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Wtf Is Wtf?


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When it comes to Forum Behavior, I have a veritable zoo of pet peeves. One of them is the use of acronyms. I try to avoid them, dispensing honorable exception to the most common ones, which I list below:


OMG! (The exclamation point is obligatory, people);

IMO (and it's variants, as long as one doesn't get too esoteric);



LOL (though I hate to use it myself, I am, through gritted teeth, forgiving of others who do)

I may have missed a few, but I don't think so. I welcome your submissions for my consideration.

Oh, and how is this Chiangmai-related? Well, erm, er...yeah—I also accept 'CM' for Chiangmai. There!

T (and 'T' for 'Thakkar' who lives in CM).

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Generally forum specific I would add 'OP' to the list.

Specific to TV add 'TiT' and 'BiB'.

And of course refer to cities by their IATA airport code (BKK, CNX etc) if you can't be ar**d to write in full.

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Rolling on the floor laughing biting the carpet dancing in circles and jumping through the window almost dieing by smashing into HP who's then running horrified into the street beeing killed accidentally by a yellow bulldozer.

and of course for those who are actually not retired or self employed here


Chuckled Slightly While Pretending Not To Because I'm Supposed To Be Doing My Work Rather Than Watching Funny Films

Edited by barefoot1988
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seems more pub oriented to me.

sorry can't think of any acronym or slang for moved


MTP YUF if you want some gratuitous obscenity

Personally, I think if you wouldn't say it in full, don't day it in abbreviation. And bearing in mind that your mother might be reading...


Edited by StreetCowboy
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Waste Of Time.

Speak English, or the language of your choice, if you can't be bothered or lack the necessary skills to type a couple of words in full, it would probably be best for you to just make no comment at all, it isn't adding anything to ether the wealth of human knowledge nor understanding.

I'm waiting for the day when all mobile communication devices have a short-cut to replace .,' with punc.

Edited by Thaddeus
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yeah...I'm with Thad but I usually go with the flow but it is usually true that if we cannot make ourselves properly understood without resorting to popular jargon then better to not attempt communication at all...

one becomes 'mute' in their approval or disapproval under the circumstances...

Edited by tutsiwarrior
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YMMV is the most stupid. No it doesn't make you look intelligent at all. rolleyes.gif

While I may ostensibly have asked people to add to the list, I'm even more open to shortening the list, so thank you.

You have however annoyed me with the use of a smiley (one of my peeves—pay attention), so a wag of the finger to you, my friend.


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I think if you wouldn't say it in full, don't day it in abbreviation. And bearing in mind that your mother might be reading...


"your mother might be reading this" should really be made a requirement to bear in mind when anyone signs up to any forum anywhere. Good thing for me, my mother doesn't read English forums.


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&lt;deleted&gt; is YMMV??

Literally, "Your Mileage May Vary," coming from the small print in (American?) automobile commercials in the 70's and 80's.

It has come to mean an acknowledgement that the opinion of the poster may not be shared by everyone.

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We are in trouble here if we write &lt;deleted&gt; in words, l know. laugh.png

The irony is that "TIT."

Do anything you want in Thailand, yet you are reprimanded for speaking / writing like an adult on this forum.

There's nothing grown-up or clever about swearing

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&lt;deleted&gt; is YMMV??

Literally, "Your Mileage May Vary," coming from the small print in (American?) automobile commercials in the 70's and 80's.

It has come to mean an acknowledgement that the opinion of the poster may not be shared by everyone.

Not so much the opinion as the experience.

And particularly the future experience. Perhaps this would be best illiustrated by way of a little anecdote. A parable, if you will.

I went to the USA once when I was much younger than I am today. And subsequently, returned. A friend was asking for advice, but instead, I told him "Well, probably the bet night out I had was in Albaquerque. Mind you ..." but he'd heard enough.

I saw him again, a couple of years later. I'll miss out the foul abuse that he heaped upon me "I've never been so bored, so quickly, as I was in Albaquerque"

"So did you not get invited to a hardcore punk skinhead gig in somebody's front room, and then hauled down to the police station at 2 in the morning?"

Obviously, his mileage varied substantially...


