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What Has Happened To The Thailand-uk Site?


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I am a member at the Thailand-UK forum that specialises in visa advice. I have just read that their site has been suspended - both the forum and their genera site. This seems to have come out of the blue and I was wondering if there are any other members here who know what may have happened????

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was on there last week have no idea whats happend

The moderators had a hidden agenda of there own unfortunately which was known to some of the posters, but according to groupee the abuse of newcomers to that forum and their subsequent complaints broke the camels back so to speak.

I always wondered how they continued with about 10 posters contributing 99% of the posts !!

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So basically groupee has shut the site down because of complaints due to personal abuse??

Is there no chance that it may be resurrected?? Why were we not warned that this might happen??

Could someone explain this hidden agenda please??

It is a shame if it has closed for good. It may have been serious, but it helped a lot of people with visa-advice. I have definitely been helped by them as I am currently seeking a visa for my wife which will hopefully go through soon. If the site was in such difficulty I wonder why the moderators kept it to themselves?

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So basically groupee has shut the site down because of complaints due to personal abuse??

Is there no chance that it may be resurrected?? Why were we not warned that this might happen??

Could someone explain this hidden agenda please??

It is a shame if it has closed for good. It may have been serious, but it helped a lot of people with visa-advice. I have definitely been helped by them as I am currently seeking a visa for my wife which will hopefully go through soon. If the site was in such difficulty I wonder why the moderators kept it to themselves?

Far too serious-last week the moderators decided that the subject of bar girls was no longer acceptable discussion and closed threads.If your partner was a former bar worker she was no longer to be discussed !!


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So basically groupee has shut the site down because of complaints due to personal abuse??

Is there no chance that it may be resurrected?? Why were we not warned that this might happen??

Could someone explain this hidden agenda please??

It is a shame if it has closed for good. It may have been serious, but it helped a lot of people with visa-advice. I have definitely been helped by them as I am currently seeking a visa for my wife which will hopefully go through soon. If the site was in such difficulty I wonder why the moderators kept it to themselves?

Far too serious-last week the moderators decided that the subject of bar girls was no longer acceptable discussion and closed threads.If your partner was a former bar worker she was no longer to be discussed !!


This still doesn't explain why they have been shut down.

Did they have financial difficulties?? Or did they themselves choose that they had had enough??

As has been said few people posted but a lot of people put a lot of work into it.

If they have chosen to just close it I find it peculiar that they gave no warning

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too ###### serious even bar girls r people .... mabe a few wives were not happy

They shot themselves in the foot.They had several intelligent knowledgable posters a guy called Ian B,another guy called Vinny but seriously objectionable moderators who made it clear they were superior in all departments and nobody could question them.

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I have just received this message by Rolyshark, one of the Thailand-UK moderators:

"My guess is that it's a server problem in The USA. Either that or we've been sabotaged by a lurker. It was up at lunch time and some new terms and conditions were on the verge of being posted,so maybe the change is to do with those new terms??"

So hopefully the site will soon be back to normal once the technical difficulties have been sorted.

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The Mods ( Maokhaang was one , he uses this site with the same nick) read pm's between other members , had attitude problems , denied that they had ever drank in Beer Bars , etc etc.

Privacy was one line that even a mod should never cross.

I am glad if the site is down permanently.


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Not true chonabot.

I have never read other people's pms and indeed the site software does not permit it.

I may have an attitude problem.Too bad,nobody's perfect.

I have never denied drinking in beer bars etc etc.

Get your facts right.

You may be glad if the site is down permanently. I can live with that.

I may be glad if you get piles. I know which of us will be the more uncomfortable :o

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Not true chonabot.

I have never read other people's pms and indeed the site software does not permit it.

I may have an attitude problem.Too bad,nobody's perfect.

I have never denied drinking in beer bars etc etc.

Get your facts right.

You may be glad if the site is down permanently. I can live with that.

I may be glad if you get piles. I know which of us will be the more uncomfortable :D

My facts are right Pal , did I say that you were the Mod who intercepted a pm between myself and another TV-UK / Thaivisa member?

I will gladly call on the other member to verify my story.

Rolyshark and Maokhaang are not the same are they ?


