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Thailand To Change From Left To Right Hand Driving

Lite Beer

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One proposal currently under consideration in Thailand is driving in the center like this, which is only slightly more ridiculous than this proposal to change from RHD to LHD:


*good April Fools btw!

I guess it's only natural for Buddhists to follow the middle path.

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Yes, too obvious.

If you had said that on even dates you drive on the right and on odd dates you drive on the left, then it would have sounded perfectly logical and I would have believed it completely.

And on April 1 you drive in the klong.

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Not a very clever April Fools Joke this one.

Apart from the errors in the piece, there are already five out of ten Asean countries driving on the left.

The population of those Asean countries that drive on the left totals 340 million while those that drive on the right number only 250 million.

So, much more likely that the five counties that drive on the right would change to driving on the left.

Not that anyone would notice the change had taken place.

By the way Indonesia changed from driving on the right to the left during the Stamford Raffles administration.

Oh dear...get caught out did you!!!

Lighten up son...... it's supposed to be a bit of fun <deleted>!!!! :clap2:

Look at his last line mate. Slipped it in nicely. Raffles ran Singapore and expired in about 1820 something
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I can't believe it went three and a half pages before anybody even mentioned April Fools...

I called it on page one, but the post was deleted. (my first post here) I guess newbies aren't allowed to spoil the joke too early.

this is post 3. you can see in my "content"/profile there are only two posts.


Congratulations your prize is on the way.

Just in case no-one read it YOU CALLED IT ON PAGE ONE. clap2.gif

Edited by uptheos
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There may be no better forum on earth than this to publish an April Fools story and watch as hundreds of grumpy expats complain about the government's incompetence before realizing their own. Or perhaps, incontinence.

Jeezus. Lighten up fellas.

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One cannot believe the madness of this suggestion !!!

Because lorries might be going to neighbouring countries and lefthand drive lorries may be comming to Thailand , is No Excuse .

This is all about ASEAN , trying like the European Union to create an area where everything is the same . The EU is a failure and so will be ASEAN , if they follow the example .

Thais are noteably Not Good Drivers on the left hand side of the road ; lack attention , ingore the rules of the road , how are they ever going to change to the right hand side of the road .

Thailand already has an unusually high accident rate and death toll on the roads ; switching sides and to left had drive will increase the accidents tenfold .

Perhaps the government should hold a referendum , ask the people , before embarking on such a risky scheme which may be emensely unpopular and cause the death of many people .

I cannot believe you actually fell for this!

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What a circus. I'm often scared by the competence of the political clowns governing this country.

What a circus. I'm often scared by the mental capacity of the people who comment on Thai Visa who fail to spot what day it is and instead indulge in their favourite pastime of criticising the Thais and Thailand.

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Brilliant idea!

The problem is that in most countries where people drive on the right, cars have steering wheels on the left so they can have a better view for seeing oncoming traffic (ie overtaking).

Since overtaking is already one of the weak points of Thai drivers, we can now look forward to a drastic increase in accidents because now we will all have to move that much further into oncoming traffic to see the view ahead !!!

Another classic example of trying to implement something before thinking it through.


a bit funny this man ....of course they will change the steering wheels...it is logical! otherwise it would be insane...

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I can't believe it went three and a half pages before anybody even mentioned April Fools...

I called it on page one, but the post was deleted. (my first post here) I guess newbies aren't allowed to spoil the joke too early.

this is post 3. you can see in my "content"/profile there are only two posts.


Congratulations your prize is on the way.

Just in case no-one read it YOU CALLED IT ON PAGE ONE. clap2.gif

Thanks for the re tweet.

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Not April 1 related...on the drive up Khoa Khitchakut in Chantaburi the pick-up trucks actually drive on the right-hand side of the road going up on hard right hairpins, it's completely blind so the drivers coming down have to change sides, slightly disconcerting.

Go to ~ 03:50 in this video

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