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Possible To Buy A Pitbull Puppy In Phuket?

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Oh, no. That's gonna be a long thread.

yep,starting with this,forget all the ,its the owner,not the dog, brigade. pitbulls are a dangerous breed,you cannot trust them and i for one would not allow one near my kid. i hate them,and the idiots who own them,walking round with the big mean dog makes them feel big,me personally,i would poison any dog that i saw as a threat.

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I had a pitbull as a pet as a child. It is a great dog for protection and would die for it's owner without hesitation but it is definitely not the dog you want your neighbor to have, a lesson one of my brothers friends learned when he was invited to our house. Our dog also loved to get into fights with other pitt bulls.

If you want protection you can get a better breed that wont maul the neighbors children.

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Oh, no. That's gonna be a long thread.

yep,starting with this,forget all the ,its the owner,not the dog, brigade. pitbulls are a dangerous breed,you cannot trust them and i for one would not allow one near my kid. i hate them,and the idiots who own them,walking round with the big mean dog makes them feel big,me personally,i would poison any dog that i saw as a threat.

Not a good idea getting a pitbull IMO.



A five-year review of dog-bite injuries from the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, published in 2009 in the journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, found that almost 51 percent of the attacks were from pit bulls, almost 9 percent were from Rottweilers and 6 percent were from mixes of those two breeds.

In other words, a whopping two-thirds of the hospital's dog-attack injuries involved just two breeds, pit bulls and Rottweilers.


I used to teach English at an estate in Phuket Town that had several of both breeds. I never back down from any dog, but one of the Rottweilers was by far the most aggressive and there were some very unpleasant incidents.

Both Rottweilers and Pit Bulls have poor memories, in my experience -- not a good feature in a guard dog.

The Thai soi dogs (mogrels), if raised properly, are the loveliest dogs on the planet: smart, loyal, attractive, etc.

If the reason you want a dog is security purposes I would suggest you get one of these. It's a win-win situation.

There is an old expression that dogs tend to resemble their owners.

From my perspective, the people I know who carry guns and keep breeds like Pitbulls and Rottweilers are over-compensating for their own insecurities.

But of course, that's just my opinion.


Oh, no. That's gonna be a long thread.

yep,starting with this,forget all the ,its the owner,not the dog, brigade. pitbulls are a dangerous breed,you cannot trust them and i for one would not allow one near my kid. i hate them,and the idiots who own them,walking round with the big mean dog makes them feel big,me personally,i would poison any dog that i saw as a threat.

You never owned one, apparently never been around one, so what makes you an authority?

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I found this review from the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia interesting for several reasons and have a perspective about the study. I am a former Viet Nam era Army Sentry dog handler. I know about crazy dogs. Sentry dogs were the dogs that were not able to be in close proximity to man or beast without immediately attacking. These dogs were not "patrol dogs" like a civilian cop K-9 unit would have. After getting out of the Army I also acquired guard dogs in America and Canada for wealthy families. These dogs had to be highly trained and possess a temperament suitable for children. Pitt Bulls were never considered for a moment by any client at that time. It was about 1974 when I first came across my first Rottweiler, freshly imported from Germany. The owner of the kennel had 63 German Shepherds. He stated that as much as he loved his dogs, he would trade them all off for this one Rottweiler. This was kind of a strong statement and I looked into the breed.

Through the years I have now owned five Rottweilers and know quite a lot about what may be the most misunderstood breed in the world. Now to tie back in to the Children's Hospital Review. Rottweilers are an ancient breed whose qualities were painfully protected through the most stringent requirements since the Crusades. So for centuries, Rottweilers were not allowed to be bred by inner city bikers involved in dog fighting until they got to downtown Philadelphia. Ever been there? I have and it ain't pretty. So now, you have every tough guy watching a horror movie with a Rottweiler in it deciding that they need one. Hence, centuries of careful breeding were wiped out in about ten years as people started breeding them as fast as they could. Along with the poor breeding came owners who had no idea how to train a Rottweiler and trained them to be viscous. That being said, there are also a great preponderance of very carefully bred, trained and socialized Rottweilers that have all of the traits that make these some of the most trustworthy family dogs around. These properly cared for dogs love children,and only give a hard time to bad guys. Even with an intruder, the typical Rottweiler will corner the person and do a strange whoofing bark until someone comes. Of course if the bad guy moves he loses.

