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What is the penalty in Thailand for blackmail?

Girl I have been seeing for the last 7 months is getting too attached to me - she never stays just 1 night, its always at least 2 night - she knows I see other girls and I have seen her out with another guy and I didnt give her a hard time about it - so I decided to tell her better she find a guy who wants to see her all the time. I locked my gate and didnt answer her calls - I thought she would get the message.

Next thing she did was to break into my house through the back door (she climbed over the fence first to get it) - she didn't smash the glass or anything, she opened it by moving up one of the glass slats and managed to unlock it that way.

Anyway, I pleaded with her to leave me in peace, but she wont go - has been here over a week now.

She says she will leave me alone if I give her 20,000b today, or if I let her stay a week more, reduce it to 10,000b (also have to have sex with her 3 times a day). If I don't pay this, then she says she will call her mafia brother to come and do a job on me... and that will be cutting off my genitalia. I recorded her on my phone saying all of this (videoed her without her knowing, saved multiple copies on my PC and dropbox, and can see her face in the video).

I have met one of her brothers, and he did have a gun lying on the bed next to him so the thret does worry me a bit as this is Thailand.

So what next? I guess I can pay 10,000b but i'd feel a bit silly paying that as I have her on camera, so if anything did happen to me, then surely it would come back to her if I show the police first and let her know - but if I do that, then I think she might end up in trouble with the police / I might be dead.

Anyway, not a troll post so let me know your thoughts.

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So basically she is paying you 10,000b for sex 3 times a day for a week and you're complaining why ??

This thread is useless without a photo.

Tell her 5 times a day for the week and that'll chop out the 20k.

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If she will go away for 10,000 baht.... pay, and fix that rear window ASAP.

And / or move, as suggested by others.

Though moving and not making her content that it is over is risky....

She could stalk all the places you go and not just your home.

Getting her on camera means nothing in Thailand, especially if you are dead....

The money is nothing if you get shot, and we DO KNOW, that does happen here, and for 5,000 or less, or just honor arguments made to rough family members. After 7 months, she thinks her honor is at stake or sullied, tied to expected profits in the eyes of her family, and are being thwarted by your change of attitude towards her.

The payoff gives her time to shift gears and save face.

Lost face and she won't walk away, she will fester and likely get worse.


Edited by animatic
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If she will go away for 10,000 baht.... pay and fix that rear window ASAP. Giving her on camera men's nothing in Thailand, especially if you are dead.... The money is nothing if you get shot, and we DO KNOW, that does happen here, and for 5,000 or less, or just honor arguments to family members. After 7 months she thinks here honor, tied to expected profits in the eyes of her family, are being thwarted by your change of attitude towards her. The payoff gives her time to shift gears and save face. Lost face and she won't walk away, she will fester and likely get worse. IMHO.

Advice from someone who does nothing but sits in front of a PC the whole day long.

Don't worry, none of her threats will materialise. Fact that she wants you to have sex with her 3 times a day for a week means one of two things;

- complete troll post (but since you claim this isn't one)

- she's having you for a laugh

What could be real however is that you are dumping her and she doesn't like that. In all honesty, there's not very much she can do (her brothers are not going to kill you for "dishonouring their sister) so she merely wants to make the best out of a bad situation. That's totally up to you how you want to proceed from here. As an honourable gent, you might just want to pay her off - after all, Thb 20,000 k is but a small sum of money for the fun and times that you had. You could probably negotiate this down to Thb 10,000 if you're really skint (I'm sure there are lots of TV posters that will assist with the second part of the deal, you know, the 3 times a day thingy?)

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Girl I have been seeing for the last 7 months is getting too attached to me...

If you didn't want attachment, why did you encourage a relationship for seven months.

Give her 10k, bonk her senseless for a week and move on with your life and learn the lesson.

What is the penalty in Thailand for blackmail?

Do you want to attend court and give evidence that the blackmail demands were 10k and a good rogering.

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Fix the back-door, get the 20k baht down to something more sensible like 3000-5000 baht and send her away. Don't have sex ever again with her as it's only making things worse

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Seen from her POV, she has wasted 7 months on you. I presume, she's a working girl, 7x30x1000= 200k+, plus she has maybe missed the opportunity to meet the knight on the white horse during that period. Yes I know, you have paid for her 35 baht meals and maybe even given her a little spending money, but in her mind, now being dumped, it has been time wasted.

