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Non-imm "o" For Support Of Thai Child -- Documentation?

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As a regular reader of ThaiVisa, I thought I was prepared to get my next visa easily sorted with no problems on my recent trip back to the States. Well, Murphy's Law reared its ugly head and due to some unforeseen issues I am back in Thailand with no visa, only a 30 day stamp from immigration at Don Muang.

The unforeseen issue - just to save some other poor soul the trouble - was that when I went to the Thai embassy in Los Angeles to get my non-immigrant "O" for support of a Thai child - about a week before to returning to Thailand (plenty of time, I thought, since turnaround is only one day) - they noticed that my passport didn't have an empty page for a visa. This meant I needed a new passport, or a few pages added to my old one, but that would require more than a week's processing time by the ever-efficient US Department of Homeland Insecurity. Therefore, I didn't have enough time left to get both my passport and visa done in the States, so I figured oh well, I'll just get a new passport at the US embassy in BKK (maybe faster than getting it in the States?), then make a trip to Penang or KL, and be done with it.

I was prepared at the Thai embassy in L.A. with my son's Thai birth cert - the baby and his mom were with me as well - and that's about all they wanted in order to grant a non-immigrant "O" for support of a Thai citizen. If only I'd had an empty page in my passport it would have been no problem.

My question for the experts is, does anyone know if the requirements at the Thai embassies in Malaysia are any different than in Los Angeles for the non-imm. "O" visa for support of a Thai citizen; i.e., is there any other documentation besides my son's birth certificate required? If possible I'd like to make sure I don't step on my Johnson this time around. Also, is Malaysia really the most convenient and sure-fire option for this type of visa (I live in BKK)?

Thanks, folks :o

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My question for the experts is, does anyone know if the requirements at the Thai embassies in Malaysia are any different than in Los Angeles for the non-imm. "O" visa for support of a Thai citizen; i.e., is there any other documentation besides my son's birth certificate required? If possible I'd like to make sure I don't step on my Johnson this time around. Also, is Malaysia really the most convenient and sure-fire option for this type of visa (I live in BKK)?

Thanks, folks :o

bring a copy of her Thai ID with you also. should be no problem, now that you have pages added to your passport.

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Penang is always the best bet in the local area as it is set up for visa issue rather than Embassy/Consular duties that other posts are faced with.

I suspect the visa you want is a multi entry O visa to visit your child and as said a birth certificate and to make sure a copy of mothers id card and a letter from her might also be useful. The support question would be for an extension of stay inside Thailand from immigration rather than for a non immigrant visa.

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