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Are Thai Checkout Staff On A Bonus For Plastic Bags?

Ulu Watu

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when u buy a pack of four clingwrapped yoghurts at tesco lotus u get four spoons included!!! come on tesco lotus.....cut it out!!!

It's the yoghurt companies that pack the yoghurt like this, not Tesco. You'll find yoghurt packed like this every where you shop.

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Of all the things to complain about in Thailand, this does seem rather trivial. Just collect the bags and reuse them as we do.

Yeah.Some idiots moaning about getting straws and spoons. You don't need take them.

But because many feel inadequate here they choose to use anything to prove their own superiority.

I have a little box full of plastic spoons. Very usefull.for going on picnics and camping.

Do you open door handles with a handkerchief also?

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To the obvious dimwits on this thread, no one forces or coerces you into taking anything, straws, bags, spoons

or anything you don't want from anyone anywhere, so just say no thank you.

It is also quite obvious that not many of the people on this thread have much in the way of observational powers,

if you did you would know that some supermarkets in Thailand, yes Thailand, do in fact make an effort to help the


The previously mentioned Villa Market uses recyled logos on their OXO- Biodegradable plastic bags.

Central Food hall ( Tops ) also uses a "Foundation for Environmental Preservation" logo on their biodegradable bags

and urges all to "Use, Reuse, then Degrage".

If you want to complain about anything complain about the big Supermarket chains like Tesco, Big C and even 7/11

who make vastly obscene profits and make little effort to help in preservation of the environment, go vent your anger

at them to provide biodegradeable packaging and don't blame the supermarkets for irresponsible litterbugs either.

I don't know what 'Grage ' is,never mind 'Degrage'.Is it Jockanese?

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Of all the things to complain about in Thailand, this does seem rather trivial. Just collect the bags and reuse them as we do.

Yeah.Some idiots moaning about getting straws and spoons. You don't need take them.

But because many feel inadequate here they choose to use anything to prove their own superiority.

I have a little box full of plastic spoons. Very usefull.for going on picnics and camping.

...and if you had half the brain, you want to show off here, oh great one, you would know, that 1 spoon , 1 straw, 1 plastic bag is not a problem.

But maybe you should come to Bangkok, have a look at any given Klong and see, where all these little things go, that we are wining about!

So you have a box of them at home?

Not rich enough to buy normal spoons and take them to a picknick?

>To the obvious dimwits on this thread, no one forces or coerces you into taking anything, straws, bags, spoons

or anything you don't want from anyone anywhere, so just say no thank you.

It is also quite obvious that not many of the people on this thread have much in the way of observational powers,

if you did you would know that some supermarkets in Thailand, yes Thailand, do in fact make an effort to help the


The previously mentioned Villa Market uses recyled logos on their OXO- Biodegradable plastic bags.

Central Food hall ( Tops ) also uses a "Foundation for Environmental Preservation" logo on their biodegradable bags

and urges all to "Use, Reuse, then Degrage".

If you want to complain about anything complain about the big Supermarket chains like Tesco, Big C and even 7/11

who make vastly obscene profits and make little effort to help in preservation of the environment, go vent your anger

at them to provide biodegradeable packaging and don't blame the supermarkets for irresponsible litterbugs either.

Okay, you master of everything.

Tops had a campaign a few years ago.

"I promise to go green"

You could by a fancy bag with the catchy slogan on it!

I did!

Guess what?

They put all the items in plastic bags and then into the "Green" - bag!

Now, I do refuse with a nice "mai aow khrup" then probably hundreds of straws, bags and spoons I get.

But here is a revolutionary idea: why GIVE IT TO ME in the first place, without me, asking for it?

All the often complained "nanny states", like my home, Germany have laws against a lot of the waste- mountain, we create daily.

here are some:

- you want a plastic- bag in the supermarket? Pay for it! They cost 10 to 25 Eurocent, the last time I checked!

- Supermarkets take back plastic- bottles, glass- bottles and cans. You pay 10,15,25 cent on top, when you buy them and get the money refunded when you bring them back!