My current Rottweiler comes from Germany ( Mother from Romania) and has been bred from some of Germany's Rottweilers. Here is a link to his grandfather undergoing the most stringent of breeding credentials in the world, called the Korung...

With my years of dog experience, every pitbull that I trusted eventually ended up biting someone. Do I trust every Rottweiler? Absolutely not,but the five I have had were absolutely trustworthy IMHO.

My advice to the OP is this...if the breeders of the pit bull you buy do not put you, as a buyer, through a stringent interview dealing with your intent, control capabilities, and lifestyle then these dogs are not bred with the care necessary. Not having these essentials can spell disaster.

My Rottweiler would lick you to death.

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I used to teach English at an estate in Phuket Town that had several of both breeds. I never back down from any dog, but one of the Rottweilers was by far the most aggressive and there were some very unpleasant incidents.

Both Rottweilers and Pit Bulls have poor memories, in my experience -- not a good feature in a guard dog.

The Thai soi dogs (mogrels), if raised properly, are the loveliest dogs on the planet: smart, loyal, attractive, etc.

If the reason you want a dog is security purposes I would suggest you get one of these. It's a win-win situation.

There is an old expression that dogs tend to resemble their owners.

From my perspective, the people I know who carry guns and keep breeds like Pitbulls and Rottweilers are over-compensating for their own insecurities.

But of course, that's just my opinion.

You know what they say opinions are like.................


Thanks B71 for a really interesting and educational post. My neighbours use to have a gorgeous old Rottweiler and I could never square her temperament with the stereotypical image of the breed. What is your opinion of Soi dogs in Thailand?


At the moment I am having a hard time dealing with the over-compensation of my insecurities, but since you ask.... The question kind of begs the question "soi dogs in respect to...?". Soi dogs are just dogs. They have the same emotions of love and needs as the finest bred dogs and deserve any help we humans can deliver. Soi dogs are tough and live a precarious life. Taking in a soi dog to ones home can bring a lot of good to both the dog and the rescue owner. But if you own any dog, you must live up to the responsibilities of ownership. No need to list those here. I would suggest anyone with a dog to perhaps attempt to understand how dogs live, act and how their instincts direct them. A side note...to question the memory of Rottweilers displays total ignorance. You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to an INFORMED opinion. You are not entitled to be ignorant...

  • Like 2

Oh, no. That's gonna be a long thread.

yep,starting with this,forget all the ,its the owner,not the dog, brigade. pitbulls are a dangerous breed,you cannot trust them and i for one would not allow one near my kid. i hate them,and the idiots who own them,walking round with the big mean dog makes them feel big,me personally,i would poison any dog that i saw as a threat.

You never owned one, apparently never been around one, so what makes you an authority?

never kept poisonous snakes either,it is called common sense,i dont like them,dont trust them and would feed them to the chinese all day long. i dont claim to be an authority,i have seen all these dog owners saying,he never bit anyone before,he was such a good dog,i dont understand it. i do see the stories about dog attacks,i do see you tube dog attacks.

At the moment I am having a hard time dealing with the over-compensation of my insecurities, but since you ask.... The question kind of begs the question "soi dogs in respect to...?". Soi dogs are just dogs. They have the same emotions of love and needs as the finest bred dogs and deserve any help we humans can deliver. Soi dogs are tough and live a precarious life. Taking in a soi dog to ones home can bring a lot of good to both the dog and the rescue owner. But if you own any dog, you must live up to the responsibilities of ownership. No need to list those here. I would suggest anyone with a dog to perhaps attempt to understand how dogs live, act and how their instincts direct them. A side note...to question the memory of Rottweilers displays total ignorance. You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to an INFORMED opinion. You are not entitled to be ignorant...

  • Like 2

At the moment I am having a hard time dealing with the over-compensation of my insecurities, but since you ask.... The question kind of begs the question "soi dogs in respect to...?". Soi dogs are just dogs. They have the same emotions of love and needs as the finest bred dogs and deserve any help we humans can deliver. Soi dogs are tough and live a precarious life. Taking in a soi dog to ones home can bring a lot of good to both the dog and the rescue owner. But if you own any dog, you must live up to the responsibilities of ownership. No need to list those here. I would suggest anyone with a dog to perhaps attempt to understand how dogs live, act and how their instincts direct them. A side note...to question the memory of Rottweilers displays total ignorance. You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to an INFORMED opinion. You are not entitled to be ignorant...

