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I Was Ashamed Of My Skin Color


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Today when shopping at Big C extra I noticed a foreigner in the bakery section acting like a real low life.Probably he also is one, and everyone must have seen him around already.

he's a foreigner I guess he's in his late fifties, skinny as hell with leggs the size of my lower arms and ALWAYS wears oversized blue shorts, a red too big polo shirt and a 20 Baht blue cap with very dark sunglasses, and sandals with socks.

At the bakery they sell banana cupcakes 6 piece for 25 Baht. When I noticed him he had opend 5 boxes and was picking out the biggest piece out of each box and put them together in one.

I told one of the staff that should kick him out messing with the food,but of course they were deaf to my complaint.

Then just minutes later while I walk through the refrigerator section, another white skinned lowlife passes me and in his hands he holds a plastic bag with some of the ready made potato salad together with some vegetables from the salad bar and a paper bag from the bakery with a few pistolets.

Right after he passes me he throws his goods into one of the open freezers and walks out of the shop. Why buy this in the first place than ? These are fesh goods which can not be resold again.

I recognize him as he has made the shopping center his home, since whatever time of the day you go there you will see him walking around with his hands in his pocket.

He's well build think late forties and speaks french, Always wears some military style clothes,and has a military style haircut, so I guess he must be an ex soldier.

I guess the Thais must feel really privileged that they have the honor to host such a superior race of people. NOT?

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Plenty of "white-trash", especially in Pattaya.

While there are occasional "raids" by police aimed at "prostitutes" on beach road, why not "raids" on low-live farangs also on beach-road. I bet, half of them would have some sort of "Visa-Problem"!

Upon discovery: Get them out of Thailand. Period!

The point: The farang low-lives (as described by the OP) may be an absolute minority among all the other farangs, but still, it reflects badly on farangs that live here in accordance with Thai-Law and are willing and able to to uphold some "civilized-behaviour".


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Plenty of "white-trash", especially in Pattaya.

While there are occasional "raids" by police aimed at "prostitutes" on beach road, why not "raids" on low-live farangs also on beach-road. I bet, half of them would have some sort of "Visa-Problem"!

Upon discovery: Get them out of Thailand. Period!

The point: The farang low-lives (as described by the OP) may be an absolute minority among all the other farangs, but still, it reflects badly on farangs that live here in accordance with Thai-Law and are willing and able to to uphold some "civilized-behaviour".


You made my point.

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No need to worry OP. He is an albino Ethiopian famine survivor.laugh.png Be like all the other races who have not been indoctrinated by Liberal guilt, and have pride in your cultural heritage. If the subject was an obese black lesbian would you use the same adjectives and racialist labels?

I'm a European and if I see people of my origin act like this then I feel ashamed.

Ever wondered why Thais sometimes use the word Kwai to describe foreigners here in Pattaya ?

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Right after he passes me he throws his goods into one of the open freezers and walks out of the shop. Why buy this in the first place than ? These are fesh goods which can not be resold again.


This happens in UK a lot too, I wish they would throw the brain dead out but it sounds like they are deporting them to LOS!

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i rarely if ever see anything like that.

perhaps it is time to reconsider where you choose to hang your hat?

A friend of mine in the US was hearing gunshots at night -- until he moved out of the the crap neighborhood he was living in -- funny that.

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i rarely if ever see anything like that.

perhaps it is time to reconsider where you choose to hang your hat?

A friend of mine in the US was hearing gunshots at night -- until he moved out of the the crap neighborhood he was living in -- funny that.

Maybe where you live you also rarely see a foreigners or have a supermarket ?

But probably you're right. I gonna sell my house and move out of the place where I live for 2 decades to go live in the pampas because the western lowlifes are sent to Pattaya these days.

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To be honest,i enjoy my life too much to worry about a couple of guys who arent acting normal.I use big c extra maybe 2-3 times a week and i havent seen anything liek that, and 9 years too,maybe u are looking for it

Of course, I encouraged them to act like this. Anything else ?

