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Biased Views Of Neighbouring Nations Must Change, Thai History Experts Say


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I almost lost a Thai friend over what I thought was a small statement that turned out to be huge.

I said that I don't care for all of the drinking, water throwing, heavy traffic, etc. in Thailand during Songkran, and that I and some of my Western friends have even gone to Cambodia for a holiday to avoid it. Geez, did the shoot hit the fan. "Cambodia has Songkran. Thailand much better. I don't think we friends."

The inability to allow me to say that this Songkran thing contains even some small problems really startled me. Thailand is perfect as are Thais, I guess.

BTW we did get past it, but only because I have no need to save face, and apologized profusely and agreed I was wrong. wai2.gif

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My Thai girlfriend says Bangkok is the centre of the world and Thailand leads the world in most things. She is completely brainwashed and stupid.

But isn't that just the way you and many Thai Visa members like them? The ruling Sino-Thai elite also likes to keep them uneducated. History is but one of the subjects, not to mention the over all teaching methodology in Thai education that needs radical reform. But let's face it, the ruling elite, both the dominant Sino-Thai faction (which likes to have taught in the schools a post-modernist multicultural society message that includes the Sino-Thais but not the other minorities) as well as the remaining old Sakdina ruling class have no advantage in having an educated nation. They, as well as the neo-sahib expat population want to keep the masses brainwashed and ignorant and sustain the availability of cheap labor and access to affordable blowjobs at the same time.

I appreciate the reality of the situation as you see it.

I do have one little misgiving about it. Often we hear that there is certain rich families who are really running the country. Never once do we hear a name for them other than Shinwartas. (sorry about the spelling) but the amount of times we hear about them running the country goes to prove Thatch there is no libel law for naming the other families yet we do not hear their names.

To get to the point. Could it not be that some of them see the value in education and if they could would improve the education in the Nation. I am very very sure they would like to see front line research coming from Thailand rather than have to depend on other countries for any progress. It would most assuredly mean more money in there pockets.

Just some thoughts I have.

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I almost lost a Thai friend over what I thought was a small statement that turned out to be huge.

I said that I don't care for all of the drinking, water throwing, heavy traffic, etc. in Thailand during Songkran, and that I and some of my Western friends have even gone to Cambodia for a holiday to avoid it. Geez, did the shoot hit the fan. "Cambodia has Songkran. Thailand much better. I don't think we friends."

The inability to allow me to say that this Songkran thing contains even some small problems really startled me. Thailand is perfect as are Thais, I guess.

BTW we did get past it, but only because I have no need to save face, and apologized profusely and agreed I was wrong. wai2.gif

Lost a farang friend a few years ago who would tell it how it was in fluent Thai. Friends and the missus eventually said, " if you don't like it, go home". I take that argument as admitting losing the argument.

It is a real issue if you point out things that are a problem in Thailand because, I believe, many would like things to change but they have been conditioned to believe that things are beyond being modified for the better. we as farangs vent our frustration verbally knowing we have no power to change anything. Thais have often the same frustrations but once they realise that they have no power to change anything either, then they blame the messenger.

When I think of it that way, I pity them because that is truly depressing.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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wait until 2015 when all the doors open in the Asean community and you see a few hundred thousand 'hard working' people from neighbour countries coming to work in hotels, restaurants, shops and other jobs etc...

- Then I am sure we will see all the usual complaints of how "foreigners are taking our jobs" (as we hear so much in the UK)!!

it makes me feel sad every time I hear my parents complaining (in the UK) that foreigners are taking the jobs of the English!! Geez! how racist does the media and education departments make our world?? !!!!!

I thought that the AEC was only for skilled workers from member states being able to cross borders between members to work, not just anyone like is the case in the EU. AEC will be nothing like the EU - firstly, will cars be allowed between all member states, without the need for annoying paperwork? I doubt it.

Will they be allowed to remain in member states for a long time, not just 30 days at a time? Well, I haven't heard anything to suggest they will. Will Vietnam finally allow Thai vehicles not part of a caravan tour across it's borders? Well, let's see...