My comments were based on my own personal observations over the years; I have seen enough to come to believe there is a correlation between human character type and the breed of dog people choose to own. I think many others would agree.

These views were clearly expressed as personal opinion and in reply to the OP's query, not your post -- which I only glanced through.

Five minutes of subsequent research on Google confirms that Rottweilers are indeed one of, if not the, the deadliest breed in terms of attacks on humans. It's just a statistical fact. Yes, training and other things come into play, as you correctly pointed out. In many ways we are actually on the same page. I think.

That said, in response to your comment:

"You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to an INFORMED opinion. You are not entitled to be ignorant."

What the hell does that mean? Are you the King of Entitlements? I resent the insult to my intelligence. How can you dismiss my opinion as not INFORMED when you have no knowledge whatsoever about my personal experiences?

The last time I checked the arbiters of what views were acceptable in this forum were the moderators...It'll be interesting to see if they let this one through.

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Assuming the OP wants for guard dog or protection.If you simply love the breed than the rest is irrelevant.

Cant see the point in a guard/attack dog unless you have lots of land around your property.

Any serious burglar or person that wishes you harm would on discovering you have a big scary dog, simply leave and come back and poison it.Then break in anyhow, even worse they would ensure they are armed to deal with the threat.

I had several Thai ridgebacks in the past, all seen as a threat all poisoned prior to attempted break ins.

Now I have a little rat dog type crossbreed thing,she is intelligent goes anyway easily ( even of planes as only 4.5 kilos) but best of all little dogs are alert and noisy perfect for protection dog wakes me up, I deal with issue .My ridgebacks on the other hand used to sleep deeper and snore more than I do.

Further more if she does have an off day and attacks some one not as damaging as large dog, plus she's a complete fanny magnet. Wife wasn't expecting that but alias soon rumbled my keenness to take the rat for a walk at sunset.

As for original question find one thats been abandoned by some git who either a) couldn't handle the breed or b ) just left it on moving plenty about if you look, all need a home.


That's an old well used quote that I was too lazy to look up for a reference. Sorry for pissing you off, as that is never my intention. That said, Rottweilers have an incredible memory. The ones that show any aggression towards any human when unwarranted should be put down immediately. Those are not the ones I have known going on 40 years. We are probably on a lot more of the"same pages" than not.http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Harlan_Ellison


That's an old well used quote that I was too lazy to look up for a reference. Sorry for pissing you off, as that is never my intention. That said, Rottweilers have an incredible memory. The ones that show any aggression towards any human when unwarranted should be put down immediately. Those are not the ones I have known going on 40 years. We are probably on a lot more of the"same pages" than not.http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Harlan_Ellison

apology accepted; no problem.



If you are an owner of a dog that belongs to a 'dangerous breed'
category, and you also have a small child, please heed this warning.

Do Not leave your dog with the child.


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  • 11 months later...

The reason they have a bad reputation, apart from the obvious is, that they are very popular in the UK amongst the 'Chavs''... , they go hand in foot, with the track suit bottoms and the ''IN IT''... brigade...

Give me a ''Pekinese'' any day..



Just try to ignore all the ignorant rubbish on here. It is because of people like this that Pit Bulls get such a bad image. Ignorant rhetoric and a hyped up media. There are many dog attacks each year (many of which aren't by pitbulls) by a multitude of breeds but mention "pitbull" and it makes front page news. Further to that this image comes from people who have never owned or had contact with a proper A.P.B.T. See many ignorant people couldn't even identify a proper pitty. They are just lumped in with every bully breed and cross thereof: Amstaff's, bullmastiffs, bulldogs, pigdogs, staffordshire terriers and many others have all been labelled Pit Bulls by an ignorant public. Anyone that knows anything about this wonderful dog knows that the least desirable trait a true Pit Bull can possess is aggressiveness towards humans. It has been selectively bred out of the breed for generations and traditionally any pitty known as a "man-biter" was instantly culled. Anydog can be made to become violent so please stop perpetrating this myths about this wonderful breed of dog. Look up some research and do your homework before you blame one breed for all the wrong doing. I am not saying they are perfect and do have the same potential for violence as any dog but if properly trained and supervised can make a fantastic family pet. 3 generations of owning and raising Pit Bulls in my family and I have yet to see one of my dogs even nip anyone never mind attack them. Ban the deed not the breed!

