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Same-Sex Union Bill Could See Vote In House: Thai Interview

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After Prez Obama's re-election, in which gay marriage was a part of his platform, same sex marriage legislation was enacted in France and the UK. No one can doubt that Prez Obama is transformative - he finally got a national health care bill enacted into law, a Democratic party issue that began 70 years ago with FDR and Prez Harry Truman.

Others in the world are trying to catch up to where Obama long has been on these and other vital issues of the present and the future. Welcome aboard Thailand. It's odd to hear a Thai welcoming fahlang ideas, policies, programs.

definately won't happen in Australia after the September elections as the incoming P.M Tony Abbot is a strict catholic man and follows the teachings of the catholic church very closely. There were moves afoot to allow same sex marriage but this will be put back for at least 8 yrs after the election.

A good thing too. Somehow a person expects to have special rights because they say they were "born" gay. So much BS. Gay is merely a social option that they choose to adopt, a bit like choosing to be a punk.


definately won't happen in Australia after the September elections as the incoming P.M Tony Abbot is a strict catholic man and follows the teachings of the catholic church very closely.

In that case no same sex marriage but lots of young boys running scared!

I did not write the statement you attribute to me above. chooka wrote it in Post #5 of this thread, at 10:17 on 09 April. .I'm not from Australia so I would not initiate a statement about inside Australian politics.


definately won't happen in Australia after the September elections as the incoming P.M Tony Abbot is a strict catholic man and follows the teachings of the catholic church very closely.

In that case no same sex marriage but lots of young boys running scared!
The problem for Catholics' is really very simple - either way priests can't marry so they must block gay marriage so they can keep young boys for themselves! 'Thank you Father"

I did not write the statement you attribute to me above. chooka wrote it in Post #5 of this thread, at 10:17 on 09 April. I'm not from Australian so I would not initiate a statement about inside Australian politics.


I have to chase around this threat to correct other people's misquotes of statements made by another poster but incorrectly attributed to me. It's not only at this thread that I repeatedly find myself having to do this nonsense. It's got to stop.


Let gay people have civil unions, they should have the right to be miserable like the rest of ussad.png

Yes but back to reality this isn't about real marriage equality here as yet.

I was talking about civil unions, not marriage. Many people (i have a feeling you will be one) ask me what the difference is between the two. Marriage was initially a religious thing and I think that it should stay that way. I do believe that homosexual couples that want to commit themselves to each other should receive the same treatment under the law as married couples do. I dont think that homosexual couples have the right to change the definition of "marriage." It may be a fine line, but its one that should be drawn in my opinion.

You say marriage was initially a religious thing. Are you serious? Marriage was around long before religion and certainly well before christian religion. Mary and Joseph were married before Jesus was born. It is the religions that have for the past few thousand years defined marriage to exclude same gender couples. It's now long overdue for equality and allow the legal definition of marriage to recognise gay and lesbian relationships. This is not to say that churches must perform the ceremonies. Far from it. They can solemnise religious marriages according to their own rules but in a secular society where their is a significant number of non-religious people, there should be a secular legal definition.

If you don't want a gay marriage, then don't have one! But let the gays have theirs. Ok?


After Prez Obama's re-election, in which gay marriage was a part of his platform, same sex marriage legislation was enacted in France and the UK. No one can doubt that Prez Obama is transformative - he finally got a national health care bill enacted into law, a Democratic party issue that began 70 years ago with FDR and Prez Harry Truman.

Others in the world are trying to catch up to where Obama long has been on these and other vital issues of the present and the future. Welcome aboard Thailand. It's odd to hear a Thai welcoming fahlang ideas, policies, programs.

definately won't happen in Australia after the September elections as the incoming P.M Tony Abbot is a strict catholic man and follows the teachings of the catholic church very closely. There were moves afoot to allow same sex marriage but this will be put back for at least 8 yrs after the election.

A good thing too. Somehow a person expects to have special rights because they say they were "born" gay. So much BS. Gay is merely a social option that they choose to adopt, a bit like choosing to be a punk.

1. Gays don't want special rights. They just want the same rights as heterosexuals.

2. Being gay is not a chosen social option. It is something you are born with. The only choice is to accept it or to try to deny it and pretend to be straight.

3. Try to understand that the world is more diverse than your narrow mind can conceive.


What are they afraid off.. ?? what stupid ideas comming that the world will become gay ??

look to europe , holland belgium spain ... and others , it exist already 10 years . legaly same sex marriage same like anyone else that wants to show they love eachother for the rest of teir lives ..

