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Swede Gets Death Penalty In Malaysia For Drugs


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Well, apparently this Swede, like some others here, didn't understand the meaning of "illegal" OR "death penalty."

He was flat-out stupid.

He's only a swede by legalities, he's Iranian.

Actually he's Xxxxx.

It's a small Persian province.

Edited by metisdead
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Malaysia is a fine country, beauty that words cannot recall. However, this automatic death sentence for bringing 'drugs' to or from Malaysia, is simply barbaric. The hypocrisy is rife. One can get any drug of choice in Malaysia, at least in KL, and the prices are pretty much the same as elsewhere in SE Asia, or so I have been TOLD...ahem.

However, since this policy is generally known around the world, how could anyone be stupid enough to try to cross the border to or through Malaysia with drugs of any kind?

Even in Malaysia, with charges as harsh as these, there is nothing better than good legal representation. A good lawyer can be one's get out of jail card, although at hideous expense. Whatever it costs, getting out, or better yet staying out of the penal facility is worth it. A firm specializing in drugs cases could stay happily booked up forever in Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Phillipines, China, etc.

Good Luck to this Unlucky Man.

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I strongly disagree with their policy of execution for trafficking cannabis, but I would allow for the execution for methamphetamine which itself kills many people and destroys families.

Alcohol kills more and destroys more families than meth and all other illegal drugs put together.

Perhaps, but my 2 beers in the evening make me feel fine.

If I was on Meth, would you know what quantity I would need to just feel fine???

But if you were on meth, it would be your choice, nobody would force it on you.

The US has spent billions of dollars of tax payers money on a totally pointless war on drugs, but, IF American people didn't want to take drugs, drug smugglers wouldn't be shipping them in.

They obviously want to take a different drug other than government sanctioned and most imporantly TAXED and massive politcal donated legal drugs, so there will always be a massive business opportunity for people willing to take the risk to give people what they want.

Science is a great thing, the days of watching your grandfather stumbling through life in a drunken stupour and thinking that it's the only release available are long gone.

All the while Alcohol and Tobacco companies are allowed to sell their poison through massive political clout, nothing will change, and the old fellows on ThaiVisa, well, they are just too indocrinated to know any difference.

Sorry guys if you cant understand it, I've just had 4 large cans of Chang Export.......

Has the story on drugs changed with time?
The real problem with the modern drugs like meth is that "One toke, one tiny puff" and you can be addicted right there and then. Such drugs seem to amplify agressive behaviour and trouble making.
In the parady below are the lines:
"He gives the kids free samples because he knows full well that today's young, innocent faces will be tomorrow's clientèle"
This was written in the early 50's, by Tom Lehrer.
The old dope peddler
You are no doubt familiar with songs about the old lamplighter and the old umbrella man and the old garbage collector and all these lovable old characters who go around spreading sweetness and light to their respective communities. But, it's always seemed to me that there is one member of this happy band who does an equally splendid job, but who has never been properly recognized in song or story, and this is an attempt to remedy, at least in part, that deplorable situation.
When the shades of night are falling,
Comes a fellow ev'ryone knows,
It's the old dope peddler,
Spreading joy wherever he goes.
Ev'ry evening you will find him,
Around our neighborhood.
It's the old dope peddler
Doing well by doing good.
He gives the kids free samples,
Because he knows full well
That today's young innocent faces
Will be tomorrow's clientèle.
Here's a cure for all your troubles,
Here's an end to all distress.
It's the old dope peddler
With his powdered ha-happiness.
In later years, Lehrer apparently came to regret writing the song, stating that the lyrics seemed funny at the time; but today seem "...almost chilling."
On the other hand cannabis seems to remove the will to fight or cause trouble and should certainly be decriminalised.
Peace Man wai2.gif
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In Singapore a drug smuggling operation was busted, it was like this, a drug smuggler would carry the drugs on his body to Singapore where he would be in transit to somewhere else, the final mule would also be in the transit lounge from a draconian country, the drugs would be passed from one guy to another, then when they entered their home country the checks would not be so stringent, as they came from Singapore and another draconian country.

Maybe now it's changed, maybe you have to go through customs when in transit ?

The guys that got busted were from Taiwan.

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Wonder if he's gotten used to his new way of life.

From Pattaya bar owner, with girls and everything else on tap, to a death row cell in Malaysia for the rest of his life....


Oh well, you win some lose some.

Edited by pilm
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This is much less about the evils/benefits of drugs versus alcohol then it is about choosing where and when to barter or partake in either. Smarter people would choose other places to buy, sell or consume these intoxicants rather than blatently load up their personal luggage in a country who clearly marks their Line of Death, which when crossed, will surely lead to your demise. Why not go to Holland for your vacation, if your persuasion leans towards these addictions.

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Wonder if he's gotten used to his new way of life.

From Pattaya bar owner, with girls and everything else on tap, to a death row cell in Malaysia for the rest of his life....


Oh well, you win some lose some.

That room looks ok, ok, death awaits, but death awaits everyone, no matter where we live.

