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Maggie Thatcher Jokes Etc. No Disrespect Intended , Just A Bit Of Harmless Fun .

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It is being reported today That Margret Thatcher has died . Although doctors had been aware of her heart condition they had failed to find it .

Margaret Thatcher dies and strolls up the pearly staircase to the pearly gates, where she is confronted by St. Peter, brandishing a clipboard. "Name," says St. Peter.

"Margaret Thatcher," she replies.

St. Peter checks through all the lists on his clipboard but cannot find the name of the former British leader. "I am sorry," he says, "you cannot come in. Your place is downstairs, in Hell. Mrs. Thatcher turns and walks down the stairs.

A short time later the phone rings. St. Peter answers, and a voice says, "Hello Peter, it is the Devil speaking. You will have to take that bloody woman after all - she is only been here for ten minutes and she has closed half the furnaces to reduce capacity."


KarenBravo "Your desperation is showing......." .

If you care to look there is a wealth of satire on Mrs Thatcher . Unfortunatly much of it is horrific .


Ken Loach, the director, said that her funeral should be privatised. 'It's what she would have wanted' he said.

'Put it out to tender and accept the cheapest bid' he added.


While she was alive ...

A sequel to The Iron Lady in which Margaret Thatcher is haunted by the ghost of her husband is currently being filmed.

The Phantom Denis will be released this summer.

Now that she has passed ...

Margaret Thatcher's final wish was to be cremated.

Unfortunately, there is no coal left

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