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AVB is definitely a strong contender: This from the, er, Express:

:ANDRE VILLAS-BOAS will this week be offered the job of succeeding sacked Liverpool manager Kenny Dalglish.

Bruised owners John W Henry and Tom Werner, who have come under fire from large sections of Liverpool’s support for their botched handling of Dalglish’s departure, are cutting short their interview process.

An original plan to invite around 10 candidates to state their cases to become the new Liverpool manager has been hastily scrapped.

Now, just a handful of potential Kop bosses will be questioned by the Boston-based Anfield hierarchy.


as a life time pool supporter I'd give him a chance....but he must be given time
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Interesting to see 47% of Liverpool fans want Rafa back with AVB coming a close second with 15%. On LFCTV forum.

And 100% of Everton fans want to see Rafa back, longstebe.laugh.png

Yes, because Everton did so well against us when Rafa was at the helm. Oh wait, it was only his first season that they finished above us and even that season we won the Champions League so uh, why exactly did Evertonians want us to have Rafa again? So they could go back to finishing below us every season? I know, it just doesn't seem right to finish above Liverpool, and they want to be relegated to their rightful place.

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As for AVB, what has he done?

He got it all wrong at Chelsea, clearly.

He had one great, and yes it was great, season in Portugal. Unbeaten in the league and won the Europa League if I remember correctly. And that's about it. One great season plus one failed half to three quarters season at Chelsea. That's his pedigree. Nothing against him, as he's so young that's all he's had time to do.

Hmm, maybe we should get him though as then he could easily persuade Falcao to join.

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I am not wild on the idea of Rafa myself. He was clearly one of LFC's most successful managers, he knows the club and is well qualified. But that is half the problem really, you cant go on living on past glories and the expectations of many of the supporters in Rafa are so ridiculously high it can only lead to disappointment down the road. I think a clean break from the past would be good for the club.

Still worst than Rafa I feel would be to get a manager like Capello who is 65, the embodiment of the past, and close to retirement.

Hopefully we will get a young up and coming manager. AVB would be ideal.

So Rafa ''was clearly one of LFC's most successful managers'', Abrak. I do see why Blue Kipper describes kopites as deluded.

Please clarify how long he was there and what he won, (and that was with someone else's team).

He won a few trophies plus charity shield. Got us in a few more finals as well. If you look at win percentage, yes he's right up there with the best LFC managers. Only minus is no league trophy though came very close and should have won a couple more of those finals.

Them's the "facts."

Fans (non LFC fans especially) just love to slate Rafa as he wasn't too personable, is a bit odd, and he's Spanish, in my opinion. Very few take the time to actually look at the statistics.

Not sure I'd want him back, though, he kind of came full circle. Didn't get top 4 in his first season and his last season.

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Papers today suggest Avram Grant is the favourite.

The only reason that was even mentioned was because he quit belgrade....the owners know they would never get away with appointing him......and they would have a Roy Hodgson situation all over again....I dont know what papers you are reading but from just googling Liverpool and AG nothing comes up.....after thinking about this more I wouldnt be surprised of they go with AVB....with the aim of rebuilding Liverpool FC....over a 3 year period.....

I was on a wind up. Would love it to happen though..

This lot will bite on anything! Can you imagine the look on their faces if Grant was appointed? ermm.gifw00t.gif

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I hope that the owners are not forced into an early appointment just to keep the supporters happy. I also hope they are not swayed by us in any way shape or form. it would be nice if we could return to being supporters instead of know-it-all football manager wannabes. Supporting the club means that, supporting the players, manager. coaches and, even the owners. I am not very knowledgeable on foreign managers, but I like the sound of Laudrup. AVB could be carrying a monkey on his back and I saw nothing at Chelsea to sway me in his favour, I don't think we should go back to Rafa, even though I rate him as a manager. Quite simply I don't know, but please, please let the owners give him a couple of years........us too

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i don't mind the owners making decisions themselves but it would be nice if they actually employed some proper advisors who know and understand football. at the moment they don't seem to have any, sacked a club legend pretty unceremoniously without having a replacement in place or even remotely lined up and now they have this farcical interview process in place. nothing they do at the moment inspires much confidence i'm afraid.