Will border posts between countries be eliminated? No. Or at least I highly doubt they will be.

So all in all - nothing to worry about even come 2015 as nothing much will change.

Hotel workers and nurses are open.

I expect a flood of English speakers into these industries.

You might do better looking for Chinese speakers.

As the baht strengthens the tourists from the west will diminish.

Maybe in 5 to 10whistling.gif years it will take the western countries to dig them selves out of the hole they are in we will see more of them coming but if the Baht keeps getting stronger we will start to see long term residents leaving the country.

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wait until 2015 when all the doors open in the Asean community and you see a few hundred thousand 'hard working' people from neighbour countries coming to work in hotels, restaurants, shops and other jobs etc...

- Then I am sure we will see all the usual complaints of how "foreigners are taking our jobs" (as we hear so much in the UK)!!

it makes me feel sad every time I hear my parents complaining (in the UK) that foreigners are taking the jobs of the English!! Geez! how racist does the media and education departments make our world?? !!!!!

I thought that the AEC was only for skilled workers from member states being able to cross borders between members to work, not just anyone like is the case in the EU. AEC will be nothing like the EU - firstly, will cars be allowed between all member states, without the need for annoying paperwork? I doubt it.

Will they be allowed to remain in member states for a long time, not just 30 days at a time? Well, I haven't heard anything to suggest they will. Will Vietnam finally allow Thai vehicles not part of a caravan tour across it's borders? Well, let's see...

Will border posts between countries be eliminated? No. Or at least I highly doubt they will be.

So all in all - nothing to worry about even come 2015 as nothing much will change.

Hotel workers and nurses are open.

I expect a flood of English speakers into these industries.

You might do better looking for Chinese speakers.

As the baht strengthens the tourists from the west will diminish.

Maybe in 5 to 10whistling.gif years it will take the western countries to dig them selves out of the hole they are in we will see more of them coming but if the Baht keeps getting stronger we will start to see long term residents leaving the country.

Yup, they need speakers of all languages.

That said English is the universal language and I expect Bangkok hotels and hospitals to be flooded with ASEAN labor.

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I almost lost a Thai friend over what I thought was a small statement that turned out to be huge.

I said that I don't care for all of the drinking, water throwing, heavy traffic, etc. in Thailand during Songkran, and that I and some of my Western friends have even gone to Cambodia for a holiday to avoid it. Geez, did the shoot hit the fan. "Cambodia has Songkran. Thailand much better. I don't think we friends."

The inability to allow me to say that this Songkran thing contains even some small problems really startled me. Thailand is perfect as are Thais, I guess.

BTW we did get past it, but only because I have no need to save face, and apologized profusely and agreed I was wrong. wai2.gif

Lost a farang friend a few years ago who would tell it how it was in fluent Thai. Friends and the missus eventually said, " if you don't like it, go home". I take that argument as admitting losing the argument.

It is a real issue if you point out things that are a problem in Thailand because, I believe, many would like things to change but they have been conditioned to believe that things are beyond being modified for the better. we as farangs vent our frustration verbally knowing we have no power to change anything. Thais have often the same frustrations but once they realise that they have no power to change anything either, then they blame the messenger.

When I think of it that way, I pity them because that is truly depressing.

I for the life of me can not understand how a person can learn to speak Thai fluently and still be dumb enough to keep telling the same people over and over again that they are wrong he is right.

If I had to listen to him over and over even if I thought he was half rite I would also suggest that he leave Thailand. People like him are not always wanted where they come from so they come here.

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I almost lost a Thai friend over what I thought was a small statement that turned out to be huge.

I said that I don't care for all of the drinking, water throwing, heavy traffic, etc. in Thailand during Songkran, and that I and some of my Western friends have even gone to Cambodia for a holiday to avoid it. Geez, did the shoot hit the fan. "Cambodia has Songkran. Thailand much better. I don't think we friends."

The inability to allow me to say that this Songkran thing contains even some small problems really startled me. Thailand is perfect as are Thais, I guess.

