter deal on a diamaond for the mrs? or would the flights negate any savings?

I have even considered flying to the UK to buy one, as I have a free flight but not really the time or inclination. All, well most, feedback is welcomed


I think that gold is roughly the same everywhere in LoS, so I suspect that diamonds would be much the same (ie the savings might not be worth the travel unless you are talking about a seriously significant size of diamond). No expert on the subject, just applying logic - I could be wrong. I don't know about the prices in neighbouring countries though - might be worth exploring.

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If you don't know good gems from bad ones, I'd be very careful about where I bought it, i.e. reputable place or not. Would be easy to get ripped off unless you have a good grasp of your stones... whistling.gif

I used to bring home some jewelry for relatives on my holiday trips to Thailand. Nothing elaborate or expensive, just earrings, pendants, or small gold chains or bracelets and the like. There was a place I used every year in Bkk that I trusted. They were very helpful and knew their stuff, and never pushy. They were Chinese Thai, and the staff had all been to the USA for gemology training (or whatever you'd call it). It was located on the corner of Suk soi 11 IIRC, and I believe it was called "Jewelry Mart". Don't know if they're still there or not, as this was several years ago. But if you do go to Bkk I'd recommend having a look.


Cheers guys - Has anyone experience in getting things posted here? My firends sister works in a jewellers back in the UK & can have it posted to me with other bits & pieces my father will send me. Any thoughts & or advice on this? as i dont fancy posting a few thousand dollar ring without insurance


Cheers guys - Has anyone experience in getting things posted here? My firends sister works in a jewellers back in the UK & can have it posted to me with other bits & pieces my father will send me. Any thoughts & or advice on this? as i dont fancy posting a few thousand dollar ring without insurance

Don't risk it.

1. It might not get here

2. Customs may find it and charge you a fortune in import duty or even illegally importing a diamond.

3. Standard postal insurance won't cover anything like the cost of this and any other insurance would be prohibitively expensive


Cheers guys - Has anyone experience in getting things posted here? My firends sister works in a jewellers back in the UK & can have it posted to me with other bits & pieces my father will send me. Any thoughts & or advice on this? as i dont fancy posting a few thousand dollar ring without insurance

Don't risk it.

1. It might not get here

2. Customs may find it and charge you a fortune in import duty or even illegally importing a diamond.

3. Standard postal insurance won't cover anything like the cost of this and any other insurance would be prohibitively expensive

As I suspected, not worth the risk!


The price of gold is universal is it not?

I would have thought any savings due to buying jewellery in Thailand, would be the savings on any labour.

If you are not an expert in precious gems, steer well clear of any temptation to buy any of these stones or settings, irrespective of the promise that they will be worth more considerably more back home.


The price of gold is universal is it not?

I would have thought any savings due to buying jewellery in Thailand, would be the savings on any labour.

If you are not an expert in precious gems, steer well clear of any temptation to buy any of these stones or settings, irrespective of the promise that they will be worth more considerably more back home.

I need/want to buy engagement ring & I live in Thaialnd, so would much rather buy here. I am certainly not buying in order to make a profit, but I also dont want my pants pulled down OR my future wife to not have a ring, I hope will be with her for the rest of her life, that is either fake or rubbish


odds are not in your favor to get value for your money

I'm not sure exactly what you mean by that, but you are correct in a sense. But if you're a smart enough shopper and smart enough to seek out reputable shops, you can increase those odds.

I know nothing about jewelry. And diamonds being, well... diamonds, I would be extremely careful before I'd lay down the kind of money they command. But I don't believe there is absolutely nowhere in Thailand that you can't find what you're looking for, and pay a fair price for what you get. Due diligence is certainly an imperative though.

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The price of gold is universal is it not?

I would have thought any savings due to buying jewellery in Thailand, would be the savings on any labour.

If you are not an expert in precious gems, steer well clear of any temptation to buy any of these stones or settings, irrespective of the promise that they will be worth more considerably more back home.

I need/want to buy engagement ring & I live in Thaialnd, so would much rather buy here. I am certainly not buying in order to make a profit, but I also dont want my pants pulled down OR my future wife to not have a ring, I hope will be with her for the rest of her life, that is either fake or rubbish

ANY gold jewelry is generally considered bankable here in Thailand. That's why I'm NOT getting my missus an engagement ring and getting 18ct or maybe even 9ct wedding rings from the UK (they tend to be better made and being 18/9ct heavier duty. Not soft like Thai 23.5ct gold)

If I would want to buy precious stones, I would go to Chantaburi, the whole town revolves around just one thing, which is jewelry. Anywhere you go in the market area everybody, from 16 year old girls up to old grandfathers, is busy polishing jewelry.Of course as pointed out above repeatedly, you have to know your stones or take somebody with you who does.