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I agree , but it was Rolyshark who cast aspersions upon my claims, and then the portly chap suggested that I might acquire some haemmeroids into the bargain , charming!

Whilst on the Thailand -UK, as members, the following happened....

Myself and another TV/THUK member were exchanging PM's , I later received a PM from Maokhaang ( Moderator _, which had an excerpt of the PM conversation we were having. When I complained, he said that he owned the site and could do what he liked.If I didn't like it , I could go.

I did.


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The Mods ( Maokhaang was one , he uses this site with the same nick) read pm's between other members , had attitude problems , denied that they had ever drank in Beer Bars , etc etc.

The above is chonabot's post. He states the mods read pms and so on. I rebutted his claims. He might have been better saying that he believed thatsome mods read pms etc etc. But that of course would have spoiled the drama of his post.

Up to you who you believe.

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The Mods ( Maokhaang was one , he uses this site with the same nick) read pm's between other members , had attitude problems , denied that they had ever drank in Beer Bars , etc etc.

The above is chonabot's post. He states the mods read pms and so on. I rebutted his claims. He might have been better saying that he believed thatsome mods read pms etc etc. But that of course would have spoiled the drama of his post.

Up to you who you believe.

Mr Shark , I have no beef with you , I have no reason to lie. Myself and another TV member with over 3 years standing , 6 years between us, experienced the above lack of ethics from a Mr Maokhaang . I couldn't give a fig who believes who , but you joined 2 hours ago , hmmmm I wonder who has more credibility on this site?


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I dislike factual inaccuracies (probably my "attitude problem" :o) and found chonabot's original post misleading, as it gives the impression that the mods collectively and as a matter of course read pms. They don't.

As to credibility,or as chonabot originally posted,who had most to lose-the posts are clearly here for all to see,unless retrospectively altered. Presumably the longer serving member would have more to lose if his post is held to be misleading as his credibilty for previous statements might also be questioned. The newbie cares nought.

People are entitled to their own view of other forums/moderators etc,but I felt I could not let what I felt was a personal slur go unanswered.

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Roly , agreed , in hindsight my post may have come across as a generalisation.

It was an isolated incident , but the attitude that accompanied this incident was enough for me.

I found the site's content to be useful and would probably be using it still, if it wasn't for Maokhaang's indiscretion.

No offence was intended towards you, apologies.

As for Mr Maokhaang...... :o

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Fair enough. Hatchets buried.

I'm sure Mr Maokhaang is capable of comment himself,if he sees fit. Of course he may choose not to rake over old coals. You are as unlikely to change your views of the incident as is he. Life goes on and is too short.

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You were the only "sensible" moderator on that forum.

I can reproduce a personal PM you sent to me re Maokang saying"Dont answer the man back or he will just delete you"

You KNOW what the problem is with that site-remove the 10 or so obnoxious "I know it all posters" and the forum could flourish.And tell that moderator married to Nat to get a life-it doesnt revolve around 1p calling rates via cheap numbers !!

I hope you enjoy this forum as its in a different class.

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just tried to log in & got this message;

Service Not Available

This page is not available. The service for this site has been suspended.

I don't know about the reading of pm's & it's best to keep it off of thai visa as we have no beef with thai-uk. I think chon & roly & have said all they need to on the subject. :o

For me, it was an invalubly place for getting my husbands residency visa & I hope for other people settling with thai partners in the UK it hasn't been closed down.

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I can't speak for others, but I do remember a Thailand-UK poster named Chivas whose only purpose when there was to flame and troll. If I remember correctly this Chivas had done the same many times with multiple identities.

Whether this is the same Chivas that is posting here I don't know.

I expect Thai3 will be wading in with his usual spite soon.

Why is it that certain people deliberately set out to get themselves banned from a site with flaming posts and then post <deleted> all over the net about that site. Some personality problem, I suppose.

As for T-UK's current problems, I'm sure they will be up and running again soon.

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Thailand-UK.com is temporarily unavailable. Nothing to do with any of the speculation being discussed here, merely a technical fault. The site will be back on-line shortly.

My apologies to those who've been inconvenienced.




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Sorry for the inconvenience with Thailand-UK.

I imagine that everything should be back up and running within the next 24 hours.

Once again - sorry for the inconvenience.



Thailand-UK Admin.

Self edit - late again!

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