Did it change the society there ?? noo

it only put one discrimination in to history

some countries are still in the time that people thought black people can not sit in same bus or cinema ..

move on and do'nt judge people to lower spieces they do nothing wrong to you and except you too

The article is also correct, that thankfully for Thailand, Thailand doesn't have the thorny complications that state's rights raises in the US where you've got 50 different states each with their own unique marriage (or civil union) code.

But we've got what, seventy-some provinces where well-established, written immigration procedures are currently being unevenly enforced. I'm envisioning some folks having to travel from the outer areas to Bangkok when their local governments don't want to comply with new civil union legislation.


What are they afraid off.. ?? what stupid ideas comming that the world will become gay ??

look to europe , holland belgium spain ... and others , it exist already 10 years . legaly same sex marriage same like anyone else that wants to show they love eachother for the rest of teir lives ..

Did it change the society there ?? noo

it only put one discrimination in to history

some countries are still in the time that people thought black people can not sit in same bus or cinema ..

move on and do'nt judge people to lower spieces they do nothing wrong to you and except you too

If the world did become gay then mankind will become extinct we/people will no longer exist. for gays to survive they need hetrosexuals and hetros must keep having sex to supply the gay community

If the world did become gay then mankind will become extinct we/people will no longer exist. for gays to survive they need hetrosexuals and hetros must keep having sex to supply the gay community

Oy vey, please take a chill pill. Nobody is talking about FORCING anyone to gay marry. Nobody is talking about "making" the world gay. We're talking about OPTIONAL gay civil unions in Thailand for those who desire it. A small minority of people. This doesn't make anyone gay who isn't already gay.

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american culture import

Pesky Americans with their invention of homosexuality and notions of "equality"...

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

  • Like 2

american culture import

What, compassion and equal rights?

America doesn't really deserve credit for this. America still isn't on the list of world countries with nationally recognized "equal" gay civil unions or marriages.


american culture import

What, compassion and equal rights?

America doesn't really deserve credit for this. America still isn't on the list of world countries with nationally recognized "equal" gay civil unions or marriages.

I'm a big fan of the US Jingers, I'll leave it for a local to be critical.... :)


people do not have faith in a religion than they should not complain when they dont enjoy the benefits of that institution. Cherry picking benefits is easy and feels good but eats away at the traditions of thousands of years that created what makes a "marriage" so special. They should by all means start their own traditions and build them up as strong as possible.

Unless you live in a theocracy, then you shouldn't benefit from any LAWS due to your religious beliefs.

Traditions? There's nothing complicated, or inherently religious, about the concept of marriage: two people commit to be legally bound. In a liberal democracy, neither I as a straight male nor anyone else whatever their sexual orientation, is under any obligation to adhere to any ancient traditions or superstitions (ie religion) to have the right to marry with all attendant rights and obligations.

You obviously wish to be reasonable and believe that you are but in fact, your argument is completely untenable.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap


After Prez Obama's re-election, in which gay marriage was a part of his platform, same sex marriage legislation was enacted in France and the UK. No one can doubt that Prez Obama is transformative - he finally got a national health care bill enacted into law, a Democratic party issue that began 70 years ago with FDR and Prez Harry Truman.

Others in the world are trying to catch up to where Obama long has been on these and other vital issues of the present and the future. Welcome aboard Thailand. It's odd to hear a Thai welcoming fahlang ideas, policies, programs.

definately won't happen in Australia after the September elections as the incoming P.M Tony Abbot is a strict catholic man and follows the teachings of the catholic church very closely. There were moves afoot to allow same sex marriage but this will be put back for at least 8 yrs after the election.
A good thing too. Somehow a person expects to have special rights because they say they were "born" gay. So much BS. Gay is merely a social option that they choose to adopt, a bit like choosing to be a punk.

I have not read such bumf for ages,, Born gay-debateable, they cannot speak for themselves.

You are the one talking B-S, Gay a social option--You are a joke......Maybe you could go on and say---people were born Punks.

Not a matter of choices, matter of each individual feelings, towards whoever.

You my friend go and live behind your curtain, or get HELP.


american culture import

What, compassion and equal rights?

America doesn't really deserve credit for this. America still isn't on the list of world countries with nationally recognized "equal" gay civil unions or marriages.

Just to be clear, you are obviously correct and my stupid joke was meant to point out how ridiculous the notion is in more ways than one: no, it isn't as if the US were leading ANYONE on this issue and moreover, an evolution of attitudes towards homosexuality and a continual movement towards equality for everyone certainly aren't exclusively or primarily American.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap


As i stated in my post, i am all for equal treatment and i will add that it should be on all fronts in the face of the law. this is the way it should be in all counties including Thailand.

