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The New 2 Baht Coins – Confusing?


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In anyone else having difficulty with the new 2 baht coins? I don’t get out much on my own these days, we usually go together and Ms Beach handles the money.

So on a recent visa run it came as a bit of a surprise to discover that new 2 baht coins had been introduced that were almost the same size as the old 1 baht coin. Very confusing had to put my glasses on every time just to see what was what. :D

Between the old round 5 baht and the new 2 baht and the 1baht coins there seems to be very little difference, very confusing. Or is it only me? :o

Is there something going on here that we don’t know about? The 1000 baht note can get confused (under certain circumstances) with the 20. The 100 can easily get confused with the 500, and now the coins.

What is going on?


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I've only had a 2 baht coin a few times but so far every time I have paid with a 2 baht coin it was mistaken for a 1 baht.

i.e I knew I had a 2 baht coin in my purse, forgot I had a 2 baht coin so I use it as a 1 baht coin, then the cashier doesn't realise it is a 2 baht coin.

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In anyone else having difficulty with the new 2 baht coins? I don’t get out much on my own these days, we usually go together and Ms Beach handles the money.

So on a recent visa run it came as a bit of a surprise to discover that new 2 baht coins had been introduced that were almost the same size as the old 1 baht coin. Very confusing had to put my glasses on every time just to see what was what. :D

Between the old round 5 baht and the new 2 baht and the 1baht coins there seems to be very little difference, very confusing. Or is it only me? :o

Is there something going on here that we don’t know about? The 1000 baht note can get confused (under certain circumstances) with the 20. The 100 can easily get confused with the 500, and now the coins.

What is going on?


Get yourself to a medical professional at your best expedition is my best advice, if you are serious.

If not, just keep 'trolling along. :D

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Get yourself to a medical professional at your best expedition is my best advice, if you are serious.

If not, just keep 'trolling along. :D

Where do you think the poor guy is going? Mountain climbing? It was a regular inquiring post as I see it, but then again, I'm fortunate enough not to wear glasses :o

Edited by Maejo Man
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I don't wear glasses- and Beachcomber is absolutely correct that the new 2 baht coins are a little confusing. They are indeed only a fractional amount bigger than a one baht coin.

When receiving my change in my local Seven Eleven one time, I thoought they had made an error. The amount to be returned was 79 baht, they gave me a fifty, a twenty, a five baht coin and what I thought were two one baht coins. The clerk pointed out to me that they were two baht coins.

I don't have any problem with the paper money- since each denomination is a bigger size. A 1000 is physically bigger than a twenty by an easily noticeable amount.

Edited by bino
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I had a couple of 2bt coins when they first came out but none since. How do you confuse a grey 1000bt note with a green 20bt note?

Couple of occasions have confused the 50 and 20 baht because I was wearing Blue Blocker sunglasses and they looked the same color. :o

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How do you confuse a grey 1000bt note with a green 20bt note?

Probably when they come from a group of people who also confuse the colours pink and purple, and then insist purple is Tuesday's colour. :o

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Feel the need here to justify myself. The confusion with the 1000 baht and 20 baht note was mentioned previously by another poster after a good night’s session at a local watering hole. So not alone on this one.

Personally I keep the 1000 and 500 separate from the other notes so as not to make that mistake.

And yes I agree it could possibly maybe be the aging process but what about harassed housewife with a bunch of screaming kids at the check out or late for appointment fling a twenty at the taxi driver?


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Is there something going on here that we don’t know about? The 1000 baht note can get confused (under certain circumstances) with the 20. The 100 can easily get confused with the 500, and now the coins.

Yeah, it's all a conspiracy to cheat farangs out of their money :o

I'm holding a wad of cash in each denomination right now. How you can confuse a 1,000 with a 20 is beyond me, unless it's in a dark, seedy bar.

Even harder confusing a 100 with a 500. A 50 with a 500 would be a little easier to confuse, especially if the vision has been clouded by certain beverages.

The first time I saw a 2 baht coin, I thought it was some foreign currency (I've seen a few asian coins that are the same size as a 1 baht coin).

When I realized it was a Thai coin, I thought maybe it was a fake, but who would bother counterfeiting a 2 baht coin ?

Then I thought it might be a promotional gimmick. Nope. It's the real deal.

Odd that you don't see more of them floating around. I saved the first couple I got for souvenirs.

Maybe it's all a sneaky plot to get tourists to mistakenly pay an extra baht here and there without realizing it ? :D

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I had a couple of 2bt coins when they first came out but none since. How do you confuse a grey 1000bt note with a green 20bt note?