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Its always the insecure people who need these masculine dogs.

Just have a look at some of the dead heads down at Naiharn with them.

I'll be dropping baits in the sand.

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Yeah nice one Hans Gruber you talk about peoples insecurities but choose a violent terrorist from a violent movie as your profile picture and alias and then say you would be happy to bait dogs. Real compassionate mate and what about any other animal, pet or child besides a pitbull that may come across your poison on the beach? I could say what I think what sort of person you are but then I would be lowering myself to your despicable level. Just the usual uniformed prejudicial rubbish people sprout when talking about Pit Bulls. What's your interpretation of a "masculine" dog anyway? So everyone that owns a rotty, domberman, sheperd a terrier or one of the bully breeds must be by extension someone that wears their cap sideways and wants to be a gangster while committing crimes and being violent towards the public right?

You want statistics?

Although there are no accurate or even near accurate census records for dogs in the U.S., in some areas pit bulls are estimated to comprise some 30-40% of the dog population, making it by FAR the most popular breed. Considering that there are an estimated 53,000,000 dogs in the U.S., and assuming that pit bulls make up 20% of that population, there would be approximately 10,600,000 pit bulls in our society.

There are about 4.8 MILLION pits in the United States, alone, yet, over a period of about 20 YEARS, only a LITTLE OVER ONE HUNDRED people have been killed by them. You're probably thinking a little over one hundred is a big number, even over a period of 20 years, but consider this: 115 people die EVERY DAY in automobile accidents in the United States, alone. You should be far more afraid of automobiles than pit bulls.

Sources: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

  • About 40 people (children) per year die by drowning in 5-gallon water pails. A person, during their lifetime, is 16 times more likely to drown in a 5-gallon water pail than to be killed by a Pit Bull.
  • Approximately 50 children in the US are killed every year because of their cribs - 25 times the number of children and adults killed by Pit Bulls.
  • Approximately 150 people are killed every year by falling coconuts. Therefore, you are more than 60 TIMES MORE LIKELY to be killed by a PALM TREE than a Pit Bull.
  • Each year, 350 people drown in their bathtubs. You are 151 times more likely to be killed by your bathtub than you are by a Pit Bull.
  • Every year, more than 2,000 children in the U.S. are killed by their parents or guardians either through abuse or neglect. A child is more than 800 times more likely to be killed by their caretaker than by a Pit Bull.
  • It is estimated that 5,000,000 dogs per year are killed in shelters. Since in many places pit bulls make up 30-50% of the shelter population and are less likely to be considered for placement than any other breed, and assuming shelters across the United States euthanized (conservatively) 25% of those pit bulls who were not placed or because the breed is not permitted in that area, then approximately 1,250,000 pit bulls are killed per year. Therefore - it is at least a HALF MILLION TIMES MORE LIKELY that a Pit Bull will be killed by a HUMAN than the other way around.
  • It can be estimated that for every Pit Bull who kills, there are 10.5 MILLION that DON'T!

Yeah nice one Hans Gruber you talk about peoples insecurities but choose a violent terrorist from a violent movie as your profile picture and alias and then say you would be happy to bait dogs. Real compassionate mate and what about any other animal, pet or child besides a pitbull that may come across your poison on the beach? I could say what I think what sort of person you are but then I would be lowering myself to your despicable level. Just the usual uniformed prejudicial rubbish people sprout when talking about Pit Bulls. What's your interpretation of a "masculine" dog anyway? So everyone that owns a rotty, domberman, sheperd a terrier or one of the bully breeds must be by extension someone that wears their cap sideways and wants to be a gangster while committing crimes and being violent towards the public right?

You want statistics?

Although there are no accurate or even near accurate census records for dogs in the U.S., in some areas pit bulls are estimated to comprise some 30-40% of the dog population, making it by FAR the most popular breed. Considering that there are an estimated 53,000,000 dogs in the U.S., and assuming that pit bulls make up 20% of that population, there would be approximately 10,600,000 pit bulls in our society.

There are about 4.8 MILLION pits in the United States, alone, yet, over a period of about 20 YEARS, only a LITTLE OVER ONE HUNDRED people have been killed by them. You're probably thinking a little over one hundred is a big number, even over a period of 20 years, but consider this: 115 people die EVERY DAY in automobile accidents in the United States, alone. You should be far more afraid of automobiles than pit bulls.

