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Enforcement Of Thai Debts On My Way Out?

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Wonder how his train trips going?


Ahhh, it took me a while but now I know which other member you are. This is a massive troll post. Do you want me to name you or you just gonna stop? Wwww.

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Not personal experience but there was the recent case of the gay couple and the landlord that forced them to stay here for 4 years,during appeal after appeal over some allegedly broken furniture.

I think the reality here is you have to put yourself in your landlady's shoes and ask how you'd feel if a tenant owing 12 months rent told you that they were off to their home country...but they promised they'd pay you back some time in the unspecified future?

The road to hell is paved with good intentions and I think your best bet (and you must know this) is just to disappear in the middle of the night with whatever you can carry.Otherwise you may find that the smiles disappear very quickly and you may find yourself in a whole heap of trouble!

If you're planning to pay off the landlady anyway what difference does it make how you leave?Do yourself a favour and do it extremely covertly,anything else would just be foolish and naive in the extreme!


The problem is she's good friends with all the neighbors, so I think the best I can do is get the amount of stuff out I'm heading home with without attracting their attention.

The rest is a very solid moving lorry's worth of stuff, more than you could pack into three regular song taews.

So if I start moving all that stuff out without having discussed the issue with her she'll obviously think I'm trying to do a real runner on her and make it more likely that she'll take that kind of drastic action.

Basically my plan is to do as you say but contact her before she knows what's going on, let her know of my intentions, and then if she's going to try to take drastic action anyway - which as I said I honestly think is very unlikely, as evidenced by the fact that she's cut me that kind of slack - nearly 14 months at this point over the last three years, never mentioning interest etc!

If she is going to try, I've basically already done the runner, but it will still take another few weeks to get one of my child's passports issued, have to transfer the ex-wife's visas etc, will be camping out at various family and friends couches for the time between vacating the house and actually being able to leave the country.

Hence my very specific key question as to specific practicalities . . .

If anyone can point to the thread about the gay couple, maybe that discusses the actual police/court/border mechanics of how they were prevented from leaving the country.

One year’s back rent to my landlord is owed? This lady is either extremely stupid or a saint. Unusually patient must be the under statement of the century.

If you knew you had severe financial problems over a year ago, you should have taken the appropriate action at the time and not left the situation until it reached this level. Do you really believe that people will sympathize and want to advise you on how to hoodwink this kind, generous lady? Out of interest, how much do you actually owe this unfortunate lady? Must be literally in the thousands. Renting a home that you could not afford. Not only is she out your one year`s rent, but also another year`s rent if she had rented to a proper paying tenant in the first place.

You are typical as one of my main reasons that I try to avoid other expats here. A sneak and irresponsible. If you had been my tenant, your ar-e and junk would have been out the door months ago.

Why should your problems become this nice lady’s problems? If I personally knew this lady, I would grass you up with no hesitation.

Here is an answer to your question:


I sincerely hope that you get pulled in before boarding the plane and making your escape route and there is a strong chance that you will.

Perhaps we maybe reading about you in the news clippings section next week?

BTW: running away from a debt with intent, is a criminal act.

Quite right, something does not ring right in this story.

Principally, landlords are not banking institutions.

So before leaving Thailand, a person in debt should contact a financial institution and get a loan to pay debts. If that fails, check with family and friends, If that does not work out either, must certainly be a reason. And that same reason might also disturb any landlord...


I gave the mother of my kids her freedom, at the time she was totally fixated on finding a rich farang...

You mean one that could actually pay the rent?

or were you looking for a rich Thai lady


If you pack your backpack and leave you will be doing your landlady a big favor.... so go for it.

If you are so gracious as to ever repay her, that is great, but I can't imagine why you would want to stay another

minute in this country under your current circumstances. Pack your clothes and go. Live long and prosper, return and

give your landlady all you owe her, or not. I'm sure she has written you off by now, somewhere in her brain..

