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That was an extremely comfortable win and if not for a couple great saves from Green, would have been more.

Jovanovic has really disappeared, but saw in the news he's still wanting to stay with Liverpool and fight for his place. I think he has real quality and I'm disappointed he's not been given more chances, lately. Guess he just has to prove himself. Maybe in Europa League.

Not seen Pacheco of late, either. Hope he can make it.

But I think Suso is our brightest young prospect and I'm delighted to see he just signed a professional contract with LFC. We need more players like this in the reserves and youth ranks.

Not looking forward to the Spurs match. A draw would be a great result against them considering how this season's gone.

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I did'nt see the game but by all accounts they were dreadful. I have to ask the question why they played so well against us and with such commitment?!

Incidently if Liverpool are so poor, will the team be set up for a draw next weekend. Also whats the situation with Torres, will he be playing?

roy doesn't do away matches so we will be ten men behind the ball at white hart lane and torres will be told to do his chilean miner act again.

That was an extremely comfortable win and if not for a couple great saves from Green, would have been more.

Jovanovic has really disappeared, but saw in the news he's still wanting to stay with Liverpool and fight for his place. I think he has real quality and I'm disappointed he's not been given more chances, lately. Guess he just has to prove himself. Maybe in Europa League.

Not seen Pacheco of late, either. Hope he can make it.

But I think Suso is our brightest young prospect and I'm delighted to see he just signed a professional contract with LFC. We need more players like this in the reserves and youth ranks.

Not looking forward to the Spurs match. A draw would be a great result against them considering how this season's gone.

yes, jovanovic hasn't really even had chance to prove himself or not has he? and pacheco's agent is making noises about moving him on, will be a criminal waste if he's allowed to go without us really seeing what he might do.

likewise, i'll take a point now from spurs. have a feeling we'll see poulsen made to look a clown by van der vaart, konchesky likewise by lennon, johnson right up against it with bale etc.

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that's the worst top flight team i've seen in a long time that. and without scott parker they didn't even have any fight in them. appalling side.

You know when you people moan how bad LFC are etc ?? You knwo when you do that Dev/Stevie ??

Can you please please think back to this Game & think to yourself " we're not actually that bad after all " because you're not..

Can you imagine how it feels to watch that, what we produced on Saturday, & watch it as a Fan of them ??

Can you imagine ho embaressing that feel's give how much i know you bboth love your Football & you know ho wmuch i love mine ??

Honestly. i still haven't recoved from that & i am dreading, dreading Saturday & i honetsly might not watch us, for the first time in decades..

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that's the worst top flight team i've seen in a long time that. and without scott parker they didn't even have any fight in them. appalling side.

You know when you people moan how bad LFC are etc ?? You knwo when you do that Dev/Stevie ??

Can you please please think back to this Game & think to yourself " we're not actually that bad after all " because you're not..

Can you imagine how it feels to watch that, what we produced on Saturday, & watch it as a Fan of them ??

Can you imagine ho embaressing that feel's give how much i know you bboth love your Football & you know ho wmuch i love mine ??

Honestly. i still haven't recoved from that & i am dreading, dreading Saturday & i honetsly might not watch us, for the first time in decades..

i sympathise m but it's all relative isn't it? a few years ago we were one of the most feared teams in europe, used to (and somewhat taking for granted) amazing nights at anfield and wins in the san siro, bernabeu, nou camp etc. now following the hicks and gillett era we're in the uefa cup with a clown as manager. we've fallen far, fast. in football it's all relative. same goes for leeds fans, or forest fans.

sympathise with you lot having those two berks in charge now, the two porn barons. thing is with those two they never even look like they enjoy football so i wonder what they actually get out of being involved in it.

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that's the worst top flight team i've seen in a long time that. and without scott parker they didn't even have any fight in them. appalling side.

You know when you people moan how bad LFC are etc ?? You knwo when you do that Dev/Stevie ??

Can you please please think back to this Game & think to yourself " we're not actually that bad after all " because you're not..

Can you imagine how it feels to watch that, what we produced on Saturday, & watch it as a Fan of them ??

Can you imagine ho embaressing that feel's give how much i know you bboth love your Football & you know ho wmuch i love mine ??

Honestly. i still haven't recoved from that & i am dreading, dreading Saturday & i honetsly might not watch us, for the first time in decades..

i sympathise m but it's all relative isn't it? a few years ago we were one of the most feared teams in europe, used to (and somewhat taking for granted) amazing nights at anfield and wins in the san siro, bernabeu, nou camp etc. now following the hicks and gillett era we're in the uefa cup with a clown as manager. we've fallen far, fast. in football it's all relative. same goes for leeds fans, or forest fans.

sympathise with you lot having those two berks in charge now, the two porn barons. thing is with those two they never even look like they enjoy football so i wonder what they actually get out of being involved in it.

