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London Theatre Visit For Thai Wife


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This is aimed at those members who have taken their partners to the UK for a holiday.

I am taking the missus in June and want to include a theatre visit.

Mindful of the impact of a language barrier I am leaning towards a musical for the entertainment value and 'understandability'.

Does anyone have any experiences to share ?

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When my misses was in London we went to several shows, musicals Id guess you`d call them. Dont really have dialougue as such and all about singing and entertainment. We went to We Will Rock You and she loved it.

Get ready to spend a few quid if you want a nice night doing that however! Thai Tho on the edge of China town is a nice restaurant in the middle of the theatre district

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I tried "Mama Mia" but got the impression that it was only apartially succesful selection. The experience was, I am sure, wonderful but overall comprehension seemed lacking eg. laughing at the wrong time etc.

This musical has a silly story but still needs understanding and I don't think Abba are too well known in Thailand either (somebody correct me if necessary.)

Afterwards I remember wishing that I had picked "We Will Rock You" as I feel it would have been a better visual experience with more instantly accessable music to the less familiar ear..

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We did Billy Elliot, the dancing was superb and the language would make a BG blush however it was enjoyed by all. Just as am aside do not go to Billy Elliot expecting the same music as the movie however it is just as good but the tunes are written specifically for the show.

Edited by RabC
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When my misses was in London we went to several shows, musicals Id guess you`d call them. Dont really have dialougue as such and all about singing and entertainment. We went to We Will Rock You and she loved it.

Get ready to spend a few quid if you want a nice night doing that however! Thai Tho on the edge of China town is a nice restaurant in the middle of the theatre district

Thanks. I have We Will Rock You and Mama Mia on my list of possibles.

The budget is there - I would prefer to go to Chinatown (maybe the New Mayflower) for more authentic and better value food.

I will limit visits to Thai restaurants to a maximum of two during the month we are in the UK.

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We did Billy Elliot, the dancing was superb and the language would make a BG blush however it was enjoyed by all. Just as am aside do not go to Billy Elliot expecting the same music as the movie however it is just as good but the tunes are written specifically for the show.

We did Billy Elliot, the dancing was superb and the language would make a BG blush however it was enjoyed by all. Just as am aside do not go to Billy Elliot expecting the same music as the movie however it is just as good but the tunes are written specifically for the show.

Took my daughter a few years ago (blimey, it must have been 5 years ago) and I loved it.

I just wonder if the missus will 'get it', there are a number of subtleties in that show....you are right about the dancing though.

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We did Billy Elliot, the dancing was superb and the language would make a BG blush however it was enjoyed by all. Just as am aside do not go to Billy Elliot expecting the same music as the movie however it is just as good but the tunes are written specifically for the show.

>We did Billy Elliot, the dancing was superb and the language would make a BG blush however it was enjoyed by all. Just as am aside do not go to Billy Elliot expecting the same music as the movie however it is just as good but the tunes are written specifically for the show.

Took my daughter a few years ago (blimey, it must have been 5 years ago) and I loved it.

I just wonder if the missus will 'get it', there are a number of subtleties in that show....you are right about the dancing though.

I agree about the subtleties that a Thai may miss but the music and dancing sure made up for it.

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When my misses was in London we went to several shows, musicals Id guess you`d call them. Dont really have dialougue as such and all about singing and entertainment. We went to We Will Rock You and she loved it.

Get ready to spend a few quid if you want a nice night doing that however! Thai Tho on the edge of China town is a nice restaurant in the middle of the theatre district

Thanks. I have We Will Rock You and Mama Mia on my list of possibles.

The budget is there - I would prefer to go to Chinatown (maybe the New Mayflower) for more authentic and better value food.

I will limit visits to Thai restaurants to a maximum of two during the month we are in the UK.

Not sure Chinatown is that authentic or value mate, reeks of tourist trap prices and quality but I know there are exceptions. An area we only shopped in (for Thai food!) rather than eat. BTW www.groupon.com is constantly full of great deals on restaurants and shows so keep an eye on it.

With regards to a show, I`m not sure overall comprehension is necessary, you dont need to understand everything to enjoy it. The spectacle of people dancing, singing etc is worth it in its own right and Im sure your Mrs will love it.

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I would also go for Mama Mia, its great on stage and I have seen it three times now, twice in London and once in Bangkok. However everyone raves about Les Miserables and my brother said he enjoyed it more than Mama Mia. Billy Elliot is good but I know my Thai friend said the dialogue was difficult to follow with the accents.

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Miss Saigon

Yes! That could be a very clever and relevant way of starting broaching the subject of "maybe I need a bit of time alone..." to your Thai GF/wife, and she will understand better with that play in mind.

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I took my other half to see Mama Mia when we were last in London, and she enjoyed it very much, despite saying it was "same as the movie".

We had already seen We will rock you in Bangkok, she enjoyed that as well, we are going to see Phantom in a couple of months.

I agree with the Leicester Square booth, though I don't recall seeing the bug musicals on sale there, I could be wrong so it's worth a look.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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If you are lucky "The Ladyboys Of Bangkok" may be touring!

If not any of the musicals. I took the Missus to Wicked. She said she enjoyed it but I'm not so sure.

Find cheap seats online or at the half-price booth mentioned above. Not worth spending a fortune.

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Mama Mia is a great night out and she will enjoy the audience contribution as well, you will come out feeling good and with a spring in your step, as an alternative what about The Jersey Boys ( Four Seasons ) heard good reports on that as well.

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The Book of Mormon is the hot ticket right now, but not sure if that works given the language and cultural barrier. By the South Park guys.

*here's a review: http://www.londontheatre.co.uk/londontheatre/reviews/bookofmormon.htm

It's about Mormons trying to convert a village in Uganda. I'm surprised they actually had enough of them to go to Uganda, thought they were all in Chiang Mai.

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