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Ant Infested Wooden Dinner Table

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my wooden dinner table is crawling with ants and i cant take it no more,

is there a way to end it beside switching table ?


There are double bowl type things available that you place under the table legs. The leg sits in the dry inner bowl with a moat of water in the outer bowl. This stops most ants. I've seen the bowls on sale mostly in market stalls.


Thanks, i will start with trying to find those bowls and see if they fit,

only i will replace the water with ERA ant-killing powder to get even angry.png


Take a look around the temporary or permanent markets that sell all the cheap stuff from plastics to nail clippers.


The wife wrapped the bottom three or four inches of the kitchen table legs with masking tape with the sticky side out. It seems to have worked pretty well over the past few months. But, I haven't looked to see how much grunge has accumulated.


Another way to get rid of ants where you don't want them is to spray the cracks, etc. where they come from. Or, if you see the ant trail, spray the whole thing. It might take several days and several cans but, if you're persistent, that will work. My thought is that: if the ants are outside my house, I don't care, but come inside or climb my walls and my daily walk around will find and kill! Strangely, it's the really little ones that mystify me - how they can find my left over breakfast plate within minutes on top of my desk and I cannot see where they come from drives me nuts. I spray the shit out of everything but about a week later, they appear again. But, I think I will win.

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The only effective way I have ever found to get rid of ants (temporarily) is to get a granulated ant powder as was mentioned in the last post and then try to follow the trail to the nest. If you can find the nest it will have a mound around it. Then sprinkle the poison granules around the mound so that when the ants go into the nest they will drag particles of the granules with them down to where the Queen is. About one day and they should be gone.

If you can't find the nest then good luck because they will just keep coming. But try not to leave anything out that will attract them if possible.


OK, since i use ERA powder instead of water, i only need a simple bowl,

and since i make kefir, i got a lot of 2 L milk packs, so i just cut out the bottom of 4 milk packs,

placed them under each leg, and will fill them up with powder when dry :)



@bankruatsteve: buy ERA ant-powder at nearest BigC, it last forever unlike spray

Yeah, I have tried that but "forever" is until the gf cleans - which is almost every day. Again, if you want to eradicate ants - that ain't going to happen. The best you can do is displace them to somewhere else. And, for me, the best place is outside of my house. If they are outside, I don't care, inside: I spray them until they move.


This is what I have used with great results. Iput a little on a paper plate with a few crumbs of bread and put it under the table. In a few days the ants were all gone.



We went away for a month and they got into an unopened packet of Ritz !!! ... How can ant's even locate, let alone bite through and into a packet of Ritz is beyond me... (I traced them all the way through my condo corridor, out through one of the windows near the lift and down the outer wall !!)...

They've got into my router and slowed down my wifi !!! (the TOT guy said it was not uncommon).

I like to systematically trace them back as far as I can and then 'let em av it' with a can of bug killer... I like to think I win, but its only the battle, the war is ongoing...


"I like to systematically trace them back as far as I can and then 'let em av it' with a can of bug killer... I like to think I win, but its only the battle, the war is ongoing... "

With the powder I posted about you don't have to trace them anywhere; they carry the poison back to their nest and do the job for you.


Mix 1 cup of sugar, 1 tablespoon of Boric Acid with a cup of warm water....the warm water aids in dissolving it all. You will have to work the Boric Acid a wee bit, as it is pretty much hydro-phobic (doesn't readily mix with water like the sugar will). If you have pets...use a small water bottle with 4 or 5 small holes punched about 1 inch from the bottom, fill it to just under those holes, and let the ants feast on it for a day or so. They will take it back to the queen to feed her and in a very short time, all will die. The main object is to eradicate the queen. This works great...it is how I control my what used to be...ant problem. You can buy boric acid (a powder) at some pharmacies and chemical outlet places that cater to universities. I got my box from one of those places across the street from the School of Pharmacy at CMU in Chaingmai. Boric acid is not toxic like poisons are, and works wonderfully well. ett


I have an expensive HP large-screen laptop in Pattaya that I rarely use. Only do the Win updates, really.

A couple years ago I found a big populous tiny ants colony lodged behind the monitor protective clear plate. Still the monitor showed the websites and the computer worked.

I took the laptop to ITCity at TukCom where they opened it and cleaned it. Cost me 1000b. They had never heard of such a computer ant infestation.

Since then I regularly spray bug repellant underneath it. The laptop works OK.

Strange suff. There is hardly any food in my room and certainly not anywhere near my laptop that rests on a desk.

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