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61% Of Bangkokians Believe Governor's Policies Can Be Real: Survey


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61% of Bangkokians believe Governor's policies can be real: Survey
By English News


BANGKOK, April 2 - The latest poll by the Bangkok University Research Center (Bangkok Poll) indicated that over 60 per cent of Bangkokians believed the re-elected Bangkok governor's policies can be translated into action and that they are possible.

Sixty-one per cent of respondents said they were confident regarding the six policies promised by Sukhumbhand Paribatra of the Democrat Party during his campaign.

The poll was conducted among 1,152 persons aged over 18 whose house registration is in the Thai capital on March 29-31 on Bangkokians' opinions on their governor's measures and policies as promised during his campaign.

Sixty-six per cent of those surveyed viewed that Mr Sukhumbhand's green capital project would be the most likely possible policy, followed by Bangkok as a learning centre and Bangkok as a safety centre respectively.

Sixty-three per cent of the respondents said the urgent measure they wanted done by the governor as his first priority and most urgently was the installation of more closed-circuit television cameras and more lighting in the capital.

Other measures and policies that followed were setting up a community volunteer project to monitor drug problems and other dangers (43 per cent), fare reductions in BTS (Skytrain) and BRT (bus) services (41 per cent), more waste collection (41 per cent), and free 4MB wi-fi internet at 5,000 points of service (31 per cent).

When asked whether the governor would build a better Bangkok than what he did in his previous term in office, 60 per cent said they believed so, while 35 per cent thought not, and 3.4 per cent said it would be worse. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2013-04-02

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Why do they continue with these inane polls which are totally meaningless.

The only salient criteria noted was that the respondents were over 18 and resided in Bangkok. 1,152 people out of a population of 8.25 million. No breakdown of age groups, educational background or any other data that would be necessary in order to validate the results.

If we assume that out of the total population that 33 % would meet the eligibility criteria that means that out of 2.7 million the sample size was less than 0.05 % and on that basis these cretins felt justified to publish this meaningless and unsubstantiated garbage .

When you view the breakdown of needs and wants you can see a picture emerge as to the depth of intelect of the respondents and/ or the survey questions.

  • 66% feel Bangkok should act as a Safety Centre , OH Yeah
  • 63% in favour of the massive increase proposed in CCTV. Oh Yeah. Does anyone in this country believe, based on past history, that this will make any difference at all. Who is going to monitor such a system, the RTP ! and do you think that this or any other Thai administration for that mater is capable of operating and maintaining such a system.
  • Currently a very high percentage of the street lighting is poorly designed ,installed and maintained. Needs much improvement
  • 5,000 new WiFi points ! Will not dignify this with a comment.
  • Last but not least, the setting up of community volunter projects to handle drug issues and other dangers. Scary stuff indeed. Is this not the mandate of the RTA and other Government offices.

The whole article is a farce and if acceptable to the public at large then they will duly get what they deserve.

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The only salient criteria noted was that the respondents were over 18 and resided in Bangkok. 1,152 people out of a population of 8.25 million. No breakdown of age groups, educational background or any other data that would be necessary in order to validate the results.

If we assume that out of the total population that 33 % would meet the eligibility criteria that means that out of 2.7 million the sample size was less than 0.05 % and on that basis these cretins felt justified to publish this meaningless and unsubstantiated garbage .

Although I don't put much stock in these polls for numerous reasons, the number of those claimed to be polled is fine. Assuming a number of facts such as people were selected in a random fashion and the questions were worded fairly then the margin of error for the poll is about 3% which is typical in polls since 1,000 people being polled is typical ... the margin of error is going to be the same when you survey this many people regardless statistically if the population is 2 million or 200 million people. The margin of error isn't effected by the total population but rather just the number of people polled fairly & accurately.
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With some Bangkok people feeling unsafe extra lightning makes sense. Lots of people walk in the dark, women feel unsecure, etc., etc.

May I hope the BMA will invest in environment friendly lightning, in modern speak "small carbon footprint" stuff.

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He'll do nothing for BKK. Why should he. He did nothing before other than collect his salary and expenses and perhaps what ever windfalls he blew his way.

I was also not convinced that a retiring Policeman was an ideal candidate but at least he seamed to have projects that made sense and would be supported by the Thai government.

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I really like it that a candidate with projects which would be supported by the government seems to be preferred over a candidate with projects supported by the Bangkok people he represents.

Any way the government and PM Yingluck herself have said to co-operate with good policies and the governor obviously only has the Bangkok people in his mind so he'll only have good policies, wouldn't he?

BTW our esteemed Pol. General Dr. Pongsapat might have resigned from Pheu Thai by now and seems to have re-applied with the Police Force. Within the law applicable he has the right to return to his former Force within a given period (the length of which I don't know).

PS I wonder what will happen with the "light rail system" in front of Kasersart University, now that our seamless government candidate is out of the picture?

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He'll do nothing for BKK. Why should he. He did nothing before other than collect his salary and expenses and perhaps what ever windfalls he blew his way.

I was also not convinced that a retiring Policeman was an ideal candidate but at least he seamed to have projects that made sense and would be supported by the Thai government.

projects that made sense

Would that be toilets at every bus stop?

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