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How Can I Get Thai Citizenship?

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I was born here in bangkok at sukhumvit hospital and I am turning 18 in few months time. I currently have to go apply visa every year on my foreign passport. Both my parents got their permanent residence [blue book] 7-8 years ago so Is there any possibility for me to get thai citizenship

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The below sites outline procedure to obtain PR for yourself (which should be easy) and from that citizenship could be applied for in the normal manner. As your parents did not have PR when you were born do not believe there is any direct route.



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The below sites outline procedure to obtain PR for yourself (which should be easy) and from that citizenship could be applied for in the normal manner. As your parents did not have PR when you were born do not believe there is any direct route.



My parents did not have permanent residence at the time of my birth but they got it after few years post my birth so am I eligible?

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Believe you are for PR - read the links - and for citizenship PR is the normal building block.


How's this kid ever going to get even a PR. In fact, how can he even stay here unless he is picked up by a company and gets a B visa, but then his vocation options are severely limited by the Foreigner Work Act that pretty much says that you can't do any work that can be performed by a Thai. Here is a really sad case of a kid, probably fluent in Thai, who has to jump thought the hoops reserved primary to limit the influx of farang who wish to permanently reside in Thailand. Remember - only 100 per year per nationality (which is unfair in and of itself). Hope the kid is from a small country like Luxemburg and not the USA. Then he is competing with a few thousand PR seekers for one of the prime 100 yearly spots. Also there are financial requirement that I think are over the head of an 18 year old.

This will probably be a case of an individual who 'should' qualify to reside in Thailand and to be a citizen, but slips though the cracks of an already inequitable immigration system. There are a huge number of thing I like about Thailand, but their nationalist fervor, lack of compassion for non-natives, and out-dated immigration policies are not one of them.

Shariq607 -- I feel for you and wish you the best of luck. I'd suggest considering attending University if your parents can help you out, and consider a major that will help you obtain a job with a multinational corporation -- geology for example (oil industry). And learn Mandarin Chinese. Start early looking for internships with multinational companies, like PTT. If you're lucky enough to land a high paying job in Thailand, you'll eventually earn sufficient money and create personal contacts within the business community that will help you obtain citizenship in the future. Or you may find that you make your home in the country of your employer, and that Thailand simply becomes and nice place to visit. At the present time, to be honest, I believe your options for PR or Thai citizenship are limited and not too bright. Be patient and look to the future. You're still very young. You have a lot of life ahead of you!

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His parents have PR which automatically makes him eligible for PR under Humanity Category.

I am right in thinking he needs to do the appplication while he is still under the legal age...ie he is still his parents dependent, once he turns legal age he may in fact lose this right ?

not sure why his a parents left this so long, the sooner they had done this once they had PR would be less possible problems later on

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Believe you are for PR - read the links - and for citizenship PR is the normal building block.


How's this kid ever going to get even a PR. In fact, how can he even stay here unless he is picked up by a company and gets a B visa, but then his vocation options are severely limited by the Foreigner Work Act that pretty much says that you can't do any work that can be performed by a Thai. Here is a really sad case of a kid, probably fluent in Thai, who has to jump thought the hoops reserved primary to limit the influx of farang who wish to permanently reside in Thailand. Remember - only 100 per year per nationality (which is unfair in and of itself). Hope the kid is from a small country like Luxemburg and not the USA. Then he is competing with a few thousand PR seekers for one of the prime 100 yearly spots. Also there are financial requirement that I think are over the head of an 18 year old.

This will probably be a case of an individual who 'should' qualify to reside in Thailand and to be a citizen, but slips though the cracks of an already inequitable immigration system. There are a huge number of thing I like about Thailand, but their nationalist fervor, lack of compassion for non-natives, and out-dated immigration policies are not one of them.

