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Bad Condo Management - The Revolution Continues...

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Passed another condo - 'SRITHANA' - on Saturday and observed a gathering on the ground floor - entrance area of disgruntled owners-occupiers. Some BIB were sitting in the back row!

I suppose that nowadays, with the never-increasing costs of buying and running a condo, many owners - especially Thais - are becoming more and more aware that your condo is only worth something if the 'management' take a responsible approach to the overall condition of the building itself!

Good luck to all those who are fighting for better value with their monthly management fees!

Bucklt wai2.gif


Campaigning for lower condo fees is very short sighted. Too many management companies underfund building maintenance, leading to problems for everyone. I was a tenant in one condo (a renter, not an owner)... first, they ran out of money to treat the pools, which then grew green with algae thereby damaging the pumps and filters. Eventually, they had to drain the pools & do expensive repairs, so in the end nobody saved any money. Plus we had no pool for 2-3 months.

Once the last unit in the building was sold, mgmt started charging a per-use fee for the gym, which was already funded by condo fees. There was no confrontation, but nobody used the gym for about 2 months. Once management realized this was generating no revenue, that policy ended & the gym became free once again.

It's antics like this that convince me to be a forever-renter. I can just pack up & leave without all my assets being tied to a losing proposition. Is there any management firm in Thailand with a solid-gold record, such that if you buy into one of their buildings you can be assured that it would be properly run?


I'm a committee member there and it's a night mare. The juristic person called the police to arrest committee members for trespassing in the office . It's beyond belief however we will get our building back

At twin Peaks there are no Thais on the committee and Thai customs are becoming obsolete in my estimation. The building is like a shiny car with rust underneath. They just care about appearances not what's beneath the surface. It used to be a friendly smiling environment (no longer)

Riverside lost their manager and have not replaced him I believe



Passed another condo - 'SRITHANA' - on Saturday

are you talking about this one

the siritara condo just off the hang dong road near big

c / makro or another one ?

just interested ! .. dave2




Had bought a few condos a few years back, renovated and kept as rentals. The management for all of them was appalling and robbing the buildings. I sold them all as long term only decay and depreciation awaited, nothing of future value I could pass on to the kids. The whole management system is rotten and corrupt to the core, like so many other things I suppose.

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Where is this srithana place as there were police outside a condo near me and I couldn't work out what was happening.

The current condo I am in now is so bad. EVERYTHING is a billing offence. There is a list posted up showing what you get charged for what offence.

It is an absolute joke of a place in cm. My girlfriend drove over and parked legally and they clamped her and demanded an extortionate fee. If they smell you cooking they fine you. You are only allowed guests over three times a month or you are fined. For a blocked drain you are fined two thousand baht. The list is never ending and I can't wait to leave.


We had our AGM last week end and our lawyer advised us that imposing such fines was illegal since it is contrary to the new Condominium Act. Why not get legal advice? Our lawyer is based in Bangkok, contact me if you want his details.


Stay tuned on Srithana 2. I suspect the melodrama will experience an uptick within the week.

And to answer the unanswered question, it's the big pink building next door to KSK.


sometimes the good guys win. We (owners of sritana 2) held and owners meeting 1.5 hours before the juristic person held and extraordinary meeting. Her objective was to get rid of three remaining committee members who were concerned about the lack of transparency over the past year. Brilliant manoeuvre actually calling our meeting before her's. By an overwhelming majority we managed to vote her out, go to the land office and register the results and last night she packed up her belongings. The new committee (people who actually care about the building) have a daunting task ahead of them but it now has a rosy future

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