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i don't mind the owners making decisions themselves but it would be nice if they actually employed some proper advisors who know and understand football. at the moment they don't seem to have any, sacked a club legend pretty unceremoniously without having a replacement in place or even remotely lined up and now they have this farcical interview process in place. nothing they do at the moment inspires much confidence i'm afraid.

This style of interview process is the "american way." They have shown in this alone that they have no understanding of european football protocol, which i think is the right description. I also remember them referring to the premier league as the EPL which just doesn't sound right especially when said in an american accent.

Ofcourse they will always look ok when compaired to the other two owners but thats hardly the point is it.

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This whole interview list and process is embarrassing!

I would be ok if I knew it was just media driven gossip but we have managers making statement and even bloody chairman of other clubs notably rejecting talks.

And at this rate it will be a case of who will say yes as opposed who we want! Absolute Shambles...

Not a chance in hell in getting the likes of - Pep Guardiola, Jurgen Klopp or Frank Do Boer - and I cant think of anyone that fits the bill for such a massive undertaking or who could handle the pressure knowing the grounds the last manager ( a club legend) was sacked for.

They better pull a rabbit out of their hat as I think they will have problems otherwise to get Reds onboard and I have my doubts even more so with Reina, Agger, Suarez staying at this rate!

They could of been smart and eased Kenny out but they clearly had this in mind when they knew we were not getting into the CL given Ian Ayre said even if Kenny had of won the FA Cup it wouldn't of changed the decision. Unrealistic expectations and a total lack of understanding of what is Liverpool FC.

I cling onto any hope they haven't just put us back even more.I really thought we had just started to make progress on the pitch and was building a squad over 3 years with Kenny and to ease in a younger manager over the coming seasons and move Kenny upstairs.

"Bastion of Invincibility" Liverpool Football Club.

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i don't mind the owners making decisions themselves but it would be nice if they actually employed some proper advisors who know and understand football. at the moment they don't seem to have any, sacked a club legend pretty unceremoniously without having a replacement in place or even remotely lined up and now they have this farcical interview process in place. nothing they do at the moment inspires much confidence i'm afraid.

Just been told Terry Francona is a 'shoe in'

Plenty of experience managing the 'American Way'

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Personally I am not too upset by the sacking of Kenny for a couple of reasons.

First, as FSG have obviously lost faith in him, if they had kept him on to keep the support base happy they would almost certainly have not supported him in the transfer market. Now that doesnt really make much sense for the club, the support base or the owners.

Secondly, if he had stayed (and especially without significant transfer funds) results had not improved. And results had to improve alot from a very low base. 18 points from the last 19 games, we could easily be in the position by say xmas, when the 'majority' of the support base would have liked to have seen Kenny replaced. And Kenny is a rare commodity at a club - a legend. You dont want to him to leave when you want to him to leave. It is better he leaves when you still want him.

As for his replacement. The problem is that FSG are giving the impression that they are 'winging it' - scatter gunning the top 20 managers they have looked up on google and asking them for an interview. We have no idea what plan they have or if they have one. I think they would have been crucified if they had actually lined up a manager before they had sacked Kenny.

We dont know who they are asking for advice. We also dont know to what extent they have planned things. Paul Tomkins says their advisors include David Dein (Arsenal) and that they already have a DOF in place involved in the management appointment.

Interestingly all this is going to come out as Fox are doing a behind the scenes documentary series on Liverpool for HBO at present. I rather suspect that Tom Werner might have written the script.

We have just had our worst points total for nearly 60 years. I am not too worried that tearing apart the status quo will be a disaster.

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Henry and Werner are starting to look like a pair of bufoons. What is so suprising is that they don't seem to abide by the most basic of business principles, and that is to do your homework first.

