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Missing Cat-my Cat Bolted Off And Hid In The Crack Below The Sidewalk Next To The Main Street Since Thursday, 8am

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I am not sure you will care enough to read the whole thing or not..it's long. :o But this is an emergency...atleast... for me...... :D

So...this whole thing started on this last Thursday. 8AM

My cat is pregnant and has a cold so I took her to the VET at KU Vet Hospital (in the Kasetsart University). This is her first time going outside my house, her first time at the VET place and also her first time to be in a moving car.

At the hospital, when I took her out to have her weight check, she freaked out and bolted.

We (Hospitals staffs, other pet owner and I) almost catches her....3 times. Then she bolted and ran toward the fence next to the main street, crawled inside the crack under the sidewalk. I have waited for her to come out from around 8AM-6PM, but there is no sign of her. The crack is long so I don't know she snucked out when I was not looking or not. The space between the sidewalk and the fence is too small (about a foot long) for us to sit and try to see anything inside. The base of the fence prevent us from using any long stick to poke inside there.

I finally have to left that place at 6PM. Before I left, I put two bowls of water and pour a can of cat food in front of that crack. In case she comes out and hungry. She didn't have a chance to eat much for almost a week already. :D

On that day, I went there to check the place again at 10PM, but the street were still busy with loud noise. I don't know she is still hiding there ot not while I was away. I went there to check the place again yesterday. The food is gone. Someone think it's a trash and throw it away, I guess. And I am not sure she is still inside there because of fear or not. I used to read in the internet (not sure tat it's true or not though) that the cat can hide in one place silently for a long time. Eventually the cat might died from starving if she's not calm down and comes outside. Even my cat comes outside, there is a chance she get run over by cars. But I want to give it a try and believe that she is still somewhere in that area first.

So if you live or work in that area (Kaset-Kaset University) and see my cat, please contact me through this site. Also if you know someone who live and work around that area, please tell them about this too. I have post some flyers in the hospital building with my mom's cellphone number. I was going to use mine, but she afraid of scammer and insist that it'd be wiser to use her number instead.

My cat....



She is a female mackerel tabby cat. Her fur color are orange, white and black. She has short tail. she is about a month and two weeks pregnant now. She also has a cold....she sneezes often last week. :D


How terrible for you, you have mt fullsdympathy. Suggest you also put up flyers around the nearby roads (in Thai) and keep showing up at the place you last saw her, preferrably at a quiet time (like very early AM) and softly calling her, if she's still hiding there it mighjt coax her out. good lcuk


That is a really horrible story. I know people who work at the University, so I will tell them to check this site. Do you call the Vet to check in with them as well?

How is it that a cat can escape from a Vet's office like that? I thought they were supposed to keep the cat in a closed room when they began to do work. This is a really awful story. My heart goes out to both you and your cat.

Don't give up, and try to take Sheryl's advice by going out there when it is not too busy.


I have already posted 3 flyers in the hospital building and gave out my flyers to the food vendors in the canteen. Some guards and staffs there also has my flyers. I have also posted my flyers at two little shops in the canteen building. I have not posted any flyers along the street yet. Not sure I am allowed to do something like that or not. :o

I went back to the place once at 6AM, but it's too busy at that time. So I went there again yesterday, in the morning and around 11PM, but I can't spent time there much in the night. So I have to leave. Not sure I will have a chance to go there in the early morning or at night or not. My family think it's not safe for me to wander around at night, or at dusk.

I heard from a staff there that the hole is actually deep and as big as a room, so it might be hard for her to come out again. Also a pet owner that was with me told me yesterday that a guard saw a cat that looks like mine on a tree, but he didn't catch it because the tree is tall. The staff said he disn't think she will comes out during the daytime, that's why I went back there again at 11PM.

Kat, I took her to the VET before 8:30AM. The staff told me later that they usually close the door at 8:30 AM, before that they will leave the door open to let the air ventilate. :D She panic and bolted when I was trying to check her weight on a scale on that day before I register and took my queue card. The scale is inside the building, but not in a closed room. Once they call out the pet's owner name, that's when we take the pet in the doctor's room to have them examine the pet.

Two prefessors there know about it, but they didn't do anything much except telling me that they will keep an eyes on my cat and they will call me once they caught her.


I'm at Kasesart today. I'm going to have a look around about your cat. The fact that someone saw a cat up high in a tree is encouraging, I think. If I were a freaked-out cat in unfamiliar surroundings, I think I would climb the highest tree myself.

Let's see if we can try and get your girl back.

I'm at Kasesart today. I'm going to have a look around about your cat. The fact that someone saw a cat up high in a tree is encouraging, I think. If I were a freaked-out cat in unfamiliar surroundings, I think I would climb the highest tree myself.