Shariq607 -- I feel for you and wish you the best of luck. I'd suggest considering attending University if your parents can help you out, and consider a major that will help you obtain a job with a multinational corporation -- geology for example (oil industry). And learn Mandarin Chinese. Start early looking for internships with multinational companies, like PTT. If you're lucky enough to land a high paying job in Thailand, you'll eventually earn sufficient money and create personal contacts within the business community that will help you obtain citizenship in the future. Or you may find that you make your home in the country of your employer, and that Thailand simply becomes and nice place to visit. At the present time, to be honest, I believe your options for PR or Thai citizenship are limited and not too bright. Be patient and look to the future. You're still very young. You have a lot of life ahead of you!

what you have wriiten there is not quite the OP's situation as regards the quota's you give as they wouldnt apply in this siutation.

At time of birth, neither parent was PR, therefore his status would be the same as any other child born in thailand to farang parents, ie he doesnt have any right to citizenship or PR, however the minute both his parents aquired PR, as he was a direct depenent he was entitled to PR on the back of his parents PR, so of the opinion that if he applies for PR before he reaches legal age in Thailand, not sure if this is 18 or 21, he should get PR as he is still a legal dependent of his parents, if he leaves it until he is over legal age, the ruies may change and he may have to apply in his own right, which he may or may not get

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The rule as stated in English does not have any dependent requirement on PR of a child so not sure there is any age limit.

iii. Humanity Category – the foreigner must be the spouse, parent or child of a permanent resident or a Thai citizen

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PR is applied for at immigration, Cheang Wattana road. If you want to give it a try, you can download the required documents from here:


and have a talk with them to see if you would qualify.

However, applying for PR is only possible when immigration announces that you can apply. Normally that is during a couple of weeks in December.

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I would go out there and talk with them explaining your situation so you can have everything ready when needed. You will also need to have the 7,600 baht application fee at that time and when approved the 95k fee will be due (but you need to do while less than 20 or fee will be 191k I believe).

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What documents would I require to go qnd apply for PR? And where do I have to go ? I live in asok area

Are your parent still in Thailand. Honestly, they should be helping you out on this. You're 18...can you financially afford the 200K+ baht in fees? Just curious, where are your parents and why don't they seem to be helping? If they both have PR visas, they have already navigated this process. You're a dependent. You shouldn't have to be doing this alone.

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Just an update.

I went to chaengwattana immigration and the officers at visa section there seemed to know my dad personally. They were quite fascinated talking to me ofcourse in thai. When I inquired them about applying for permanent residence, they told me I can go apply directly for thai citizenship at some office near central world

Edited by shariq607
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Just an update.

I went to chaengwattana immigration and the officers at visa section there seemed to know my dad personally. They were quite fascinated talking to me ofcourse in thai. When I inquired them about applying for permanent residence, they told me I can go apply directly for thai citizenship at some office near central world

Wow! A success story. Congratulations.

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  • 1 month later...

Under Section 7 of the Nationality Act you are not entitled automatically to Thai nationality through birth in Thailand because your parents were not permanent residents at the time of your birth. Also you don't qualify for the special provisions under the 2008 Nationality Act for those born in Thailand to alien parents because they only cover those born up to and including 1992. Perhaps this will be extended some time in the future but even for those born before 1992 it is discretionary and applicants need to be fully integrated into Thai society and fluent in Thai.

On the positive side you can apply for permanent residence on the grounds that your parents have it, if you do it before the age of 20.

If your father is still working, another option would be for him to apply for Thai citizenship on the basis of being a permanent resident for more than 5 years and you could apply at the same time without working yourself. You also need to do apply for this before you reach 20.

It's always best to go and ask questions yourself face to face. For PR go to Immigration at Chaengwattana. For citizenship go to Police HQ at Patumwan, building 24 at the back.

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Just an update.

I went to chaengwattana immigration and the officers at visa section there seemed to know my dad personally. They were quite fascinated talking to me ofcourse in thai. When I inquired them about applying for permanent residence, they told me I can go apply directly for thai citizenship at some office near central world

Just seen this after posting above. Have you tried this yet? I don't think you could apply for naturalisation at Police HQ (Special Branch) on your own - just with your father, as suggested above. But you can try, if you haven't already. You could also call the Nationality Section of the Department of Provincial Administration at the Interior Ministry to check on rights of those born in Thailand.

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