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Biased Views Of Neighbouring Nations Must Change, Thai History Experts Say


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Wow finally an intelligent statement !!! Yes this hate thy neighbor is certainly a poor way to teach students. Although the article is a bit off. Laos is viewed as a sort of bumbling backward cousin, with no hatred since a lot of the people in Isan are in fact descended from Laos people. ( Ever notice the same language and the same food ?? ) Not really sure about the Thai arrogance part or its origins. The Khymer empire showed itself to be far more advanced with its construction of the Ankor temple complex. As far as the Burmese, that hatred is based upon them routinely coming into Thailand and using it as a whipping post. So that could be a bit tricky to fix... :-)

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Wow finally an intelligent statement !!! Yes this hate thy neighbor is certainly a poor way to teach students. Although the article is a bit off. Laos is viewed as a sort of bumbling backward cousin, with no hatred since a lot of the people in Isan are in fact descended from Laos people. ( Ever notice the same language and the same food ?? ) Not really sure about the Thai arrogance part or its origins. The Khymer empire showed itself to be far more advanced with its construction of the Ankor temple complex. As far as the Burmese, that hatred is based upon them routinely coming into Thailand and using it as a whipping post. So that could be a bit tricky to fix... :-)

The bigger problem is that they consider being better off than Laos or Cambodia some sort of event.

Greece was the same vis a vis Turkey and Bulgaria. Look how far that got them.

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Wow finally an intelligent statement !!! Yes this hate thy neighbor is certainly a poor way to teach students. Although the article is a bit off. Laos is viewed as a sort of bumbling backward cousin, with no hatred since a lot of the people in Isan are in fact descended from Laos people. ( Ever notice the same language and the same food ?? ) Not really sure about the Thai arrogance part or its origins. The Khymer empire showed itself to be far more advanced with its construction of the Ankor temple complex. As far as the Burmese, that hatred is based upon them routinely coming into Thailand and using it as a whipping post. So that could be a bit tricky to fix... :-)

The bigger problem is that they consider being better off than Laos or Cambodia some sort of event.

Greece was the same vis a vis Turkey and Bulgaria. Look how far that got them.

Laos is being turned into a colony of China, and Cambodia was basically destroyed by Pol Pot killing every intelligent person. Burma is who Thailand must worry about in the future.

Get rid of the crap government, and unleash the power of a nation full of intelligent hard working people.....

Precisely. So being satisfied to look down on those around as though this is enough is really silly. Thailand needs to aspire to become like more developed places, not be happy to beggar thy neighbour.

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"Nationalistic 'logic' reduces the humanity of others," Akkhaphong pointed out.

Well said Khun Akkkhaphong, well said.

This is an important start; history is notoriously difficult to write without any form of subjective bias getting in the way of fact because historical facts are so often open to re or (mis)interpretation and wilful recension or rewriting.

What is one man's fact is another man's lie.

However, this is an important start. Let's see what happens.

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Easiest would be to just annex them one by one. Cambodia should take only a few days to overrun. Then wait a year to let the dust settle, and then annex Laos, another job that should not take much time at all (maybe need to buy some more tanks, is all). A year later, Burma. That's bigger so may take a bit more time, but with enough tanks and strategic bombing of key installations should be easy to do too. Impose Thai culture and language on them, and suppress any dissent. Vietnam can be left alone, because the new superstate will have enough power to lean on them, and get them to comply with any demands or be annexed too. Problem solved. coffee1.gif

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If what I hear is correct the relations with Cambodia are about to change in the near future.

Was told today that the daughter of the PT candidate for the upcoming by-election in the north is soon to marry the Cambodian PM.

Also seems that our PM will be attending as the equivalent of maid of honor and Thaksin as Uncle will also attend.

Was told this is on facebook, don't play on it myself but someone who does may be able to confirm or deny.

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Thais' superiority complex and condescending attitude, mistrust and even hatred towards its closest neighbours, two Thai experts said.

#1: Where are all these "experts" coming from in these articles?

#2: Thai's hatred is not limited to it's neighbors. It's to all non-Thais.

#3: The superiority complex and condescending attitude will take at least a generation to eradicate.

Summation: Nice talk. Makes a lot of sense. Never happen.

Edited by Markaew
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This article pretty much explains exactly why I am moving my Thai wife and children out of this country to avoid the abominable education system here. The only difference between Thailand and its neighbors is Thailand ended up on the right side of the fence with the United States during the cold war. Thailand was just as poor as its neighbors not too long ago. Nevermind the fact Thai history is disgraceful in its invasion and occupation of its neighbors until the French threw them out at the end of the 19th Century.

Very kind of the French................. or was it to further their own colonial aspirations? They milked far more from French Indo-China than the Thais ever did. The imposition of French rule and later collaboration by the Vichy government with Japan helped lay the ground for the horros the befell these unfortunate countries after WW11.

Thailand's switch to the US after collaborating outrageously with the Japanese, could be construed as being a very politcally savvy and smart thing to do. Depends whose interpretation of history you want to read.

All of my freinds complain about the education system in their own country, apart from the Scandanvians. There are good and bad schools/teachers here the same as anywhere. What is very questionable is the history curriculum. Like a lot of Asian countries, they hide reality when required to save face. See how many Japanese know much about WW11 - yet they have some very smart people.

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This article pretty much explains exactly why I am moving my Thai wife and children out of this country to avoid the abominable education system here. The only difference between Thailand and its neighbors is Thailand ended up on the right side of the fence with the United States during the cold war. Thailand was just as poor as its neighbors not too long ago. Nevermind the fact Thai history is disgraceful in its invasion and occupation of its neighbors until the French threw them out at the end of the 19th Century.

Thailand's switch to the US after collaborating outrageously with the Japanese, could be construed as being a very politcally savvy and smart thing to do. Depends whose interpretation of history you want to read.

All of my freinds complain about the education system in their own country, apart from the Scandanvians. There are good and bad schools/teachers here the same as anywhere. What is very questionable is the history curriculum. Like a lot of Asian countries, they hide reality when required to save face. See how many Japanese know much about WW11 - yet they have some very smart people.

You know, if he were still with us today, I'll be motivational speaker Matt Foley would do a tremendous job of teaching the Japanese and southeast Asians their respective histories.


Edited by seminomadic
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