So don't be a Cheap Charlie and give her a goodbye-bonus, so you both can get on with your lives! thumbsup.gif

Amazing what Thailand does to some people's perspective.

Be aware that you're talking about the Elite.

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Be damned careful with those freaks, they are exactly the ones that can cut off ones Willie when they don't get what they want or to protect you from sleeping with other ladies.

Success with this.

'A young wife - a long life'

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Seen from her POV, she has wasted 7 months on you. I presume, she's a working girl, 7x30x1000= 200k+, plus she has maybe missed the opportunity to meet the knight on the white horse during that period. Yes I know, you have paid for her 35 baht meals and maybe even given her a little spending money, but in her mind, now being dumped, it has been time wasted.

So don't be a Cheap Charlie and give her a goodbye-bonus, so you both can get on with your lives! thumbsup.gif

Amazing what Thailand does to some people's perspective.

Try to READ my post again. Seen from her POV !! Where did I say, that I agreed with her perspective ?? coffee1.gif

By writing in support of her, you give your approval to what she is doing at the reasons you think why.

Just sayin....thats the impression I got.

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Seen from her POV, she has wasted 7 months on you. I presume, she's a working girl, 7x30x1000= 200k+, plus she has maybe missed the opportunity to meet the knight on the white horse during that period. Yes I know, you have paid for her 35 baht meals and maybe even given her a little spending money, but in her mind, now being dumped, it has been time wasted.

So don't be a Cheap Charlie and give her a goodbye-bonus, so you both can get on with your lives! thumbsup.gif

Amazing what Thailand does to some people's perspective.

Try to READ my post again. Seen from her POV !! Where did I say, that I agreed with her perspective ?? coffee1.gif

Try to READ the OP again. Where does it say how the OP took care, or what he spent for the lady in the past 7 months ?

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Seen from her POV, she has wasted 7 months on you. I presume, she's a working girl, 7x30x1000= 200k+, plus she has maybe missed the opportunity to meet the knight on the white horse during that period. Yes I know, you have paid for her 35 baht meals and maybe even given her a little spending money, but in her mind, now being dumped, it has been time wasted.

So don't be a Cheap Charlie and give her a goodbye-bonus, so you both can get on with your lives! thumbsup.gif

Amazing what Thailand does to some people's perspective.

Be aware that you're talking about the Elite.

Don't you ever get tired? sad.png Better be Elite, than a rented room in Patts!

Let's make a deal. As it is very clear, that our cyberspace-personalities don't get along, so instead of our bickering that don't add anything of value to any thread here, so just ignore my posts and I will do you the same favour! Deal?

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Weak premise. The OP is giving her money already or some other incentive to stay.

Just be tight with the WAM (walking around money)

Piston that thing like a rental car. Don't shower or change your clothes.

Eat a lot of gassy foods. Don't brush your teeth. Make ghost noises when she is asleep.

and after a few days or a week of cheap food and little booze

She will be begging you to leave

Edited by CobraSnakeNecktie
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Seen from her POV, she has wasted 7 months on you. I presume, she's a working girl, 7x30x1000= 200k+, plus she has maybe missed the opportunity to meet the knight on the white horse during that period. Yes I know, you have paid for her 35 baht meals and maybe even given her a little spending money, but in her mind, now being dumped, it has been time wasted.

So don't be a Cheap Charlie and give her a goodbye-bonus, so you both can get on with your lives! thumbsup.gif

Amazing what Thailand does to some people's perspective.

Try to READ my post again. Seen from her POV !! Where did I say, that I agreed with her perspective ?? coffee1.gif

By writing in support of her, you give your approval to what she is doing at the reasons you think why.

Just sayin....thats the impression I got.

I don't write in support of her, just trying to explain the Thai way...wai2.gif

I have at any given time 50-60 Thai ladies working for me (No I am not a pimp!), and over a period of 10 years I have seen many ladies come and go. So I know a little about, what is going on in their small heads!wub.png

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There was a very similar thread on here only a few weeks ago. Cannot remember the name of the member? Are you sure you and he are not the same person? As the story was almost exactly the same.

Where did you meet this girl?