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Are you JohnnyBangkok? Your story seems similar to some of the things he has written about.

close. But not him. Wwww.

Ok, game time.....

Lets play guess that double poster.

He answers his own threads, his writings the same, and he wears his sunglasses at night.

Guess who?


But.... you've got a transfer coming in but probably delayed by Songkran.... http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/632463-impact-of-songkran-on-intl-transfer-from-new-york-bkk/

your complaint there is that it is ''Major PITA can't bring the family upcountry''

How about using it to pay your landlady instead? The family can go upcountry when you can afford it.

A question is, "Who needs the money prompt and fast and has nearly no money or is not wealthy?"

If I have limited resources I would give to the people in need and at least in the moment not to already wealthy people, who do not need it immediately. rolleyes.gif


catch the train??? arse!

i smell rat.... or maybe a larger ficticious hairy animal.... coffee1.gif

too many part truths, inconsisitencies and unrevealed facts coming out from the OP late in the day in this thread.

krisb's suggestion of asking the mods to close it to save face was kind giggle.gif

This fool is either a complete arse or should be given a starring role in the movie; One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest.

Whatever one of these categories he is in, there is nothing much more that can be said, but it`s certainly an eye opener.

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I just got done watching the MCOT TV news and, if this isn't an emergency travel situation which by FF's own accounts it isn't, he certainly picked about the worst day of the year to travel by train or any other means.


I imagine it comes down to what connections she has in the police and how much she is willing to pay them or how much she already pays them for businesses.

I can't see the police being bothered with this unless there is something in it for them, You're skint, is she ?

If it gets legal then the police can hold on to your passport until it's finished which could be years.

You can either try the nice approach and hope she is sympathitic or do a midnight runner leaving your stuff behind.


The suggestion "just to disappear" is laughable. For that is not possible. All teh landlord has to do is report the matter to the Police, who will report itto the Immagration autorities and actions will be taken at the borders. Records will be flagged and an arrest will be made (unless they cross a land border at night... then bing in another country without papers). It is an irresponsible suggestion all around.

This is a real problem. Putting his children in this mess is shameful. Posting things back as he says he will do is shameful. Itis time to face the music and fix things.

Not personal experience but there was the recent case of the gay couple and the landlord that forced them to stay here for 4 years,during appeal after appeal over some allegedly broken furniture.

I think the reality here is you have to put yourself in your landlady's shoes and ask how you'd feel if a tenant owing 12 months rent told you that they were off to their home country...but they promised they'd pay you back some time in the unspecified future?

The road to hell is paved with good intentions and I think your best bet (and you must know this) is just to disappear in the middle of the night with whatever you can carry.Otherwise you may find that the smiles disappear very quickly and you may find yourself in a whole heap of trouble!

If you're planning to pay off the landlady anyway what difference does it make how you leave?Do yourself a favour and do it extremely covertly,anything else would just be foolish and naive in the extreme!


Good riddance - guys like you give us all a bad name. If u can't cut the mustard, then don't expect help or advice from those that can. Again good riddance.


so, you run into two people at the same time :

one who is planning to have his wife mortgage her inherited land and then run out on his good hearted thai landlady and bugger off to "farangland" with his golddigger ex-wife and pay her a salary to watch his kids while he resumes his 250,000/annum career rather than leave his kids here for a few months with the in-laws and use the air-ticket money to square up with his landlady.


another who ficticiously posts about an identical scanario in an online forum.

which one do you kick in the nuts hardest...w00t.gif ?

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The suggestion "just to disappear" is laughable. For that is not possible. All teh landlord has to do is report the matter to the Police, who will report itto the Immagration autorities and actions will be taken at the borders. Records will be flagged and an arrest will be made (unless they cross a land border at night... then bing in another country without papers). It is an irresponsible suggestion all around.

This is a real problem. Putting his children in this mess is shameful. Posting things back as he says he will do is shameful. Itis time to face the music and fix things.