- there are containers for all non- refund bottles or cans or paper. Just show me a "normal" waste- bin in Thailand, please!

This country has no sustainable policy for recycling whatsoever!

I am going to the same 7eleven, time after time after time and the same check out- staff tries to give me straws, bags and spoons time and time and time again!


...and that is a) sad and b ) an environmental hazard!

But don't worry: you are perfect - we are stupid!

Case closed!

If you like the way things are done in Germany Heh simple answer thumbsup.gif

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To the obvious dimwits on this thread, no one forces or coerces you into taking anything, straws, bags, spoons

or anything you don't want from anyone anywhere, so just say no thank you.

It is also quite obvious that not many of the people on this thread have much in the way of observational powers,

if you did you would know that some supermarkets in Thailand, yes Thailand, do in fact make an effort to help the


The previously mentioned Villa Market uses recyled logos on their OXO- Biodegradable plastic bags.

Central Food hall ( Tops ) also uses a "Foundation for Environmental Preservation" logo on their biodegradable bags

and urges all to "Use, Reuse, then Degrage".

If you want to complain about anything complain about the big Supermarket chains like Tesco, Big C and even 7/11

who make vastly obscene profits and make little effort to help in preservation of the environment, go vent your anger

at them to provide biodegradeable packaging and don't blame the supermarkets for irresponsible litterbugs either.

Oxo-biodegradeable bags require oxygen and sunlight to decompose. Bury them in a landfill and they do no decompose for years and years.

A lot of them also use metal to help and that gets left behind.

Ideally a brand new revolutionary substance known as 'brown paper' should be used to make bags. Certainly for dry things.

Recycling is Thailand is quite good when it comes to plastic bottles, tins and glass for which money can be had. Electric wire is also recycled a lot so a 3m length of wire can be constructed from several old bits held together with insulating tape.

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Ah, this thread is so funny, it really brightens my Sunday, which is quite good as I can hardly see the sun because of the smog. I thank the checkout staff for the plastic bags, it saves me going into the mini market and buying half a kilo of plastic bags to use in my bins, if I have enough already I politely say "no thanks" when I see them reaching for the next one.

"Ohh no, I bought a reusable / biodegradable bag, and they put into a plastic bag for me to take home" Pfft, that's another free bin bag you have.

If you are worried about plastic hanging around for decades before it finally degrades, think about rocks. Rocks hang around in the environment for ages, and no one complains about them.

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Whenever I get a small number of items in 7/11, I always say, "mai ow tung" - quite simple really.

When we go for the big monthly shop at Big C or Tesco Lotus, my wife brings her own shopping bags as they are stronger. I've often seen these canvas bags for sale at the said stores.

The concept of recycling and protecting the environment is catching on here. OK, not the checkout staff as they are less educated than many.

Thais are not ignorant - it's just the same as my country was maybe 30-50 years ago. This could be said for most things - drink driving, medical practices, etc. So many foreigners seem to think that when they come here Thailand should be to their country's standards in all areas, which IMHO is ignorant.

Like you, I always respond "mai ow khrap" when offered a straw or a bag. I do take bags as needed for trash, but I always carry a cloth bag for items from Makro and the like. I do not have more trash bags than I can use for trash. It is pretty easy to carry a cloth bag to carry everything. Less plastic bags for me to dipose of. It took quite a while for the states to learn, it wasn't overnight. Give them time.

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Ah, this thread is so funny, it really brightens my Sunday, which is quite good as I can hardly see the sun because of the smog. I thank the checkout staff for the plastic bags, it saves me going into the mini market and buying half a kilo of plastic bags to use in my bins, if I have enough already I politely say "no thanks" when I see them reaching for the next one.

"Ohh no, I bought a reusable / biodegradable bag, and they put into a plastic bag for me to take home" Pfft, that's another free bin bag you have.

If you are worried about plastic hanging around for decades before it finally degrades, think about rocks. Rocks hang around in the environment for ages, and no one complains about them.

