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On a day when Sport gathered together to respect those who died in the Boston atrocities, Liverpool Football Club and the English Premier League came together to respect a woman who spent her life trying to find justice for her son, this prick takes the headlines....

Well said.

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Wow, ths thread has gone AWOL. Biting is the same as spitting and complaining about someone in the media giving a sound bite! Comparing biting in a football match to a boxer being punched!

Really is this defence of a player really gone to this extreme. Should Liverpool sell Suarez, of course not, but they should make an example of him.

Totally agree.

As a long standing LFC supporter I think he should be severely punished by the club not the miserley 2 weeks wages which apparently is the maximum allowed.

I would suggest the following punishments are more realistic.

No wages for the time he is banned. As he cannot contribute to the club if he is not playing or available.

A £2,000,000 fine (he can afford it on his wages) The money should then go to charities of the club's choosing.

Compulsory working with Liverpool's under priveleged children for a minimum 40 hours a week for the time he is banned from playing.

A compulsory course in Anger Management.

No Liverpool should not get rid of him, though not a nice man as a footballer he is a genius who has kept LFC away from the relegation zone almost single handedly. BesidesI don't think after this latest action he will be worth as much because other clubs would be very concerned paying so much for a player who could well be banned for 6 to 10 matches per season.

I think it will take a good year for this episode in his life to be forgotten (a little) if he behaves himself in the future. Meanwhile every time he plays he will face a torrid barrage of abuse from every away supporter. He has also got to over come the shame he has bought to his family aswell as to the club and it's supporters.

Yes it is about time these sort of actions were properly punished (not a slap on the wrist) by the club aswell as the sanctions ordrered by the FA.

since when were fines income-linked? give over.

If a player is suspended/banned he is unable to do what he was paid for, and that is to play for his club. He could ultimately cost his club points, maybe a posistion in the league table, where prize money is handed out according to where you finish, maybe cost the team a chance to win a trophy. It could also effect team bonuses, club support at matches and sponsorship because of harming the clubs image.. Fans that go to matches and through very high ticket prices pays the players wages, want to watch their best players, Because of the player's actions this is denied.

Do you know any other business where you would be paid if unable to carry out your job, and maybe take a few weeks holiday, due to your own stupidity?

I don't think so.

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Such a pity we cant call on Bill Shankly to give us a viewpoint!

i suspect shankly would utterly loathe modern day football and want absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with it. he'd despise what it has become and pretty much everyone involved with it, some fans excepted.

Mate, ESSENTIALLY, football hasn't changed, it's always been bout money and greed, now its just a touch more in the open. on the huge huge plus side 4 players and fans alike it's fuc sight saferthumbsup.gif

football was a working class game that has been removed from the hands of the working classes on a structured, corporate basis. it hasn't always been about money and greed. shame you think that really. so ESSENTIALLY, it's changed beyond all recognition and while some might say for the better, i think more would say not really.

lets not be idealistic bout the good old days THEY WERNT, football was dangerous and to play was physically hazardous. Stevie football for the pro players management and owners has always been and will always be ultimatly about money. fans and players in shanklys days had little NO say in anything, the owners were dictoral and ruled with an iron fist

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Liverpool fined him the max that is allowed. Any arguments about higher fines are meaningless because they simply can't happen. The maximum Liverpool are allowed to fine are two weeks wages, as has been said by the same person who then went on to try and say he should be fined more. Makes no sense.

Apparently Jamie Carragher writes for the Daily Mail (sorry StevieH!) and he wrote a well reasoned article about this:


Obviously he's not going to want a ban to be huge and he's biased as a Liverpool player but he speaks the same kind of sense that Gary Neville, a former Man United player spoke the day before.

Surely they must be on to something here. People just love to overreact.

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Liverpool fined him the max that is allowed. Any arguments about higher fines are meaningless because they simply can't happen. The maximum Liverpool are allowed to fine are two weeks wages, as has been said by the same person who then went on to try and say he should be fined more. Makes no sense.

Apparently Jamie Carragher writes for the Daily Mail (sorry StevieH!) and he wrote a well reasoned article about this:


Obviously he's not going to want a ban to be huge and he's biased as a Liverpool player but he speaks the same kind of sense that Gary Neville, a former Man United player spoke the day before.

