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Bullying, Alcohol Addiction & "the Dodo Bird"


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I was invited to sit in on The Gate Theater Group's rehearsal of a play called The Dodo Bird last evening.

I have been a follower of the group for a long time and have put up information on them in the past. This particular production is hard to take, in a good way, that is.

The Dodo Bird was performed by The Gate in Chiang Mai about 5 years ago. The play focuses on bullying behavior that encompasses physical aggression, threats, teasing and harassment but also explores the perils of alcohol addiction and how it can effect a family. There is also a very emotional and touching monologue at the end which explains how this particular individual, the Dodo, came to be in the situation he's in.

I say it's hard to take because some of the acting is so real I forgot, at certain points, that I was watching a rehearsal. The shear mentality of somebody like Bull, the antagonist, just made me want to grab him by the throat and smack him once or twice; he is just that convincing in the role. But he is also so big that smacking him is not an option.

If you enjoy live theater, see this play when it opens next week. It's an extremely personal look into the world of a bullying victim and shows how important it is to eliminate this kind of behavior from society.

Opens April 4 to 7 Kad Suan Kaew Shopping Mall. www.gate-theater.com


Edited by bhatmasterson
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Thanks for the heads up I do enjoy live plays and was very impressed with the last one.smile.png

You're very welcome. I think Chiang Mai needs more of this kind of entertainment.

Here's another heads up, one thing I forgot to mention about the show is there is some rough language in this one. It's probably not suited for really young kids but should be okay for teenagers. But hey, it's blue collar foundry workers who meet in a bar across the road from the job. I used to work in a steel mill so I can tell you the language is appropriate for the situation although it might rub some folks the wrong way. But language aside, it's powerful drama.

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It sounds like an interesting play. What is the price?

The Gate generally asks for a donation of 250 baht but it isn't mandatory. If someone can't make a donation the girl on the door will find them a seat once ticket holders are seated.

Personally, I think 250 B is a steal for the opportunity to see live theater done in a professional manner. I don't know what prices for a similar production would be in London's East End or in Australia. But in New York, as an off, off Broadway show, this group would easily fetch $35.00 a ticket. However, that's in the US and a lot of people don't know the value that's placed on performing arts like theater and dance in other countries.

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I saw the Dodo Bird about 4 or 5 years ago and I was very impressed by the level of acting

and the message of the play. It was a play that brought out the worst of alcohol and its

effect on family , as the character waiting for his daughter and the effect on patrons who

frequent bars, the more they drink the more agressive they can become. If I remember

correctly, it was a tough workingmans bar.

Although the language is strong at times it is a well acted play and I am looking forward

to seeing it again.

Thanks for the information, I would have missed it otherwise.

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To me, 250 baht seems a fair price indeed. I was lucky enough to grow up near a military base that was famous for its live theatre program and tickets were very inexpensive, so my family went regularly when I was a child. We are really lucky to have the chance to attend this kind of cultural event in the middle of South East Asia at a reasonable price.

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It sounds like an interesting play. What is the price?

Also will the tickets be available at the information center again?

Tickets are available at the information counter on the first floor. However, for those who have never been to the studio, it can be difficult to find. The elevator that goes up to the 7th floor can be found on the first floor in front of the information counter and slightly to the right if you stand with your back to the counter. Or make your way to the cinemas on the fourth floor and then take the elevator up to 7. When you exit the elevator you will be in the lobby and someone will direct you to the studio.

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As others have already shared, The Dodo Bird is a powerful show. It displays two topics that make majority of people uncomfortable. And yet, bullying and alcoholism affects, directly or indirectly, all of us.

The actors rehearsed one time at my home and I was busy in the kitchen until I heard 'Bull' yell and kept on yelling. It was so real that I forgot that they were practicing their lines and ran out to see what the matter was.

Do not be put off about the topics, please come and experience live performances that will awe you. You will leave talking about the actors and the topics raised. And wonder when and what will be The Gate Theatre Group's next show!

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I am wondering if others feel somewhat confused or surprised by the response about this show, The Dodo Bird.

Don't we watch movies with worse language and violence? And many of those watchers are our youth. Anyone want to reply??

Waiting to hear....

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I looked on the website, but they have almost no information where/when/cost for this or any other productions on there that I could see. Did I just miss it or do they for some off reason don't tell people where/when their shows are blink.png ?

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I looked on the website, but they have almost no information where/when/cost for this or any other productions on there that I could see. Did I just miss it or do they for some off reason don't tell people where/when their shows are blink.png ?

There is almost a full page poster of the show with a press release on the website under "Now Playing". You probably missed it because when you hover over the topics buttons without clicking, a drop down menu appears. I suspect that you clicked on one of the subtopics instead of "Now Playing" button.

All of the information you seek is right there under "Now Playing". "The Dodo Bird" Presented by The Gate Theater Group @ Kad Suan Kaew Shopping Mall in the 7th floor Studio Theater. The show opens Thursday the 4th of April @ 7:00 pm and runs through Sunday which will be a Matinee performance starting @ 2:00 pm. Refreshments start at 6:30 & 1:30 pm.

Please see my previous note about how to find the studio. If you've never been it can be tricky to find.

