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Cat Burgled


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Thursday evening someone of lesser DNA scaled he wall outside of our place and gained access to our condo. Took 2 laptops, Samsung galaxy and new tablet. Came into our bedroom while we slept and took gf's Samsung which was less then 2 ft from here on nightstand.

Dont imagine I have got a hope of getting them back. BIB were called and 90 minutes later some guy turned up and had a quick look but that was about it.

I have tried seacrhing for ways to get my macbook back by tracking the IP but nothing looks possible.

Horrible feeling knowing someone was ion your bedroom while you slept.. gf is very spooked and understandably so.

Guess should consider ourselves lucky we still have life and limb.

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Yes this happens, petty theft is pretty common against foreigners but fortunately violence isn't.

I've always been told that better security is one of the reasons to rent a condo rather than a house.

My house has barred frames bolted into the concrete inside all the windows even the 5th floor, steel roller security door, upstairs door to the roof patio is steel, and 99% of the time the maid or members of her family are in the house when we're not home.

If I had anything of real value I'd also wire up a decent alarm system and install a concealed safe.

But such measures shouldn't be required at a decent condo.

Don't know about renter's insurance but that's also something to investigate. . .

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Here in the village outskirts of BKK you see everyone has bars in front of their windows and doors. I would imagine that would have stopped a cat burglar. We also got a dog.. helps a lot too. Though we did not get him for that and while its one of the best deference against burglars a dog is a lot to take care off.

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I was staying at a new hotel which was very nice but had teething problems which I accepted didnt matter much to me.The only once that upset me a bit was the front door.I went out once and when I came back I couldnt get in.After 10 minutes of mucking about with the key I got in.A few days later in happened again,so the manger,lady came up and had a go,she could get in so she gets the engingeer who arrives with 2 of his off siders They all put their heads together it was like being at NASA for the launch for discovery.After an hour they got the door opened and worked on it for another hour,this was it was going to be no more problems.2 days later same thing happens.They came up again.This time also the room next to me was vacant so the put me in there put the tv on gave me a drink but they could not open the door.90 minutes later they call for reinforcements.The guy came,big pompoui thai guy.He has a go for a minute then walks into the room I was in goes out onto the balcony and climbs accross to my room and lets them in.He had nothing to hang onto I do not know he did it.This was on the 6th floor and if he fell he would have been dead.Do not worry some of them can climb like monkeys and have no fear

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Yes this happens, petty theft is pretty common against foreigners but fortunately violence isn't.

I've always been told that better security is one of the reasons to rent a condo rather than a house.

My house has barred frames bolted into the concrete inside all the windows even the 5th floor, steel roller security door, upstairs door to the roof patio is steel, and 99% of the time the maid or members of her family are in the house when we're not home.

If I had anything of real value I'd also wire up a decent alarm system and install a concealed safe.

But such measures shouldn't be required at a decent condo.

Don't know about renter's insurance but that's also something to investigate. . .

You have a maid yet don't pay your rent for over a yearwhistling.gif

He had a harem and didn't pay rent for a year.

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A dog left alone in a condo all day will be very unhappy and may disturb the neighbours. On our farm we have a poodle that will only, but always, bark when a stranger is around. Very useful animal.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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If you have a Mac you can disable it also post a message on it, but you need to have it set up on iCloud before hand. Wife's MacBook Air just got nicked and she's had it disabled etc.

I lived in Vietnam with similar stories of bedside theft. With sitcoms or fans whirring we all are vulnerable to sleeping through burglaries. I like the dog solution but the dog can also sleep through the same thing unless outside.

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If you have a Mac you can disable it also post a message on it, but you need to have it set up on iCloud before hand. Wife's MacBook Air just got nicked and she's had it disabled etc.

I lived in Vietnam with similar stories of bedside theft. With sitcoms or fans whirring we all are vulnerable to sleeping through burglaries. I like the dog solution but the dog can also sleep through the same thing unless outside.

Its real unlikely a dog sleeps through it.. have you ever owned a dog that liked guarding the house ?