Let's see if we can try and get your girl back.

Thank you so much. I am going to the hospital on Friday as well, to take my another cat to see the doctor, and to check about my lost cat.

A Sad story :o , I hope you find your cat and I'm sure things will work out OK.

Chok Dee!

Thank you. I hope I find her too.


A Sad story :o , I hope you find your cat and I'm sure things will work out OK.

Chok Dee!

Thank you. I hope I find her too.

Very sorry to hear that too..... nice looking cat too :-)

Perhaps going at night will be more fruitful, when it is a little more quiet.


I have been there at night, twice. At 10PM and around 11PM. I haven't seen or heard her and the street is still very noisy. I didn't spent a lot of time there though, my family don't think it's safe for me to walking around that place at dusk or in the middle of the night alone. They also afraid that the hospital staff won't allowed us to wander that place too.

I have been there at night, twice. At 10PM and around 11PM. I haven't seen or heard her and the street is still very noisy. I didn't spent a lot of time there though, my family don't think it's safe for me to walking around that place at dusk or in the middle of the night alone. They also afraid that the hospital staff won't allowed us to wander that place too.

make an appointment with some of the security staff in Kaset to help you look and offer them some money...then do your search at say 4am or something.

Best of luck.


I have already hands out flyers to the guards there. We didn't offer them any reward yet because my family afraid that I will get cheated and we are not that wealthy. 4AM? My family don't think it's safe for me to be outside of the house that early. I don't think I am allowed to do that. :o We had a plan to go there at 5AM once, but my mom woke up late and we had to arrive there around 6AM instead. So we had to arrive there at 6:20AM instead.

I have to try to negotiate with them if I can go there at 4AM again...

make an appointment with some of the security staff in Kaset to help you look and offer them some money...then do your search at say 4am or something.

I realize your cat is priceless to you but steveromagnino mentioned money and that can build incentive in some. Don't know if your posters offer a reward or not but perhaps 500-1000 Baht as a finders fee might help. On the other hand you may end up sorting out a couple dozen cats trying to find yours. :o


Thank you for your advice. I will try to discuss that with my family. So far they think it'd be safer to not offer a reward. They think that if the people who wants the money catch her, she may not treated well. However, if the one who truly cares for animal and truly wants to help out catches her, she might be threated well.



I showed the pictures of your cat to people who move around campus a lot. I think maybe you should also tell the moto drivers near the gate, because they come into contact with a lot of people and are very mobile.

I think you need to find a way to establish if she is stuck underneath that giant crack in the sidewalk. There are a lot of construction people near the campus now. Try to talk to them, and the moto taxi drivers, and other people in the area. Take your cat's picture, and gain their sympathy. I think an offer of 500-1000 baht reward is realistic, and a good motivator for people to go out looking.

Secondly, Try to think like a cat. Most have very good instincts, and can survive on their own for awhile. If she is not stuck in a hole in the ground, she most likely has moved away from that busy street. The most obvious place would be somewhere on campus. There are birds, trees -- safety, for a cat. Maybe you should start looking up as well, because if she is indeed up a tree, she may well be stuck up there, rather than in a ground.

You need to go when it is quiet, so that you can call out softly to her, and listen out for her meows. I live near campus and can go with you there in the evenings so that you don't feel alone. Don't give up, because your cat is probably out there.

I'll PM you my mobile number.

*edit: and there are people on this forum that can vouch that I am female, and harmless (unless you are an obnoxious TV member, which you're not) :o

I'll PM you my mobile number.

*edit: and there are people on this forum that can vouch that I am female, and harmless (unless you are an obnoxious TV member, which you're not) :o

In the words of Hitchhiker's gUIDE TO THE galAxY, I feel that harmless is not quite right...maybe...'mostly harmless'. :D:D

Indeed Kat works at Kaset, is female, and very helpful; I suggest you take her up on her offer; as a cat lover, I think the TV member Bambina is a vet, and maybe you can PM her as well for help.

Seriously, money helps; some of those security people make 5000b a month. Most of them are really nice people doing a horrid horrid job. They would probably be very willing to help you; so please try to use them.

best of luck.


Thank you so much for you suggestion....I actually went there again today-took my another cat to see the VET. I was thinking of giving out my flyers to the cops outside, but I have to guard my another cat so I didn't do it.

I think all of the security people there know about my cat situation. They are all recognized me now. I think they did try looking for my cat already, one of them came to to me to apologized that he couln't find her. Most people around me seems to think that my cat already walks off to some place far away now. That, or she is stuck in the sewer pipe somewhere. Then the lasy in the pet shop there said maybe someone adopted my cat and decided not to call me back.

Kat, I already PM you about your offer. I don't think my family will buy it though, but thanks anyway. :o

Thank you.

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