Not personal experience but there was the recent case of the gay couple and the landlord that forced them to stay here for 4 years,during appeal after appeal over some allegedly broken furniture.

I think the reality here is you have to put yourself in your landlady's shoes and ask how you'd feel if a tenant owing 12 months rent told you that they were off to their home country...but they promised they'd pay you back some time in the unspecified future?

The road to hell is paved with good intentions and I think your best bet (and you must know this) is just to disappear in the middle of the night with whatever you can carry.Otherwise you may find that the smiles disappear very quickly and you may find yourself in a whole heap of trouble!

If you're planning to pay off the landlady anyway what difference does it make how you leave?Do yourself a favour and do it extremely covertly,anything else would just be foolish and naive in the extreme!

Does she monitor his every move ? He couldn't get to the airport and leave without her knowing ?


I think the OP has made it clear that he hasn't not paid rent for a straight 14 months, but that he missed some payments here and there, or maybe paid less than the full rent at times, but that money has been flowing to the landlord. In a total stay of 6-7 years I believe, he is a total of 14 months behind ...which might equal something like a 15% discount so far. If you look at that way, it doesn't seem as bad as if you think he hasn't paid a dime in 14 consecutive months.

Many landlords would have had vacant periods during that amount of time, especially in Thailand, that would have amounted to a much bigger loss, plus cleaning up the place in between tenants, plus maybe some other tenant would have left with a debt here or there. This doesn't really sound like a total crisis to me, for the landlord.

Some of you seem to be totally missing the point, that the OP has two young kids, needs to go back to the UK?, needs 3 airline tickets, needs food for everyone, and might be homeless at any moment, and possibly is still not free to leave Thailand due to paperwork/immigration matters.

Where is the concern for the kids? Would you really pay off your credit card, or some other debt, before feeding your kids? While stuck in a foreign country?? If you are so worried about random Thai people, well his kids are Thai people at the moment. His ex-wife is a Thai person, who is maybe racked in worry and guilt because her two children are about to become homeless, and have no food, school, or anything.

Let's see, she has a farm, a bar, a hair salon ...do you think she has an iPhone, a car, any gold, credit cards, or anything that could help. (I know the OP is expecting her help, that he has to pay her for, for her labor, interest on her financial loan if that ever comes through, and as well she is probably only going to the UK, if she does go, in order to benefit herself, get better farang hunting grounds, etc.) So where is the outrage about this mother, either feeling sorry for her poor problems, or feeling angry that she isn't there to help her kids.

Or what about worry that his kids will end up in shack somewhere with grandparents? Unclear why the mother seems to be doing okay, but his kids will end up with Thai grandparents ...but isn't this typical of SOME women here? Women doing okay financially, but not taking care of the kids, not contributing much or nothing to their welfare?

This sounds like a typical farang/Thai relationship gone wrong, where the lady just wanted her "nice life" and got "accidentally pregnant" to secure that income for life, then "whatever" happens for a few years, lady leaves, without kids, or with kids, but then blackmails the hell out of the Dad, this story is told once a week on this forum. Dad can't leave Thailand, Dad can't really work in Thailand, Dad is trying to be a good Dad, Mom is worried about herself and her money and nothing more, etc.

Why are we seeming to have two standards for Western people, and another for Thai people? Because we have been trained now to expect the bad Thai behavior? As far as I can tell, a majority of Thai people, and I mostly have only known what I would call "middle class" Thai people here, live all their lives in a state like the OP is in at the moment, a state of total chaos (according to my standards), yet they can work at any job here legally, have zero unemployment rates, have all the family support, can get credit here, free medical, etc., unlike a lone farang. They don't need several thousand dollars to get home with their kids, they are free to travel home, don't have passport/immigrations issues, co-parents who are constantly trying to stop them leaving, and generally, often, causing a lot of problems, to the same extent as some foreigners get hit with here.

