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Twin Bomb Explosions Shatter Boston Marathon Finish Line

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And, suddenly, the order to stay indoors is lifted and everybody is told to conduct business as usual. What has changed? They can't find the guy. If this is the way municipal authorities are going to react in the future, they are fostering a climate of hysteria and fear. Locking down entire cities every time one of these guys goes off is a message to others like him to follow suit.


Timothy McVeigh was convicted on murder charges under federal law for the bombing of the United States Federal Building in Oklahoma City.

I suspect if the surviving holdout brother is captured, he will be tried in the U.S. District Court in Boston on terrorism charges. The Patriot Act, which sets the punishments for convicted terrorists is, however, silent on the death penalty. It would be up to the jury. I'd need to be a juror before I could make the call on this one. I should think however the government would present a strong and convincing case.

McVeigh was convicted on 11 federal charges, 8 of them murder and specifically murder of law enforcement personnel.

Murder is not ordinarily a federal crime (though there are many circumstances where it can be).

When Pres Kennedy was assassinated there wasn't any murder statute in the federal criminal code (of laws). Had Lee Harvey Oswald lived to go to trail, he would have had to be tried in Texas under the state murder/homicide statutes. Oswald's murderer, Jack Ruby, was tried, convicted and imprisoned in Texas under the criminal code of the state of Texas. The Congress put murder etc into the federal criminal code shortly after Pres Kennedy had been assassinated.

It's still true the federal government doesn't often have jurisdiction over murder/homicide cases. The vast majority of crime and also matters of civil law are adjudicated by the state. Massachusetts abolished the death penalty in 1984. (When Mitt Romney was governor he unsuccessfully tried to reinstitute the death penalty.)

I'm not a lawyer, but hasnt treason always been on the books for federal death penalty?

I think the phrase "they'll throw the book at him" is certainly apt here. Of course among the myriad federal charges would also be treason, which includes "levying war against the U.S.." Using weapons of mass destruction, such as pressure cooker bombs certainly qualifies, and yes this would be among the many counts in the indictment, along with other charges such as sabatoge, etc., crimes against the state. (U.S.)


And, suddenly, the order to stay indoors is lifted and everybody is told to conduct business as usual. What has changed? They can't find the guy. If this is the way municipal authorities are going to react in the future, they are fostering a climate of hysteria and fear. Locking down entire cities every time one of these guys goes off is a message to others like him to follow suit.

you complained when the city was in lock down

and then complain when the lock down is lifted?blink.png

can you do something else than complain?

what would you do? or have done?


Amazing how CNN is totally clueless and hours behind the internet and reddit even figured out it was the missing Brown student a day ago.

CNN is a total basket case and embarrassment to America. Something drastic needs to be done.

CNN is an embarrassment all over the world and frankly I can say the same about BBC and many others .. they all SUCK big time in my opinion mainly because of who owns and controls tem

I do understand the urge to make blanket statements that all the mainstream press sucks, but I don't think that is productive or true. HOWEVER, in the case of CNN, it has gone from worse to dysfunctional. Even the liberal Jon Stewart weekly ridicules CNN. I do not like Fox News, in fact, I think they are caustic, but here is an example for you on this case how milquetoast CNN handled the Chechen angle, afraid to be non PC:

A Fox News correspondent noting the Chechen background of the Boston bombings suspects described "a very, very brutal place and group of people," while CNN said the mens' ethnicity might be totally irrelevant. "Remember: Given their Chechen background, they hated Russia," Griffin said Friday morning. "You heard Ambassador Bolton outlining the terrorism that Chechens used to carry out against Russians. It is a breakaway republic, it is a Muslim republic. ... When I was working in Moscow we used to receive videotapes in the mail showing the most gruesome kidnapping tapes of Russian soldiers who were being held in Chechnya underground and being tortured. This is a very, very brutal place and group of people. But again, it's a little odd that they are carrying out their attack against the U.S. when for most Chechnyans, Russia is the enemy."



ABC live news now reporting shots fired, and massive combined operation FBI, Boston SWAT, and others now in big operation in Watertown. In the video, I spotted ATF SWAT, and other cops were cheering, and shouting "go get him!"

