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All The Cones In Mae Nam Stop Police Gone . . .

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I was going home last night.

Two drinks in the house then go around for an hour. Songkran.

Out at 9.pm and home before midnight.

Came home, marginally cheery, at 11.30 pm.

But the truck in front of me - slowed me down to 40KPH - then swerved and hit every one of the <deleted> cones on the road outside the police station in Mae Nam in really nice sweep.

Fukka dukka dukka . . . cones going everywhere bouncing in front of me . Actually real nice!

The cones sprayed like popcorn all over the road. 20 or 30 cones like confetti. Real good fun,. Actually - it made me slow down.

Turned into my soi with a shuh-shuf noise.

Went in came out with a torch (flashlight) - and saw a skwashwd orange cone lodged under my back spring

Should I tell somebody about this , do you think?


Edited by robsamui
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be carefull my mate got breathalised at that check pont the other night

Have the BIB actually got these now? Last time I was stopped in a check (3 or 4 years back) the test was to be able to walk around your car!

Your mate doesn't drive a gold coloured pick up does he? Maybe it was him getting his own back!


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be carefull my mate got breathalised at that check pont the other night

Have the BIB actually got these now? Last time I was stopped in a check (3 or 4 years back) the test was to be able to walk around your car!

Your mate doesn't drive a gold coloured pick up does he? Maybe it was him getting his own back!


if his pick up was made of gold then that might be the reason he was stopped. flashy git

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sorry i mis read it gold "colored"

maybe the police made him walk around the car for fun.

probably added on the heads shoulders knees and toes.

i would love to shame a big hard gangster like that in public ha ha.

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