Sources: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

  • About 40 people (children) per year die by drowning in 5-gallon water pails. A person, during their lifetime, is 16 times more likely to drown in a 5-gallon water pail than to be killed by a Pit Bull.
  • Approximately 50 children in the US are killed every year because of their cribs - 25 times the number of children and adults killed by Pit Bulls.
  • Approximately 150 people are killed every year by falling coconuts. Therefore, you are more than 60 TIMES MORE LIKELY to be killed by a PALM TREE than a Pit Bull.
  • Each year, 350 people drown in their bathtubs. You are 151 times more likely to be killed by your bathtub than you are by a Pit Bull.
  • Every year, more than 2,000 children in the U.S. are killed by their parents or guardians either through abuse or neglect. A child is more than 800 times more likely to be killed by their caretaker than by a Pit Bull.
  • It is estimated that 5,000,000 dogs per year are killed in shelters. Since in many places pit bulls make up 30-50% of the shelter population and are less likely to be considered for placement than any other breed, and assuming shelters across the United States euthanized (conservatively) 25% of those pit bulls who were not placed or because the breed is not permitted in that area, then approximately 1,250,000 pit bulls are killed per year. Therefore - it is at least a HALF MILLION TIMES MORE LIKELY that a Pit Bull will be killed by a HUMAN than the other way around.
  • It can be estimated that for every Pit Bull who kills, there are 10.5 MILLION that DON'T!

And how many people are each year attacked and seriously injured or worse by a pitbull and how many by a chihuaha?

  • Like 1

Yeah nice one Hans Gruber you talk about peoples insecurities but choose a violent terrorist from a violent movie as your profile picture and alias and then say you would be happy to bait dogs. Real compassionate mate and what about any other animal, pet or child besides a pitbull that may come across your poison on the beach? I could say what I think what sort of person you are but then I would be lowering myself to your despicable level. Just the usual uniformed prejudicial rubbish people sprout when talking about Pit Bulls. What's your interpretation of a "masculine" dog anyway? So everyone that owns a rotty, domberman, sheperd a terrier or one of the bully breeds must be by extension someone that wears their cap sideways and wants to be a gangster while committing crimes and being violent towards the public right?

You want statistics?

Although there are no accurate or even near accurate census records for dogs in the U.S., in some areas pit bulls are estimated to comprise some 30-40% of the dog population, making it by FAR the most popular breed. Considering that there are an estimated 53,000,000 dogs in the U.S., and assuming that pit bulls make up 20% of that population, there would be approximately 10,600,000 pit bulls in our society.

There are about 4.8 MILLION pits in the United States, alone, yet, over a period of about 20 YEARS, only a LITTLE OVER ONE HUNDRED people have been killed by them. You're probably thinking a little over one hundred is a big number, even over a period of 20 years, but consider this: 115 people die EVERY DAY in automobile accidents in the United States, alone. You should be far more afraid of automobiles than pit bulls.

Sources: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

  • About 40 people (children) per year die by drowning in 5-gallon water pails. A person, during their lifetime, is 16 times more likely to drown in a 5-gallon water pail than to be killed by a Pit Bull.
  • Approximately 50 children in the US are killed every year because of their cribs - 25 times the number of children and adults killed by Pit Bulls.
  • Approximately 150 people are killed every year by falling coconuts. Therefore, you are more than 60 TIMES MORE LIKELY to be killed by a PALM TREE than a Pit Bull.
  • Each year, 350 people drown in their bathtubs. You are 151 times more likely to be killed by your bathtub than you are by a Pit Bull.
  • Every year, more than 2,000 children in the U.S. are killed by their parents or guardians either through abuse or neglect. A child is more than 800 times more likely to be killed by their caretaker than by a Pit Bull.
  • It is estimated that 5,000,000 dogs per year are killed in shelters. Since in many places pit bulls make up 30-50% of the shelter population and are less likely to be considered for placement than any other breed, and assuming shelters across the United States euthanized (conservatively) 25% of those pit bulls who were not placed or because the breed is not permitted in that area, then approximately 1,250,000 pit bulls are killed per year. Therefore - it is at least a HALF MILLION TIMES MORE LIKELY that a Pit Bull will be killed by a HUMAN than the other way around.
  • It can be estimated that for every Pit Bull who kills, there are 10.5 MILLION that DON'T!
show us some stats on the mentalities of the wanna be pit bull owners. Yawn
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