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a general misconception exists as far as "holding" greenbacks is concerned. the average goldbuglover assumes that an investor is stupid enough to "hold" greenbacks without letting them work and achieve yield 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year.

note: this information is free of charge.

In translation this means that one can add to the 20% drop in gold over the last two years the interest lost on investing those dollars, so the actual loss is nearer 25%. No, Wait! Now add to that mix inflation and one can see the goldbugs aren't the brightest bulbs on the block with their broken record of buy buy buy. Worthless fiat currency indeed.

if the actual loss is nearer to 25% then the 5% additional yield achieved by a regular investor in a period of 18 months is dry.png but everything is relative.

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a general misconception exists as far as "holding" greenbacks is concerned. the average goldbuglover assumes that an investor is stupid enough to "hold" greenbacks without letting them work and achieve yield 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year.

note: this information is free of charge.

In translation this means that one can add to the 20% drop in gold over the last two years the interest lost on investing those dollars, so the actual loss is nearer 25%. No, Wait! Now add to that mix inflation and one can see the goldbugs aren't the brightest bulbs on the block with their broken record of buy buy buy. Worthless fiat currency indeed.
if the actual loss is nearer to 25% then the 5% additional yield achieved by a regular investor in a period of 18 months is dry.png but everything is relative.
Using some figs... $1000 reaching $1050 after compound interest (almost conservative risk free) then match against gold now at $800 after dropping 20%, so that's where I get the ~ 25% real drop, never mind this morning's dive.

Where can you get a risk free USD cash investment that pays 5% in 18 months?

to me, that question insinuates indirectly that gold was a risk free investment. if my assumption is correct then laugh.png

getting a risk free investment paying 5% in 18 months was as easy as getting a high risk investment like gold where you lost 24.53% in 18 months whistling.gif

personal view: gold is not an investment and should not be considered an investment. gold has quite some positive characteristics which an investor can use but is not necessarily bound to use.

by the way, achieving a yield of 5% within last 6 months was a piece of cake by converting Dollars, Pounds, Yen or EURos into Thai Baht.

but then... we are all aware... that the resident experts and gurus are right... who predict since 6 years that the Thai Baht and the Thai economy are about to fall into the abyss and bla-bla the results yada-yada will be yakety-yak terrible bla-bla w00t.gif


of course both of us know some alternatives laugh.png but nobody listens to us sad.png

-we could tell Obama and many others in charge of many countries not to have

socialistic dreams, no matter how justified and needed they are, if there is no

revenue to finance the dreams except by increasing debt.

-we could advice the republican hawks not to invade countries based on lies or

threaten to invade or bomb countries based on exerting unjustified power and

by avoiding this save trillions.

oh well...

I had to laugh at the 'Democrate' = Socialist and 'Republican' = warmonger examples.

It is exactly what 'they' smile.png want you to believe, so the plebs can fight among themselves which idiot to choose. Throw in another 'abortion' and 'gay marriage' conflict (Don't these conflicts become old, they are brought up for at least 20 years and both are not federal government cases anyway) and people are busy for another few months while the problems continue but are not cared about.

The 'wars' continue as before, obamacare was tried out by an republican (Mitt).

Meanwhile, the problems continue while people are entertained with justin bieber and soaps for the girls and moms, and sports for the boys and dads.

I would add another solution and that is no TV (and i not mean Thai Visa, but the other TV) for at least a year.

And some civil disobedience when it is time to do your taxes. If you want smaller government, deprive them of the source of their power which is money.


Without a doubt the saying "ignorance is bliss" applies to many of the comments I have seen posted on this topic and I'm not talking about mine.

My hunch is there is one or two of you who are going to be in for a rude awakening in the not too distant future and I will be sure to start another topic when the time arises. It will be interesting just to see if you are still around and willing to eat some crow when the dollar plunges and owning gold turns out to be a smart move.

For someone saying my sense is in short supply yoshiwawa, I will especially want to hear back from you, that is if you will still have enough funds left to afford an internet connection. It's easy to tell you're definitely not very bright but then again, that puts you in the majority so you should find plenty of like minded thinkers you can BS with here. .


It is because Bernanke's crime? is against the citizens who will be made

to repay not the government who appointed & cheers him onward.

i can only repeat my question slightly altered "what is the alternative to Bernanke's


of course both of us know some alternatives laugh.png but nobody listens to us sad.png

-we could tell Obama and many others in charge of many countries not to have

socialistic dreams, no matter how justified and needed they are, if there is no

revenue to finance the dreams except by increasing debt.