Why not applaud the OP for taking responsibility for his kids, trying to make a go of it here, having a rough road to look forward to back in his home country? If you just heard that some poor Thai lady was 14 months behind in her rent, had been struggling to care for her half farang kids, all alone, let's say in Cambodia, had no money to get back to Thailand, blah, blah, blah, I think the reaction here would be totally different. Surely the newbies here would be asking for help "how can we get money from the farang father who abandonded them, how can I help her get a divorce, a passport for her kids, who wants to contribute, who wants to fly there and hold her hand because she can't fly alone, how can we help her cousin get into military school", oh, and 6 other people in her family need help, one had a car accident, one can't pay for thier HIV meds, another needs XYZ, and on and on and on!!

I think some of the posters today are just frustrated, as I often am too, living here, and maybe we redirect some of that in inappropriate ways, like attacking our fellow expats, because 6 times we almost died trying to drive around town today.

Some farangs really do behave badly here, but those seem to be mostly a criminal element or people with some serious problems ...the OP does not seem to be one of these people.

I think most Thai people, would be thinking badly about us farangs, upon reading something like this thread, and the response by his fellow expats, and not at all about some guy not being able to pay all his debts at the moment. And I think they would be utterly SHOCKED that the OP would one day actually pay the landlord back, or even be seriously considering it, they would just think his statements were total lies, and the typical thing to SAY, but to never DO.

Very nicely put I must say.

But one grey area remains.

How come is it that while no bank, no financial institution, no family member, no long time friend is there ready to lend a helping hand, and it is expected that a total stranger, a landlord, must foot the bill for this situation...

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I think the OP has made it clear that he hasn't not paid rent for a straight 14 months, but that he missed some payments here and there, or maybe paid less than the full rent at times, but that money has been flowing to the landlord. In a total stay of 6-7 years I believe, he is a total of 14 months behind ...which might equal something like a 15% discount so far. If you look at that way, it doesn't seem as bad as if you think he hasn't paid a dime in 14 consecutive months.

Many landlords would have had vacant periods during that amount of time, especially in Thailand, that would have amounted to a much bigger loss, plus cleaning up the place in between tenants, plus maybe some other tenant would have left with a debt here or there. This doesn't really sound like a total crisis to me, for the landlord.

Some of you seem to be totally missing the point, that the OP has two young kids, needs to go back to the UK?, needs 3 airline tickets, needs food for everyone, and might be homeless at any moment, and possibly is still not free to leave Thailand due to paperwork/immigration matters.

Where is the concern for the kids? Would you really pay off your credit card, or some other debt, before feeding your kids? While stuck in a foreign country?? If you are so worried about random Thai people, well his kids are Thai people at the moment. His ex-wife is a Thai person, who is maybe racked in worry and guilt because her two children are about to become homeless, and have no food, school, or anything.

Let's see, she has a farm, a bar, a hair salon ...do you think she has an iPhone, a car, any gold, credit cards, or anything that could help. (I know the OP is expecting her help, that he has to pay her for, for her labor, interest on her financial loan if that ever comes through, and as well she is probably only going to the UK, if she does go, in order to benefit herself, get better farang hunting grounds, etc.) So where is the outrage about this mother, either feeling sorry for her poor problems, or feeling angry that she isn't there to help her kids.

Or what about worry that his kids will end up in shack somewhere with grandparents? Unclear why the mother seems to be doing okay, but his kids will end up with Thai grandparents ...but isn't this typical of SOME women here? Women doing okay financially, but not taking care of the kids, not contributing much or nothing to their welfare?

This sounds like a typical farang/Thai relationship gone wrong, where the lady just wanted her "nice life" and got "accidentally pregnant" to secure that income for life, then "whatever" happens for a few years, lady leaves, without kids, or with kids, but then blackmails the hell out of the Dad, this story is told once a week on this forum. Dad can't leave Thailand, Dad can't really work in Thailand, Dad is trying to be a good Dad, Mom is worried about herself and her money and nothing more, etc.

