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Why Would Anyone Want To Live In Chiang Mai


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It's a reasonable post and question.. I would estimate about 19 out of 20 farang that live here complain about Thailand non-stop. The ones that complain the least in my estimation are a few of the missionaries I know.. (Just to clarify, I'm not a missionary, and don't really support that cause, just calling it as I see it..)

Anyway, there's a trade off to living here... Every time you go out on the roads, there is a far greater chance you have a serious accident. To me, the danger makes it not worth it.. The lack of justice is also a serious issue. If you happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, your number is up. The food is great , but again, there is a price.. My first few years I had 3-4 overnights a year at the hospital from serious food poisoning. This is the first year the smog has bothered me. How people get seriously ill from this weather? Most of the expats I meet here are insufferable.. The few that are tolerable tend to be people here doing business. The retirees are ALL very much the same. Self centered, can't hold a conversation, etc etc.. All they want to do is talk about themselves, and tell the same story they told you last time. My Thai is better than most expats I know but a few, but that is still a hindrance to making a close relationship with Thai people.

The funniest is the expats who say they 'love it here', but yet, they don't realize, they never stop their bitching and whining about Thais.. 'Did you notice how the Thais....?' 'Why do THEY do ...? ' ... The other one's that are funny are the expats who have lived here for a week and like to tell me all about what it's like here..

It's a matter of pluses and minuses.. I've been here for almost 7 years, if I could pack up and leave, I would, but I can't.


Strange I don't know any missionaries and only about half the farongs I know constantly complain about it.

For myself I have had enough of the Nanny state countries. There is only one thing I see in common with all of the constant whinners and complainers here.

It is the lack of knowledge that the only thing holding them back is fear and the law of gravity.

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It's a matter of pluses and minuses.. I've been here for almost 7 years, if I could pack up and leave, I would, but I can't.

An honest statement and one that echoes the sentiment of many ex-pats I talk to privately and probably representative of a good many other ex-pats living here. Regrettably burning bridges appears to be a quite common theme along with loss of revenue/income for whatever reasons..

I could pack up and leave, but for me the country still weighs heavily on the plus side and this is where I'll probably finish my time.........but we never know.wink.png

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A few interesting posts but many were what I expected - people making snide remarks because that's all they know how to do.

The reason I started the topic to begin with is I recently got back from a trip I made to another country I had heard and read a lot about for some time and decided to finally check it out for myself. After returning, I was interested to hear how many others like myself had grown disenchanted with CM/Thailand and were considering another place to relocate to. I think there are a lot more people living here that are really not that happy but either do to low standards, low incomes/low assets - just settle for what they have and try to defend it anyway they can.

Anyway back to my trip. After spending a month there it was literally and figuratively a breath of fresh air as compared to Thailand and more specifically Chiang Mai. The weather was warm and dry, as it is year round and there was no pollution, Beautiful climate and beautiful scenery everywhere you looked.

The people I met, both locals and expats were genuinely very friendly and helpful, You could quickly tell people there really enjoyed life and were happy about their surroundings.. There was always something going on - parties and get togethers - and you couldn't help but feel you truly had found the land of smiles and not the make believe one that exists here..

The food was great and from what I could gather much of it was organic, with low prices that match and beat what you pay locally in CM for the same items. That also includes the meat and seafood which is plentiful, fresher and of better quality.

For the guys, you will find no shortage of some of the most beautiful and sexiest women on the planet that are eager to meet and talk with you. Anyone who thinks Thai women are the prettiest in the world obviously hasn't visited this country yet. After hearing my story and showing a couple of my friends some photos I took, they have already booked a trip there and I wouldn't surprised if they end up moving there permanently as well.

As far as the infrastructure, ie transportation, medical facilities, internet/communciation services, shopping malls, etc. from what I could see and heard from the people I talked with, I think it beats Thailand hands down. And the cost of living is about the same as here for what really is IMHO paradise on earth.

Also, there are several easy ways to live there permanently without having to leave the country or show up for an annual extension each year or report every 90 days like you're a criminal on probation.

During my trip I got to visit 3 different locations and found one I particularly liked that will soon become my new home. Originally I had planned to say where it was I went and tell more of my experiences but think I will just share it with a couple of my closest friends instead. After all, when you already live in such a wonderful place as this one, why would you be interesed in any place else.

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I guess I missed it.. Goforit where is this place your moving to?

He's going to the PI and he's yet to discover that there is no infrastucture in the PI, nor decent health care for expats (outaside Manilla and Baracay) but they do have gun toting crime in spades, good luck and enjoy.

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I guess I missed it.. Goforit where is this place your moving to?

He's going to the PI and he's yet to discover that there is no infrastucture in the PI, nor decent health care for expats (outaside Manilla and Baracay) but they do have gun toting crime in spades, good luck and enjoy.