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Buy an alarm system. you can get a very basic one set up for about 10-15k. it wont do much but make a lot of noise if a sensor goes off but that is really all you need here unless you have some real valuables (diamonds etc). IMHO gogs are good if you have the space, but should not be kept in condos unless you are a person who walks it regularly.

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Sounds sort of like he knew what he was looking for. Is it possible the perp has been in your place before?

Could be his gf family but that is only speculations....

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If you have a Mac you can disable it also post a message on it, but you need to have it set up on iCloud before hand. Wife's MacBook Air just got nicked and she's had it disabled etc.

I lived in Vietnam with similar stories of bedside theft. With sitcoms or fans whirring we all are vulnerable to sleeping through burglaries. I like the dog solution but the dog can also sleep through the same thing unless outside.

Its real unlikely a dog sleeps through it.. have you ever owned a dog that liked guarding the house ?

Had a ridgeback once who let a burglar in the held him by the ankle until someone came home which was best part of a day later. Burglar had messed his pants and was witless by the end of it. Ridgeback grew old and by the end couldn't hear her own farts.

I take your point that there are guard dogs and guard dogs.

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That's scary stuff!

Buy a dog.

That doesn't make any sense at all. Did you not read the post title. They already stole his cat. Obviously they will steal his dog also. tongue.png

Actually I read the title that way too and hence clicked on it prepared to offer heaps of condolences and advise (being a veteran of pet-snatchings). Relieved to see not a cat that was taken.tongue.png But it is disconcerting that they entered while you were home. ....

As others have said, you need bars on your windows. Be sure to report what happened to the condo management.

If they allow pets and if you are able to care for one, a dog is indeed an excellent security device. Lacking that there are things you can buy with motion sensors to put on the door and windows.

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Yes this happens, petty theft is pretty common against foreigners but fortunately violence isn't.

I've always been told that better security is one of the reasons to rent a condo rather than a house.

My house has barred frames bolted into the concrete inside all the windows even the 5th floor, steel roller security door, upstairs door to the roof patio is steel, and 99% of the time the maid or members of her family are in the house when we're not home.

If I had anything of real value I'd also wire up a decent alarm system and install a concealed safe.

But such measures shouldn't be required at a decent condo.

Don't know about renter's insurance but that's also something to investigate. . .

You have a maid yet don't pay your rent for over a yearwhistling.gif

She's not getting paid either from what I can gather,why would you employ a maid you know you can't pay?The man has no shame whatsoever,I hope it all goes very wrong for him and he's thrown in jail until he pays up!sick.gif

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I took all the bars off my windows in our home. Bought a awesome Rotty. Done deal! I never liked looking through bars myself.

What a scary situation to realize someone had the balls to go into your sanctuary whist you are sleeping to take your stuff.

Good luck for the future!

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I took all the bars off my windows in our home. Bought a awesome Rotty. Done deal! I never liked looking through bars myself.

What a scary situation to realize someone had the balls to go into your sanctuary whist you are sleeping to take your stuff.

Good luck for the future!

Beware pieces of meat (containing poison) thrown over the wall into your garden, that's usually the first sign that pet Rotti is on the way out and you will be burgled shortly afterwards.

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If you have a Mac you can disable it also post a message on it, but you need to have it set up on iCloud before hand. Wife's MacBook Air just got nicked and she's had it disabled etc.

I lived in Vietnam with similar stories of bedside theft. With sitcoms or fans whirring we all are vulnerable to sleeping through burglaries. I like the dog solution but the dog can also sleep through the same thing unless outside.

Its real unlikely a dog sleeps through it.. have you ever owned a dog that liked guarding the house ?

No, but have had dogs that liked me enough to guard against any harm.

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That's scary stuff!

Buy a dog.

That doesn't make any sense at all. Did you not read the post title. They already stole his cat. Obviously they will steal his dog also. tongue.png

A dog goes, .........BARK......... BARK. .......a cat goes, give me a cuddle. rolleyes.gif

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