Why are we seeming to have two standards for Western people, and another for Thai people? Because we have been trained now to expect the bad Thai behavior? As far as I can tell, a majority of Thai people, and I mostly have only known what I would call "middle class" Thai people here, live all their lives in a state like the OP is in at the moment, a state of total chaos (according to my standards), yet they can work at any job here legally, have zero unemployment rates, have all the family support, can get credit here, free medical, etc., unlike a lone farang. They don't need several thousand dollars to get home with their kids, they are free to travel home, don't have passport/immigrations issues, co-parents who are constantly trying to stop them leaving, and generally, often, causing a lot of problems, to the same extent as some foreigners get hit with here.

Why not applaud the OP for taking responsibility for his kids, trying to make a go of it here, having a rough road to look forward to back in his home country? If you just heard that some poor Thai lady was 14 months behind in her rent, had been struggling to care for her half farang kids, all alone, let's say in Cambodia, had no money to get back to Thailand, blah, blah, blah, I think the reaction here would be totally different. Surely the newbies here would be asking for help "how can we get money from the farang father who abandonded them, how can I help her get a divorce, a passport for her kids, who wants to contribute, who wants to fly there and hold her hand because she can't fly alone, how can we help her cousin get into military school", oh, and 6 other people in her family need help, one had a car accident, one can't pay for thier HIV meds, another needs XYZ, and on and on and on!!

I think some of the posters today are just frustrated, as I often am too, living here, and maybe we redirect some of that in inappropriate ways, like attacking our fellow expats, because 6 times we almost died trying to drive around town today.

Some farangs really do behave badly here, but those seem to be mostly a criminal element or people with some serious problems ...the OP does not seem to be one of these people.

I think most Thai people, would be thinking badly about us farangs, upon reading something like this thread, and the response by his fellow expats, and not at all about some guy not being able to pay all his debts at the moment. And I think they would be utterly SHOCKED that the OP would one day actually pay the landlord back, or even be seriously considering it, they would just think his statements were total lies, and the typical thing to SAY, but to never DO.

What a load of old cobblers. If this guy cannot manage his life then only he should suffer, not his kids, not his landlord and not Thavisa. Only he should suffer and he should not be asking us how he can make his landlord suffer but how he can use his resources to make sure others don't suffer. I don't believe for a minute that this guy intends to pay his landlord after he returns home and fully expect that he hopes this little debacle will lead to someone in Thaivisa paying up for him. Give it a rest will you?

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It would seem to me that doing a runner oneself and doing a runner with 2 young children in tow at Thai airport immigration are 2 different animals.

Further, I sincerely hope everything is in order for the children to depart, and that your not putting them in line for any risk of being separated from you because something happens at the airport when your and their passports are being stamped for departure.

To be frank, if you are putting these kids at some risk then IMHO you are a total asshxxx.

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mad mary, any chance you could troll somewhere else, pls ? We 'narks' are venting our spleens, sure, but how many of us would have allowed ourselves to get in this deep over 12 freaking months ?

(I believe the terms is actually 'narcs', as in narcotics, as in DEA, but I guess you have your own interpretation)

Actually, in the US, narc or narcs, refers to someone who rats someone else out to the police or other authorities. neus.gif

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Why do you consider the landlord as "footing the bill'? The landlord has a business, to rent out her home. She did that, she lost some of her maybe expected income from that investment, and that is all. Would it be better/different for her, if her tenant was a gambler, a drug addict, just a total ass who spent all his money on frivilous crap, and then she lost her money???

Sometimes I invest money, in a business, in the stock market, in a bank, and sometimes I lose some of my expected returns, it is called, the "cost of doing business" I think. Not a moral judgement on who or why I lost some of my money.

Do you think credit card companies EXPECT every single person to pay 100% of their bills, 100% of the time, or they expect certain losses? And build that in to their profit expectations?

One issue here is a business, and another issue here, is a personal situation. You extend credit to some people, or places, and sometimes you lose ...sometimes you break even, sometimes you win, it all washes out in the end hopefully if you have a reasonable plan.

