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What's With The Shirtless Foreigners In Bkk?


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If you have a body full of tatts that have cost a pretty penny , plus the cost of the roids, then you have to get return on your investment and show them off. Otherwise it may be less chav / bogan to keep the shirt on.

I had to go to Pattaya a couple of weeks ago (unfortunately) for some event. It was amazing to see the collection of farangs - all ages, shapes, sizes and several nationalities, roaming the shopping area without shirts - showing off tatts, and a variety of muscles and flab, along with shorts, sandels - with socks of course, and a selection of headgear. This was well away from the beach and Walking street. Many had one (or two) ladies on their arms, shopping bags and didn't give a fig about anything.

I really hope this "style" doesn't spread to Bangkok - although I've seen one or two recently. I remember seeing signs about dress code at immigration offices in the past - reminding farangs they were visiting an official government department and dealing with a police officer and so should dress respectfully. Seems odd that people should need to be told how to dress in different circumstances - but perhaps reflects the calibre of some tourists.

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Theres A bunch of low farangs coming to Thailand.I imagine the authorities could do something about it in Bangkok if they wanted to.I believe it is A little discusting to see.But to me I think wearing

Sandels is also disgusting.I know i'm stepping on peoples toes with that remark. Won't be the first time.

Would imposing an airport tax inbound on scruffs be a contravention of human rights I wonder? What HR I hear you say. I agree that shirtless jerks indicate lack of respect in Thai cities. Incidentally sitting in a restaurant the other day in Dubai, a couple of Eastern European Hobbos stripped off when they left, at least they had the decency to wait until they were outside. How did I know they were ER's, well they had over developed upper torsos, they were ugly, fags drooping from their mouths and bo$$#cks the size of footballs. Could have been a couple of Leeds supporters I guess.....live and let live is the order of the day now.

Surprised they got away with that in Dubai. They certainly wouldn't in Abu Dhabi. In Saudi you must keep tatoos covered up if you have them.

Human Rights - good one clap2.gif Only EU countires and the Aussies really try and "walk the talk". The rest make it up as they go along !!

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1) it's natural and healthy

2) it's not disgusting unless you're overweight

3) it's what thais and other tropical peoples have been doing since basically forever (except for a minority in modern times who imported foreign values and declared themselves the gatekeepers of civilization)

4) if you really care about the world your grandchildren will inherit, ask yourself which is a better way to reduce your carbon footprint: more clothes, more air-con, more laundry? or more respect for mother nature?

5) as a bonus, many people (including thais) enjoy an occasional piece of eye candy!


A recruitment advert for the nudists! Everyone's using social media to advertise these days. Nice to see the Cowboy and Nana girls doing there bit for climate change too.

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The weirdest thing for me is sandals without socks! While famous designers show their new sandal-with-socks collections many crazy guys didn't watch it on their cabel TV! And they still continue to dress sandals without socks... HATE IT!

Dear me....

Listen fella, I wear safety shoes all day in my workplace, I like to feel the fresh air surround my feet whilst in a hot climate.

To right Longstebe - and more healthy for your feet too.

Sandals with socks, usually pulled up the calfs, with shorts. Dead giveaway for a Yank or ex-public school Brit. And, IMHO looks ridiculous.

Edited by Baerboxer
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Theres A bunch of low farangs coming to Thailand.I imagine the authorities could do something about it in Bangkok if they wanted to.I believe it is A little discusting to see.But to me I think wearing

Sandels is also disgusting.I know i'm stepping on peoples toes with that remark. Won't be the first time.

Would imposing an airport tax inbound on scruffs be a contravention of human rights I wonder? What HR I hear you say. I agree that shirtless jerks indicate lack of respect in Thai cities. Incidentally sitting in a restaurant the other day in Dubai, a couple of Eastern European Hobbos stripped off when they left, at least they had the decency to wait until they were outside. How did I know they were ER's, well they had over developed upper torsos, they were ugly, fags drooping from their mouths and bo$$#cks the size of footballs. Could have been a couple of Leeds supporters I guess.....live and let live is the order of the day now.

Surprised they got away with that in Dubai. They certainly wouldn't in Abu Dhabi. In Saudi you must keep tatoos covered up if you have them.

Human Rights - good one clap2.gif Only EU countires and the Aussies really try and "walk the talk". The rest make it up as they go along !!

In Saudi you must keep tatoos covered up if you have them.