Surely they must be on to something here. People just love to overreact.

I wonder whether Liverpool fans would be so happy to move on from this with a little fine if Suarez wasn't your world class best player!wink.png

This is the second time he's done this <deleted> and as someone else has said, what a day for the stupid pr1ck to steal the headlines

Maybe he should eat before the game. bah.gif

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Liverpool fined him the max that is allowed. Any arguments about higher fines are meaningless because they simply can't happen. The maximum Liverpool are allowed to fine are two weeks wages, as has been said by the same person who then went on to try and say he should be fined more. Makes no sense.

Apparently Jamie Carragher writes for the Daily Mail (sorry StevieH!) and he wrote a well reasoned article about this:


Obviously he's not going to want a ban to be huge and he's biased as a Liverpool player but he speaks the same kind of sense that Gary Neville, a former Man United player spoke the day before.

Surely they must be on to something here. People just love to overreact.

I wonder whether Liverpool fans would be so happy to move on from this with a little fine if Suarez wasn't your world class best player!wink.png

This is the second time he's done this <deleted> and as someone else has said, what a day for the stupid pr1ck to steal the headlines

Nail on the head and to add insult to injury the LFC powers that be advise him to give his fine to the Hillsborough family group.

Imagine if it was Borini who did this or Sturridge? it just proves after he finished of King Kenny with his handshake debacle and now he can undermine Rodgers too..........why? ...........because he is a great footballer and the fans see him as more important than the management of the club and its forgotten principles.Ferguson has had his problems over the years with players but if they cross the line(he always gave them a chance) with him no matter how good they were he got rid.Liverpool cannot because Suarez is Liverpool at the moment,unless that big money offer comes and they cannot resist it of course.

Realistically Suarez career is dominated with biting,diving and being a racist in this country and i think LFC will sell him,all of his own doing unfortunately.

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Liverpool fined him the max that is allowed. Any arguments about higher fines are meaningless because they simply can't happen. The maximum Liverpool are allowed to fine are two weeks wages, as has been said by the same person who then went on to try and say he should be fined more. Makes no sense.

Apparently Jamie Carragher writes for the Daily Mail (sorry StevieH!) and he wrote a well reasoned article about this:


Obviously he's not going to want a ban to be huge and he's biased as a Liverpool player but he speaks the same kind of sense that Gary Neville, a former Man United player spoke the day before.

Surely they must be on to something here. People just love to overreact.

I wonder whether Liverpool fans would be so happy to move on from this with a little fine if Suarez wasn't your world class best player!wink.png

This is the second time he's done this <deleted> and as someone else has said, what a day for the stupid pr1ck to steal the headlines

Nail on the head and to add insult to injury the LFC powers that be advise him to give his fine to the Hillsborough family group.

Imagine if it was Borini who did this or Sturridge? it just proves after he finished of King Kenny with his handshake debacle and now he can undermine Rodgers too..........why? ...........because he is a great footballer and the fans see him as more important than the management of the club and its forgotten principles.Ferguson has had his problems over the years with players but if they cross the line(he always gave them a chance) with him no matter how good they were he got rid.Liverpool cannot because Suarez is Liverpool at the moment,unless that big money offer comes and they cannot resist it of course.

Realistically Suarez career is dominated with biting,diving and being a racist in this country and i think LFC will sell him,all of his own doing unfortunately.


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Liverpool fined him the max that is allowed. Any arguments about higher fines are meaningless because they simply can't happen. The maximum Liverpool are allowed to fine are two weeks wages, as has been said by the same person who then went on to try and say he should be fined more. Makes no sense.

Apparently Jamie Carragher writes for the Daily Mail (sorry StevieH!) and he wrote a well reasoned article about this:


Obviously he's not going to want a ban to be huge and he's biased as a Liverpool player but he speaks the same kind of sense that Gary Neville, a former Man United player spoke the day before.

Surely they must be on to something here. People just love to overreact.