This isn't a case of, some farang guy knocked over an old lady and stole her purse to pay for some drugs. Should be obvious I would think.

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I think the OP has made it clear that he hasn't not paid rent for a straight 14 months, but that he missed some payments here and there, or maybe paid less than the full rent at times, but that money has been flowing to the landlord. In a total stay of 6-7 years I believe, he is a total of 14 months behind ...which might equal something like a 15% discount so far. If you look at that way, it doesn't seem as bad as if you think he hasn't paid a dime in 14 consecutive months.

Many landlords would have had vacant periods during that amount of time, especially in Thailand, that would have amounted to a much bigger loss, plus cleaning up the place in between tenants, plus maybe some other tenant would have left with a debt here or there. This doesn't really sound like a total crisis to me, for the landlord.

Some of you seem to be totally missing the point, that the OP has two young kids, needs to go back to the UK?, needs 3 airline tickets, needs food for everyone, and might be homeless at any moment, and possibly is still not free to leave Thailand due to paperwork/immigration matters.

Where is the concern for the kids? Would you really pay off your credit card, or some other debt, before feeding your kids? While stuck in a foreign country?? If you are so worried about random Thai people, well his kids are Thai people at the moment. His ex-wife is a Thai person, who is maybe racked in worry and guilt because her two children are about to become homeless, and have no food, school, or anything.

Let's see, she has a farm, a bar, a hair salon ...do you think she has an iPhone, a car, any gold, credit cards, or anything that could help. (I know the OP is expecting her help, that he has to pay her for, for her labor, interest on her financial loan if that ever comes through, and as well she is probably only going to the UK, if she does go, in order to benefit herself, get better farang hunting grounds, etc.) So where is the outrage about this mother, either feeling sorry for her poor problems, or feeling angry that she isn't there to help her kids.

Or what about worry that his kids will end up in shack somewhere with grandparents? Unclear why the mother seems to be doing okay, but his kids will end up with Thai grandparents ...but isn't this typical of SOME women here? Women doing okay financially, but not taking care of the kids, not contributing much or nothing to their welfare?

This sounds like a typical farang/Thai relationship gone wrong, where the lady just wanted her "nice life" and got "accidentally pregnant" to secure that income for life, then "whatever" happens for a few years, lady leaves, without kids, or with kids, but then blackmails the hell out of the Dad, this story is told once a week on this forum. Dad can't leave Thailand, Dad can't really work in Thailand, Dad is trying to be a good Dad, Mom is worried about herself and her money and nothing more, etc.

Why are we seeming to have two standards for Western people, and another for Thai people? Because we have been trained now to expect the bad Thai behavior? As far as I can tell, a majority of Thai people, and I mostly have only known what I would call "middle class" Thai people here, live all their lives in a state like the OP is in at the moment, a state of total chaos (according to my standards), yet they can work at any job here legally, have zero unemployment rates, have all the family support, can get credit here, free medical, etc., unlike a lone farang. They don't need several thousand dollars to get home with their kids, they are free to travel home, don't have passport/immigrations issues, co-parents who are constantly trying to stop them leaving, and generally, often, causing a lot of problems, to the same extent as some foreigners get hit with here.

Why not applaud the OP for taking responsibility for his kids, trying to make a go of it here, having a rough road to look forward to back in his home country? If you just heard that some poor Thai lady was 14 months behind in her rent, had been struggling to care for her half farang kids, all alone, let's say in Cambodia, had no money to get back to Thailand, blah, blah, blah, I think the reaction here would be totally different. Surely the newbies here would be asking for help "how can we get money from the farang father who abandonded them, how can I help her get a divorce, a passport for her kids, who wants to contribute, who wants to fly there and hold her hand because she can't fly alone, how can we help her cousin get into military school", oh, and 6 other people in her family need help, one had a car accident, one can't pay for thier HIV meds, another needs XYZ, and on and on and on!!