BTW we did get past it, but only because I have no need to save face, and apologized profusely and agreed I was wrong. wai2.gif

Lost a farang friend a few years ago who would tell it how it was in fluent Thai. Friends and the missus eventually said, " if you don't like it, go home". I take that argument as admitting losing the argument.

It is a real issue if you point out things that are a problem in Thailand because, I believe, many would like things to change but they have been conditioned to believe that things are beyond being modified for the better. we as farangs vent our frustration verbally knowing we have no power to change anything. Thais have often the same frustrations but once they realise that they have no power to change anything either, then they blame the messenger.

When I think of it that way, I pity them because that is truly depressing.

I for the life of me can not understand how a person can learn to speak Thai fluently and still be dumb enough to keep telling the same people over and over again that they are wrong he is right.

If I had to listen to him over and over even if I thought he was half rite I would also suggest that he leave Thailand. People like him are not always wanted where they come from so they come here.

It isn't like that. It revolved more around,

"Why don't Thai people stop corruption?". We had all known each other for at least 10 years.

Everyone knows it's bad, everyone knows it's there, everyone knows that there is essentially nothing that can be done about it.

This was someone I and my wife have known for 15 years and it wasn't so much my wife, as another friend we have known for a long time who tried to laugh it off with. "This is Thailand".

I have no problem anyone telling me that my home country has problems. To believe it doesn't would be utterly delusional. I love regaling them with my views of members of our royal family.

It normally causes stunned silence.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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I almost lost a Thai friend over what I thought was a small statement that turned out to be huge.

I said that I don't care for all of the drinking, water throwing, heavy traffic, etc. in Thailand during Songkran, and that I and some of my Western friends have even gone to Cambodia for a holiday to avoid it. Geez, did the shoot hit the fan. "Cambodia has Songkran. Thailand much better. I don't think we friends."

The inability to allow me to say that this Songkran thing contains even some small problems really startled me. Thailand is perfect as are Thais, I guess.

BTW we did get past it, but only because I have no need to save face, and apologized profusely and agreed I was wrong. wai2.gif

Lost a farang friend a few years ago who would tell it how it was in fluent Thai. Friends and the missus eventually said, " if you don't like it, go home". I take that argument as admitting losing the argument.

It is a real issue if you point out things that are a problem in Thailand because, I believe, many would like things to change but they have been conditioned to believe that things are beyond being modified for the better. we as farangs vent our frustration verbally knowing we have no power to change anything. Thais have often the same frustrations but once they realise that they have no power to change anything either, then they blame the messenger.

When I think of it that way, I pity them because that is truly depressing.

I for the life of me can not understand how a person can learn to speak Thai fluently and still be dumb enough to keep telling the same people over and over again that they are wrong he is right.

If I had to listen to him over and over even if I thought he was half rite I would also suggest that he leave Thailand. People like him are not always wanted where they come from so they come here.

It isn't like that. It revolved more around,

"Why don't Thai people stop corruption?". We had all known each other for at least 10 years.

Everyone knows it's bad, everyone knows it's there, everyone knows that there is essentially nothing that can be done about it.

This was someone I and my wife have known for 15 years and it wasn't so much my wife, as another friend we have known for a long time who tried to laugh it off with. "This is Thailand".

I have no problem anyone telling me that my home country has problems. To believe it doesn't would be utterly delusional. I love regaling them with my views of members of our royal family.

It normally causes stunned silence.

Same same people get tired of hearing the same thing over and over again. Some one who continually talks about the corruption here in Thailand and why don't they do some thing about it is in a back door way Thai bashing. Occasionally OK but on and on no way.

Suggest that they check into

Korea (North)

for a better understanding of real corruption That will really give them some thing to talk about. Rather than on and on with why don't they blah blah blah.

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wait until 2015 when all the doors open in the Asean community and you see a few hundred thousand 'hard working' people from neighbour countries coming to work in hotels, restaurants, shops and other jobs etc...

