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Non Emigrant O((Tricky Question)

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I didn't know weather to put this in the marriage,Law or this forum but my question is ultimately about

a visa so here goes.

I am getting married and filling out an affidavit.There is a sentence which says.

My occupation is...........and I have an income of..........per month.as proof of which I attach a bank statement.(for Thai authorities only).

To cut a long story short I have about 20,000bht a month coming from an Irish bank account into a Thai bank account.This can be shown.Where the money comes from before it goes into my Irish account can't be shown and I haven't worked legally for years.

So how should i fill in the blanks in this sentence and what bank account should I show.I want to be particularity careful because I want to apply for a MULTI ENTRY NON EMIGRANT O visa in Savanakhet or Hull where they don't ask for financial statements for these visas on grounds of marriage.

If anybody has an answer to how I fill out the sentence without shooting myself in the foot I would be most grateful.

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No, you only show this paper to the amphur when you get married. They keep it.

Immigration in Thailand might want a copy of the affirmation letter from your embassy, if you want to apply for an extension of stay. But at this moment that is not an option, as you don't qualify with an income of only 20,000.

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