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My Experience Getting A Non-Immigrant B Visa In Singapore

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I wanted to pass on my experience in case it helps anyone.

I applied at the "new" singapore embassy, which is actually the same location but the entrance is now at the opposite side, up the hill a little, they have been renovating. The building is new and shiny.

In no particular order:

1) Dont arrive early. Singapore is tiny as you know and it takes no time to get anywhere. If you arrive before 9:15 you will be standing outside in the direct sun (no tree cover if you want to keep your place in line) sweating profusely looking at the security guard enjoying his air conditioned box.

2) I went midweek and the total number of people was about 40. Despite this the Q was quick and efficient. They only had one window out of three open to process people and the Muslim lady who some may remember was at the desk. Also they are training some younger girls in the job so one felt like a test subject.

3) I found that it helps immensely to know in detail what the documents you hold are about. This may sound obvious, but often they are in Thai and one may trust ones company to have provided everything necessary. Don't assume this. Find out beforehand what each piece of paper or bundle is for, and be ready to tell the staff. They have to process a lot of documents quickly and if they overlook a piece of paper (which is understandable given the work load) it will save you a lot of hassle and time if you can quickly point them to the right document. I learned this the hard way.

4) The list of required documents on the embassy website is correct. Even if you think you don't need the business documents such as tax forms, because for example if youre applying as a teacher, still insist that you are provided them by your company/employer/etc. They do want them it seems in all cases. Better to be over prepared. If you have a missing document they will only give you until 11:30 to get it. They will not be able to print for you- there is a hotel next door which has printing services for a fee, assuming you are lucky enough to get your company to email you a digital copy in time. Tip: ensure someone at your employer is going to be checking email/phone during the hours 9-11:30 when you apply! Singapore is one hour ahead of Thailand!

5) I got the distinct impression they are sizing you up so wearing a shirt and looking like a professional, or looking like an investor (i.e. what Thai people would think such types look like) is only going to help you. I definitely noticed them being more inquisitive about those dressed casually. YMMV.

6) As with all Thai encounters, be polite, keep your cool in body language and tone of voice and things will go swimmingly.

I dropped off, paid the $100 for single entry, returned the next afternoon between 2-3 (only get one hour) for pick up. All in all, a pleasant enough experience which will go even more smoothly now I know the above items of knowledge if there is ever a next time.

As you know, Singapore is expensive. But I found the visa process and staff at the embassy to be polite and helpful within the restraints of their job.

Edited by OxfordWill
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Thanks for the update. SIngapore is an option if you have business there already - but the hotels are so expensive - Malaysia/Laos are better options if you are in Asia since they are so much less expensive for hotel.

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  • 2 months later...

No I don't.

But I do know that for quiet some time you could not get multiple entry visas there.

I never suggest Singapore as a location to get visas of any type because of so many reports of people having a bad experience there.

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No I don't.

But I do know that for quiet some time you could not get multiple entry visas there.

I never suggest Singapore as a location to get visas of any type because of so many reports of people having a bad experience there.

Yeap Singapore has never handed out multi-entry Non-imm B to people unless they were Singaporian, PR, or employed there as far as I can remember, (12 years) they will only issue a single entry

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