Is this something your companys HR told you?

Certainly not the case as far as I am aware.

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i have been out and about in the lower sukhumvit to emporium area every day this and last week and haven't seen this once, i live on sukhumvit soi 11, haven't seen a shirtless foreigner in months on end, it just isn't an epidemic, nor is it widespread.

its also almost 40 degrees out.

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Most Bangkok Thais would associate shirtless falungs the same way as they do shirtless Thais and associate them with being Barn Nok - country folk who either can't afford to make some effort is dress or by occupation either being a field labourer or somebody who has to do manual labour and is , therefore, well down on the social ladder. Something akin to the way the Thais look down on other Thais with darker skin .

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The weirdest thing for me is sandals without socks! While famous designers show their new sandal-with-socks collections many crazy guys didn't watch it on their cabel TV! And they still continue to dress sandals without socks... HATE IT!

"The weirdest thing for me is sandals without socks!"

Sandals with socks was more "trendy" when the pound/baht exchange rate was higher. Go figure.


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Most Bangkok Thais would associate shirtless falungs the same way as they do shirtless Thais and associate them with being Barn Nok - country folk who either can't afford to make some effort is dress or by occupation either being a field labourer or somebody who has to do manual labour and is , therefore, well down on the social ladder. Something akin to the way the Thais look down on other Thais with darker skin .

"either being a field labourer or somebody who has to do manual labour "

Something tells me the first thing Thais think of shirtless farang in Pattaya would not include "manual labor."


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Always a problem! It seems that most people who write here have at least one problem a day? Now what would you say if the Finn and Scandinavian teenage girls walked around topless?? these people haven't seen the sun in months! In Australia they start taking off their shirts and blouses coming in from the aircraft! Calm down...mind your own business! wink.png

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Then There is the "bare foot hippies" I've seen a few of them wandering around with no shoes and blacker than black soles of their feet.

Frigging disgusting

Saw one at Askoe last week. White robes and carrying a drum

Bring back the hippies, I say. I certainly don't remember being set upon by groups of macho (pissed??) hippies in the past. I may not have totally agreed with all they stood for, but they were never a physical threat. Compare that with the body building, uneducated, egomaniacs that are increasing at present.

Night at the cage fights, anyone????

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The weirdest thing for me is sandals without socks! While famous designers show their new sandal-with-socks collections many crazy guys didn't watch it on their cabel TV! And they still continue to dress sandals without socks... HATE IT!

"The weirdest thing for me is sandals without socks!"

Sandals with socks was more "trendy" when the pound/baht exchange rate was higher. Go figure.

Did Jesus wear socks with his sandals? I rest my case. :P

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The weirdest thing for me is sandals without socks! While famous designers show their new sandal-with-socks collections many crazy guys didn't watch it on their cabel TV! And they still continue to dress sandals without socks... HATE IT!

Dear me....

Listen fella, I wear safety shoes all day in my workplace, I like to feel the fresh air surround my feet whilst in a hot climate.

To right Longstebe - and more healthy for your feet too.

Sandals with socks, usually pulled up the calfs, with shorts. Dead giveaway for a Yank or ex-public school Brit. And, IMHO looks ridiculous.

Agreed. Wearing socks with sandals identifies you as a dork and attracts extra service fees.

White socks are the worst.

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The weirdest thing for me is sandals without socks! While famous designers show their new sandal-with-socks collections many crazy guys didn't watch it on their cabel TV! And they still continue to dress sandals without socks... HATE IT!

Do you know how ridiculous socks and sandals look?Are you a stereotypical German with lederhosen and a feather in your hat also?rolleyes.gif

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Most Bangkok Thais would associate shirtless falungs the same way as they do shirtless Thais and associate them with being Barn Nok - country folk who either can't afford to make some effort is dress or by occupation either being a field labourer or somebody who has to do manual labour and is , therefore, well down on the social ladder. Something akin to the way the Thais look down on other Thais with darker skin .

Is there anyone the Thais don't look down on?

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The weirdest thing for me is sandals without socks! While famous designers show their new sandal-with-socks collections many crazy guys didn't watch it on their cabel TV! And they still continue to dress sandals without socks... HATE IT!