I think some of the posters today are just frustrated, as I often am too, living here, and maybe we redirect some of that in inappropriate ways, like attacking our fellow expats, because 6 times we almost died trying to drive around town today.

Some farangs really do behave badly here, but those seem to be mostly a criminal element or people with some serious problems ...the OP does not seem to be one of these people.

I think most Thai people, would be thinking badly about us farangs, upon reading something like this thread, and the response by his fellow expats, and not at all about some guy not being able to pay all his debts at the moment. And I think they would be utterly SHOCKED that the OP would one day actually pay the landlord back, or even be seriously considering it, they would just think his statements were total lies, and the typical thing to SAY, but to never DO.

What a load of old cobblers. If this guy cannot manage his life then only he should suffer, not his kids, not his landlord and not Thavisa. Only he should suffer and he should not be asking us how he can make his landlord suffer but how he can use his resources to make sure others don't suffer. I don't believe for a minute that this guy intends to pay his landlord after he returns home and fully expect that he hopes this little debacle will lead to someone in Thaivisa paying up for him. Give it a rest will you?

Well since his kids depend on him and only him, at this time, how do you suggest he only suffers, and not them?

If one should use their resources " to make sure others don't suffer" then what do you do with your resources? I have plenty of suggestions for you, if you only care about "others not suffering" ...what an altruist you seem to be!

And how is TV suffering from this? I think it is quite a popular topic and getting a lot of looks which is what TV is here for, making money for the owners. Too bad you don't believe the guy hopes/intends to pay back the landlord. I don't really care if he does or not. I've lost quite a lot of money in Thailand due to unethical behavior, and from sometimes criminal behavior, can't say I have found anyone who is worried about me or those situations. Would you like to start a thread on my behalf, or contribute to my losses? Since you hate to see suffering?


I think the OP has made it clear that he hasn't not paid rent for a straight 14 months, but that he missed some payments here and there, or maybe paid less than the full rent at times, but that money has been flowing to the landlord. In a total stay of 6-7 years I believe, he is a total of 14 months behind ...which might equal something like a 15% discount so far. If you look at that way, it doesn't seem as bad as if you think he hasn't paid a dime in 14 consecutive months.

Many landlords would have had vacant periods during that amount of time, especially in Thailand, that would have amounted to a much bigger loss, plus cleaning up the place in between tenants, plus maybe some other tenant would have left with a debt here or there. This doesn't really sound like a total crisis to me, for the landlord.

Some of you seem to be totally missing the point, that the OP has two young kids, needs to go back to the UK?, needs 3 airline tickets, needs food for everyone, and might be homeless at any moment, and possibly is still not free to leave Thailand due to paperwork/immigration matters.

Where is the concern for the kids? Would you really pay off your credit card, or some other debt, before feeding your kids? While stuck in a foreign country?? If you are so worried about random Thai people, well his kids are Thai people at the moment. His ex-wife is a Thai person, who is maybe racked in worry and guilt because her two children are about to become homeless, and have no food, school, or anything.

Let's see, she has a farm, a bar, a hair salon ...do you think she has an iPhone, a car, any gold, credit cards, or anything that could help. (I know the OP is expecting her help, that he has to pay her for, for her labor, interest on her financial loan if that ever comes through, and as well she is probably only going to the UK, if she does go, in order to benefit herself, get better farang hunting grounds, etc.) So where is the outrage about this mother, either feeling sorry for her poor problems, or feeling angry that she isn't there to help her kids.

Or what about worry that his kids will end up in shack somewhere with grandparents? Unclear why the mother seems to be doing okay, but his kids will end up with Thai grandparents ...but isn't this typical of SOME women here? Women doing okay financially, but not taking care of the kids, not contributing much or nothing to their welfare?

