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I'm Leaving On A Jet Plane On 25Th April Back To England


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Thanks guys .. Well i've been here since i was 20 and will be 31 in may it comes a time in life where you just get fed up of a place plus all the bs what comes with it i have also lived in Bangkok / Pattaya / Phuket .. just tired these days .. plus i'm not getting any younger ...

Sooooooooo ! why are so many oldies coming here then !

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There is a whole word to see... starting over is great fun at any age.. find a real girl and maybe even a new trade.. England has some great music and fun you wound find in thailanxy

So true can't wait to get back to my hometown Manchester thumbsup.gif

you could'nt pay me to go there bah.gif

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The only good thing about England is Manchester United, and the Queen .

So cant see any other reason why anyone would live there...

Never been there thank goodness, but my friend who comes from Manchester tells me that Manchester City FC is the better club and he knows . clap2.gif

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OP.......contrary to TV opinion, there is still serious money to be made in the UK.

You'll walk in to a job in the hotel and hospitality business. Get your feet back below the table, look around and as long as you have an eye for the opportunity and basic business acumen you'll be fine. You have experience of working in the Byzantine world of Thai business and you won't believe how easy it is to do business in the UK by comparison.

Your prime earning years are coming up, fill your boots up and keep an eye on your long term goals. If you miss Thailand, it's only a £500 flight away for a holiday, but I fear the Thailand you love is now just a memory, there's nothing wrong with that, as it's a good memory. I had 5 cracking years in Germany from age 23-28 and I made unbelievable money for a young guy, and I spent most of it, you better believe I've got happy memories of Germany. drunk.gif

Just come back, fill your boots off, and when you're ready look for the next adventure....that's what life is all about.

ps. To all you moaning faced geriatrics out there, leave him alone, you're just jealous that you didn't arrive in Thailand when you were 20. coffee1.gif

Yeah so true ?

Oh i don't know, i had seen 31 countries by the time i was 25 ! but that was many years ago now !

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Thanks again people my experiences here have been up and down like everybody else's these days reason for going home is to make money and also see the world while i'm still young .. Plus running around after girls gets boring plus seating in bars isn't healthy these days and on top of this Thailand has changed these days to what i remember like 6 years ago ...

If you think that Thailand's changed in 11 years wait until you see England!blink.png

You are ware that the UK,Europe and America are in the grip of the biggest recession the world's ever seen,aren't you?Also they're talking about the UK going into a triple-dip recession right now?

Good luck,believe me you'll need it!

mmmmmmmm! might find the grass is a bit brown on the other side of the fence !

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We fly back on the 30th too. I like Thailand but full time here now is not working for the family. Got to get my girls into a good school as they are not getting much of an education here and to be honest they come first. Also be nice to have a British passport for my wife so that she can remain in the UK with the kids should something happen to me. Look forward to the odd holiday back here knowing I wont have to ponce about at immigration.

A different situation altogether, with kids , its a wise move.

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The only good thing about England is Manchester United, and the Queen .

So cant see any other reason why anyone would live there...

Never been there thank goodness, but my friend who comes from Manchester tells me that Manchester City FC is the better club and he knows . clap2.gif

Aye, but the op is on the Salford side - south Salford, maybe, but still, out that way...

I'm proud of him; rather than hanging around moaning, he's going back to do his bit for the club in the stands at Barton on Irwell. He'll be home in time for the must-win game against Castleford, and I hope he'll go and see Scotland v USA in the World Cup


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whilst I agree with your last paragraph on the whole, your comparison to the western world and being ostracized for political belief is exactly the same as in your chosen country you reside in(for however much longer that lasts) do we see red shirts/yellow shirts walking along holding hands?


I wasn't trying to compare the two wrt how each treats its own citizens, but simply how I feel at home vs abroad (in any country other than my own). I am alien everywhere in the world, but back home is the only place where I'm made to feel bad about it, because there's an expectation to fit in there that doesn't exist abroad.

May I ask where are you from?

