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Wing 41 Attachment Next To The Airport - Not Allowed To Drive Through, Wtf?


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Yesterday I tried to drive from Chiang Mai university through the Wing 41 military attachment next to Chiang Mai airport on my way to Central Airport Plaza. Like most other drivers, this is simply a convenient route that shaves a couple of km's and about 15 mins off the travel time between these two locations especially on Sundays when everyone and their grandmother goes shopping at Central Airport Plaza.

For the first time ever, I was asked to roll down my window and told politely I must have an access card to pass through. Since I didn't I was made to do a u-turn and exit. All this trouble just for wanting to pass through?! I told the official manning the entrance that every other car was just passing through too, same as me. However, the wise guy claimed that all these other drivers had cards or stickers or whatever and that currently they are strict about who gets to enter - nevermind the fact that only 1 day earlier (Saturday) I passed through and on Friday even in both directions, all three times no problem.

Does anyone know what's going on here? I thought passing through the Wing 41 attachment was perfectly OK during daylight hours when they have the gates open. Not sure if it makes a difference, but I was driving an AVIS rental car.

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I get a kick out of comments like yours - how long have you been here?? Do you think you have special rights here ? Are you above the rules ? man get with the program! get a sticker -- end of discussion - and to those that brag that their sticker is expired and they continue to get thru - are you going to be the first to complain here when you get stoped - its very simple here just get with the program

I won't be complaining, I'll get another sticker when I have time. Merely pointing out that rules are often broken or unenforced in LOS.

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Awhile ago, I was told I could go thru Wing 41 on my motorbike if I had a helmet. I always thought you needed a sticker. So, I started using that route, and every time, no problem. Well, last week I went thru in the morning and the guy stopped me. I told him I go through all the time with no problem blah blah blah and then started to realize he was talking about a sticker. Come to find out, you DO need a sticker and I couldn't go thru. So I asked, "how do I get a sticker," and he said, "you just go to that building over there," pointing inside down the road. I said, "so I can go inside, down the road, and get a sticker?" He said, "yes, this one time I let you go." I laughed, said ok, and went down the road. Now, I didn't go get the sticker right then, but I went back later with a Thai friend. All stickers gone for this month. Come back. So I have to laugh, as the only way to get inside to buy a sticker, is to have a sticker on your bike so you can get inside. That's funny, no? I will go back for the sticker tomorrow. I hope they let me through without a sticker so I can go buy a sticker. :-) Gotta love it.

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60 Baht for a pass <deleted> ... saves that in a days frustration alone, never mind annual fuel savings.

Send email, enclosing 30 Baht and stamped addressed envelope, I'll send a genuine copy of this years pass by return mail ... ok?

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I *love* topics like this. thumbsup.gif

BTW I was turned away at a naval base in the Sattahip area a couple days ago. (There's a beach inside). But current policy is Thai people only; no passes, can't register, nothing. So there you go. See how lucky we are with Wing 41. :P

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Well it is a military base, suppose they actually have to check for stickers occassionally.

Very laid back for a military base, at that.

Done it a few times on the bike with no sticker but wasn't sure if bikes needed one. Thanks for the info.

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Some years ago my wife was driving me home after exercise and we were going to pass through Wing 41 with a valid sticker and in a car. I had just finished exercise and I was not wearing a shirt - I did have pants on. There was a higher ranking person helping at the gate and he would not let us enter while I did not have a shirt on because it would be disrespectful. We had to U-Turn, I put on my shirt, then we could go through.


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I *love* topics like this. thumbsup.gif

BTW I was turned away at a naval base in the Sattahip area a couple days ago. (There's a beach inside). But current policy is Thai people only; no passes, can't register, nothing. So there you go. See how lucky we are with Wing 41. tongue.png

I went through there on my bike.

As he saw I was a farang his face dropped and he jumped out trying to stop me. I just laughed and went on past him. Was quite enjoyable. I don't believe in kow-towing to pointless racist discrimination.

The OP though, these bases need a pass, like I have for Don Muang in BKK, 100b a year and it saves about 30km a day, 6 days a week. :)

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Some years ago my wife was driving me home after exercise and we were going to pass through Wing 41 with a valid sticker and in a car. I had just finished exercise and I was not wearing a shirt - I did have pants on. There was a higher ranking person helping at the gate and he would not let us enter while I did not have a shirt on because it would be disrespectful. We had to U-Turn, I put on my shirt, then we could go through.


And mister Big Thai grew an extra two inches in his underpants. Probably made the sad man's week.

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I thought passing through the Wing 41 attachment was perfectly OK during daylight hours when they have the gates open.

Everyone must have an access card to pass through ALWAYS!

Thanks for that, didn't know that until now but glad I do now. Hence the reason for this post in the first place.
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