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Places To Live In Thailand


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OP check out Koh Phangan... lots of nice houses in the Wok Tum area of the island and of course lots of tourists.

(also meets your other requirements- not so expensive, by the sea, few bar girls)

Edited by girlx
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Why are people continuing to suggest CM or CR, when he clearly says he wants a beach.

For me the best choice would be Hua Hin. Close to Bkk, a rapidly developing tourist town with good infrastructure and plenty of scope to make some dollars from a tourism-related business.

It has everything he/she wants.

Sorry Bendix I must have missed something. :o

The OP had gone on to talk about his impending visit to Samui.

But since you mention Hua Hin..... I agree with you :D

If I was not in CM that would be my choice, plenty of ex-pats and a very relaxed community,I am just not that bothered about beaches, but the place itself is great

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COBBLERS, british and australian troops started using Pattaya as an R&R resort in 1962 , so before the vietnam war, then US troops from Uttapao started dropping in to trade beer and steaks for souvenirs, from the north east :D ,as far as prices go, in december 1962, 4 of us hired a taxi from bangkok to take us to Phuket, he drove us to phuket stayed with us all week and drove us back to Bkk all for the princely sum of 100 dollars Us and 4 ozs of Erinmore tobacco, by the way, we are still mates with the taxidriver and his extended family, if you like I can give you the number of his company , which is thriving today, old veterans never die we just smell that way!!! :o Nignoy

Off topic I know, but as this one seems to be going nowhere, the above seems just a tantalising glimpse of a bigger story!

"We are still mates" Is this all 4 of you - are you all thriving and living in LOS?

How come you all stayed in touch with the cabbie? And each other? Best intentions are often difficult to fulfil. And how? Presumably you all went home at some stage before returning.

Could this be a great untold story of a life in LOS?

I hope this isn't being intrusive?

I know its a bit off topic :D 2 of the 4 are dead, one lives in germany with his thai wife but spends like me at least 6 months a year in thailand, we both have property in thailand , before you ask I do not own any property , but I have got a lease on a a house in Prachuap and have also had the free use of a property in Yasothon province for the last 28 years,we stayed in touch with the cabby as friends his children and grandchildren have visited us in germany , UK and australia, as you say thats a different story :D Nignoy

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I live in bkk and have a decent place for 60k/mo. live a little. no need to live like a peasant

Sheesh, and here I am getting by on a total of 30k a month ! Guess I must be in the wrong job or something ! :o

60k a month for a "decent" place ? That's 720 k per year.

You could buy a nice place instead of renting (if you went up-country, you could buy a real nice place for less than you are paying in rent for 1 year).

But then I guess it comes down to where you want to be.

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Hua Hin.just returned from a vist there looking at property and land.

its a long way from Bangkok and with the new airport it will be further3-4hrs.

You can fly there 5200Baht return but you have to go to the OLD airport to do that when the new one opens up.

There is a new motorway opening soon? Soon as in Thai soon.

The area is good and lots of familys from Europe, down side was the development I saw were

at least 5 years behind in build quality as Pattaya.

It is also just as expensive as Pattaya, there will be a problem there is3 years ince as per usual the main road goes through it and is congested already.

Having said all this nice place and definatly worth a vist,the Kings residance will ensure it stays on the Thais list of places to live..

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I'm wondering how this guy is going to support himself here. Where is he getting his money? How long does he suspect it to last. How soon before he has to start working? Will he try to get a work permit or work illegaly? What type of visa will he have? Has he factored in visa runs into his budget?

I have known people who have lived in Thailand part of the year and worked back in the country where they come from for the rest of the year. They save as much as possible in their own country and come to Thailand to spend it all.

Perhaps this type of arrangement might work best for you while you get use to how things work here in Thailand.

I would hate to see you with a sign somewhere in Bangkok asking for money from tourist so you can fly back to your own country because you ran out of money.

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I know its a bit off topic 2 of the 4 are dead, one lives in germany with his thai wife but spends like me at least 6 months a year in thailand, we both have property in thailand , before you ask I do not own any property , but I have got a lease on a a house in Prachuap and have also had the free use of a property in Yasothon province for the last 28 years,we stayed in touch with the cabby as friends his children and grandchildren have visited us in germany , UK and australia, as you say thats a different story Nignoy

Thanks for the update, Nignoy, I actually meant my question was off-topic. But its good to hear that something good and lasting emerged from what must have been a welcome break from an awful situation. I take my hat off to you. Coincidentally, I'll be in your area in May (Prachuap)!


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