I'm not so sure if it is relative Stevie to be honest, i'm not so sure if the fact that we didn't even have a shot OFF TARGET let alone on target, couldn't pass to another Team Mate, didn't hassle & simply didn't compete is relative at all..

THAT is, at ANY level of the Game, unacceptable.

But at the level of teh Game where Men are employed & earn enough to let them retire in 1 x Season, like ours could, & live not only a fabulous existence but educate their Kids at the highest level, that is <deleted> beyond unacceptable..

It honestly was the most abject Team performance i can remember seeing at ANY level & at just so happened to be my <deleted> Team..:angry:

I <deleted> hate them Players & they better not hope they bump into me on their Hols next Summer cos i'd let them <deleted> know..

I don't like being embaressed & i was beyond embaressed with Saturday night..

& the Owners, Stevie if it wasn't for them buying us, we'd probably be out of Business now which now i suppose, in hindsight, could have possibly made me life much more better as i would have quit Football completely & would have lived a much better existence without it, for sure....

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I'm not so sure if it is relative Stevie to be honest, i'm not so sure if the fact that we didn't even have a shot OFF TARGET let alone on target, couldn't pass to another Team Mate, didn't hassle & simply didn't compete is relative at all..

THAT is, at ANY level of the Game, unacceptable.

But at the level of teh Game where Men are employed & earn enough to let them retire in 1 x Season, like ours could, & live not only a fabulous existence but educate their Kids at the highest level, that is <deleted> beyond unacceptable..

It honestly was the most abject Team performance i can remember seeing at ANY level & at just so happened to be my <deleted> Team..:angry:

I <deleted> hate them Players & they better not hope they bump into me on their Hols next Summer cos i'd let them <deleted> know..

I don't like being embaressed & i was beyond embaressed with Saturday night..

& the Owners, Stevie if it wasn't for them buying us, we'd probably be out of Business now which now i suppose, in hindsight, could have possibly made me life much more better as i would have quit Football completely & would have lived a much better existence without it, for sure....

it'll be no consolation to you but the derby county team that showed up at anfield a few seasons ago and got a spanking was the last performance i can remember which was as bad.

worst thing about west ham on saturday was the sheer lack of fight. not one single player, possibly rob green aside, looked like they gave a shiny <deleted>. three down at halftime, what have you got to lose? you can at least have a go and get a bit of pride back. but they didn't care. so i understand your anger.

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I'm not so sure if it is relative Stevie to be honest, i'm not so sure if the fact that we didn't even have a shot OFF TARGET let alone on target, couldn't pass to another Team Mate, didn't hassle & simply didn't compete is relative at all..

THAT is, at ANY level of the Game, unacceptable.

But at the level of teh Game where Men are employed & earn enough to let them retire in 1 x Season, like ours could, & live not only a fabulous existence but educate their Kids at the highest level, that is <deleted> beyond unacceptable..

It honestly was the most abject Team performance i can remember seeing at ANY level & at just so happened to be my <deleted> Team..:angry:

I <deleted> hate them Players & they better not hope they bump into me on their Hols next Summer cos i'd let them <deleted> know..

I don't like being embaressed & i was beyond embaressed with Saturday night..

& the Owners, Stevie if it wasn't for them buying us, we'd probably be out of Business now which now i suppose, in hindsight, could have possibly made me life much more better as i would have quit Football completely & would have lived a much better existence without it, for sure....

it'll be no consolation to you but the derby county team that showed up at anfield a few seasons ago and got a spanking was the last performance i can remember which was as bad.

worst thing about west ham on saturday was the sheer lack of fight. not one single player, possibly rob green aside, looked like they gave a shiny <deleted>. three down at halftime, what have you got to lose? you can at least have a go and get a bit of pride back. but they didn't care. so i understand your anger.

See, i can not suffer that Stevie..

I can suffer a lack of skill, i can suffer a Player playing for us who isn't the best, i can suffer that pretty much but do still have an issue when he is with the Club for 3/4/5 Season's to be honest..

But not trying, not caring, of which they done neither, is unacceptable, absolutely unacceptable..

& no that Derby Team comparison is none to helpful & to put it into persepective, we actually beat them 5-0 AT Derby that Year..:D

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Hats off to Carlton Cole though. He's probably landed himself in hot water but at least he's showing some passion. Like you say Singhers, not trying and not caring is unnacceptable. I'd sooner have all my team sent off for going in too hard and trying than to see them not try at all.