I wonder whether Liverpool fans would be so happy to move on from this with a little fine if Suarez wasn't your world class best player!wink.png

This is the second time he's done this <deleted> and as someone else has said, what a day for the stupid pr1ck to steal the headlines

Nail on the head and to add insult to injury the LFC powers that be advise him to give his fine to the Hillsborough family group.

Imagine if it was Borini who did this or Sturridge? it just proves after he finished of King Kenny with his handshake debacle and now he can undermine Rodgers too..........why? ...........because he is a great footballer and the fans see him as more important than the management of the club and its forgotten principles.Ferguson has had his problems over the years with players but if they cross the line(he always gave them a chance) with him no matter how good they were he got rid.Liverpool cannot because Suarez is Liverpool at the moment,unless that big money offer comes and they cannot resist it of course.

Realistically Suarez career is dominated with biting,diving and being a racist in this country and i think LFC will sell him,all of his own doing unfortunately.


Conveniently forgotten about!!

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Liverpool fined him the max that is allowed. Any arguments about higher fines are meaningless because they simply can't happen. The maximum Liverpool are allowed to fine are two weeks wages, as has been said by the same person who then went on to try and say he should be fined more. Makes no sense.

You are quite right jim. That was all we were allowed to do to Tevez when he refused to warm up. Anything more and the PFA have to be involved.

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The Football Association said in its own statement a few hours after Merseyside Police's that "the standard punishment of three matches that would otherwise apply is clearly insufficient in these circumstances".

...But "clearly insufficient" in what way? On the basis of a case which is not exactly overwhelmed with evidence, the FA seems to have made its minds up already. The governing body has issued a statement that prejudices the outcome of the tribunal...

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Liverpool fined him the max that is allowed. Any arguments about higher fines are meaningless because they simply can't happen. The maximum Liverpool are allowed to fine are two weeks wages, as has been said by the same person who then went on to try and say he should be fined more. Makes no sense.

Apparently Jamie Carragher writes for the Daily Mail (sorry StevieH!) and he wrote a well reasoned article about this:


Obviously he's not going to want a ban to be huge and he's biased as a Liverpool player but he speaks the same kind of sense that Gary Neville, a former Man United player spoke the day before.

Surely they must be on to something here. People just love to overreact.

I wonder whether Liverpool fans would be so happy to move on from this with a little fine if Suarez wasn't your world class best player!wink.png

This is the second time he's done this <deleted> and as someone else has said, what a day for the stupid pr1ck to steal the headlines

That was covered in that Carragher article. Please try to keep up.

Yes we know it's the second time. Your point? It's stupid? Should never have even happened once? Yes. I used all the synonyms already in a previous post so no need to say them again. Nobody's defending it. It's the "outrage" that gets out of hand and blown way out of proportion. He deserves a ban, obviously, but some of the suggestions of ban length are absolutely ludicrous for what actually happened.

Edited by Jimjim
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Did anyone see that report on sky world news last night about the football player punching the ref? The ref had to be taken to hospital for excessive bleeding. The Suarez incident is nothing in comparison.

Anyone remember Hazard kicking the ballboy last month? "Outragious" were the cries and now it's forgotten about. This will all blow over as soon as another incident comes along and grabs the headlines.

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I hope you are right Stevie. Asset to the EPL as well as Liverpool. Dont want to see him go to Manchester or Chelsea and current Arsenal management is not ambitious enough to sign such a player. Ergo, staying at Liverpool is just fine smile.png

Yeah i must admit, for all his faults, well documented as they are, he is a special player and it would be a loss to the Premier League if he went. Enjoy watching him play.... unless it's against us.

With regards ambition, City have all the money in the world and they have a player a few miles down the road in Suarez who would make such a difference to their team. If they don't at the very least try throwing down a bunch of dosh on the table and seeing what happens, they are complete idiots.

Take all that back. City aren't the idiots... I am.

Really thought that throughout this season he had matured well and was beginning to let his football do the talking. Now this? Met a few toddlers that go through a biting phase, but a grown man? That's just messed up. Wasn't even as if his victim had been inciting him.

