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Not sure if this is the correct place to be posting this but I have what I think is a general question about ForEx.

I had a quick look at it after a friend brought it to the surface and I think I recall someone posting something about forex here once before so: Anyone turning bucks? do tell...

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Well if you come from Queensland, Australia, fourX or XXXX means unique beer. I refer to Forex, Foriegn Exchange trading. I have had some fun with it over the last couple of days but somewhere I think there has to be a dark side, otherwise I have done pretty well, and quickly. Could anyone who may be involved in Forex be able to put me on to some learning resourses-preferably web based. Also if anyone has had any involvement with Forex, good or bad, how did you go?

Cheers, Damo.

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If its in relation to the Thai Baht you need to be careful to ensure you are in compliance with the Thai regulations which restrict speculation in respect of the Thai Baht (resulting from the 1997 financial crisis). They are pretty restrictive in Thailand. Other than that obviously you need to be wary of getting completely wiped out if the market turns against you - the forex markets are notoriously difficult to predict.

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