Really? The Phillipines is the most dangerous country that I have visited. Thailand is far superior.

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I guess I missed it.. Goforit where is this place your moving to?

He's going to the PI and he's yet to discover that there is no infrastucture in the PI, nor decent health care for expats (outaside Manilla and Baracay) but they do have gun toting crime in spades, good luck and enjoy.

yeah and typhoons also. It's a pain to get from Manilla to Baguio but that is pretty nice city in the north with decent services, climate, lifestyle. english speakers, expats, universities etc.

Not a fan of the rest of PI.

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Oh, if only I were a troll then we would have something in common, but I'm afraid that is not the case.

I will also say, though I have been to the Philippines, I would never live there. I'm looking to improve my life, not go sideways or downward.

And for anyone who keeps harping about what a great place this is, just read some of the current topics and posts besides mine. I rest my case.

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Well let's see..Since it's not the PI and you said there is fresh seafood...

Bali? Agree about the friendly people, parties, food etc. Disagree about the women. Mostly it's Javanese

women who will hang out with the foreigners there. They're ok but not even close to the really pretty girls in CM.

But then again attractiveness is highly subjective. Not so sure about the infrastructure/medical either but admit I haven't been for ages.

Vietnam? (Nha Trang/Danang/etc) The locals can be friendly...then again they can be very nasty and cunning too. Great food/seafood though, really great. Disagree about the women tho, sure there are some super hot ones, but on the whole CM wins, (unless seriously crooked teeth is your thing...) Can be pretty quiet at times too unless you have an established group of friends. Of course the air is better tho. Immigration probably easier too.

Malaysia? Again the locals can be friendly...then again some of them might want to chop your head off. Hot as hell too, year-round.

The food's ok but kinda heavy. Seen lots of slim malay,or indian women 30-40yrs old??...Again immigration easier I guess.

No where is perfect. I'd bet once you get to your paradise, your gonna find some old foreigners bitching about it there too.

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On the basis that you may actually be asking a serious question and not merely trolling and trying to alienate Chiang Mai based farangs, let me try and give you a more sensble answer:

Your basic criteria comprises "good climate, good infrastructure., sensible immigration requirements for expats, genuinely friendly locals, good local food, and low cost living", I siuggest to you that Chiang Mai has all those things, perhaps not in the abundance that you would like but they exist plentifully neverthless.

Climate: there's a two month window around March/April where the climate here is not good, for the rest of the year most of us find it quite pleasant and desirable.

Infrastucture: there is an international airport downtown that is easily accessible and highly convenient, the railway station proivdes good services to all points and there's a series of taxi companies and local transportation services which when combined make for an inexpensive transportation network. True we don't have a subway system or a sky train but hey!

sensible immigration: a retirement visa at age 50 costs THB1,900 a year and 45 minutes of your time, that is pretty sensible to me.

genuinely friendly locals: you reap what you sow, I like very much the attitude of most locals here by comparison to those in other parts of the country and I have absolutely no problem with them.

Local food: is varied and of excellent quality but if you don't like Thai food, it will not appeal.

low cost of living: I can eat for 100 baht if I so choose, my water bill is 160 baht a month, my electric bill is around 1,000 baht a month and deisel costs 30 baht a litre, enuf said I think.

But, perhaps your question is better answered by asking what things CM doesn't have that seem to exist in spades in other tourist destinations in Thailand!

Great post. So nice to see such intelligent, and articulate posts here. Nice contrast to some others, that are not as well thought out, or composed. Yes, I agree that Chiang Mai is quite a nice city. Lovely people. Great surroundings. Very progressive. If someone asks this kind of question, they have probably overextended their stay here. If it is not working, why not move on? For some of us, there is an inexplicable, and difficult to explain quality that the place has, that we love.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Oh, if only I were a troll then we would have something in common, but I'm afraid that is not the case.

I will also say, though I have been to the Philippines, I would never live there. I'm looking to improve my life, not go sideways or downward.

And for anyone who keeps harping about what a great place this is, just read some of the current topics and posts besides mine. I rest my case.

let me show for the record I think the OP is a colossal douche bag.

3 pages and will not tell us what country. This is the poison that is TV.

shame shame shame

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This is not directed at the OP, but more in regards to the comments made about Expat 'complainers'. Tbh, those people were probably complainers in their home countries, and most other countries they have visited for any duration. Some people seem to be born complainers finding fault no matter how many good things have taken place. Some don't even realise they are doing it..its just so natural to them. Once the initial novelty of something, someone, or someplace, wears off..the nitpicking starts. Honestly, for those of us witha generally more optimistic outlook these people can be such a drain to be around. What gets me too, is so often the gripes are insignificant. Often too these kinds of people may meet me and think I've never had any problems, difficulties, or disasters happen, when in fact I've had them in spades. YET I always remind myself things could be much worse, and am grateful for so much. To be perfectly honest I really just can be bothered with people at times...so many seem to be so far up there own nether regions that I wonder how they get about in life...