As others have said, if he wasn't such an important player for LFC, they would take a much stronger stance on his behaviour and simply off-load him. As it is, they won't really do anything. Their choice, and i can't say i particularly blame them, but it does make these statements coming out about no one person being bigger than the club ring just a little hollow in my opinion.

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It's got nothing to do with Ivanovic. It has everything to do with decency.

A bad tackle is one thing, but to bite someone....

it's a vile, revolting thing to do.

If LFC don't sack him they shame on LFC.

On a day when Sport gathered together to respect those who died in the Boston atrocities, Liverpool Football Club and the English Premier League came together to respect a woman who spent her life trying to find justice for her son, this prick takes the headlines....

there you go, there's the context. suarez is an idiot. he tried to bite a fellow player. your last sentence sums it up though - the way some people are reacting to what suarez did is almost to bracket him with the boston bombers for christ's sake. "a vile, revolting thing to do"? that would be blowing up kids. trying to bite a footballer, possibly to get him to react and swing a punch to get him sent off? stupid, moronic, idiotic, worth a ban from the game. vile and revolting? all relative i guess, but the over-the-top outrage around this has just been ludicrous.

was it mental, stupid, violent, against the rules of football? yes, of course. will the fabric of society come crashing down? no. will he pay a penalty for it? yes. was it worse than roy keane premeditatedly trying to end a player's career by breaking his legs and then boasting about it in his autobiography? no. was it worse than ben thatcher's forearm smash on pedro mendes? no.

people have gone insane over this, the hysteria is just crazy. will he be punished? yes, and rightly so. but that's it. nobody died, nobody went to hospital, nobody is even injured. that's it. revolting, vile, sack him? give over.

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Liverpool fined him the max that is allowed. Any arguments about higher fines are meaningless because they simply can't happen. The maximum Liverpool are allowed to fine are two weeks wages, as has been said by the same person who then went on to try and say he should be fined more. Makes no sense.

Apparently Jamie Carragher writes for the Daily Mail (sorry StevieH!) and he wrote a well reasoned article about this:


Obviously he's not going to want a ban to be huge and he's biased as a Liverpool player but he speaks the same kind of sense that Gary Neville, a former Man United player spoke the day before.

Surely they must be on to something here. People just love to overreact.

I wonder whether Liverpool fans would be so happy to move on from this with a little fine if Suarez wasn't your world class best player!wink.png

This is the second time he's done this <deleted> and as someone else has said, what a day for the stupid pr1ck to steal the headlines

That was covered in that Carragher article. Please try to keep up.

Yes we know it's the second time. Your point? It's stupid? Should never have even happened once? Yes. I used all the synonyms already in a previous post so no need to say them again. Nobody's defending it. It's the "outrage" that gets out of hand and blown way out of proportion. He deserves a ban, obviously, but some of the suggestions of ban length are absolutely ludicrous for what actually happened.

I am keeping up. The club could have taken the proactive route and issued the ban but chose the soft penalty of a limited fine with a stupid cap.

The club has now left the door open for the bungling FA to balls matters up further.

Do you understand what i'm saying or am i not keeping up?

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It's got nothing to do with Ivanovic. It has everything to do with decency.

A bad tackle is one thing, but to bite someone....

it's a vile, revolting thing to do.

If LFC don't sack him they shame on LFC.

On a day when Sport gathered together to respect those who died in the Boston atrocities, Liverpool Football Club and the English Premier League came together to respect a woman who spent her life trying to find justice for her son, this prick takes the headlines....

there you go, there's the context. suarez is an idiot. he tried to bite a fellow player. your last sentence sums it up though - the way some people are reacting to what suarez did is almost to bracket him with the boston bombers for christ's sake. "a vile, revolting thing to do"? that would be blowing up kids. trying to bite a footballer, possibly to get him to react and swing a punch to get him sent off? stupid, moronic, idiotic, worth a ban from the game. vile and revolting? all relative i guess, but the over-the-top outrage around this has just been ludicrous.

was it mental, stupid, violent, against the rules of football? yes, of course. will the fabric of society come crashing down? no. will he pay a penalty for it? yes. was it worse than roy keane premeditatedly trying to end a player's career by breaking his legs and then boasting about it in his autobiography? no. was it worse than ben thatcher's forearm smash on pedro mendes? no.

people have gone insane over this, the hysteria is just crazy. will he be punished? yes, and rightly so. but that's it. nobody died, nobody went to hospital, nobody is even injured. that's it. revolting, vile, sack him? give over.