It's a show worth seeing. You will not see anything like it in Chiang Mai or anywhere in Thailand perhaps with the exception of Bangkok.

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I am wondering if others feel somewhat confused or surprised by the response about this show, The Dodo Bird.

Don't we watch movies with worse language and violence? And many of those watchers are our youth. Anyone want to reply??

Waiting to hear....


I've seen several shows presented by The Gate over the past 4 years. They seem to do a variety of different types of plays. That is what has made me a loyal follower and in the process I became a friend of the group.

There was a show called "Strange Snow" which touched on some of the same topics as the current show; alcohol abuse, dysfunctional family situation and a young man who served in the Vietnam war and had lost his best friend. Bu it was also a love story. There was some rough language in that show but the story was so compelling that the profanity went by almost unnoticed. I am not one who appreciates hearing a lot of profanity. However, if the language is motivated by believable situations and the acting is good I'm not bothered. The language in "The Dodo Bird" is not as bad as what's coming out of the TV on HBO on any given evening.

Comedy is fine but I come from a town in The US where there was a vibrant theater scene. The Gate Theater Group reminds me of that by taking on serious issues and using drama not just to entertain and make everybody happy, but to hold up a mirror, as it were, to society, and reflect what we are. That's what theater is supposed to do in my opinion.

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I looked on the website, but they have almost no information where/when/cost for this or any other productions on there that I could see. Did I just miss it or do they for some off reason don't tell people where/when their shows are blink.png ?

There is almost a full page poster of the show with a press release on the website under "Now Playing". You probably missed it because when you hover over the topics buttons without clicking, a drop down menu appears. I suspect that you clicked on one of the subtopics instead of "Now Playing" button.

All of the information you seek is right there under "Now Playing". "The Dodo Bird" Presented by The Gate Theater Group @ Kad Suan Kaew Shopping Mall in the 7th floor Studio Theater. The show opens Thursday the 4th of April @ 7:00 pm and runs through Sunday which will be a Matinee performance starting @ 2:00 pm. Refreshments start at 6:30 & 1:30 pm.

Please see my previous note about how to find the studio. If you've never been it can be tricky to find.

It's a show worth seeing. You will not see anything like it in Chiang Mai or anywhere in Thailand perhaps with the exception of Bangkok.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh yep!

Thanks for the info!

That is confusing and unintuitive. I hope they modify it somehow, such as adding a first or last line in the subtopics to have a links to that page there instead or aswell.

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I looked on the website, but they have almost no information where/when/cost for this or any other productions on there that I could see. Did I just miss it or do they for some off reason don't tell people where/when their shows are blink.png ?

There is almost a full page poster of the show with a press release on the website under "Now Playing". You probably missed it because when you hover over the topics buttons without clicking, a drop down menu appears. I suspect that you clicked on one of the subtopics instead of "Now Playing" button.

All of the information you seek is right there under "Now Playing". "The Dodo Bird" Presented by The Gate Theater Group @ Kad Suan Kaew Shopping Mall in the 7th floor Studio Theater. The show opens Thursday the 4th of April @ 7:00 pm and runs through Sunday which will be a Matinee performance starting @ 2:00 pm. Refreshments start at 6:30 & 1:30 pm.

Please see my previous note about how to find the studio. If you've never been it can be tricky to find.

It's a show worth seeing. You will not see anything like it in Chiang Mai or anywhere in Thailand perhaps with the exception of Bangkok.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh yep!

Thanks for the info!

That is confusing and unintuitive. I hope they modify it somehow, such as adding a first or last line in the subtopics to have a links to that page there instead or aswell.

I have passed your comments along the the group.

Here are some photos from last night's preview performance.




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Hi CM Community,

How many of you went to the opening performance, The Dodo Bird? I did and the actors did a great job convincing me of their roles. Part of this thread has been about the language that is involved in this show. It was used appropriately for the situations. Actually I did not pay it much attention as the actors' actions and acting were so real. The build up to the final emotional scene was 'spot on' as the Aussies say.

If you are still in town,please get to this play. Let's support our only live English speaking theater. Love to hear what others thought about the play....

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Someone said at last night's performance of The Dodo Bird that this is the second time this play has been done by The Gate Theater Group. Also that the director, Stephan Turner, was the Dodo. Is anyone still around that saw that performance? I am wondering what is same or/and different?

Besides Stephan, the actors are different so did they play convincing roles?

Was Bull the only one bullying poor Dodo or were Russ and Mick also part of the problem versus the solution?? At one point Russ seems like Dodo's friend but then why did he get himself involved in the mean bet?post-177288-0-24464800-1365134894_thumb.

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Someone said at last night's performance of The Dodo Bird that this is the second time this play has been done by The Gate Theater Group. Also that the director, Stephan Turner, was the Dodo. Is anyone still around that saw that performance? I am wondering what is same or/and different?

Besides Stephan, the actors are different so did they play convincing roles?

Was Bull the only one bullying poor Dodo or were Russ and Mick also part of the problem versus the solution?? At one point Russ seems like Dodo's friend but then why did he get himself involved in the mean bet?attachicon.gifIMG_0025.JPG

We better not give away too much of the plot.

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