Its not difficult to be a step up from the last owners but these two, what with all their moneyball cobblers, lack of attedance to games, lack of knowledge and poor decision making are looking little better.

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Henry and Werner are starting to look like a pair of bufoons. What is so suprising is that they don't seem to abide by the most basic of business principles, and that is to do your homework first.

Its not difficult to be a step up from the last owners but these two, what with all their moneyball cobblers, lack of attedance to games, lack of knowledge and poor decision making are looking little better.

Yes they will end up with a third rate manager. They shouldn't get disheartened though. Any improvement at all, never mind how small, is to be welcomed!

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Henry and Werner are starting to look like a pair of bufoons. What is so suprising is that they don't seem to abide by the most basic of business principles, and that is to do your homework first.

Its not difficult to be a step up from the last owners but these two, what with all their moneyball cobblers, lack of attedance to games, lack of knowledge and poor decision making are looking little better.

Yes they will end up with a third rate manager. They shouldn't get disheartened though. Any improvement at all, never mind how small, is to be welcomed!

We are the last ones that should be taking the piss!! The manager they get might not be the one the fans universally want but he will be a very decent manager and certainly not a knackerbag like Harry Redknapp.

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The whole process of finding a manager is gone completely pair shaped...name after name rejecting any possibility of the job....it does smell suddenly of un professional....I mean what club identifies 12 candidates and tries to interview them all.......for gods sake...pick one....decide hes your man and go get him......I still feel sorry for Kenny though.....its terrible to think they would have sacked him even if he won the FA Cup too....2 cups in one season and out the door....another thing that keeps bothering me is this mentioning of him spending 110m on players .....yes true but he got 50m for torres alone.....which nearly financed the Carroll and Suarez transfers.

And the latest now is Capello.....<deleted>

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Henry and Werner are starting to look like a pair of bufoons. What is so suprising is that they don't seem to abide by the most basic of business principles, and that is to do your homework first.

Its not difficult to be a step up from the last owners but these two, what with all their moneyball cobblers, lack of attedance to games, lack of knowledge and poor decision making are looking little better.

Yes they will end up with a third rate manager. They shouldn't get disheartened though. Any improvement at all, never mind how small, is to be welcomed!

We are the last ones that should be taking the piss!! The manager they get might not be the one the fans universally want but he will be a very decent manager and certainly not a knackerbag like Harry Redknapp.

Nothing should be stopping us taking the piss. We finished fourth, which is respectable enough given our total spend last season was -£30m.

Let's lay the blame a bit more fairly here.

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Henry and Werner are starting to look like a pair of bufoons. What is so suprising is that they don't seem to abide by the most basic of business principles, and that is to do your homework first.

Its not difficult to be a step up from the last owners but these two, what with all their moneyball cobblers, lack of attedance to games, lack of knowledge and poor decision making are looking little better.

Yes they will end up with a third rate manager. They shouldn't get disheartened though. Any improvement at all, never mind how small, is to be welcomed!

We are the last ones that should be taking the piss!! The manager they get might not be the one the fans universally want but he will be a very decent manager and certainly not a knackerbag like Harry Redknapp.

Nothing should be stopping us taking the piss. We finished fourth, which is respectable enough given our total spend last season was -£30m.

Let's lay the blame a bit more fairly here.

theres always one spurs supporter in the middle of a liverpool thread lol
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Henry and Werner are starting to look like a pair of bufoons. What is so suprising is that they don't seem to abide by the most basic of business principles, and that is to do your homework first.

Its not difficult to be a step up from the last owners but these two, what with all their moneyball cobblers, lack of attedance to games, lack of knowledge and poor decision making are looking little better.

Yes they will end up with a third rate manager. They shouldn't get disheartened though. Any improvement at all, never mind how small, is to be welcomed!

We are the last ones that should be taking the piss!! The manager they get might not be the one the fans universally want but he will be a very decent manager and certainly not a knackerbag like Harry Redknapp.

