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Mysql & Php


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Well no one else seems to be offering much help for you two so I will try having gone through the process of learn PHP and MYSQL over the past three years.

Firstly MYSQL if you have any previous sql database experience this is going to be a big help. MYSQL is a very good database engine that will run on just about anything and when combined with Apache and PHP it provide a very powerful development environment. Good reading would be MySQL by DuBois published by New Rider.

Its probably also very useful to get a gui database design tool that works with MySQL such as DeZign for databases by Datanamic. This gives you a very easy graphical interface for creating your database design. It then creates SQL script files that you can then execute in Mysql and create your databases.

As for PHP I would start with Dreamweaver MX 2004 it will automatically create the PHP code for connecting to a MYSQL database, allow you to insert dynamic content into your web pages and generally take away a lot of the ball ache. A good book for this is 'Dreamweaver MX: PHP Web Development' by Gareth Downes-Powell. This has a lot of step by step exercises as well as creating a full blown system.

Another good book is Teach Yourself PHP in 24 Hours by Sams, although it took me a bit longer.

There are a lot of good websites around with tons of PHP tutorials and how tos, it just a matter of getting out there and reading them. Also if you have project to need to create that also a good way of learning. One excellent fact about PHP is that just about everything has already been done in it, so there's no need to re-invent the wheel just go and download it.

good luck

phuket Mike

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I'm going to put my cent in this ... :D

O'Reilly ... simply the best, the most complete, a bit rich may be for a beginning, but you will find anything you'll need along the way :D

the O'Reilly collection is rich in tiltes too ...

should look for over the net, could be easy to find :D

take care about titles telling you, in 3days or so ... more like in 3 months or so :o


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No argument with O'Reilly they are excellent books. In fact Macromedia include the O'Reilly Pocket Reference for ASP.NET, CSS, HTML, Javascript, PHP and SQL within the online reference for Dreamweaver MX 2004.

Normally I would agree with teach yourself in 24 hours books, but the PHP one I have already mentioned breaks down the major language components into manageable one hour lessons with good examples. This makes it a good reference book.

Also if you need books Amazon will ship books to Thailand if you can't get them locally.

Phuket Mike

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I have "PHP and MySQL Web Development" from Sams. It's a very useful book and if you start off with a basic working knowledge of any sort of web development it should help. I got it because I needed to learn PHP and MySQL for a college project.

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Thanks to all of you guy's who responded to my call for help!

I have bought a couple of books already but I will definately check out some of the other titles you suggest.

If any MySQL/PHP savvy guys (or girls) who live local to me (Jomtien nr Pattaya) would like to meet up I would appreciate the help, perhaps we could even start a MySQL/PHP club...

Regards, Stuart

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