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I'm not surprise if it'a Iranian,this is their blood line profession wherever they go no matter which country.In Scandinavian countries they are big time but you went to a wrong trap.there is no negotiations on drug dealings in Malaysia and Singapore. 100% clear..going to this two countries means a suicidal act..perhaps you can bribe your way out in other Asean countries

Edited by metisdead
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Wonder if he's gotten used to his new way of life.

From Pattaya bar owner, with girls and everything else on tap, to a death row cell in Malaysia for the rest of his life....

Oh well, you win some lose some.

That room looks ok, ok, death awaits, but death awaits everyone, no matter where we live.

It does, but living until then as a pimp bar owner in sleazysexcity Pattaya is different to being locked into a small, blank, empty room for 23 hrs a day, every day, until you die.

I would imagine.

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In Singapore a drug smuggling operation was busted, it was like this, a drug smuggler would carry the drugs on his body to Singapore where he would be in transit to somewhere else, the final mule would also be in the transit lounge from a draconian country, the drugs would be passed from one guy to another, then when they entered their home country the checks would not be so stringent, as they came from Singapore and another draconian country.

Maybe now it's changed, maybe you have to go through customs when in transit ?

The guys that got busted were from Taiwan.

You don't need to go through customs to be checked for drugs . . . the van Damme case is a good example

The point is that illegal drugs are against the law - that's why they are called illegal. Alcohol and tobacco are not illegal in the majority of the world's countries.

Break the law, get caught and you face punishment in accordance with the laws of the country you are convicted in.

The comparisons between illegal drugs and A&T is irrelevant - regardless of opinions. Some are illegal some are not. If you don't like that, try petitioning the law makers to change the law.

Drug dealers are in it for the money - regardless of the consequences on the addicts they feed, and the wider social environments. This convicted criminal knew the risk he was taking in breaking the law for gain. Absolutely no sympathy for him.

The above sentence explains it all . . . it is completely irrelevant that A&T can also be addictive etc etc etc . . . the basic fact is that they re deemed legal wheres other drugs are not. Call it hypocrisy on behalf of pretty much every government in the world . . . but the fact remains that it is clearly illegal and punishable by death in certain countries and no amount of 'cry foul' is going to change that.

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deaths caused annually worldwide by illegal drugs 250 000 - http://www.myhealthnewsdaily.com/2077-worldwide-illegal-drug-deaths.html

deaths caused annually by smoking - 5 million


I,m pretty sure most countries have stiff penalties, including death for illegal drugs. No countries have banned the sales of cigarettes and tobacco as far as i know? Something is not adding up?

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If you're going to applaud the execution of drug traffickers - would you hold peddlars of whisky etc to the same standard -given that alcohol abuse wreaks havoc on the roads and in families in cases of domestic violence and in the community in cases of random and premeditated violence ??. Or perhaps those whose superannuation and pension funds invest in companies that manufacture arms and weapons of war.....which often do untold damage to innocent civilians....Just wondering because the holier than thou mentality of some of the would be local lynch mobbers is pretty nauseating. Where do you draw the line?

Is alcohol illegal? Is there a published law saying you get death for trafficking in alcohol? OK thats what I thought, no laws on that but do they have laws on drugs-yea, well let him be punished as per law then. He knew the fine when he did it. When they have laws on alcohol trafficking they should follow those laws also.

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If you're going to applaud the execution of drug traffickers - would you hold peddlars of whisky etc to the same standard -given that alcohol abuse wreaks havoc on the roads and in families in cases of domestic violence and in the community in cases of random and premeditated violence ??. Or perhaps those whose superannuation and pension funds invest in companies that manufacture arms and weapons of war.....which often do untold damage to innocent civilians....Just wondering because the holier than thou mentality of some of the would be local lynch mobbers is pretty nauseating. Where do you draw the line?

Death Penalty is Never an Answer ..Its like saying we are " Winning the War on Drugs "

Its absolute Complete and Utter C*ap , and always just destroys a basically innocent individual .

Time to get out the Firing Squad , and a Few BIG lethal needles , and knock over some Liquor CEOs ..

Plus those making " Legal " Scripts ..

The logic is the Same .

There are many professional Drug users all over the Western World and Asia , lines of Coke ..plus everything else you can name .

Personally , I despise Drugs ..But dont blame the Poor Dude with a few Kg in his Bag for Topping a Junkie , who has the Freedom od choice as to whether or Not he/ she ..Snorts , injects ..Uses the banned substance .

Its just a Cop out , and he just probably upset someone , somewhere . They are streaming though from Burma ..And Who gets Caught ? ..The Few who are meant to be Caught . Its far from a Black / Whit issue ..This is banned ..This is Not .

Look at the use ( Death of users ) of legal " Script " medicines in the USA / UK / ...this is just Crazy , feel good stuff for those who Cry ..

" Top Him " ... never the right person anyhow .

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Of course, the ironic thing is that Malaysia has had these very tough drug smuggling laws for years and enforced them and it still has the same drug problems. In fact if anything it is getting worse.