Do you know how ridiculous socks and sandals look?Are you a stereotypical German with lederhosen and a feather in your hat also?rolleyes.gif

Ridiculous or not I shall continue to wear socks when I wear sandals. Without my socks the chaffing on my skins rips it to shreds no matter what type of sandal I have tried. Judging by the state of some people's feet I suggest they also wear socks, those bunions etc are not a pretty sight.

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Most Bangkok Thais would associate shirtless falungs the same way as they do shirtless Thais and associate them with being Barn Nok - country folk who either can't afford to make some effort is dress or by occupation either being a field labourer or somebody who has to do manual labour and is , therefore, well down on the social ladder. Something akin to the way the Thais look down on other Thais with darker skin .

Is there anyone the Thais don't look down on?

The Thais look down upon other Thais as much as falungs.(And a lot of Falungs look down upon other Falungs as well ) it is just that most of us don't see it and it is quite subtle at times and at other times it is blatant like the way the Bangkok Thais view Thais from Issan , especially when they are brown and shirtless......

Edited by xen
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Would they do it in the main tourist areas of London or Paris?cheesy.gif

A few years ago probably not...now, YES they do not care , believe me!

I had a boat in Antibes, south of France for many years, it is a very wealthy and conservative area, the locals were so "puzzled" to see more and more tourist walking around in the old town, with their tops (t-shirt/shirt) off yes, but sometimes simply in swimsuit, the mayor issued a municipal bylaw that one cannot do it or be fined 10€, of course they never fined any one, but it allowed the police to tell people sorry you have to put your shirt one. So it is democratisation whistling.gif ... sincerely I do not believe any educated person would do that !

(educated????? what does that meanssick.gif )

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Ive taken my top off in BKK it was 40 degrees, humid as hell and i was sweating like mad, its common sense until the human condition becomes involved.

I am 100% sure that up until the new breed of Thais started calling everything Thai culture and found offence in anything that didn't suit their agenda it was just fine to do as much.

Most Thais come from the countryside it is perfectly acceptable to take ones top off there, is that part of Thailands ways not classed as Thai culture?

PS I put it back on after some taxi driver beeped at me, wasn't i respectful or maybe he was a puffter.

PPS Should Thais start getting angry at other Thais who wear Western style suits as they clearly aren't part of Thai culture.

PPPS I have no tattoos.

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The weirdest thing for me is sandals without socks! While famous designers show their new sandal-with-socks collections many crazy guys didn't watch it on their cabel TV! And they still continue to dress sandals without socks... HATE IT!

Do you know how ridiculous socks and sandals look?Are you a stereotypical German with lederhosen and a feather in your hat also?rolleyes.gif

Ridiculous or not I shall continue to wear socks when I wear sandals. Without my socks the chaffing on my skins rips it to shreds no matter what type of sandal I have tried. Judging by the state of some people's feet I suggest they also wear socks, those bunions etc are not a pretty sight.

Good luck to you wouldnt it be a boring world if we all stuck to doing what was fully expected of us by self appointed cultural dictators.

Besides it always puts a smile on my face to see a man with socks and sandals!

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Would they do it in the main tourist areas of London or Paris?cheesy.gif

A few years ago probably not...now, YES they do not care , believe me!

I had a boat in Antibes, south of France for many years, it is a very wealthy and conservative area, the locals were so "puzzled" to see more and more tourist walking around in the old town, with their tops (t-shirt/shirt) off yes, but sometimes simply in swimsuit, the mayor issued a municipal bylaw that one cannot do it or be fined 10€, of course they never fined any one, but it allowed the police to tell people sorry you have to put your shirt one. So it is democratisation whistling.gif ... sincerely I do not believe any educated person would do that !

(educated????? what does that meanssick.gif )

If it is above 25 degrees you'll see plenty of males taking their tops off in London, why would a human not want to cool himself down its only common sense im sure you'd agree.

Maybe its a case of not fitting in with the jumped up ways of the Thai/Chinese, but good luck to the Ivans and tattoo'd flabby Brits who are re-educating Bangkok folk into using a bit of common sense to cool down.

PS The fact that French educated people could come up with such a totalitarian law shows that an education isn't all its cracked up to be.

Edited by Thailand1977
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whistling.gif Saw one two days ago taking off his T-shirt on his way to a Soi Nana beer place.

His tits were bigger than any of the bargirls sitting there.

He looked like a right royal slob .... fat and drunk too.

But don't know his nationality .... didn't get close enough to hear him talk.

Perfect example of the "Lager lout" Boozer and Loser Fraternity.

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