- Then I am sure we will see all the usual complaints of how "foreigners are taking our jobs" (as we hear so much in the UK)!!

it makes me feel sad every time I hear my parents complaining (in the UK) that foreigners are taking the jobs of the English!! Geez! how racist does the media and education departments make our world?? !!!!!

I thought that the AEC was only for skilled workers from member states being able to cross borders between members to work, not just anyone like is the case in the EU. AEC will be nothing like the EU - firstly, will cars be allowed between all member states, without the need for annoying paperwork? I doubt it.

Will they be allowed to remain in member states for a long time, not just 30 days at a time? Well, I haven't heard anything to suggest they will. Will Vietnam finally allow Thai vehicles not part of a caravan tour across it's borders? Well, let's see...

Will border posts between countries be eliminated? No. Or at least I highly doubt they will be.

So all in all - nothing to worry about even come 2015 as nothing much will change.

Hotel workers and nurses are open.

I expect a flood of English speakers into these industries.

You might do better looking for Chinese speakers.

As the baht strengthens the tourists from the west will diminish.

Maybe in 5 to 10whistling.gif years it will take the western countries to dig them selves out of the hole they are in we will see more of them coming but if the Baht keeps getting stronger we will start to see long term residents leaving the country.

Remember: When something inflates so much,,, What happens to it eventually? IT CRASHES!!!

its a circular economic pattern that happens all over the world.

Maybe the baht is high today, but eventually the bubble bursts! We all know this! So I dont think that people need to dig them selves out of holes...

countries are in their holes coz thats where they are. its part of the push and pull of the central banks. economy up, economy down. (and someone (somewhere) is always sifting off the profits!

countries go down and then they go up,, and then they go down.

push and pull !!!

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i must admit thais are very good at what they do,and what they do is mimic,they are talented and focused (most of the time),but thinking outside the box is the main proboblem,and taking advice another,admitting weakness is not a fault,is a step to be stronger..i know thais that have lived abroad and come back better people and more humble..eyes wide open,hair straight back..

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I almost lost a Thai friend over what I thought was a small statement that turned out to be huge.

I said that I don't care for all of the drinking, water throwing, heavy traffic, etc. in Thailand during Songkran, and that I and some of my Western friends have even gone to Cambodia for a holiday to avoid it. Geez, did the shoot hit the fan. "Cambodia has Songkran. Thailand much better. I don't think we friends."

The inability to allow me to say that this Songkran thing contains even some small problems really startled me. Thailand is perfect as are Thais, I guess.

BTW we did get past it, but only because I have no need to save face, and apologized profusely and agreed I was wrong. wai2.gif

Lost a farang friend a few years ago who would tell it how it was in fluent Thai. Friends and the missus eventually said, " if you don't like it, go home". I take that argument as admitting losing the argument.

It is a real issue if you point out things that are a problem in Thailand because, I believe, many would like things to change but they have been conditioned to believe that things are beyond being modified for the better. we as farangs vent our frustration verbally knowing we have no power to change anything. Thais have often the same frustrations but once they realise that they have no power to change anything either, then they blame the messenger.

When I think of it that way, I pity them because that is truly depressing.

I for the life of me can not understand how a person can learn to speak Thai fluently and still be dumb enough to keep telling the same people over and over again that they are wrong he is right.

If I had to listen to him over and over even if I thought he was half rite I would also suggest that he leave Thailand. People like him are not always wanted where they come from so they come here.

yes is ''the thai way or the hiway''....the first step to change is to accept opinions,if they want to have a better country they need to remeber that we now live here ,invest here,marry here and die here...this ''you are in thailand bull','as your investment colapses or you home devaluates,or your buisness falls apart.due to laws or lack of them.is why they are stuck.and we(foriengers) keep saying 'wellyes'it could be worse..''yes it could vietnam for eg..but that is not cut it anymore...i watch as they destroy the beach front and no one, not one person has stood up aginst them...bend over ,here it comes again...