One has to wonder if there has ever been a review of Malaysia's drug laws as they do not seem to be having the effect they were supposed to have.

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He's only a swede by legalities, he's Iranian.

That's what citizenship is - including yours: a "legality". And he's as much a Swede as you are whatever you are...

Certainly was referring to ethnic origin, which can describe a person a lot more than a nationality can.

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He's only a swede by legalities, he's Iranian.

That's what citizenship is - including yours: a "legality". And he's as much a Swede as you are whatever you are...

Certainly was referring to ethnic origin, which can describe a person a lot more than a nationality can.

Neither "Swede" nor "Iranian" are ethnicities. If you want to make this racial, the come out and say it. What ethnic origin is he and how does that "describe" him?

Edited by SteeleJoe
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He's only a swede by legalities, he's Iranian.

That's what citizenship is - including yours: a "legality". And he's as much a Swede as you are whatever you are...

Certainly was referring to ethnic origin, which can describe a person a lot more than a nationality can.

Neither "Swede" nor "Iranian" are ethnicities. If you want to make this racial, the come out and say it. What ethnic origin is he and how does that "describe" him?

Ethnic origin implies one or more of the following:[1]

  • shared origins or social background;
  • shared culture and traditions that are distinctive, maintained between generations, and lead to a sense of identity and group;
  • a common language
  • a common religious tradition.

I am not trying to decribe him actually. Just saying that perhaps the other poster was.

If you do believe that ethnic origins do not describe people, you better get a reality check.

And that would be why the word American brings a given mental image.

And the same for an Afghan, or Jamaican, or Algerian, or French...

They all possess their own characteristics.

Now get yourself a thai citizenship... Do you think that it will make you a thai national, and that you would suddenly not stop at the scene of an accident that you would have caused???

Edited by Andre0720
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He's only a swede by legalities, he's Iranian.

That's what citizenship is - including yours: a "legality". And he's as much a Swede as you are whatever you are...

Certainly was referring to ethnic origin, which can describe a person a lot more than a nationality can.

Neither "Swede" nor "Iranian" are ethnicities. If you want to make this racial, the come out and say it. What ethnic origin is he and how does that "describe" him?

Ethnic origin implies one or more of the following:[1]

  • shared origins or social background;
  • shared culture and traditions that are distinctive, maintained between generations, and lead to a sense of identity and group;
  • a common language
  • a common religious tradition.

I am not trying to decribe him actually. Just saying that perhaps the other poster was.

If you do not believe that ethnic origins do not describe people, you better get a reality check.

And that would be why the word American brings a given mental image.

And the same for an Afghan, or Jamaican, or Algerian, or French...

They all possess their own characteristics.

Now get yourself a thai citizenship... Do you think that it will make you a thai national, and that you would suddenly not stop at the scene of an accident that you would have caused???

Africa for Africans. Asia for Asians. White countries for everybody.

Methinks some people haven't cracked open a history book since the 60's. Either that or brainwashing.

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Having citizenship for 2 minutes does not make a person a 'local'.

If the guy wasn't aware there is a death penalty for carrying drugs into Malaysia then he at least deserves the death penalty for stupidity.

No matter how harsh the penalty people still seem to do it. But at least those caught won't be doing it again, or anything else for that matter.

Roll the dice and lose, tough luck.

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This guy was carrying in excess of 4kg.of drugs. Was this for his personal use ? Those who use drugs, do so at their own risk and presumably for pleasure. The drug traffickers carry material to affect the lives of persons unknown to them, presumably for financial gain. There is surely a distinction between a drug user and a drug trafficker.

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I don't think he was carrying 4 kilos of drugs for his personal use--unless he was planning on committing suicide.

The law usually states the amount which is considered for personal use and the amount that is considered trafficking.

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He's only a swede by legalities, he's Iranian.

That's what citizenship is - including yours: a "legality". And he's as much a Swede as you are whatever you are...

Certainly was referring to ethnic origin, which can describe a person a lot more than a nationality can.

Neither "Swede" nor "Iranian" are ethnicities. If you want to make this racial, the come out and say it. What ethnic origin is he and how does that "describe" him?

Ethnic origin implies one or more of the following:[1]

  • shared origins or social background;
  • shared culture and traditions that are distinctive, maintained between generations, and lead to a sense of identity and group;
  • a common language
  • a common religious tradition.

I am not trying to decribe him actually. Just saying that perhaps the other poster was.

If you do not believe that ethnic origins do not describe people, you better get a reality check.

And that would be why the word American brings a given mental image.

And the same for an Afghan, or Jamaican, or Algerian, or French...

They all possess their own characteristics.

Now get yourself a thai citizenship... Do you think that it will make you a thai national, and that you would suddenly not stop at the scene of an accident that you would have caused???

Africa for Africans. Asia for Asians. White countries for everybody.

Methinks some people haven't cracked open a history book since the 60's. Either that or brainwashing.

The guy's nationality or origin is not relevant to the fact that he was caught committing an illegal act.

Is it ?

From my recollection, there have been criminals from every country and nationality and ethinic origin.

Stupidity knows no national boundaries.

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