Me, I live in Essex and work in the city of London....

come on, i've showed you mine....you show me yours giggle.gif

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There is a whole word to see... starting over is great fun at any age.. find a real girl and maybe even a new trade.. England has some great music and fun you wound find in thailanxy

So true can't wait to get back to my hometown Manchester thumbsup.gif

You'll do just fine. With your experience and understanding of things that only a foreign stay can bring, you have a leg up on people. Your ability to speak Thai may come in handy and best of all, you'll be the envy of everyone.

BTW, I give you 6 months before you tire of Manchester and long for the idyllic beaches of Thailand. You won't remember the raw sewage, predatory lady boys, scam artists or trash that marred the beaches by that time. wink.png

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Thanks guys .. Well i've been here since i was 20 and will be 31 in may it comes a time in life where you just get fed up of a place plus all the bs what comes with it i have also lived in Bangkok / Pattaya / Phuket .. just tired these days .. plus i'm not getting any younger ...

ge mate 11yrs.in bkk,patts.and phuket no wonder you want to go home,unless youve had some bad experiances come and try it in korat,and only 31 what were you abandoned.its loverly here. taffy

Good luck back in the UK. My daughter and son-in-law bailed out of Cyprus just before the present problems and both have found good jobs within two weeks. Work is there if your want it. As for Taffy's comment on Korat, I fully agree. Nice to read someone saying something good, or rather the truth. Often there are too many knockers of Issan and they probably never lived here. Thanks Taffy.

Never been to Korat, have to give it a go one day. Buriram and Mukdahan did'nt do much for me.

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PS 10 years in an Asian country looks great on a resume

China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, or S Korea, maybe... Thailand, I'm not so sure. Whenever I tell professional acquaintances I'm heading up to Thailand for a while, I get these dodgy sideways glances. You've got to understand that Thailand has a very 'special' reputation in the world.

Funnily enough, I was giving a workshop to some Bangkok managers last week. When they ask me how I'd learned to speak Thai, I said it was through talking to my girlfriend. They were curious and asked what part of Thailand she came from. When I said Isaan, I got the same look.... blink.png

Friends have asked my "Why do you live in TOYLAND" sad.png

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Thanks guys .. Well i've been here since i was 20 and will be 31 in may it comes a time in life where you just get fed up of a place plus all the bs what comes with it i have also lived in Bangkok / Pattaya / Phuket .. just tired these days .. plus i'm not getting any younger ...

ge mate 11yrs.in bkk,patts.and phuket no wonder you want to go home,unless youve had some bad experiances come and try it in korat,and only 31 what were you abandoned.its loverly here. taffy

Good luck back in the UK. My daughter and son-in-law bailed out of Cyprus just before the present problems and both have found good jobs within two weeks. Work is there if your want it. As for Taffy's comment on Korat, I fully agree. Nice to read someone saying something good, or rather the truth. Often there are too many knockers of Issan and they probably never lived here. Thanks Taffy.

Never been to Korat, have to give it a go one day. Buriram and Mukdahan did'nt do much for me.

Never been to Korat, have to give it a go one day.

Dont waste your time, probably one of the most uninspiring towns I have visited.

Think of it as Thailands version of say Crewe, nothing more than a staging post to somewhere else even more boring.

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  • 1 month later...

Just a quick check, Mr 30, how are you getting on back in Salford? Or are you still calling it West Manchester, or whatever? Did you see your team win at the Etihad Stadium last weekend? Magic!


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PS 10 years in an Asian country looks great on a resume

China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, or S Korea, maybe... Thailand, I'm not so sure. Whenever I tell professional acquaintances I'm heading up to Thailand for a while, I get these dodgy sideways glances. You've got to understand that Thailand has a very 'special' reputation in the world.

Funnily enough, I was giving a workshop to some Bangkok managers last week. When they ask me how I'd learned to speak Thai, I said it was through talking to my girlfriend. They were curious and asked what part of Thailand she came from. When I said Isaan, I got the same look.... blink.png

Friends have asked my "Why do you live in TOYLAND" sad.png

I always get, why Taiwan? And we think Thais are geographically challenged.

