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How Much Have You Changed


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It has occurred to me that after three plus years I have changed considerably. Most of it very good for my blood pressure.

It's little things, I remember walking through the Robinson complex, big stupid smile on my face all the time. I was just in total amazement. My head was on a 360 rotation, every girl was catching my eye. Now I hardly even notice unless she is real goddess or at least my version of that.

I would have paid just about any price asked with the thought boy that is so much less expensive then the states. Now it' that is to high for Udon and I don't spend the money as easily or quickly. Still have my moments but not as many.

I looked at property, thinking man that would cost a fortune in the states, it's so inexpensive. Now I look what's the fair price here.

The traffic amazed me how anyone could drive with such confusion. Now I don't even notice unless they are trying to run over me.

Sometimes I would think how terrible the smells were, now I don't notice unless it's some unusual.

My attitude when I got here, they want my dollar then they should speak englsih, it's not my problem I'm the guy with the money. I would get angry over nothing. Now I get angry but, at myself for not speaking Thia as well as I should

I craved the english language, but not what I was hearing here, I had to go out and speak to english speakers everyday, not so now doesn't really mean much to me now. Now it's do they understand and do I. I don't care what words are used. I can now describe problems and understand solutution with what really doesn't seem to be much more then grunts. the real goal does the problem get solved now how it was communicated to me.

I absouletly had to be on the go all the time.I had to go out everynight to avoid boredom, now it's a rare time that I go out in the evenings, I'm very content in my home

My patience didn't exist when I got here, now it's not perfect but it's much better then before.

I used to get angry at Thai's because they didn't undertand, now I get angry at farrangs who don't slow down a bit and try to adjust and even more upset wiht myself when I don't.

I craved certain foods, I found out how to get them. Homemade Mexican food, is cooked at least three times a week in my home, the wife bakes Pie, cakes cookies. I had southern sausage gravey for lunch today. And now I think nothing of it, now I crave Thai food more often. I still get a bit upset when you give a newbie, who is served chololate merianque pie and acts like it's everywhere. I know these are special treats and franky when I first camme here were near impossible to find.

I used to have such empathy fro new people here, what a tough nut to crack learning basic survival fro someone who was well recognized in thier home country. Not anymore, now I relaise you have to pay your dues. It's like the joke with the old donkey, two hits in the head with a two by four and then, just gotta get his attention, before he will pull the wagon.

I see in the new people the same thing I was I had all the answers and really in the area that I came form I knew what o do. I would fight the answers because the answers here because they didn't fit the norm of conduct that I was accustom to. I paid a lot of prices in Water Buffalo University, it was frustrating and many times I came close to giving up. So now I don't feel empathy for them, I will tell them once if they ask, but never volunteer. they argue with me now I understand they are merely attending University. So when they put the effort in they will learn. No empathy these days it's just the cost of living here.

I have changed a lot in my new home, the growth is no where finished, but I'm a lot happier with methen I was four years ago.

Are you still the same person?

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For me by far the biggest noticeable change is attitude. I seem to have found levels of patience and tolerance I would never have believed I could aspire to.

I am convinced that adopting the 'mai bpen rai' approach to daily life to whatever extent will extend the life expectancy of many.

I am hardly the epitome of a patient and tolerant person now, but in comparison to when I first came to live here, the difference is dramatic.

I now only get really pissed off when Thai people actually turn up on time or tell the truth... :o

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I am hardly the epitome of a patient and tolerant person now, but in comparison to when I first came to live here, the difference is dramatic.

I now only get really pissed off when Thai people actually turn up on time or tell the truth... :o


Nicely put!

I think this is an interesting topic. The thing I notice, when I head back to that horrible city where I was born, is that it changes me back to the way i was before I ever came here, suprisingly fast. There must be a catch somewhere!

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A very good thread and a very interesting post. :D

It started me thinking about how much I have changed since I got here.

I have become incredibly LAZY, when back at home I would be behind my desk at 6am having already driven to the office after scraping the ice from the windsheild :D

I was ALWAYS on the go, now I am never on the go :D

Yes I KNOW I need to get out more :D

But there have also been a lot of changes for the good. Money is no longer the object of my desire,

I enjoy a peaceful, tranquil life free from stress, so at least I won't have any stress related illnesses which counts for a lot :D

I only get stressed when I go back to the Mother Country because I just can't wait to get back here, everybody is so stressed out, I could not cope with living there now.

I am very happy to be a guest here, and I want to be here for the rest of my life, living in bliss with my Thai Wife :D and socialising with all the new freinds I have made here. I am truly a lucky Man (well I will be when I recover from this bout of flu (not bird I hope) :o



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It has occurred to me that after three plus years I have changed considerably. Most of it very good for my blood pressure.

I agree with everything you write.

Just today I was talking to a girl who is going to study in Europe and how the people there behave. I also told her about how I used to be and how I am now after 6 years in Thailand and with a Thai wife. Almost the exact words used by Ray23.

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It took me a while to realize that the Thai smile is by no means a reflection of their state of mind.

This is true, and reminds me of my time in Japan. I worked in Tokyo and eventually learned that the bigger the smile on the Japanese face, the more you need to increase caution.

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[quote name='chuchok' post='682076' date='2006-03-17 23:33:43'

I changed into a letterbox. guess which one is me. :o

Let me guess, the green one in the middle...

Wrong answer! good guess though. :D

Edited by chuchok
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HMM !!!!! Dream in Thai, how much have you studied Thai?

That i one I never thought of, congradualtions :D

My thai is as good as any thai high school kids. (both in speaking, reading, and writing ka) :D

But I just can't seem to control when my dream will be in what language :o

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I really wish I coud say the same, if your a farrang and not Thai that is really an accomplishment, but then when I think about no matter what, your dreaming in a foriegn language. Mor the I believe I will ever achieve :o

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QUOTE(astral @ 2006-03-17 13:54:24) *

I got married and settled down. biggrin.gif

Me too..... laugh.gif

And now I have a fifteen month old son biggrin.gif

He has changed me in more ways than I ever imagined possible whistling.gif wink.gif

Same here re the kid.

No comparison to me now and when I came to Thailand 13 years ago - I'd rather forget what I was like then.

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I can really understand not wanting to look back, it can be not such a great picture :D

But, thos looks back can also remind you of what yuo have now :D

I have been I would like to say working in a book since I was I have been here, usually when the heat hit I start it up again, when it's cool I'm out riding, to busy living it to look back. Truth is I think it began to excercise the demons and I needed incentive to go through learning to live here, what I had before was not what I wanted so there was only one choice move forward. I doubt that anything other then my gratification will ever come form the book. I wouldn't have the slightest idea how to get published even if it were a master piece and it won't be :D

But I guarentee you one thing for sure makes me appreciate how my life is now. For the mot part my worse days here are better then my best before. I owe a lot to Thailand and the Thai people :o

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I changed into a letterbox. guess which one is me. :oletterbox%20sheet.jpg

The one on the far left......it looks the most like a prick....... :D:D:D

Just a joke mate I couldn't resist.....I like your posts! :D:D

Close again,but no cigar.In fact you can't get the answer correct. You see I lied.I'm not really a letterbox.I'm a piecost!

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[quote name='chuchok' post='682076' date='2006-03-17 23:33:43'

I changed into a letterbox. guess which one is me. :D

Let me guess, the green one in the middle...

Wrong answer! good guess though. :D

I'm going for the small one with the big mouth :D

Only joking Mate, but someones gotta win the prize of a free meal at The Dukes :o

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