Nothing should be stopping us taking the piss. We finished fourth, which is respectable enough given our total spend last season was -£30m.

Let's lay the blame a bit more fairly here.

spurs fans are pretty incapable of taking the piss out of liverpool fans in fairness. that would require some semblance of a foundation from which to throw said barbs. having the piss taken out of you by a spurs supporter is a bit like being savaged by a chihuahua.

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Well is that so! Why don't you start reading Dev's post again and then you'll understand fully why we don't bother really taking the piss. You lot do it to yourselves on a regular basis churning out the same gut churning stuff about being different and all that b*llocks.

And for the record, we were playing football of the future and winning a double under Nicholson whilst you lot were skipping around that shack of a ground close to dog turd ridden Stanley Park.

Hope you got the rise you wanted.

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Well is that so! Why don't you start reading Dev's post again and then you'll understand fully why we don't bother really taking the piss. You lot do it to yourselves on a regular basis churning out the same gut churning stuff about being different and all that b*llocks.

And for the record, we were playing football of the future and winning a double under Nicholson whilst you lot were skipping around that shack of a ground close to dog turd ridden Stanley Park.

Hope you got the rise you wanted.

I just remember the emotional outbursts last week carmine. That is enough laughs for me. biggrin.png

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So Stevie....who do you want to see at the helm?

me? all depends on so much really. but for where we are at - which is similar to 2004 - and for the resources likely to be available there isn't a better option around than benitez for me. proven track record, experience in england, capable of getting more than the sum of their parts out of squads, capable of working to a limited budget while those around are spending much more, great record of tactical nouse in winning one-off matches. it was a mistake to fire him last time and i'd like to see if he can rekindle what was left unfinished thanks to the actions of hicks, gillett, purslow and others really.

Well is that so! Why don't you start reading Dev's post again and then you'll understand fully why we don't bother really taking the piss. You lot do it to yourselves on a regular basis churning out the same gut churning stuff about being different and all that b*llocks.

And for the record, we were playing football of the future and winning a double under Nicholson whilst you lot were skipping around that shack of a ground close to dog turd ridden Stanley Park.

Hope you got the rise you wanted.

haha. certainly did it seems. you are welcome to go back through my posts and see if you can find anything about the liverpool way incidentally carmine. i don't think you'll find much. ;)

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Does anyone know why O'Neill is not being talked about? Leaving aside Benitez, I think O'Neill is just about the best manager we could realistically appoint.

Also is anyone else confused by this obsession with hiring a "young" manager? Unless we are looking for a player-manager or expecting the new guy to be there for the next 20 years, surely we should just get the best manager available to us.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

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So Stevie....who do you want to see at the helm?

me? all depends on so much really. but for where we are at - which is similar to 2004 - and for the resources likely to be available there isn't a better option around than benitez for me. proven track record, experience in england, capable of getting more than the sum of their parts out of squads, capable of working to a limited budget while those around are spending much more, great record of tactical nouse in winning one-off matches. it was a mistake to fire him last time and i'd like to see if he can rekindle what was left unfinished thanks to the actions of hicks, gillett, purslow and others really.

Well is that so! Why don't you start reading Dev's post again and then you'll understand fully why we don't bother really taking the piss. You lot do it to yourselves on a regular basis churning out the same gut churning stuff about being different and all that b*llocks.

And for the record, we were playing football of the future and winning a double under Nicholson whilst you lot were skipping around that shack of a ground close to dog turd ridden Stanley Park.

Hope you got the rise you wanted.

haha. certainly did it seems. you are welcome to go back through my posts and see if you can find anything about the liverpool way incidentally carmine. i don't think you'll find much. wink.png

So you are distancing yourself from the Liverpool Way" posts!! Well i agree with you they are purile and embarrassing in the extreme.

So what do you reckon about the Rafa manlove thing?whistling.giflaugh.png

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