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Have a nut at this Stevie, shocking..


he's angling after a move in january then is he carlton?

we're getting off topic here but who would you want in to replace grant m? fans on saturday were chanting di canio's name and he's never even managed an under 11s team as far as i know.

Carlton's VERY overated, i watch him week in week out, doesn't perform anywhere near enough to even consider a move to any decent Team..

I used to say & have started saying again that Carlton's second touch is generally a slide tackle, that sums up his control nicely..

I don't know with regards to Manager, as i said no Manager would do anything with those fcukers, they're useless, too many of them & we've been sh*t now for 2 Years with teh same Players..

I haven't a clue, wouldn't liek to say, it wouln't be fair on anyone if i did..:D

I believe continuity breeds success, i don't know if Grant wouuld have been my fisrt choice anyway, Mark Hughes was for our level, all day long..

I'd like me to be given a crack at it, especially with your Mate looking to be unemployed soon, then i'd definatly apply just in case.. :D

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Hello troops, due to current work situation have not been online much and to my horror missed the Rafa thread. But not for long.

Like most blues I go with the Blue Kipper line that whatever he achieved, he achieved with Houllier's team. Apart from that he just blew money and then squealed when told that the cupboard was bare.

I was sorry to see him go, as I thought he was on target to at least equal Shankly's record of 6 seasons without a trophy. Ah, those were the days, when we could say to kopites ''do you realise you've won nowt for 5 seasons?''. And they were so brainwashed by ''Lord Travesty of Justice'' they would not believe it.

His classic was the thumping away by Ajax, was it by 4? He immediately told the press (not the media in those days) its OK we'll get 5 at Anfield, and to a man the kopites took it all as gospel truth and were convinced until the match that that would happen. Unfortunately it was 2-2, and no more was heard of it.

Happy days.

Cheer up Singho there's always Rangers.

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BBC Link

Martin Kelly and Daniel Pacheco agree Liverpool deals

_50291208_010613874-1.jpg Kelly made his England Under-21 debut against Uzbekistan in August Liverpool defender Martin Kelly and striker Daniel Pacheco have signed contract extensions to keep them at Anfield until 2014.

Homegrown 20-year-old Kelly, who made an impressive full Premier League debut in November's 2-0 win over Chelsea, has added another three years to his deal.

Pacheco, 19, who had been linked with a move to Real Sociedad in the summer, has extended his contract by two years.

The Spaniard was top-scorer at the 2010 Under-19 European Championship.

Kelly, who can also operate at centre-back, may find himself called upon more regularly over the next three months as Liverpool seek cover for injured captain Jamie Carragher.

Kelly impressed during a brief period on loan at Huddersfield in 2009.

Pacheco, whose appearance in Thursday's 1-1 Europa League draw against Steaua Bucharest was his first since September's Carling Cup defeat on penalties to Northampton , has struggled to force his way into manager Roy Hodgson's thoughts.

His only Premier League appearance so far this season was as an 86th-minute substitute against Manchester City in August.

He is yet to score in 13 appearances for the Reds.

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Sounds exciting Dev..

Would that be because there isn't gonna be a great deal happening in January then ??


A lot of rumors flying around Pacheco was going back to Spain as Roy wasn't a fan - then again it was just rumors but Roy had openly criticized a few of the kids for the Carling Cup game I believe. Pacheco was one of the most promising youngsters to come through the Barcelona set up and since joining us has really impressed in the reserves but hasn't been given too many chances in the first team. Kelly has only been played by necessity due to injuries but already looks built to handle the physical side of the Premier League and so far he really has stepped up to the mark and looks to have a bright future with us! So yes well happy with this news...


Not sure about January Sighy to be honest. Think most Reds are waiting to see the intent of the owners, they have been downplaying spending in January due to higher prices and limited options and Summer is the time to spend. And so I am not expecting much but at least one key signing could make the world of difference.

Its might not make economic sense to pay over the odds in January but my biggest fear is If we wait until the summer we surely will risk loosing the likes of Torres, Reina and a few others who have been waiting for quality players to come in and strengthen the squad. We clearly look weak in a few key positions namely -Left Back! a Winger/ Wide player would help and of course a second Striker with Torres most likely to miss parts of the season.

The strange thing is I am looking at our league position now coupled with our shitty performances to date ...any other season you would think that its over! But just look at how tight the table still is... its madness! Teams are still dropping points like crazy as we all know so even a 4th spot finish is yet a possibility even with uncle Roy at the helm.