(Apologies for any major mistakes..written with my phone)

I would also like to add many of them are not missed at all where they came from.wai2.gif

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It would be mildly interesting to try and understand what the OP's history has been here in Thailand and why he is so down on the country and its expats, one can presume his barboy/girl girl/boyfriend romance was costly or that the relationship was lost to another expat, regardless, the OP no longer has credibility in any shape or form hence is superfluous.

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Cambodia? No wonder he refused to name this heaven on Earth with better transportation, medical facilities,internet/communciation services and shopping malls than Thailand. giggle.gif

I just came across this thread where the OP talks about his relocation plans:

"I plan to move to Phonm Penh sometime before the end of the year"


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I just came across this thread where the OP talks about his relocation plans:

"I plan to move to Phonm Penh sometime before the end of the year"


It seems that the OP is looking for a less expensive lifestyle hence that's probably the reason for his disatisfaction here, good luck though witht he medical scene in Cambodia and, ahem, the developed infrastructure!!!

"As far as the infrastructure, ie transportation, medical facilities,internet/communciation services, shopping malls, etc. from what I could see and heard from the people I talked with, I think it beats Thailand hands down".

The OP should be aware that in fairly recent years, a Pnom Phen shopping mall was the first in the country to instal an escalator and this attracted village folk from miles around who continue to stand and marvel at it. smile.png

""As far as the infrastructure, ie transportation, medical

facilities,internet/communciation services, shopping malls, etc. from

what I could see and heard from the people I talked with, I think it

beats Thailand hands down"

They must have had a big change in the last four years.

When I was there it was recommended to go to Thailand for serious medical attention. What changed?

The road from Seam Reap to the border was a dirt one have they finally paved it?

I believe they have 4G for communications in some areas definatly leaving Thailand in the dust on that issue.

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I just came across this thread where the OP talks about his relocation plans:

"I plan to move to Phonm Penh sometime before the end of the year"


It seems that the OP is looking for a less expensive lifestyle hence that's probably the reason for his disatisfaction here, good luck though witht he medical scene in Cambodia and, ahem, the developed infrastructure!!!

"As far as the infrastructure, ie transportation, medical facilities,internet/communciation services, shopping malls, etc. from what I could see and heard from the people I talked with, I think it beats Thailand hands down".

The OP should be aware that in fairly recent years, a Pnom Phen shopping mall was the first in the country to instal an escalator and this attracted village folk from miles around who continue to stand and marvel at it. smile.png

""As far as the infrastructure, ie transportation, medical

facilities,internet/communciation services, shopping malls, etc. from

what I could see and heard from the people I talked with, I think it

beats Thailand hands down"

They must have had a big change in the last four years.

When I was there it was recommended to go to Thailand for serious medical attention. What changed?

The road from Seam Reap to the border was a dirt one have they finally paved it?

I believe they have 4G for communications in some areas definatly leaving Thailand in the dust on that issue.

Nothing much has changed re healthcare, take your pick of the possible answers found here, they're all the same, the patient needs to get to Thailand or Singapore:


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I actually did check out Cambodia and considered moving there until someone turned me on to where I just came back from and there is no comparison between it and Cambodia or Thailand. Not even close.

It's really interesting how so many of you would like to think my situation is one of financial and emotional despair and general unhappiness. You should all look in the mirror as I think that more accurately describes the majority of you with your crass inane remarks that shows little intelligence or knowledge. Truly pathetic is what most of you are.

The fact is I am a very positive, highly educated, intelligent and financially stable person. I am also a realist with the ability to reason and use common sense, qualities unfortunately that puts me at a severe disadvantage living here, How so many ill-mannered, uninformed, ignorant and just plain stupid individuals could end up in one location baffles me but somehow you managed to all find this location and each other and deservedly so.

If this is where you want to call home great because I would rather have you here then to end up somewhere nearby me. And just in the 1 in a million chance that might happen, I am not going to divulge the name of the location I found for fear one of you might end up there one day.

To participate in a discussion such as this, brings me down to a low level where the rest of you exist so this is going to be my last post. For those of you that aren't part of the smart ass, low life community that is all too present here, I wish you good luck. For the rest you -------------------

With only a short time left here I can finally say what my favorite part of Thailand is. Leaving it! Adios.

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This person, for all his intellegence and higher education, believes he can identify and categorise an entire expat community based on the 89 posts in this thread, I'd go apply for a refund if I were you!

It's all become too boring and I no longer care where you're going, just so long as you go, quickly.


Edited by chiang mai
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