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Hi All

Today i have done a dummy run for filling in my wife's application for her IIR (Set (M) Version 04/2013.

Spent a good few hours on it and trying to get my head around the wording which for me, Takes some doing.

OK, I have a few Query's that fellow board members maybe able to help me out with and maybe useful to other Board members who will be applying using the new Set (M) version.

1. We are planning on using the premium service which i know is approx £400 more, But i am after peace of Mind, Regarding the biometric's, Will these be done at the public enquiry office or is it a matter of going to the post office and doing the biometric's. It states on the UKBA web site that a letter will be out to you in order to go to the post office for your biometrics done. If you book an appointment, will a letter be sent out? we have not registered to use the premium service, so maybe the UKBA Will give more information then.

2. Regarding contact with your partner and living together (2.4) My then Girlfriend visited me on 2 tourist visa's, (2.5) How long have you been living in a relationship and (2.6) when did you begin living together, I would put down from the fist time she came to the UK on a tourist Visa, Is this correct or should it be when we got married and she got the settlement Visa?

3. Marriage and Civil partnerships.

On 2.22, it asks, have you or your partner been married before and asks for details in 2.23. it then says you must provide original copy's of divorce or dissolution of civil partnerships.

Even though we submitted our divorce papers and marriage certificate, Do they need to see them again? (i am sure i read that you only showed these if you married in the UK but i maybe wrong) see 11B

4. regarding income, it ask's for payslips for the last 3 months, But it does not ask for proof of employment, i.e someone who works for a agency and maybe only working when needed. on the settlement visa, they needed a letter from your employer asking how long you have worked for them.

Also it does not ask for paperwork if your self employed, unless i have misread the form's

Thank you for any help and I am sure other Board members will have other questions, So the more info, the easier it will be for filling out these forms.



1. Biometrics will be taken on the day of your premium appointment.

2. 'Living' being the operative word.

3. Show the divorce papers again.

4. You only require to evidence regular income through bank statements and payslips.

I hope this helps.


Hi Malc,

Regarding using the premium service. Unless you are in a rush then I would seriously recommend using the Settlement Checking Service at your local authority rather than paying to use the PEO. For my wife's application we'd booked a premium service appointment several weeks earlier only to have it cancelled by the PEO the week before as they'd decided to go on strike. The only option they gave us was to re-book another appointment online - however, there were none available. So we had to go down the SCS route - and as it turned out I think they did us a massive favour, not only saving us money, but the experience was altogether more pleasurable and less stressful. The council staff were very professional, polite and even friendly, making us a cup of tea whilst we waited for them to do the photo-copying.

So all in all I can highly recommend the SCS - and you'll save £400 in the process. Don't give these obtuse bureaucrats 1 pence more than you have to !

Cheers and good luck with the app...


Good post, Melpomene, but there is a market for PEO appointment. Not necessarily when just in rush.

My wife and I wanted the application processed with same-day decision. It was expensive and would rather have pocketed the difference, but it was a one-off payment in addition to the taxi to hotel next door to PEO, overnight rate for hotel accommodation and associated expenses. In the region of £1600, all told.

No regrets and definitely didn't want to experience a postal application. Suited us well.


Thank you for your helpful reply's.

Out of interest Wolloomooloo, What was the process from entering the office to you leaving? Do you get the chance to explain anything regarding the paperwork.

So regarding the Biometric's, that mean the UKBA will fill in section 6 for you.

When you read the guidance notes on biometrics, they dedicate 4 pages to the subject, over complicating the subject.

We don't apply until September, so a few months to go, but spending time checking, researching and asking questions, It will make is straight forward completing the application form.

Regarding doing the application through the premium service, One of the reasons is due to applying under the old rules and if we were to fail, then least we would have until the end of October before the New rules come in, Plus i don't want to be waiting up to 6 months for the decision


It's straightforward, malct. Enter building, sit down for five minutes, go through airport-style security scanners. Proceed to check-in, next stop payment counter, then into the main office. You'll be called pretty quickly and a few questions to the wife to register and a short time later off to biometrics counter and then sit and wait. You'll wait for quite a long time, unless you're both very lucky.

Eventually you be summoned to hand over application and that's it. Unless there's a problem your wife will be called again to receive her decision. In our case, the decision was no more than twenty five minutes after my wife handed over the file.


@ wolloomooloo

What do you mean by this sentence, it seems to give the impression that the decision on the visa was made in twentyfive minutes, I suspect that wasn't what you meant.

"In our case, the decision was no more than twenty five minutes after my wife handed over the file"



What do you mean by this sentence, it seems to give the impression that the decision on the visa was made in twentyfive minutes, I suspect that wasn't what you meant.

"In our case, the decision was no more than twenty five minutes after my wife handed over the file"

The decision was made within twenty-five minutes of handing the file over at Croydon PEO. My wife and I sat there for three hours prior, but when my wife eventually handed over the application folder, we were on our way within twenty-five minutes. I've no reason to rewrite history.

It was an expensive and tedious day. But, there was no quibble and no questions to interfere with the process.

I put a lot of time into the ILR application, like I did the settlement, and I'll repeat the process once more - and for one last time - later this year for citizenship. It's my wife's application but I do I the consolidation and construction of form. It's now innate. My wife signs the bottom of page 16 of citizenship and that's us done, I hope.

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