I sometimes get confused in taxis at night. No, not coming home from bars but from work. Often the light is so poor it's difficult to see the difference between at 20 baht and a 1000 baht note.

I have been given a 2 baht coin instead of a 1 baht coin so the confusion between 1 baht coins and 2 baht coins goes both ways. What the heck 1 baht is nothing to worry about.

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When the 2-bahts were just introduced last fall I got a few in change. We decided to get a few bags to use for change in our shop. However we soon realized, that there were no advantages, only inconveniences, by having them. So when we were out of them, we were happy. It seems to me that all other shopowners have come to the same conclusion - haven't seen a single one for the last 3-4 months.

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I forgot all about the 2-baht coin. They may have disappeared. You know, just because some legislators and the mint decide to make a coin against poular will, is no guarantee it'll be used. The USA has had several 50 cent and one dollar coins that went nowhere. When I lived in Mexico, two of the larger common denominations of paper currency were much alike, even if you were sober. I keep my 500's separate from my 100's, and I usually get about 80 to 95 new 100's at the same time, whereas the 500 baht notes are usually crumpled (and they're a lot darker).

I though Tuesday was pink day, and Saturday was violet day.

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Regarding the folding money, I don't see how Thai currency could be any easier for an outsider.

Every note is a different size, even helpful enough to go with bigger bills equating to higher denominations.

ALSO, they are all different colors.

I'd had to see how the OP would function in someplace like the USA where the bills are all the same size AND the same color. :o

There are lots of things to voice concern about in this land, but currency is certainly not one of them.

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Took awhile to make these (camera battery had to be recharged). Not very professional, I was using bills from my pocket.

I would have included the 10 baht note, just to muddle things a bit further, but decided against it. :o

Edited by Kerryd
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the last photo is the most telling... thank you very much for going to the trouble.


anyone that has difficulty differentiating these bills needs to consult either an optician.... a neurologist... or a psychiatrist....

now KerryD... your next assignment as you've done so great thus far, is to post an identical type photo as the last one using the 1 thru 100 US dollar...

then place the two photos side by side...

and then ask the OP if he still thinks currency "confusion" is a problem in Thailand.

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Get yourself to a medical professional at your best expedition is my best advice, if you are serious.

If not, just keep 'trolling along. :D

Where do you think the poor guy is going? Mountain climbing?

I take it the English language is not your strongest subject? :o

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Regarding the folding money, I don't see how Thai currency could be any easier for an outsider.

Every note is a different size, even helpful enough to go with bigger bills equating to higher denominations.

ALSO, they are all different colors.

For me the numbers on currency, coin or paper, are a dead giveaway as to the denomination.

BTW, are there new 500 baht notes? I think I had one this week that had the "500" in dark purple rather than green, and the picture on the back was different too.

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If people can find it hard to distinguish thai money, they will certainly also find it hard to find their own willies when they go to the toilet.

Do people find it easier to use British pounds? I get confused instead when I am in England. :o

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I take it the English language is not your strongest subject? :o

I have letters to prove it is. You are obviously not English :D


Just to be helpful, this may help you. :D

Your turn of phrase was not idiomatic, and you have just gone on my ignore list, so I don't have to see your petty postings. I suggest you do the same :D:D:D

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the last photo is the most telling... thank you very much for going to the trouble.

now KerryD... your next assignment as you've done so great thus far, is to post an identical type photo as the last one using the 1 thru 100 US dollar...

All I have are 100s :o

I really don't want to change Thai into US just to take a couple of pics, and then have to change it back again.

Would anyone care to donate some 1's, 5's, 10's, 20's and 50's to help me out with this worthwhile venture ? :D

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:o I didnt ever had problems with the money (at least not the notes) in any country. It's just a matter of familiarisation. AFter a few day/weeks you just get used to it, just like you start calculating in your head with the new currency and convert back less and less, as the prices tell you whether its expensive of not by themselfes.

BTW, I think :D THIS is the confused smiley or at least it's most commonly used as one



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Ok I’m confused.

I thought the 100 and 500 were the same color. The 50 I always thought was kina blue so how does that relate to a reddish 500.

Why is there not a confused Smilie????


Beach from your comments I think you do need to see an optician. Not being nasty, being reasitic. I am a Dispensing Optician and if you are having difficulty with these things you should get a check up! Most of these things can be easily corrected these days. If it's been more than 2 years since your last eye check then get one ( if your older than 50, definately get one). May be that you simply need a bit more strength in your reading glasses.

regards Dave :D

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