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Block Some Web Sites


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His business, his call. If you were paying people to work would you want them wasting time on Facebook instead of doing their job?

Although in fairness, I'd monitor first and see if it is actually an issue before going postal.

Nothing wrong with people doing a bit of surfing on their coffee break.

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Jesus H Christ! Give the guy a break! Have you any idea how much time is wasted and productivity lost by employees 'playing' on their computers instead of working?

Definitely. The op's approach is soft compared to many corporates where it is simply not allowed. Get caught and your fired. No warning.

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Seems some members don't have a clue as to the damages and loss in productivity that can occur from this. Do your research before chastising the OP. This is in the US, now imagine it in Thailand. wink.png

Price Tag for Lost Productivity: $544 Billion

Employees waste almost two hours a day, according to a new workplace survey.

Although most bosses assume the rank-and-file will have downtime every day, employees waste about twice as much time as their employers think, according to a new survey by Salary.com and America Online.


Loss of Productivity Due to Facebook

Facebook can be an invaluable tool for your company in reaching out to customers and building brand awareness, but when employees engage in personal Facebook use on company time, it turns into a productivity-killing time sink. It's also an ethical issue; you're entitled to expect your employees to devote their full attention to their jobs while on company time. Articulate clear standards for the use of social networking in the office to reap Facebook's benefits while minimizing its potential to decrease productivity.

The Extent of the Problem

A 2010 TechJournal article cited a research study indicating that companies whose networks provided Facebook access experienced a 1.5 percent drop in employee productivity. Peter Cohan followed up on the study in a February 2012 piece for Forbes.com, using statistics on Facebook's growth during the interim to calculate that Facebook use within the workplace could lead to a 9.4 percent productivity decrease in companies throughout the U.S., a drop that could collectively cost businesses as much as 1.4 trillion dollars.


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Jesus H Christ! Give the guy a break! Have you any idea how much time is wasted and productivity lost by employees 'playing' on their computers instead of working?

So can anyone tell me how to block for example the www.facebook.com


What is the brand and model of your router?

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Jesus H Christ! Give the guy a break! Have you any idea how much time is wasted and productivity lost by employees 'playing' on their computers instead of working?

So can anyone tell me how to block for example the www.facebook.com


What's the point?

Most of them sit and use their smartphone all day. They don't need the computer.

I see this happening in many companies I visit. They block all social networking sites and some even block internet but the employees just use their smartphones.

Edited by petedk
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Jesus H Christ! Give the guy a break! Have you any idea how much time is wasted and productivity lost by employees 'playing' on their computers instead of working?

So can anyone tell me how to block for example the www.facebook.com


What's the point?

Most of them sit and use their smartphone all day. They don't need the computer.

I see this happening in many companies I visit. They block all social networking sites and some even block internet but the employees just use their smartphones.

In that case... http://www.jammer4uk.com/cell-phone-jammer-c-2.html

For internet blocking, try: http://www.netnanny.com/ but I would think there are other products that do the same job. Just Google "Internet nanny".

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If I was an employee and you did this to me, I wouldn't be very happy, and you'd get less work from me. It is a sick way to treat employees. The internet is part of life these days. Next you'll be saying you want to take their phones off them. After all, making a phone call isn't work. People work best with short breaks. You will get more out of employees if you treat them well. If your employees are using the internet all day instead of working, then sack them and find better employees. There must be something wrong with your company's recruitment policy if you are attracting employees that don't work. Sort that out.

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If I was an employee and you did this to me, I wouldn't be very happy, and you'd get less work from me. It is a sick way to treat employees. The internet is part of life these days. Next you'll be saying you want to take their phones off them. After all, making a phone call isn't work. People work best with short breaks. You will get more out of employees if you treat them well. If your employees are using the internet all day instead of working, then sack them and find better employees. There must be something wrong with your company's recruitment policy if you are attracting employees that don't work. Sort that out.

Well said agree 100%

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Perhaps rather than blacklisting specific websites, it might be more prudent to block all websites, then whitelisting ones relevant to business.

Anyway, do consider a service such as OpenDNS. This allows blacklisting by category, rather than individual website, so is more effective. (It can be bypassed, but then any other solution can be, too. You just have to hope that your staff aren't technically savvy or motivated enough to do so.)


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If I was an employee and you did this to me, I wouldn't be very happy, and you'd get less work from me. It is a sick way to treat employees. The internet is part of life these days. Next you'll be saying you want to take their phones off them. After all, making a phone call isn't work. People work best with short breaks. You will get more out of employees if you treat them well. If your employees are using the internet all day instead of working, then sack them and find better employees. There must be something wrong with your company's recruitment policy if you are attracting employees that don't work. Sort that out.

If you were an employee who preferred using Facebook to working, I'd sack you.

But as I said above, before you do any blocking, establish first if you actually have a problem.

I wrote our company's Internet Acceptable Use policy and insisted some personal browsing is perfectly acceptable providing it is not detrimental to the company's operations or IT infrastructure, etc.

Same goes for email.

Having said that, I also get to see how it gets abused by people; we blocked Facebook a long time ago, it is a massive corporate timewaster.

(Phones aren't a problem, as they are not allowed to bring them on site for safety reasons).

No-one has resigned because they want to work for an employer who gives them unfettered Facebook, porn, etc.

Edited by Chicog
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I cant believe the hostility towards this request!

The guy runs a business not a free internet cafe. Post the router details its easiest to block there but remember if they are tech savvy they will get around it with a proxy.....

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I cant believe the hostility towards this request!

The guy runs a business not a free internet cafe. Post the router details its easiest to block there but remember if they are tech savvy they will get around it with a proxy.....

Then all you need to do is block the proxies too.

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I cant believe the hostility towards this request!

The guy runs a business not a free internet cafe. Post the router details its easiest to block there but remember if they are tech savvy they will get around it with a proxy.....

Then all you need to do is block the proxies too.

That's a lot of CGI proxy's to add!

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I cant believe the hostility towards this request!

The guy runs a business not a free internet cafe. Post the router details its easiest to block there but remember if they are tech savvy they will get around it with a proxy.....

Then all you need to do is block the proxies too.

That's a lot of CGI proxy's to add!

Which is exactly why I suggested either using a whitelist approach or using OpenDNS, rather than trying a DIY blocking approach; they have the resources to monitor available proxies.

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I agree. Of everything that is available on the internet surely Facebook must be the most pathetic. Closely followed by Twitter etc.

"Social networking" is just idiots talking nonsense to cretins.


I agree. Of everything that is available on the internet surely Facebook must be the most pathetic. Closely followed by Twitter etc.

"Social networking" is just idiots talking nonsense to cretins.

Blatant troll post by a keyboard gangster.

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You could also invoke a 'white list' on the router for known MAC addresses that way if they want to surf on their phones/tablets they have to pay and it keeps your abused bandwidth down a bit.

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