MY grandfather was a Diamond merchant in Washington DC

his motto was;

"if u don't know ur diamonds, know ur jeweler"

Unless u know what ur dong u will overpay

I have connection sin Bangkok if ur interested as i used to mine rubies /sapphires in Bo Rai ( north of Chantaburi)


MY grandfather was a Diamond merchant in Washington DC

his motto was;

"if u don't know ur diamonds, know ur jeweler"

Unless u know what ur dong u will overpay

I have connection sin Bangkok if ur interested as i used to mine rubies /sapphires in Bo Rai ( north of Chantaburi)

I am interested, I want a nice ring thats not a fake & that I dont feel ripped off about. The rest is irrelevant to me, so any help would be more than welcomed


Firstly, thinking all diamonds are equal is going to get you in a world of trouble. They aren't. However, diamond buying is reasonably formulaic. If you can find a Rapaport diamond pricing report online, that will tell you what diamonds cost, by size(carat), color, clarity and cut. Then you will be armed with what the diamond you are looking at should really cost at wholesale.

Second, forget Chanthaburi. That's a gemstone town. Not diamonds and not jewelry and unless you know your gems, speak fluent Thai, then you are in trouble.

Lastly, never buy a diamond without a certificate from a credible lab (not from Somchai's Diamond labs). Ever. Credible diamonds will have certs. If they don't insist on a cert from a credible lab and make the sale contingent that the cert matches what they are claiming the diamond as. This does take time however.

Armed with your diamond pricing guide and roughly what you want to pay, head to Bangkok and look around for a design you like and then use your newfound knowledge to get the best deal you can and hopefully feel confident in your decision.

Good Luck.


Is your Lady Thai? If she is, go the the Jewelry Exchange on Chao Fa West, 500 meters south of the Shell gas station. Don't know the exact name. It's your usual tourist trap store that all the tour buses take tourist. I go in through the back side door otherwise when you come in a salesperson escorts you.

Now if your lady is Thai let her do the talking and negotiating. Helps for you to have a Thai drivers license too so they know you really live here. Don't buy the first time, go a couple of times and try to meet one of the managers. Look around. All the process are negotiable even thought they will say they are not. Once they realize the ring is for her (the Thai person) you should be able to get a good price. All the jewelry is 14-18K. They do not sell 24K. They have the best to the cheapest so look around. Also they have "Certifications" both USA and International on the valuable stuff. I have had really good luck, been there now several times and don't think I've been cheated. I educated myself and I also know what I'm buying. I've been to several other places in Patong and wouldn't even go there again for jewelry.

The best place of course is in Bangkok along Chareon Krung Rd and Salom Rd but the airfare and other expense kills any savings. Check it out.


and a very BIG rip off and inferior goods

this shop is set up for the bus in, bus out tourist I seriously doubt u will get any good deal in Phuket no matter who u are or know

Note thai's very seldom, if ever, work in 14k gold but mostly 18k if their is going to be a stone set.

If u have the time head to Bangkok and the Jewelry trade building on silom road, ( behind the Holiday Inn) , many other shops in that area but u better know ur gems or your jeweler first!!!


Is your Lady Thai? If she is, go the the Jewelry Exchange on Chao Fa West, 500 meters south of the Shell gas station. Don't know the exact name.

The place you're talking about is Wang Talang:


Yep, that's the place. If you buy gold you don't want 24K because it's too soft. You don't care what Thais buy, they're buying it for a savings account. Your best jewelry is always 18K in either white or yellow gold because it is more durable. White gold is harder because of the nickle they add.

And as I said, the place I spoke of is mainly a tourist trap. And like all tourist traps you have junk but you also can find quality. Just need to know what you are buying. Best places are Bangkok but still the cost to get there. And even Bangkok has the rips off too.


The gem factory on by pass road in Phuket pays a 40% commission to all Thais that bring tourists there. So you can safely say the gem factory would have 100% markup. So your paying 140% more. I would fly to Jerusalem or Singapore or somewhere with some kind of guarantee, and see some of the diamond traders there. At least you know its the real deal.

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