This sounds like a typical farang/Thai relationship gone wrong, where the lady just wanted her "nice life" and got "accidentally pregnant" to secure that income for life, then "whatever" happens for a few years, lady leaves, without kids, or with kids, but then blackmails the hell out of the Dad, this story is told once a week on this forum. Dad can't leave Thailand, Dad can't really work in Thailand, Dad is trying to be a good Dad, Mom is worried about herself and her money and nothing more, etc.

Why are we seeming to have two standards for Western people, and another for Thai people? Because we have been trained now to expect the bad Thai behavior? As far as I can tell, a majority of Thai people, and I mostly have only known what I would call "middle class" Thai people here, live all their lives in a state like the OP is in at the moment, a state of total chaos (according to my standards), yet they can work at any job here legally, have zero unemployment rates, have all the family support, can get credit here, free medical, etc., unlike a lone farang. They don't need several thousand dollars to get home with their kids, they are free to travel home, don't have passport/immigrations issues, co-parents who are constantly trying to stop them leaving, and generally, often, causing a lot of problems, to the same extent as some foreigners get hit with here.

Why not applaud the OP for taking responsibility for his kids, trying to make a go of it here, having a rough road to look forward to back in his home country? If you just heard that some poor Thai lady was 14 months behind in her rent, had been struggling to care for her half farang kids, all alone, let's say in Cambodia, had no money to get back to Thailand, blah, blah, blah, I think the reaction here would be totally different. Surely the newbies here would be asking for help "how can we get money from the farang father who abandonded them, how can I help her get a divorce, a passport for her kids, who wants to contribute, who wants to fly there and hold her hand because she can't fly alone, how can we help her cousin get into military school", oh, and 6 other people in her family need help, one had a car accident, one can't pay for thier HIV meds, another needs XYZ, and on and on and on!!

I think some of the posters today are just frustrated, as I often am too, living here, and maybe we redirect some of that in inappropriate ways, like attacking our fellow expats, because 6 times we almost died trying to drive around town today.

Some farangs really do behave badly here, but those seem to be mostly a criminal element or people with some serious problems ...the OP does not seem to be one of these people.

I think most Thai people, would be thinking badly about us farangs, upon reading something like this thread, and the response by his fellow expats, and not at all about some guy not being able to pay all his debts at the moment. And I think they would be utterly SHOCKED that the OP would one day actually pay the landlord back, or even be seriously considering it, they would just think his statements were total lies, and the typical thing to SAY, but to never DO.

What a load of old cobblers. If this guy cannot manage his life then only he should suffer, not his kids, not his landlord and not Thavisa. Only he should suffer and he should not be asking us how he can make his landlord suffer but how he can use his resources to make sure others don't suffer. I don't believe for a minute that this guy intends to pay his landlord after he returns home and fully expect that he hopes this little debacle will lead to someone in Thaivisa paying up for him. Give it a rest will you?

Well since his kids depend on him and only him, at this time, how do you suggest he only suffers, and not them?

If one should use their resources " to make sure others don't suffer" then what do you do with your resources? I have plenty of suggestions for you, if you only care about "others not suffering" ...what an altruist you seem to be!

And how is TV suffering from this? I think it is quite a popular topic and getting a lot of looks which is what TV is here for, making money for the owners. Too bad you don't believe the guy hopes/intends to pay back the landlord. I don't really care if he does or not. I've lost quite a lot of money in Thailand due to unethical behavior, and from sometimes criminal behavior, can't say I have found anyone who is worried about me or those situations. Would you like to start a thread on my behalf, or contribute to my losses? Since you hate to see suffering?

Serves u right for puting yourself in the position of being expolited or cheated - you make the mistakes then you suffer, OK?


This is really putting all farlangs here to shame.

How come you are in Thailand in the first place and how did you get a visa??

There are basically four main reasons to live here and have an income.

  • Work and have a work permit
  • live here retired and have a pension
  • Open a business (needs heaps of cash)
  • Come to study and have the funds to pay for rent food etc.

I don't think you fit into any of these categories so why did you come here and how did you plan to get money each month? ..........Best is you leave asap

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