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Minimum Wage- Has It Arrived?


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As of April 1st, the minimum-wage was pegged at 300 Bht/Day for all Thai workers, including people that work the rice-fields as employees.

Question: Has this taken hold in your neck of the woods?

Best approach: The interested reader may want to take a quick survey among Thai-Family-Members or Thai-Friends and then report back here.

This is not about starting an exensive discussion about Thai-Politics or the Thai-Rural-Economy in general, it's just about: "Has the 300 Bht Minimum-Wage taken hold on a broad basis or rather not".

Thanks for input. Cheers.

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It did not arrive on April the 1st it has been in place since February one. I empoy 18 people in Ubon and had to pay since then. I know of some large companies that do not pay it and their attitude towards it is if you don't like it then leave. I also know some of these companies don't pay the compulsory 4% social security each month.

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Thanks for input so far folks. As I expected, some employers go with it, others are not, under the motto "if you don't like it, you can leave".

Laws can be put in effect in Bangkok, but who is enforcing them "in the sticks"?


Comes to mind: The "helmet-wearing-law" for Motorbike riders. In my neck of the woods, the local police does certainly not enforce it. 12 year old boys are allowed to thunder through the village on mororbikes at 80 km/h and none of them wearing a helmet! smile.png But the main thing is: Those 12 year olds all have drivers-licences, of course.

The attitude seems to be: Bangkok is far away, thank Buddha!


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not paying the minimum wage =disgracful ,,,you should be ashamed of yourselves especially if your a foreigner,your hardly skint,,??? i would add more but i think i might upset some selfcentred selfish people

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