-we could advice the republican hawks not to invade countries based on lies or

threaten to invade or bomb countries based on exerting unjustified power and

by avoiding this save trillions.

oh well...

Or a better way, go far far more socialist.

Nationalise all property and put a 100% tax on all assets over $1M.

Assign living quarters according to needs, use the money you just taxed to help everyone.


The only reason why the US has been able to get away with this money printing thus far is because the US$ is still the world's reserve currency. When it ceases to be the world's reserve currency, that is when the house of cards collapses and takes the US economy with it.

And that will not happen for the foreseeable future so relax.

Not so fast. It is coming faster than we might expect.




crank websites ahoy!

Yeah, right. Just like gold dropping over $100 USD in last Friday's trading session, along with commodities selling off today. Now put your head back in the sand and everything will be ok. Anyone that believes ZH is a crank website needs to have their head examined or have drank too much koolaid.


There are plenty of credible sources that should meet your standards if

you are willing to open your eyes and accept the facts for what they are.

and inspite of these credible source there are millions of idiots, retards and brainamputed

investors who invest a part of their assets in USD.

by the way, but shhhhh... please don't tell anybody. i am one of these idiots.


I trade USD, but that doesn't mean that ultimately it isn't going to fail. Right now the USD is strengthening but you simply cannot print $85 billion USD a month and inject it into the system without repercussions. The only saving grace for the USD is that it's a safer haven than the EUR after the shambles in Cyprus and the Japanese have just begun to warm up the printing presses.


USD is weakening every day, except when measured against other currencies that are even weaker.

What the value of a US$ (and of course all other currencies that are in the race to the bottom to keep their export alive) is can be seen right in the shop when you go buy food.

Wealth preservation is now of utmost importance and very difficult to achieve.

These are not normal times and knowledge learned in the last few decades is becoming a liability if you not adjust for the current situation of total disarray which can be seen in crazy on the spot solutions that take place every week on friday after the markets close. Knowing the 'game' is impossible as the rulebook is constantly changed, unfortunately the changes are always in favor of the 'bank'. Timing the market is impossible. Maybe you can get into the market on monday and get out on friday to have at least some chance your knowledge is of some use.


There are plenty of credible sources that should meet your standards if

you are willing to open your eyes and accept the facts for what they are.

and inspite of these credible source there are millions of idiots, retards and brainamputed

investors who invest a part of their assets in USD.

by the way, but shhhhh... please don't tell anybody. i am one of these idiots.


I trade USD, but that doesn't mean that ultimately it isn't going to fail. Right now the USD is strengthening but you simply cannot print $85 billion USD a month and inject it into the system without repercussions. The only saving grace for the USD is that it's a safer haven than the EUR after the shambles in Cyprus and the Japanese have just begun to warm up the printing presses.

your eloquent expertise on macroeconomics makes it impossible for me to counter with one of my usual ignorant and sometimes even ridiculous layman's arguments. i bow to the guru.



Without a doubt the saying "ignorance is bliss" applies to many of the comments I have seen posted on this topic and I'm not talking about mine.

My hunch is there is one or two of you who are going to be in for a rude awakening in the not too distant future and I will be sure to start another topic when the time arises. It will be interesting just to see if you are still around and willing to eat some crow when the dollar plunges and owning gold turns out to be a smart move.

For someone saying my sense is in short supply yoshiwawa, I will especially want to hear back from you, that is if you will still have enough funds left to afford an internet connection. It's easy to tell you're definitely not very bright but then again, that puts you in the majority so you should find plenty of like minded thinkers you can BS with here. .

Did I say your sense was in short supply? Well fancy that! Thank you for the You Will Be Sorry message from Planet Eventually. It sure has been a tough day/week/month/year for the gold bugs.

Without a doubt the saying "ignorance is bliss" applies to many of the comments I have seen posted on this topic and I'm not talking about mine.

My hunch is there is one or two of you who are going to be in for a rude awakening in the not too distant future and I will be sure to start another topic when the time arises. It will be interesting just to see if you are still around and willing to eat some crow when the dollar plunges and owning gold turns out to be a smart move.

For someone saying my sense is in short supply yoshiwawa, I will especially want to hear back from you, that is if you will still have enough funds left to afford an internet connection. It's easy to tell you're definitely not very bright but then again, that puts you in the majority so you should find plenty of like minded thinkers you can BS with here. .