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Never been to Korat, have to give it a go one day.

Dont waste your time, probably one of the most uninspiring towns I have visited.

Think of it as Thailands version of say Crewe, nothing more than a staging post to somewhere else even more boring.

Actually Korat is great for looking for a nice partner. Probably the majority of students that do well enough on their lower-level schooling in upcountry Isaan provinces that have limited choices for further study, end up coming to Korat, hundreds of vocational, community-college style instituions of learning here, and all the kids are far from home on their own for the first time with plenty of spare time on their hands.

Of course not for everyone, some want English-speaking light-skinned Chinese Thai or whatever GFs but for me it's a very very fertile hunting ground. The actual pay-for-play scene is also very limited, but to me that's a good thing.

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11 years in Thailand could look good on a CV, but of course it depends what you've been doing during that time. You say you've been working in the H & H sector.

Does that mean working in a bar?

Does it mean management level in 5-star hotel?

Have you managed to obtain some paper qualifications during your time in Thailand? A Masters in H&H perhaps?

I'd be interested to hear from the OP how he has spent his 11 years in Thailand, and what he feels that he's achieved during that time that will help him to secure employment in the UK


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Good on you, op, hope it works out. There's no way I'd be here permanently if on my own, but cringe at the thought of being subjected to the mentality of some of the dolts I used to have to work alongside. You know the type; bigoted and talk the same old tripe, rarely leave their hometown, never lived outside the UK, but know it all. bah.gif

So how's it going?

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Never been to Korat, have to give it a go one day.

Dont waste your time, probably one of the most uninspiring towns I have visited.

Think of it as Thailands version of say Crewe, nothing more than a staging post to somewhere else even more boring.

Actually Korat is great for looking for a nice partner. Probably the majority of students that do well enough on their lower-level schooling in upcountry Isaan provinces that have limited choices for further study, end up coming to Korat, hundreds of vocational, community-college style instituions of learning here, and all the kids are far from home on their own for the first time with plenty of spare time on their hands.

Of course not for everyone, some want English-speaking light-skinned Chinese Thai or whatever GFs but for me it's a very very fertile hunting ground. The actual pay-for-play scene is also very limited, but to me that's a good thing.

This is the kind of confession that under normal circumstances would be subject to the privilege of Doctor/Patient confidentiality.

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GuestHouse, on 03 Jun 2013 - 12:32, said:

This is the kind of confession that under normal circumstances would be subject to the privilege of Doctor/Patient confidentiality.

No idea what you mean.

I'm talking about college age girls, looking for a life partner in a place and manner much more likely to give good results than the way most guys here do, looking for love in all the wrong places.

If you're not on that particular mission then yes Korat's a pretty dull place.

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  • 1 month later...

Well I have been back in England since 26th April 2013 all I can say is wow it has changed a lot in the 11 years been away ..

Culture shock is the right word I’m looking also price of living these days over here is very expansive compared to living in Asia for a number of years I would say since back I have spent around £5000.

Smoking has become a very expensive habit £8.30 a pint of beer these days is £3.80 or a night out your taking around £100 also just to do some basic shopping these days for a few days work out something like £50 a time.. A week bus pass these days work out around £14.50 plus getting a job isn't easy as when apply for a job there a huge turnout for the job you maybe applying for plus minimum wage hours at £6.20 also signing on works out at £71 a week ..

Even looking for a return flight back to Thailand works out over here around £700 compared to £500 booking in Thailand for a one way ticket plus I should be back in the land of smile around the end of august ..

Edited by Notstupid30
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Well I have been back in England since 26th April 2013 all I can say is wow it has changed a lot in the 11 years been away ..

Culture shock is the right word I’m looking also price of living these days over here is very expansive compared to living in Asia for a number of years I would say since back I have spent around £5000.