Jing, you struck an important point. Marriage today has been so far separated from its origins that most people dont even recognize what it is supposed to be anymore. I think more people should start getting civil unions and less should get married; straight or gay couples. Dont get me wrong either, I am not very religious. The problem is that we have been sliding down the slippery slope for way to long and I think its time we as a society started checking our bearings and stopped being so sensitive and demanding everything be equal. If people do not have faith in a religion than they should not complain when they dont enjoy the benefits of that institution. Cherry picking benefits is easy and feels good but eats away at the traditions of thousands of years that created what makes a "marriage" so special. They should by all means start their own traditions and build them up as strong as possible.

As the only form of legal marriage in Thailand is the civil registration, religion doesn't have anything to do with it.

I actually don't see why religion should be involved at all - it has nothing whatsoever to do with the wish to spend ones life with the person one loves - that is the only real definition of marriage that matters - the religious claptrap is not a reasonable argument against ANYONE of legal age and standing, to be married to ANYONE else if they both so desire.

What happened before your current bunch of religions?

Are all the children born over the millennia before the latest lot of superstitious ravings took hold to be considered bastards?

Marriage should be purely and simply a civil and legal relationship, and then for those who believe in fairies or whatever, they can dress it up with other stuff later as much as they like.

If religion is removed from the equation, it all becomes so much simpler and totally unrelated to the sex of those involved.

Naturally procreation is another issue altogether, especially for same sex couples, but again, it should have nothing to do with religion.


What are they afraid off.. ?? what stupid ideas comming that the world will become gay ??

look to europe , holland belgium spain ... and others , it exist already 10 years . legaly same sex marriage same like anyone else that wants to show they love eachother for the rest of teir lives ..

Did it change the society there ?? noo

it only put one discrimination in to history

some countries are still in the time that people thought black people can not sit in same bus or cinema ..

move on and do'nt judge people to lower spieces they do nothing wrong to you and except you too

If the world did become gay then mankind will become extinct we/people will no longer exist. for gays to survive they need hetrosexuals and hetros must keep having sex to supply the gay community
Is this a wind up ??? are you being serious. The world would never become GAY---so you carry on living and thinking what you want--if it makes you feel good. What if it became a Lesbian world ???? who would reproduce for you ????

To your thinking all parents should use a bamboo everyday, to thrash their kids out of thinking GAY---Ha Ha Ha


After Prez Obama's re-election, in which gay marriage was a part of his platform, same sex marriage legislation was enacted in France and the UK. No one can doubt that Prez Obama is transformative - he finally got a national health care bill enacted into law, a Democratic party issue that began 70 years ago with FDR and Prez Harry Truman.

Others in the world are trying to catch up to where Obama long has been on these and other vital issues of the present and the future. Welcome aboard Thailand. It's odd to hear a Thai welcoming fahlang ideas, policies, programs.

definately won't happen in Australia after the September elections as the incoming P.M Tony Abbot is a strict catholic man and follows the teachings of the catholic church very closely. There were moves afoot to allow same sex marriage but this will be put back for at least 8 yrs after the election.

A good thing too. Somehow a person expects to have special rights because they say they were "born" gay. So much BS. Gay is merely a social option that they choose to adopt, a bit like choosing to be a punk.

Oh, I don't know. As someone who is straight, my preferences I think are pretty in built. To be blunt and somewhat crude about it (apologies in advance), if something is driving a male to want another bloke touching their bits and feeling the need to stick their penis up another blokes bum, then I'm guessing that the mere 'social option' isn't driving them to want to do that. Its got to be something more than that.


Ah. The breeding standard. If you're going to ban gays from marriage rights because of inability to breed, then to be fair you need to ban all hetero couples with a sterile partner, post menopausal women, those who don't wish to have children, etc. ...

Best not to go there!

Also of course many gay couples have children already from previous marriages, then there is adoption, and lesbian turkey baster creative mechanics, what do they use in Thailand in place of turkey basters? coffee1.gif


I wonder....will the Thai government give the same rights
and privileges to civil unions’ partnerships as they do for traditional
marriages? For example: Having a foreign
partner living with you in Thailand under civil union;

how will they be treated regarding visa status?

It will be interesting to see how Thailand
crafts this bill for civil union partnerships.