Must win against Villa!

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Yes well as many of us think you'll do better this season with Roy and a weaker team than you did with Rafa last season with a better team. And the football you played last season was no better was it.

You'll all be gutted if Roy gets you to the CL won't you. :lol: With the quality of players he's doing alright even if it isn't pretty, and with no support it seems from the fans either. But i suppose if the players know the fans want him to fail then its not exactly going to help on the pitch.

Bizarre situation. Obviously i don't actually give a toss how Liverpool do anymore than you care about how Tottenham does but this situation does interest a number of us. I'm not bringing Rafa and the manlove thing into it as he's gone and thats a question that will never be answered. I'd just like to know why Roy is so despised.

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Not here singing his praises after last night's excellent performance either. Nope I don't understand it....

Maybe its a silent protest?

Another candidate for Martin Jol's services perhaps...?

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Not here singing his praises after last night's excellent performance either. Nope I don't understand it....

Maybe its a silent protest?

Another candidate for Martin Jol's services perhaps...?

i don't like the man, i think he's a spoofer and not a very good manager and i won't be happy about liverpool progressing and moving forward until he's gone. that do you?

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Not here singing his praises after last night's excellent performance either. Nope I don't understand it....

Maybe its a silent protest?

Another candidate for Martin Jol's services perhaps...?

i don't like the man, i think he's a spoofer and not a very good manager and i won't be happy about liverpool progressing and moving forward until he's gone. that do you?

I just don't understand why such an early total dislike has been taken by so many Liverpool fans. As an outsider looking in it does seem he's not been given a fair chance as yet....by the fans at least.

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Not here singing his praises after last night's excellent performance either. Nope I don't understand it....

Maybe its a silent protest?

Another candidate for Martin Jol's services perhaps...?

Bit more to it than that.

- Shockingly bad interview/comments with complete lack of understanding of the fans and the club, he just doesn't fight for our corner in anything he says. Comments on Torres after Fergie remarks, on youth players, making us sound like a championship level side. Coupled with his dreadful away record as a manager for any club and the way that continues for us!

Knowing he was appointed by the last owners/team, I think everyone senses he is not here for long term as the new owners did not appoint him so we all just wait on the new appointment and move onto a new chapter!

The way he approached the start of the season tactically was like an amateur and the way he have played has not remotely reassembled anything like a Liverpool team.

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The strange thing is I am looking at our league position now coupled with our shitty performances to date ...any other season you would think that its over! But just look at how tight the table still is... its madness! Teams are still dropping points like crazy as we all know so even a 4th spot finish is yet a possibility even with uncle Roy at the helm.

7 points to go to reach the CL spots. 7 points to drop to reach the relegation zone. Which way Woy?

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Not here singing his praises after last night's excellent performance either. Nope I don't understand it....

Maybe its a silent protest?

Another candidate for Martin Jol's services perhaps...?

Bit more to it than that.

- Shockingly bad interview/comments with complete lack of understanding of the fans and the club, he just doesn't fight for our corner in anything he says. Comments on Torres after Fergie remarks, on youth players, making us sound like a championship level side. Coupled with his dreadful away record as a manager for any club and the way that continues for us!

Knowing he was appointed by the last owners/team, I think everyone senses he is not here for long term as the new owners did not appoint him so we all just wait on the new appointment and move onto a new chapter!

The way he approached the start of the season tactically was like an amateur and the way he have played has not remotely reassembled anything like a Liverpool team.

Thanks Dev. Who are you looking at more long term though?

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Not here singing his praises after last night's excellent performance either. Nope I don't understand it....

Maybe its a silent protest?

Another candidate for Martin Jol's services perhaps...?

i don't like the man, i think he's a spoofer and not a very good manager and i won't be happy about liverpool progressing and moving forward until he's gone. that do you?

I just don't understand why such an early total dislike has been taken by so many Liverpool fans. As an outsider looking in it does seem he's not been given a fair chance as yet....by the fans at least.

he's getting a little bit more slack now because he's shut up a bit. it wasn't just that he was playing players out of position, employing fulham backs to the wall tactics at home and generally being a crap manager on the pitch, it was the press conference comments. utterly disrespectful to people in and around the club, and others in and around european football. massively over-rating his own less-than-mediocre career record. we all thought we were getting a cuddly uncle sort, turned out he's an arrogant self-promoting gobshite.

the fact is he was the wrong appointment in the summer, he's still the wrong appointment and he simply will not take the club forward in a way that a club with new owners and a sense of new hope should be taken forward. i can't wait for him to be replaced.

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