Smoking has become a very expensive habit £8.30 a pint of beer these days is £3.80 or a night out your taking around £100 also just to do some basic shopping these days for a few days work out something like £50 a time.. A week bus pass these days work out around £14.50 plus getting a job isn't easy as when apply for a job there a huge turnout for the job you maybe applying for plus minimum wage hours at £6.20 also signing on works out at £71 a week ..

Even looking for a return flight back to Thailand works out over here around £700 compared to £500 booking in Thailand for a one way ticket plus I should be back in the land of smile around the end of august ..

Did you manage to get to Barton On Irwell for the game against Catalans?

Tremendous win for the Red Devils - let's hope Dr K and Adrian Morley can develop the team next year.


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i gotta say i returned to uk a month after op 17 may after 7-8 years in thailand ,i havent found it that bad , i was back at work witthin 7 days it might have been different if i didnt get back into work so soon.

prices some stuff i find reasonable some stuff ridiculously expensive the supermarkets have a lot of deals on and money off vouchers example 10 p off per litre of petrol at sainsburys if you spend 60 quid.

the biggest thing for me is your life just falls into a weekly routine over here which basically consisits of working all week and shopping for food weekend ,life in thailand also falls into a routine but a much better routine than you have in the uk,simply because the routine in thailand was visiting beaches and beautifull restaurants with gorgeous food.

the uk has its pluses its nice to be able to walk in shops and get what you want straight away ,same for internet shopping order 1 day and its on your doorstep 2 days later,so all in all at 40 years old im content will buy another flat in uk after xmas ,then work uk 5-8 years more with a few holidays thrown into thailand before i give it another shot of moving back full time.

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Well I have been back in England since 26th April 2013 all I can say is wow it has changed a lot in the 11 years been away ..

Culture shock is the right word I’m looking also price of living these days over here is very expansive compared to living in Asia for a number of years I would say since back I have spent around £5000.

Smoking has become a very expensive habit £8.30 a pint of beer these days is £3.80 or a night out your taking around £100 also just to do some basic shopping these days for a few days work out something like £50 a time.. A week bus pass these days work out around £14.50 plus getting a job isn't easy as when apply for a job there a huge turnout for the job you maybe applying for plus minimum wage hours at £6.20 also signing on works out at £71 a week ..

Even looking for a return flight back to Thailand works out over here around £700 compared to £500 booking in Thailand for a one way ticket plus I should be back in the land of smile around the end of august ..

Thanks for keeping us updated.

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Well I have been back in England since 26th April 2013 all I can say is wow it has changed a lot in the 11 years been away ..

Culture shock is the right word I’m looking also price of living these days over here is very expansive compared to living in Asia for a number of years I would say since back I have spent around £5000.

Smoking has become a very expensive habit £8.30 a pint of beer these days is £3.80 or a night out your taking around £100 also just to do some basic shopping these days for a few days work out something like £50 a time.. A week bus pass these days work out around £14.50 plus getting a job isn't easy as when apply for a job there a huge turnout for the job you maybe applying for plus minimum wage hours at £6.20 also signing on works out at £71 a week ..

Even looking for a return flight back to Thailand works out over here around £700 compared to £500 booking in Thailand for a one way ticket plus I should be back in the land of smile around the end of august ..

Guess it's always greener on the other side until you get to the other side.

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There is a whole word to see... starting over is great fun at any age.. find a real girl and maybe even a new trade.. England has some great music and fun you wound find in thailanxy

So true can't wait to get back to my hometown Manchester thumbsup.gif

It's will be a shock now that Manchester City are outgrowing United. You might need to run back to Thailand after the first season with David Moyes...my prediction.... 4th... At least there will always be these deadbeat Thai's that cheer for MANUUUU for no reason!!!

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Working in the hotel industry on minimum wage doesn't sound like the best plan in the world when coming back to England after living it up in Thailand for 11 years.

You should have gone somewhere like Aberdeen where there is plenty of well paying jobs, or at least ones that are obtainable within several months to your average chancer.

If i was you i'd get a load of credit and invest heavily in getting some qualifications to fall back on, you'll soon be mid 30s and it doesn't get any easier should the dream go tits up.

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