Man, you have no idea, how much I hope you are joking!

If you are ...and pleeeeeeeease say, you are...this was a good one!

If you are not joking, this is one of the most stupid, ignorant. idiotic claims, I have ever read!

Not only here on TV...anywhere....EVER!

No...you must be joking!

No one can be that stupid!


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I once bought 16 spoons from 7-11 for 14 baht each and they gave me 16 yoghurts for free. You wouldn't get a deal like that in the brainwashed western world! Give me a Leo glazed lawless Thai lifestyle over that any day.

Seriously. 16 free yoghurts! And if I want to get more yoghurt I just take the empty pots to 7-11 and scoop the yoghurt in the chiller counter into the pot I brought with me. Same money and the environment as I don't have to buy any more damn spoons or yoghurt pots.

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Of all the things to complain about in Thailand, this does seem rather trivial. Just collect the bags and reuse them as we do.

Yeah.Some idiots moaning about getting straws and spoons. You don't need take them.

But because many feel inadequate here they choose to use anything to prove their own superiority.

I have a little box full of plastic spoons. Very usefull.for going on picnics and camping.

Your insult and personality analysis is harsh and seems a bit aggressive.

The the issue is environmental. Maybe you don't throw your plastic spoons or bags out the window of you car.. but plenty of Thais do. I see it two or three times a day.

If you're an endangered marine animal...those plastic bags might kill you

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Ah, this thread is so funny, it really brightens my Sunday, which is quite good as I can hardly see the sun because of the smog. I thank the checkout staff for the plastic bags, it saves me going into the mini market and buying half a kilo of plastic bags to use in my bins, if I have enough already I politely say "no thanks" when I see them reaching for the next one.

"Ohh no, I bought a reusable / biodegradable bag, and they put into a plastic bag for me to take home" Pfft, that's another free bin bag you have.

If you are worried about plastic hanging around for decades before it finally degrades, think about rocks. Rocks hang around in the environment for ages, and no one complains about them.

Man, you have no idea, how much I hope you are joking!

If you are ...and pleeeeeeeease say, you are...this was a good one!

If you are not joking, this is one of the most stupid, ignorant. idiotic claims, I have ever read!

Not only here on TV...anywhere....EVER!

No...you must be joking!

No one can be that stupid!


Lol, yes I was joking.

My pet rock is now sitting on the desk, happy with the knowledge that he will last longer than a once used plastic bag, I think its a he, I called him Bert. I did not tell him that a rock is just a juvenile pebble.

Sorry for the delay in the reply, I was busy using used elastic bands and used plastic bags to make a sauna suit to go jogging in; now where to put those damned plastic spoons I keep getting with my yogurts?

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Ah, this thread is so funny, it really brightens my Sunday, which is quite good as I can hardly see the sun because of the smog. I thank the checkout staff for the plastic bags, it saves me going into the mini market and buying half a kilo of plastic bags to use in my bins, if I have enough already I politely say "no thanks" when I see them reaching for the next one.

"Ohh no, I bought a reusable / biodegradable bag, and they put into a plastic bag for me to take home" Pfft, that's another free bin bag you have.

If you are worried about plastic hanging around for decades before it finally degrades, think about rocks. Rocks hang around in the environment for ages, and no one complains about them.

Man, you have no idea, how much I hope you are joking!

If you are ...and pleeeeeeeease say, you are...this was a good one!

If you are not joking, this is one of the most stupid, ignorant. idiotic claims, I have ever read!

Not only here on TV...anywhere....EVER!

No...you must be joking!

No one can be that stupid!


Everyone is entitled to their opinion laddie and just because YOU have one doesn't automatically mean you are

right or that yours is any more valid than anyone elses. Sadly, arrogant people usually assume that their opinion

is the only valid one IMO. coffee1.gif

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I once bought 16 spoons from 7-11 for 14 baht each and they gave me 16 yoghurts for free. You wouldn't get a deal like that in the brainwashed western world! Give me a Leo glazed lawless Thai lifestyle over that any day.

