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Immigration Online Queue (Appointment) System Is A Joke


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The staff at Starbucks are more professional than immigration staff and they are only serving coffee.

If immigration was legally allowed to get tips they may be more professional and friendlier also. Financial incentives can do wonders to ones demeanor. wink.png

I would have to say I have seen that working & yes it does work smile.png

Whether or not legal who knows?

Another thing they could try is, since the head guy there seems like a forward thinker having read his article awhile back.

They say they are down on manpower yet cannot hire as only BK can &... many here seem very sympathetic ......maybe a few falang volunteers?

heheheh I can see it now.......cool.png

One hall monitor stationed outside to keep the rabble in line & hand out numbers

A couple more inside before the counter calling numbers & pre-checking paper work is in order. Before allowing them to approach the counter

Another couple running back & forth between the back & front desks toting papers & making sure the falangs got their 90 days, visa ext stamps,

etc. all back ASAP

hmmmm? laugh.png

What about the current farang tourist police, they could be useful as they don't really do any police work s such.

The would make good go-betweens and gofers.

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The staff at Starbucks are more professional than immigration staff and they are only serving coffee.

If immigration was legally allowed to get tips they may be more professional and friendlier also. Financial incentives can do wonders to ones demeanor. wink.png

Immigration staff makes far more than people serving coffee at Starbucks. These people have government jobs with a pension, not to mention medical and dental that is paid for. You want them to receive tips too?

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A lot of geniuses here willing to complain. Why not try to come up with a solution to the lack of staff and super small building that Bangkok will allow Chiang Mai to do?

Send half the oldies home or no visa for folks over 60? rolleyes.gif

Wow, what do you have against senior citizens? sad.png

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Has anyone who is so easily bashing Thai Immigration actually witnessed in person the same process for Farangs in your own country? I did and I can assure you the process in Germany may be more structured but certainly not less if not more painful.

I visited Germany a couple of times and never encountered anything that could be called painful. What did they do to you to make you feel that way?

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The staff at Starbucks are more professional than immigration staff and they are only serving coffee.

If immigration was legally allowed to get tips they may be more professional and friendlier also. Financial incentives can do wonders to ones demeanor. wink.png

Immigration staff makes far more than people serving coffee at Starbucks. These people have government jobs with a pension, not to mention medical and dental that is paid for. You want them to receive tips too?

Some members have nooo sense of humor.

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Bangkok has OK ed the hiring of 14 more staff but they will not let the Chiang Mai office hire them. They must be hired in Bangkok.

A lot of geniuses here willing to complain. Why not try to come up with a solution to the lack of staff and super small building that Bangkok will allow Chiang Mai to do?

Thais do not hate all farongs just ones who think they are better than them. How would you like to take their place for a day dealing with foreigners who can't speak Thai all day and they show up with only part of their paper work and an attitude.

Yes there is no reason for the 90 day that will stand up to logic. But if you need logic to do some thing might want to consider moving to another country. The facts are you aint going to get it here.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

I don't ever remember anyone ever saying they think Thais hate farongs (foreigners). Thais are generally very friendly towards foreigners. The problem is CM Immigration needs to be professionalized. They have nonsensical rules for foreigners living in Thailand, and don't have adequate facilities. The staff at Starbucks are more professional than immigration staff and they are only serving coffee.

Maybe in fact I did I use the word hate instead of don't want us. I apologize for that. It was a statement I deeply regret. The word hate is a word I deeply dislike and believe to be used often in statements like I made where it does not belong. My apologies for that.

I see you have no answer to how they can solve the problem with what Bangkok allows them you just say they are not professional. That out to solve the problem. not

Sorry, I didn't know you wanted some examples of how to professionalize immigration. If I were placed in charge of this circus, I would put a stop to nepotism. I wouldn't care who your parents, uncle, grandfather, or friend of the family is. I would put a stop to being able to buy a job. I would implement an application process based on education, communication, computer and writing skills, and even require the ability to communicate in English. Then I would require the applicants to attend an academy. After completion of the academy, the candidate would be placed on a two year probation period to complete an apprenticeship program.

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A lot of geniuses here willing to complain. Why not try to come up with a solution to the lack of staff and super small building that Bangkok will allow Chiang Mai to do?

Send half the oldies home or no visa for folks over 60? rolleyes.gif

Wow, what do you have against senior citizens? sad.png

Probably like me a senior citizen who wants to be 20 again.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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Any body tried to work out how much they generate per month ???

Well I am not sure but I estimated about 40 a day the last time I got my extension. That is a lot of money having a senor moment and can't remember what the price was or I would work it out for you, But if I had been there the next day it might have been only 35 people there. Who knows? I am sure it changes day to day.

What's the difference it all goes to Bangkok. You might want to inquire of the Government why they are holding Chiang Mai back from modernizing.

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It's not as if it's library. I don't go there to hang out or take advantage all day of the air conditioning whilst reading a book like some people. I'm sure the scramble is actually a "let me get my seat for the day". I couldn't care less if it gets modernized or not, I'm in their once a year for an extension via online appointment and out! Other stuff like 90 days and re-entry is done for me. As far as I'm concerned the building can fall down (as long as I'm out).

If the staff are unhappy, then there are loads of fruit picking or cement treading jobs available.

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In the morning, it is not easy to get a seat, even if you did want to hang out and read. I tried it about 2 PM the other day just to see what it was like and it was still full, but not crammed full, with people standing in the aisles, like in the AM.

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In the morning, it is not easy to get a seat, even if you did want to hang out and read. I tried it about 2 PM the other day just to see what it was like and it was still full, but not crammed full, with people standing in the aisles, like in the AM.

Those standing in the aisles are lurkers for a seat. biggrin.png

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In the morning, it is not easy to get a seat, even if you did want to hang out and read. I tried it about 2 PM the other day just to see what it was like and it was still full, but not crammed full, with people standing in the aisles, like in the AM.

You might want to check with Dolly. He has figured out the right time to go to immigration where you don't have to wait. Dolly said, to make sure you smile and greet immigration staff in Thai. The way he explained it, the crowds standing elbow to elbow with sweat dripping off their sad faces, parted as soon as he walked into the room, and he simply completed all his business within a few minutes and was gone.

I'm going to try to schedule all my future appointments when Dolly has to go there and just do what he does. Dolly even said he has met a lot of interesting people down there to chat with. I have been going to immigration for 5 years and never recall seeing anyone down there that I would enjoy having a conservation with. sad.png

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