If this tale is true, than either you have been leading this girl on for the last 7 months or she was acting as a sort of rent a wife for regular payments. Have you been giving her money on a regular basis since you have known her?

I certainly would not take this mafia crap as being literal, but more likely the case her brothers and family are just a bunch of low life dregs.

The sex part could mean that she is willing to let you have sex with her up to 3 times a day per week for a payment of 10000 baht. Is she a woman of ill repute looking for a mug to obtain a lot of money in a very short time?

If this is true, than my advice is, you have better watch your back and move on somewhere else, as there maybe trouble ahead.

One of the golden rules of living in Thailand, is to never get involved with these sort of people, the underclasses of Thai society.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Seen from her POV, she has wasted 7 months on you. I presume, she's a working girl, 7x30x1000= 200k+, plus she has maybe missed the opportunity to meet the knight on the white horse during that period. Yes I know, you have paid for her 35 baht meals and maybe even given her a little spending money, but in her mind, now being dumped, it has been time wasted.

So don't be a Cheap Charlie and give her a goodbye-bonus, so you both can get on with your lives! thumbsup.gif

Amazing what Thailand does to some people's perspective.

Be aware that you're talking about the Elite.

Don't you ever get tired? sad.png Better be Elite, than a rented room in Patts!

Let's make a deal. As it is very clear, that our cyberspace-personalities don't get along, so instead of our bickering that don't add anything of value to any thread here, so just ignore my posts and I will do you the same favour! Deal?

See, you're making generalizations again that you're actually better than all the rest, which of course would mean you classify yourself as Elite.

What makes you decide that I live in a rented room in Pattaya ?

Edited by jbrain
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beware of the trap (pregnancy)

That was exactly what I was thinking.

3 times a day for a week, sounds like she is trying to get an extra bonus in the form of a falang child that she can hit you for a nice monthly earner while putting the kid into a tv/modelling career.

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beware of the trap (pregnancy)

That was exactly what I was thinking.

3 times a day for a week, sounds like she is trying to get an extra bonus in the form of a falang child that she can hit you for a nice monthly earner while putting the kid into a tv/modelling career.

nope, if you look at my previous threads, you will see that i have had a vasectomy already, and she knows this as she picked my up in her car from the hospital.

not paying for sex with this girl - not like some of my friends and she resents this now - she thinks my other friends are jai dee for paying their live in gf's a monthly income - i really dont want a live in.

she is just trying to wind me up with this 3 times a day stuff, but ill do it is thats what she wants!

seriously, still not a troll post.

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beware of the trap (pregnancy)

That was exactly what I was thinking.

3 times a day for a week, sounds like she is trying to get an extra bonus in the form of a falang child that she can hit you for a nice monthly earner while putting the kid into a tv/modelling career.

nope, if you look at my previous threads, you will see that i have had a vasectomy already, and she knows this as she picked my up in her car from the hospital.

not paying for sex with this girl - not like some of my friends and she resents this now - she thinks my other friends are jai dee for paying their live in gf's a monthly income - i really dont want a live in.

she is just trying to wind me up with this 3 times a day stuff, but ill do it is thats what she wants!

seriously, still not a troll post.

You have 3 options:

Physically throw her out, let her stay or you move away somewhere else.

Problem solved. Next.

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There was a very similar thread on here only a few weeks ago. Cannot remember the name of the member? Are you sure you and he are not the same person? As the story was almost exactly the same.

Where did you meet this girl?

If this tale is true, than either you have been leading this girl on for the last 7 months or she was acting as a sort of rent a wife for regular payments. Have you been giving her money on a regular basis since you have known her?

I certainly would not take this mafia crap as being literal, but more likely the case her brothers and family are just a bunch of low life dregs.

The sex part could mean that she is willing to let you have sex with her up to 3 times a day per week for a payment of 10000 baht. Is she a woman of ill repute looking for a mug to obtain a lot of money in a very short time?

If this is true, than my advice is, you have better watch your back and move on somewhere else, as there maybe trouble ahead.

One of the golden rules of living in Thailand, is to never get involved with these sort of people, the underclasses of Thai society.

yep i remember that story,he said the same not a troll,sounds like the tale of the 2 tities,and once again there's a brother involved,i expect he is unemployed,smokes and drinks all day.are you sure she's not marriedwhistling.gif

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