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Bead Insertions: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly


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Bead insertions.

Do you have them?


Do you want them?


How do you feel when you "come across" them?

Have you come across them?

If not, do you WANT to come across them or do you seriously NOT want that?

If you have seen them and you don't like them, would they cause you to reject someone?

If you like them in others, what do they do for you?

OK, I admit I may be very dense about this. I have seen them before and I don't see the appeal at all. I assume there is some sexual benefit people get from them that I don't understand, but I can't get past how freakish and unnatural they look, etc. In other words, total dramatic 100 percent turnoff, as bad as coming across a bunch of warts!

Edited by Jingthing
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No I don't have them.

Because I think I'm too old and they would make me seem like a silly old fool trying to pretend he wasn't getting old.

The first time I came across them I thought there was something wrong with his thingy. But when I found out what they were I thought it looked nice on him.

And being on the receiving end of someone with them is kinda sexy.

Edited by ironbark
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  • 2 weeks later...

There doesn't seem to be much interest in those beads here in the gay forum. I'm not surprised.

All the guys that I've met who had them were straight guys who said that they increase the women's pleasure. I can believe that. I don't think it's a gay think at all (I myself don't like them either).

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There doesn't seem to be much interest in those beads here in the gay forum. I'm not surprised.

All the guys that I've met who had them were straight guys who said that they increase the women's pleasure. I can believe that. I don't think it's a gay think at all (I myself don't like them either).

Well lots of MSM going on in Thailand involving men who don't identify as gay per se. Thus, the beads rearing their ugly heads!

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They're usually jusr called mooks - less commonly fang mook; an addition to the penile shaft done as an "at-home" procedure that adds a small, hard object - such as a smooth pebble, small glass marble, etc. If it's in the right spot on the erect shaft it's thought to give direct stimulation to the clitoris of a female or the prostate of a male during intercourse, but oftentimes after inserstion they're moved about to keep them from "healing" into once spot, so the logic of the placement has always been lost on me (as has the attraction to do it at all). A small incision is made in the flaccid member and the mook is inserted under a few layers of skin and often moved about to give it some mobility after the wound heals. Naturally, anything done by a lay person includes the risk of a variety of infections, including Hepatitis, HIV and the usual suspects.

There can be cultural reasons for doing this, such as one part of a local right of passage into manhood, or it can be done for other reasons, like a gang tattoo. I first learned of them from a Thai man I dated here in the US well over 20 years ago who had one, but despite his assurances I always felt it was uncomfortable for him while playing and have never cared for them. Given the choice, though, I'd rather see a mook than a member injected with something to make it look more like a mutated Ball Park frankfurter. Ick.

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Yes they are called mooks.

I do think the subject of penis mutilations is quite gay enough for this forum anyway ...

I don't think penis mutilation is "gay" in the sense of homosexual, but rather in the sense of lame, see definition number 5 here.

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