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You're Fired (Part Two)

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One of my private students works for the Labour dept.. So i asked her what are the rules..

any contract has 180 day probation, from 180days to 12 mths its 30 days paid notice (does not matter what is in the contract)

She also stated that the Labour office consider back to back 12th contracts to be same as continuous work. I have 6 years in at my school.. so they would have to pay me 8 mths severance pay...cool ( i forgot to ask her how its worked out)

I don't want to rain on anyone's parade, but if you work for a private school then that may not be the case, under the Private School Act. There are other threads that discuss this, but forewarned is forearmed.

I will ask.. But she does know where i work full time.

My school is a private catholic school under the MOE. Not sure if that's private in the sense of the School act.

Got it.

Edited by sirchai
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