National Guard helicopters, night vision-equipped, and massive forces, it's going to be hard for him to get away, but something has gone down here, but radio silence is being maintained.

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Let's keep this really clear. The man has committed a federal offense which is under the jurisdiction of the feds. The feds have separate laws and even separate courts and judges.

It doesn't matter who apprehends him (if taken alive.) He will be turned over to the feds immediately for incarceration and trial. The feds have separate prisons.

No doubt he will be charged with multiple offenses, one each for everyone he killed and one each for everyone wounded. One or more for building a bomb and another for detonating it. The biggie is that he killed someone with a bomb which gets him the death penalty from the feds.

The city of Boston and the state of Mass. lose jurisdiction the moment the perp is captured.

It's entirely possible that he could be killed of course, even by a private citizen. If he tries to break into an armed home to seek shelter and take hostages, he's toast.


ABC live news now reporting shots fired, and massive combined operation FBI, Boston SWAT, and others now in big operation in Watertown. In the video, I spotted ATF SWAT, and other cops were cheering, and shouting "go get him!"

National Guard helicopters, night vision-equipped, and massive forces, it's going to be hard for him to get away, but something has gone down here, but radio silence is being maintained.

Good spot. Thanks for the report. I hope they have him.


ABC live news now reporting shots fired, and massive combined operation FBI, Boston SWAT, and others now in big operation in Watertown. In the video, I spotted ATF SWAT, and other cops were cheering, and shouting "go get him!"

National Guard helicopters, night vision-equipped, and massive forces, it's going to be hard for him to get away, but something has gone down here, but radio silence is being maintained.

Good spot. Thanks for the report. I hope they have him.

Here is the live video now ABC with Diane Sawyer:


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The two Chechen brothers (Radical Islamist - Jihadies) who are strongly believed to have been the Boston Marathon bombers have been subdued. The oldest brother age 26 or so was killed last evening in Watertown in a massive bomb and gun firefight. The youngest brother is wounded is now pinned down inside a parked boat in a residential back yard. He is reported to be moving but surrounded. Robots have been dispatched to check for bombs. After a bomb check the cops will move to capture him ... 7:31 p.m. EST USA.


ABC live news now reporting shots fired, and massive combined operation FBI, Boston SWAT, and others now in big operation in Watertown. In the video, I spotted ATF SWAT, and other cops were cheering, and shouting "go get him!"

National Guard helicopters, night vision-equipped, and massive forces, it's going to be hard for him to get away, but something has gone down here, but radio silence is being maintained.

Good spot. Thanks for the report. I hope they have him.

Here is the live video now ABC with Diane Sawyer:


Thanks! "Reports indicate second bombing suspect is cornered by police in Waterford."

But they aren't 100% sure it's him... Yeah right. There's another guy exchanging gun fire with the police now. ??


According to police scanner he is sitting up in the boat.

Police scanner info is very very different from news feeds.


They are shining light on the boat and pulling the cover off.

Update: Police say he is on fence side center of the boat and wounded. He is surrounded and the police are going to approach to avoid crossfire and possible bombs explosion.

Update 2: Police orders to units are to slow down, slow down, go slow and to call for FBI HRT asked not to light boat up.

There are conflicting orders. They do not want to light up boat until ready to put ordinance into boat.

Update 3: Fire now reported, or flame on boat.

Update 4: There is going to be a flash bang FBI firing now. Police told to hold fire.

Update 5: FBI is moving in and will try to remove boat cover.

Update6: Police are being told to back off. Boston Bearcat is being told to pull back immediately.

Update 7: Police radios are being asked to close off as there is too much chatter on other channels.

Update 8: Crossbangs deployed and no movement from subject.

Update 9: Hold and wait for movement, Obstruction. Standby. Get into position and K9 standing by if needed.

Uppdate 10: Question -Is there still a fire on the boat at this time?

Answer: HRT advises there is no fire.

Flashbang fired and no movement. Police are not to react to flashbangs. (Previous order was to outer perimeter units to not return fire.)

Update 11: Radio silence imposed.

Note: At this time none of the news feeds is reporting any of this info

Update 12: Assault now under discussion.