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'Thai History Experts"?

as in 'Thai who are Experts in History' or as in 'Experts in Thai History' ? Mind you, I've been told that only Thai can be experts in Thai History as foreigners don't understand the issues, concepts and so on. The 'Preah Vihear' team seems a prime example of how true that is :-)>

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I almost lost a Thai friend over what I thought was a small statement that turned out to be huge.

I said that I don't care for all of the drinking, water throwing, heavy traffic, etc. in Thailand during Songkran, and that I and some of my Western friends have even gone to Cambodia for a holiday to avoid it. Geez, did the shoot hit the fan. "Cambodia has Songkran. Thailand much better. I don't think we friends."

The inability to allow me to say that this Songkran thing contains even some small problems really startled me. Thailand is perfect as are Thais, I guess.

BTW we did get past it, but only because I have no need to save face, and apologized profusely and agreed I was wrong. wai2.gif

Lost a farang friend a few years ago who would tell it how it was in fluent Thai. Friends and the missus eventually said, " if you don't like it, go home". I take that argument as admitting losing the argument.

It is a real issue if you point out things that are a problem in Thailand because, I believe, many would like things to change but they have been conditioned to believe that things are beyond being modified for the better. we as farangs vent our frustration verbally knowing we have no power to change anything. Thais have often the same frustrations but once they realise that they have no power to change anything either, then they blame the messenger.

When I think of it that way, I pity them because that is truly depressing.

I for the life of me can not understand how a person can learn to speak Thai fluently and still be dumb enough to keep telling the same people over and over again that they are wrong he is right.

If I had to listen to him over and over even if I thought he was half rite I would also suggest that he leave Thailand. People like him are not always wanted where they come from so they come here.

yes is ''the thai way or the hiway''....the first step to change is to accept opinions,if they want to have a better country they need to remeber that we now live here ,invest here,marry here and die here...this ''you are in thailand bull','as your investment colapses or you home devaluates,or your buisness falls apart.due to laws or lack of them.is why they are stuck.and we(foriengers) keep saying 'wellyes'it could be worse..''yes it could vietnam for eg..but that is not cut it anymore...i watch as they destroy the beach front and no one, not one person has stood up aginst them...bend over ,here it comes again...

You missed my point constantly saying the same thing over and over gets tiring to the people who have to listen to it.

Living in Thailand I would expect any one who spends the amount of time to learn to be fluent in Thai would also know even if he is right the Thais are hard to convince and as has happened here he was told to leave.

I am not saying don't say any thing but I am saying don't continually harp on it.

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i must admit thais are very good at what they do,and what they do is mimic,they are talented and focused (most of the time),but thinking outside the box is the main proboblem,and taking advice another,admitting weakness is not a fault,is a step to be stronger..i know thais that have lived abroad and come back better people and more humble..eyes wide open,hair straight back..

I whole heartedly agree with you on that point.

It is a two way street when I first did any real traveling it was for 6 weeks in Mexico. I came back with a new attitude. Living here for 7 years has also given me a new attitude I am an American and admittedly was a red neck in the 60s but living here has given me a whole new out look on things.

I can feel for the people who lost there life and were hurt in the Boston bombing but it is not worth all the attention they give it. Here in Thailand we learn to live with it. It is a weekly occurrence. Kind of like learning to except life when it is beyond are ability to control it and moving on.

It is so true that old saying travel broadens the mind.

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Lost a friend over the fact that I said "If I would return home (after 6 years), it would probably shock me, how clean everything is, compared to Bangkok!"

I mean...you have to be brainwashed to the extreme, if you think Bangkok is "clean"!

Clean compared to what?


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My Thai girlfriend says Bangkok is the centre of the world and Thailand leads the world in most things. She is completely brainwashed and stupid.

Yes but she chose you didn't she so she can't be that stupid. unsure.png

No!! it doesnt work like that 'Super22k'.

its the other way around.

it he he that is choosing to stay with her.

if we take him at his words that she is: "completely brainwashed and stupid.",, then a 'stupid persons' choice has little value (because they may not discriminate as much as an educated person).

she may be happy to be with anyonoe.

but he is more selective.

so it is he that is staying with her. hence he is willingly with her.

(not the other way around)

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