The original discussions on this proposal were already reported here and discussed before. They explicitly said the bill would allow one foreigner to enter a same sex civil union with one Thai. Two foreigners, no. Nothing was mentioned there about these unions being treated by Thai immigration the same as marriages. Because of that, I am assuming at this phase immigration recognition same as marriage is not part of this. Another example of how civil unions are not necessarily the same thing legally as marriage or EQUAL to marriage in many countries. Bottom line: I am NOT a fan of civil unions in general vs. real marriage equality but I understand they are used in some countries as either a stepping stone or as the only possible compromise.


After Prez Obama's re-election, in which gay marriage was a part of his platform, same sex marriage legislation was enacted in France and the UK. No one can doubt that Prez Obama is transformative - he finally got a national health care bill enacted into law, a Democratic party issue that began 70 years ago with FDR and Prez Harry Truman.

Others in the world are trying to catch up to where Obama long has been on these and other vital issues of the present and the future. Welcome aboard Thailand. It's odd to hear a Thai welcoming fahlang ideas, policies, programs.

definately won't happen in Australia after the September elections as the incoming P.M Tony Abbot is a strict catholic man and follows the teachings of the catholic church very closely. There were moves afoot to allow same sex marriage but this will be put back for at least 8 yrs after the election.

A good thing too. Somehow a person expects to have special rights because they say they were "born" gay. So much BS. Gay is merely a social option that they choose to adopt, a bit like choosing to be a punk.

Ignoring the moronic comment that you finished with I'll point out what should be exceedingly obvious: no one is asking for "special" rights. They are asking for the most ordinary sort of rights.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

SteeleJoe you again, for the umpteenth time, have misquoted me. Specifically, wrong attribution to the poster comserve of two paragraphs I wrote. Show me where in a post to this thread the poster comserve said the following: " definately won't happen in Australia after the September elections as the incoming P.M Tony Abbot is a strict catholic man and follows the teachings of the catholic church very closely. There were moves afoot to allow same sex marriage but this will be put back for at least 8 yrs after the election." This statement was written by chooka at 10:17 today, 09 April in the Post #5 to this thread.

As to the statement, "A good thing too. Somehow a person expects to have special rights because they say they were "born" gay. So much BS. Gay is merely a social option that they choose to adopt, a bit like choosing to be a punk." This statement I quote in this, my post now, was written by comserve at 17:26 today, 09 April in Post #32

The first two paragraphs of your quotations above were in fact written by me - the first two paragraphs only. Yet your attribute them to comserve. You repeatedly mix and mangle my quotes in with the quotes of other posters. In this instance, you have not attributed the statements to me. However, you often wrongly and wrongfully attribute the statements of other posters to me. You recently have done this repeatedly and at several threads.

I rarely report anyone to the mods or admin of TFV for any reason - maybe twice in five years of my posting here (I had been a visitor only to TVF for about three years before I became a member and began posting). However I reported you two weeks ago. Earlier today I reported you again. Now, in addition to having reported you two weeks ago and also earlier today, I've just reported you again. That's once about two weeks ago and now twice in the same day, today..

If you have clout, then so be it.



After Prez Obama's re-election, in which gay marriage was a part of his platform, same sex marriage legislation was enacted in France and the UK. No one can doubt that Prez Obama is transformative - he finally got a national health care bill enacted into law, a Democratic party issue that began 70 years ago with FDR and Prez Harry Truman.

Others in the world are trying to catch up to where Obama long has been on these and other vital issues of the present and the future. Welcome aboard Thailand. It's odd to hear a Thai welcoming fahlang ideas, policies, programs.

The UK has had civil partnerships (gay marriage in all but name) since 2004. We decriminalised homosexuality in 1967. Lawrence v Texas didn't happen till 2003. We've had universal healthcare since 1948. We don't need lectures from the US on gay rights or healthcare.

  • Like 1

After Prez Obama's re-election, in which gay marriage was a part of his platform, same sex marriage legislation was enacted in France and the UK. No one can doubt that Prez Obama is transformative - he finally got a national health care bill enacted into law, a Democratic party issue that began 70 years ago with FDR and Prez Harry Truman.

Others in the world are trying to catch up to where Obama long has been on these and other vital issues of the present and the future. Welcome aboard Thailand. It's odd to hear a Thai welcoming fahlang ideas, policies, programs.

The UK has had civil partnerships (gay marriage in all but name) since 2004. We decriminalised homosexuality in 1967. Lawrence v Texas didn't happen till 2003. We've had universal healthcare since 1948. We don't need lectures from the US on gay rights or healthcare.