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If Thais are so silly that they judge all white people based on the behavior of some oddballs, then they are indulging in racist thinking. I think that's their problem. I'm not going to demonize some mental health cases because of what some Thais might think. We can't control what other humans think. Get used to it.

As there are many thousands of European descent people now living in Thailand, a certain percentage are going to behave in ways that don't please you or please some Thais. If they break the laws or can't keep their visa going, then they'll be dealt with. Otherwise, why not mind your own business?

Edited by Jingthing
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If Thais are so silly that they judge all white people based on the behavior of some oddballs, then they are indulging in racist thinking. I think that's their problem. I'm not going to demonize some mental health cases because of what some Thais might think. We can't control what other humans think. Get used to it.

As there are many thousands of European descent people now living in Thailand, a certain percentage are going to behave in ways that don't please you or please some Thais. If they break the laws or can't keep their visa going, then they'll be dealt with. Otherwise, why not mind your own business?

So some dirtbag, open fresh food packages, touches them with his dirty hands and put them back on the shelves. And you feel comfortable with that ?

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I find it absurd that anyone would be "ashamed" of their skin color based on the behavior of another person with their skin color. That's not very evolved thinking, racially speaking.

I'm living here for 2 decades and have never seen a Thai behave like that .

Maybe the word skin color was wrong chosen, it was to describe that it concerned some superior foreigners instead of Asian people.

Edited by jbrain
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I find it absurd that anyone would be "ashamed" of their skin color based on the behavior of another person with their skin color. That's not very evolved thinking, racially speaking.

I'm living here for 2 decades and have never seen a Thai behave like that .

That might be but many Thais act poorly in many other ways. That's their actions as individuals, not as a collective so called race.

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So some dirtbag, open fresh food packages, touches them with his dirty hands and put them back on the shelves. And you feel comfortable with that ?

I think the management should kick him out, whatever his color. The fact that he might be the same color as me or you is irrelevant.

Since I edited my previous post already.

Maybe the word skin color was wrong chosen, it was to describe that it concerned some superior western foreigners instead of Asian people.

Edited by jbrain
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Look, I get it as foreigners in any country we are "ambassadors" of a sort. However, if our fellow "ambassadors" are not making a nice impression, that is beyond our control. If and when they cross certain lines, things will get sorted out.

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at least there is no 'drinking section' in Big C.... You should go to TOPS on 2nd Rd./Klang intersection and see all the old wretches drinking their Supermarket bought Chang....not cool :/

There is downstairs, same same but different.

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If Thais are so silly that they judge all white people based on the behavior of some oddballs, then they are indulging in racist thinking. I think that's their problem. I'm not going to demonize some mental health cases because of what some Thais might think. We can't control what other humans think. Get used to it.

As there are many thousands of European descent people now living in Thailand, a certain percentage are going to behave in ways that don't please you or please some Thais. If they break the laws or can't keep their visa going, then they'll be dealt with. Otherwise, why not mind your own business?

don't forget about half the people have below average intelligence.
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If they break the laws or can't keep their visa going, then they'll be dealt with. Otherwise, why not mind your own business?

I'm sure you must be kidding. I know many foreigners who fill in one or both of what you mention, and nobody is dealt with.

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Skin colour is important.

I would never give a job in my contruction company to a black man, thats just the way it is.

Its not racist just what my preferences are when employing people.

Live and let live.

Your statement begs the question . Are you a black man ?
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Maybe the men described in the food mall have mental health issues also.

Dont be so quick to pick up on others faults until you have lived in their shoes.

I could say Yankees are too loud, Russians no manners but i dont as i live my own life not others.

Think before you scorn anyone, it would make the world a better place.

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If they break the laws or can't keep their visa going, then they'll be dealt with. Otherwise, why not mind your own business?

I'm sure you must be kidding. I know many foreigners who fill in one or both of what you mention, and nobody is dealt with.

I'm surprised you haven't grassed them up like you did the fella in the bakery.

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