Waiting on instructions from Victor 1-11

vehicles in front of 67 Franklin have been told to immediately shut down lights IMMEDIATELY (Repeated requests)

Update 13: Discussion of transfer of authority to Federal units.

Editorial Note: House satellite view is here: http://maps.google.ca/maps?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&tab=wl

(The boat trailer is in the picture. However, at this time there is a boat in that trailer covered by a tarp. The suspect is in this boat.)

Update 14. Suspect on back, no movement

Family in a house 3 houses away cannot get out and will be evacuated by police.)

Update 15: Flameless Vapor is now referred to. Aerial 3 is asking who has communication with FBI.

Update 16: Negotiater now being moved into position. (Editorial note scanner chatter indicates they will try and talk the suspect into surrender if still alive.)

Update 17: Aerial advises it is low on fuel 20 units remaining.

Update 18. Movement. Suspect Arms moving.

Shooters are in position. Now requesting floodlight assistance. Light it up.

Unit is on route (unintelligible dispatch statement)

Light up boat with nightsun (Nightsun is a light used by helicopter)

Helicopter responds: That will be a negative cannot.

FBI wants the boat lit up and helicopter says it can't.

Request is now FBI wants if possible and helicopter will try.

Suspect is on west side of boat driver side and looking out, moving about.

Now on rear of boat.

Update 19" Hold on lights, hold. Wait, wait.


The two Chechen brothers (Radical Islamist - Jihadies) who are strongly believed to have been the Boston Marathon bombers have been subdued. The oldest brother age 26 or so was killed last evening in Watertown in a massive bomb and gun firefight. The youngest brother is wounded is now pinned down inside a parked boat in a residential back yard. He is reported to be moving but surrounded. Robots have been dispatched to check for bombs. After a bomb check the cops will move to capture him ... 7:31 p.m. EST USA.

It is now a strange sort of stand off... The suspect is still in the boat in the back yard of a house in Watertown. He is thought to be wounded - blood had been spotted. It is reported he has refused to surrender. A robot is entering the area now. I can't see how this will go on much longer ... 07:48 P.M. EST (19:48)

New Shots fired 07:51 p.m. EST 19:51 up to 8 shots


Couldn't they shoot him with a tranquilizer dart?

Kidding, right? Sometimes they don't work and they take time to work if they do.

This is time for deadly force, if force is needed.


Live gunfire presently.

JT, i think the primary focus is public safety.

This guy is thowing IED's into the streets

Stopping the guy is the main priority, not necessarily taking him alive.

The Feds definitely want him alive

Boston Police just wants him stopped.

Also tranquilizer darts has limited range, and requires line of site.


Police say this is the 2nd suspect.

Given the first suspect was killed earlier - I'm not surprised.

No, I mean they say it isn't another 3rd party, but it is the suspect. He's in a boat in a backyard, maybe dead.


The two Chechen brothers (Radical Islamist - Jihadies) who are strongly believed to have been the Boston Marathon bombers have been subdued. The oldest brother age 26 or so was killed last evening in Watertown in a massive bomb and gun firefight. The youngest brother is wounded is now pinned down inside a parked boat in a residential back yard. He is reported to be moving but surrounded. Robots have been dispatched to check for bombs. After a bomb check the cops will move to capture him ... 7:31 p.m. EST USA.

It is now a strange sort of stand off... The suspect is still in the boat in the back yard of a house in Watertown. He is thought to be wounded - blood had been spotted. It is reported he has refused to surrender. A robot is entering the area now. I can't see how this will go on much longer ... 07:48 P.M. EST (19:48)

New Shots fired 07:51 p.m. EST 19:51 up to 8 shots ... the reports of shots fired have been changed to shorts fired and flash bangs or perhaps the robot set of planted explosives... 19:56 EST

Background reporting ... many explosions earlier - 30 minutes ago - 15 to 20 plus as many shots fired ... Last Night at the FireFight suspect #1 (older brother) was found with an IED strapped to his body... Also the police found another Pressure Cooker Bomb last night in WaterTown... so they are concerned that suspect #2 (younger brother) could have an IED strapped to him as well .... 20:10 hours EST

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