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Sure we cannot write how we want to write cos kids, ladies might be reading etc, but in a ''mans'' world it is very different. I cannot think of many situations where expletives were eliminated to show how you feel about something. Yes, l sound like a yob sad.png BUT no, imagine a combat situation where a chum was in danger, what would you say ?, I would say ''GTF out of there'', or if talking to my buddy who was talking rubbish, l would say with a smile '' F...... O...'' smile.png . There is a place for everything. I am sure many UK royals have used expletives at times, doesn't mean that they or l am lowlife. smile.png

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Sure we cannot write how we want to write cos kids, ladies might be reading etc, but in a ''mans'' world it is very different. I cannot think of many situations where expletives were eliminated to show how you feel about something. Yes, l sound like a yob sad.png BUT no, imagine a combat situation where a chum was in danger, what would you say ?, I would say ''GTF out of there'', or if talking to my buddy who was talking rubbish, l would say with a smile '' F...... O...'' smile.png . There is a place for everything. I am sure many UK royals have used expletives at times, doesn't mean that they or l am lowlife. smile.png

Some of the royals have proven that one doesn't have to swear in public to be a low life.


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Sure we cannot write how we want to write cos kids, ladies might be reading etc, but in a ''mans'' world it is very different. I cannot think of many situations where expletives were eliminated to show how you feel about something. Yes, l sound like a yob sad.png BUT no, imagine a combat situation where a chum was in danger, what would you say ?, I would say ''GTF out of there'', or if talking to my buddy who was talking rubbish, l would say with a smile '' F...... O...'' smile.png . There is a place for everything. I am sure many UK royals have used expletives at times, doesn't mean that they or l am lowlife. smile.png

Some of the royals have proven that one doesn't have to swear in public to be a low life.


Hmmmmmmm, a little unfair.

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We are in trouble here if we write &lt;deleted&gt; in words, l know. laugh.png

The irony is that "TIT."

Do anything you want in Thailand, yet you are reprimanded for speaking / writing like an adult on this forum.

There's nothing grown-up or clever about swearing

There's also nothing grown-up or clever about speaking or writing.

How any word is conveyed and interpreted is where the fun starts. smile.png

Edited by rijb
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Sure we cannot write how we want to write cos kids, ladies might be reading etc, but in a ''mans'' world it is very different. I cannot think of many situations where expletives were eliminated to show how you feel about something. Yes, l sound like a yob sad.png BUT no, imagine a combat situation where a chum was in danger, what would you say ?, I would say ''GTF out of there'', or if talking to my buddy who was talking rubbish, l would say with a smile '' F...... O...'' smile.png . There is a place for everything. I am sure many UK royals have used expletives at times, doesn't mean that they or l am lowlife. smile.png

Some of the royals have proven that one doesn't have to swear in public to be a low life.


Hmmmmmmm, a little unfair.

Neither is being born to wealth and privilege and living high on the hog at tax payer expense, but they don't seem to mind that.


Edited by Thakkar
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Sure we cannot write how we want to write cos kids, ladies might be reading etc, but in a ''mans'' world it is very different. I cannot think of many situations where expletives were eliminated to show how you feel about something. Yes, l sound like a yob sad.png BUT no, imagine a combat situation where a chum was in danger, what would you say ?, I would say ''GTF out of there'', or if talking to my buddy who was talking rubbish, l would say with a smile '' F...... O...'' smile.png . There is a place for everything. I am sure many UK royals have used expletives at times, doesn't mean that they or l am lowlife. smile.png

Some of the royals have proven that one doesn't have to swear in public to be a low life.


Hmmmmmmm, a little unfair.

Neither is being born to wealth and privilege and living high on the hog at tax payer expense, but they don't seem to mind that.


The guy you are referring to is a royal who chose to put his life on the line instead of a cushy life style. Born a royal but doing his stuff. Do l sense envy ? Think of what he COULD be doing BUT is NOT. rolleyes.gif

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Big thanks to Thakar. I also hate these acronyms. Also thanks for the web link for net speak.

I'm pretty sure most of these abbreviations came about when mobile networks charged per letter for SMS or limited the amount of characters per SMS. Long time since.

With a very few exceptions (eg &lt;deleted&gt;) most are just pure nonsense and very frustrating. I think they are mostly used by sad people who think that using them will make other readers think what a clever guy that is. My suggestion to those: is to put a footnote at the end of your post saying "I'm a sad b*st*rd"

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