Seriously. 16 free yoghurts! And if I want to get more yoghurt I just take the empty pots to 7-11 and scoop the yoghurt in the chiller counter into the pot I brought with me. Same money and the environment as I don't have to buy any more damn spoons or yoghurt pots.

I once got to give my yogurt to a 7-11 clerk for free.

That was nice.

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I could ad many little stories:

go and buy an ice-cream cone at 7eleven...plastic bag!

Like you are gonna take it home and eat it there!

Buy 4 yogurts, get 4 spoons!

What is the concept here?

You buy yogurt, but maybe you have no spoons at home?

You want to eat them, right away, so...here is a spoon! And not only that: we give you a spoon for every yogurt, in case you are so hungry, you swallow one?!

Of course, you can always say "No thank you!"...but a country with some environmental understanding, would ask YOU, if you need a bag!

Maybe Thai just thinking. "He will not eat 4 yogurts alone." so they give spoons for everyone. :D

I asked Staff in 7 eleven and they gave me different answers about the plastic bags:

1. we got ordered to give all customers a plastic bag, never mind about the purchased product.

2. how will you carry your purchase without bag. (funny I already carried another big bag)

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Ah, this thread is so funny, it really brightens my Sunday, which is quite good as I can hardly see the sun because of the smog. I thank the checkout staff for the plastic bags, it saves me going into the mini market and buying half a kilo of plastic bags to use in my bins, if I have enough already I politely say "no thanks" when I see them reaching for the next one.

"Ohh no, I bought a reusable / biodegradable bag, and they put into a plastic bag for me to take home" Pfft, that's another free bin bag you have.

If you are worried about plastic hanging around for decades before it finally degrades, think about rocks. Rocks hang around in the environment for ages, and no one complains about them.

Man, you have no idea, how much I hope you are joking!

If you are ...and pleeeeeeeease say, you are...this was a good one!

If you are not joking, this is one of the most stupid, ignorant. idiotic claims, I have ever read!

Not only here on TV...anywhere....EVER!

No...you must be joking!

No one can be that stupid!


Lol, yes I was joking.

My pet rock is now sitting on the desk, happy with the knowledge that he will last longer than a once used plastic bag, I think its a he, I called him Bert. I did not tell him that a rock is just a juvenile pebble.

Sorry for the delay in the reply, I was busy using used elastic bands and used plastic bags to make a sauna suit to go jogging in; now where to put those damned plastic spoons I keep getting with my yogurts?


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I have brought 3 green cotton recycling bags from Aus to use when shopping.

The check out chick laughs every time I hand it over to put the items into it.

She thinks I'm just another weird 'falung' :-)

I have tried to explain to a few the reasons why we should stop polluting the Earth with plastics and of using recycling bags, but to no avail.

They just do not want to contemplate it at all.

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The only way to reduce use of bags is to charge but it's wrong to say they aren't recycled. Most people use them for trash, which reduces the demand for black trash bags and it's more efficient as you can cram more into less plastic. Another example or recycling would be that I use Tesco or Big C bags when I shop at Makro and receive no bags.

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We use a lot of plastic bags for the trash. Some is recycled by the (salangs) Those people you see peddling the 3 wheeled carts they get money for glass paper and plastic at recycling depots.

check the link if your interested.


The good news for those enviromentally minded people is that Thailand may be going to do something about it. My wife works for a government planning group who are researching what other governments are doing about the plastic bag problem. So expect to start paying for your bags or re-using bags.

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Normally we use the plastic bags as our trash bags. In the case were we get too man, which is more often than i would like, i will bring them with me when i go shopping and reuse them. i get strange looks from some and the occasional thumbs up from others. this is not just in supermarkets, its also at markets, in the malls, and just about everywhere else.

It's the same where I live. At least this way, they do get re-used. When I lived in Edinburgh, I would take paper/glass for recycling to the supermarket before re-using the bags.


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