That is true but overall I think you've painted rather a deceptive picture. Overall the national criminalization of homosexuality in Britain was MUCH MORE SEVERE there than it EVER was in the USA. Homosexuality actually wasn't nationally criminalized in the US and JAIL TERMS just for being gay were not common. Much more common and certainly not pleasant were careers being totally ruined, etc. The UK before decriminalization was a horror show for gay people. It wasn't great in the US either, the McCarthy era and all that, but there is no comparison.

I give the U.S. gay civil rights movement internationally important credit for SOME things such as the awareness brought on by the Stonewall riots, the Harvey Milk assassination related riots, the birth of the gay pride parade international movement, the linking of the black and anti-racism civil rights movement to the gay civil rights movement, but marriage equality, no, the USA has not been any kind of pioneering nation.



After Prez Obama's re-election, in which gay marriage was a part of his platform, same sex marriage legislation was enacted in France and the UK. No one can doubt that Prez Obama is transformative - he finally got a national health care bill enacted into law, a Democratic party issue that began 70 years ago with FDR and Prez Harry Truman.

Others in the world are trying to catch up to where Obama long has been on these and other vital issues of the present and the future. Welcome aboard Thailand. It's odd to hear a Thai welcoming fahlang ideas, policies, programs.

sustento, on 09 Apr 2013 - 23:52, said

:The UK has had civil partnerships (gay marriage in all but name) since 2004. We decriminalised homosexuality in 1967. Lawrence v Texas didn't happen till 2003. We've had universal healthcare since 1948. We don't need lectures from the US on gay rights or healthcare.

_______________________________________________To which in this post below, I said:

FYI, I give lectures only if I get paid to give them. Powerpoint presentations of course cost more. PM me for my rates.


After Prez Obama's re-election, in which gay marriage was a part of his platform, same sex marriage legislation was enacted in France and the UK. No one can doubt that Prez Obama is transformative - he finally got a national health care bill enacted into law, a Democratic party issue that began 70 years ago with FDR and Prez Harry Truman.

Others in the world are trying to catch up to where Obama long has been on these and other vital issues of the present and the future. Welcome aboard Thailand. It's odd to hear a Thai welcoming fahlang ideas, policies, programs.

definately won't happen in Australia after the September elections as the incoming P.M Tony Abbot is a strict catholic man and follows the teachings of the catholic church very closely. There were moves afoot to allow same sex marriage but this will be put back for at least 8 yrs after the election.

A good thing too. Somehow a person expects to have special rights because they say they were "born" gay. So much BS. Gay is merely a social option that they choose to adopt, a bit like choosing to be a punk.

Ignoring the moronic comment that you finished with I'll point out what should be exceedingly obvious: no one is asking for "special" rights. They are asking for the most ordinary sort of rights.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

SteeleJoe you again, for the umpteenth time, have misquoted me. Specifically, wrong attribution to the poster comserve of two paragraphs I wrote. Show me where in a post to this thread the poster comserve said the following: " definately won't happen in Australia after the September elections as the incoming P.M Tony Abbot is a strict catholic man and follows the teachings of the catholic church very closely. There were moves afoot to allow same sex marriage but this will be put back for at least 8 yrs after the election." This statement was written by chooka at 10:17 today, 09 April in the Post #5 to this thread.

As to the statement, "A good thing too. Somehow a person expects to have special rights because they say they were "born" gay. So much BS. Gay is merely a social option that they choose to adopt, a bit like choosing to be a punk." This statement I quote in this, my post now, was written by comserve at 17:26 today, 09 April in Post #32

The first two paragraphs of your quotations above were in fact written by me - the first two paragraphs only. Yet your attribute them to comserve. You repeatedly mix and mangle my quotes in with the quotes of other posters. In this instance, you have not attributed the statements to me. However, you often wrongly and wrongfully attribute the statements of other posters to me. You recently have done this repeatedly and at several threads.

I rarely report anyone to the mods or admin of TFV for any reason - maybe twice in five years of my posting here (I had been a visitor only to TVF for about three years before I became a member and began posting). However I reported you two weeks ago. Earlier today I reported you again. Now, in addition to having reported you two weeks ago and also earlier today, I've just reported you again. That's once about two weeks ago and now twice in the same day, today..

If you have clout, then so be it.


Get a freaking grip and grow up. You've been told time and again, it's a glitch. It's not my fault and it doesn't only happen to you.

I mix and match NOTHING. I do not wrongly attribute anything to you.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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