Did I say your sense was in short supply? Well fancy that! Thank you for the You Will Be Sorry message from Planet Eventually. It sure has been a tough day/week/month/year for the gold bugs.


how much are you paying for your internet connection? confess!


Where can you get a risk free USD cash investment that pays 5% in 18 months?

to me, that question insinuates indirectly that gold was a risk free investment. if my assumption is correct then laugh.png

getting a risk free investment paying 5% in 18 months was as easy as getting a high risk investment like gold where you lost 24.53% in 18 months whistling.gif

personal view: gold is not an investment and should not be considered an investment. gold has quite some positive characteristics which an investor can use but is not necessarily bound to use.

by the way, achieving a yield of 5% within last 6 months was a piece of cake by converting Dollars, Pounds, Yen or EURos into Thai Baht.

but then... we are all aware... that the resident experts and gurus are right... who predict since 6 years that the Thai Baht and the Thai economy are about to fall into the abyss and bla-bla the results yada-yada will be yakety-yak terrible bla-bla w00t.gif

To me, your response indicates you're not paying attention, I'm not advocating gold as an investment, my concern (as stated previously) is the strength of the dollar.

I have a SAVINGS account in Thai-baht that pays 3 1/2 %, I would like to know where to get that kind of return on a USD cash deposit. I have a few CDs in the US, the best is coming due next January (after 60 months) and it is paying 4%. A 60-month in the US today is pays less than 1%.

That said "investors" always want to pick a particular time segment (in this case 18 months) and to support whatever it is they are arguing (in this case that only losers buy gold as an investment) but IMHO, anyone that is actually capable of predicting what the market is going to do would probably not be killing time playing on the internet, and certainly would not be telling everyone else what the market is going to do. The guys playing on the internet ALL know what the market has DONE.

I am concerned about the strength of the dollar, you're not, whatever.


Where can you get a risk free USD cash investment that pays 5% in 18 months?

to me, that question insinuates indirectly that gold was a risk free investment. if my assumption is correct then laugh.png

getting a risk free investment paying 5% in 18 months was as easy as getting a high risk investment like gold where you lost 24.53% in 18 months whistling.gif

personal view: gold is not an investment and should not be considered an investment. gold has quite some positive characteristics which an investor can use but is not necessarily bound to use.

by the way, achieving a yield of 5% within last 6 months was a piece of cake by converting Dollars, Pounds, Yen or EURos into Thai Baht.

but then... we are all aware... that the resident experts and gurus are right... who predict since 6 years that the Thai Baht and the Thai economy are about to fall into the abyss and bla-bla the results yada-yada will be yakety-yak terrible bla-bla w00t.gif

To me, your response indicates you're not paying attention, I'm not advocating gold as an investment, my concern (as stated previously) is the strength of the dollar.

I have a SAVINGS account in Thai-baht that pays 3 1/2 %, I would like to know where to get that kind of return on a USD cash deposit. I have a few CDs in the US, the best is coming due next January (after 60 months) and it is paying 4%. A 60-month in the US today is pays less than 1%.

That said "investors" always want to pick a particular time segment (in this case 18 months) and to support whatever it is they are arguing (in this case that only losers buy gold as an investment) but IMHO, anyone that is actually capable of predicting what the market is going to do would probably not be killing time playing on the internet, and certainly would not be telling everyone else what the market is going to do. The guys playing on the internet ALL know what the market has DONE.

I am concerned about the strength of the dollar, you're not, whatever.

For some, being concerned about the $ and buying gold hasn't exactly turned out to be the trade of the year so far.

i don't understand

I am concerned about the strength of the dollar, you're not, whatever.

if you are concerned then why...

I would like to know where to get that kind of return on a USD cash deposit.


i don't understand


I am concerned about the strength of the dollar, you're not, whatever.

if you are concerned then why...

>I would like to know where to get that kind of return on a USD cash deposit.

I said I’m concerned about the dollar, I didn’t say I thought the bottom was going to fall out at any moment.

Again, I don’t know what the market is going to do. If I did, I would be wealthy, not a loser grunting out a living as an engineer on a hot-ass plant floor in Thailand.

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^ ' If I did, I would be wealthy, not a loser grunting out a living as an engineer on a hot-ass plant floor in Thailand.'

Never EVER label oneself a loser! It's your life, regain control, and live life to the fullest.

Self-deprecation attracts losers who enjoy this state of mind as it complements their own status-quo.

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