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Yingluck Tops List Of Politicians Thais Want To ' Rod Nam Dam Hua'


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At times I wonder about Thai, at times I simply know.

Maybe it's just me being somewhat older than her, maybe different background and upbringing, but to ask her for "blessings and forgiveness" would not enter my mind at all.

Well, as an ex-teacher in Thailand we dish out 'blessings and forgiveness' every year during Wai Kru day. It's all just mumbo jumbo to me -- as the students don't really give a sh•t anyways -- they merely ask for it 'just for good luck'. That's all it really is. There's no effort or resolve to actually DO ANYTHING to achieve their goals. Just puuuuuure luck is all they ask for.
so pretty much like wall street and the banking sector then.
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