I've tried not to read too much about it as its been boring from the off. Fact is, you get a ban for biting so give him a ban of three to five matches. The poxy fine is irrelevent to these guys anyway. Then thats it. Its over. End of.

Suarez i'd like to think must be so embarrassed about it. If not, he really does need concealing. Behaving like a tit they way he does is no way to go through life as someone else on this forum should take note of.

I did love the way Ivanovich looked so distressed during the whole debacle!!

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Did anyone see that report on sky world news last night about the football player punching the ref? The ref had to be taken to hospital for excessive bleeding. The Suarez incident is nothing in comparison.

Anyone remember Hazard kicking the ballboy last month? "Outragious" were the cries and now it's forgotten about. This will all blow over as soon as another incident comes along and grabs the headlines.

Where was that ref punching incident? In another country?

edit: Looks like Indonesia

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It's got nothing to do with Ivanovic. It has everything to do with decency.

A bad tackle is one thing, but to bite someone....

it's a vile, revolting thing to do.

If LFC don't sack him they shame on LFC.

On a day when Sport gathered together to respect those who died in the Boston atrocities, Liverpool Football Club and the English Premier League came together to respect a woman who spent her life trying to find justice for her son, this prick takes the headlines....

there you go, there's the context. suarez is an idiot. he tried to bite a fellow player. your last sentence sums it up though - the way some people are reacting to what suarez did is almost to bracket him with the boston bombers for christ's sake. "a vile, revolting thing to do"? that would be blowing up kids. trying to bite a footballer, possibly to get him to react and swing a punch to get him sent off? stupid, moronic, idiotic, worth a ban from the game. vile and revolting? all relative i guess, but the over-the-top outrage around this has just been ludicrous.

was it mental, stupid, violent, against the rules of football? yes, of course. will the fabric of society come crashing down? no. will he pay a penalty for it? yes. was it worse than roy keane premeditatedly trying to end a player's career by breaking his legs and then boasting about it in his autobiography? no. was it worse than ben thatcher's forearm smash on pedro mendes? no.

people have gone insane over this, the hysteria is just crazy. will he be punished? yes, and rightly so. but that's it. nobody died, nobody went to hospital, nobody is even injured. that's it. revolting, vile, sack him? give over.

I've tried not to read too much about it as its been boring from the off. Fact is, you get a ban for biting so give him a ban of three to five matches. The poxy fine is irrelevent to these guys anyway. Then thats it. Its over. End of.

Suarez i'd like to think must be so embarrassed about it. If not, he really does need concealing. Behaving like a tit they way he does is no way to go through life as someone else on this forum should take note of.

I did love the way Ivanovich looked so distressed during the whole debacle!!

i think they're going to create a new book to throw at him personally. it's the FA, rationality isn't often what they do. there's this seam of moral outrage running through the discourse as if it's the worst thing to ever happen in football, when it wasn't even the worst thing to happen during the liverpool - chelsea match.

but now that prick david cameron has tossed his opinion on it into the ring, the papers (yes, the ones that hacked a murdered girl's voicemail) are full of righteous indignation and it's been built up into something that it isn't. stupid, moronic, violent conduct on a pitch worthy of a red card and a five game ban? yep, absolutely. the decline of british civilisation? well they let the bankers off scot-free, so perhaps he'll get away clean. yeah, right.

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Liverpool fined him the max that is allowed. Any arguments about higher fines are meaningless because they simply can't happen. The maximum Liverpool are allowed to fine are two weeks wages, as has been said by the same person who then went on to try and say he should be fined more. Makes no sense.

Apparently Jamie Carragher writes for the Daily Mail (sorry StevieH!) and he wrote a well reasoned article about this:


Obviously he's not going to want a ban to be huge and he's biased as a Liverpool player but he speaks the same kind of sense that Gary Neville, a former Man United player spoke the day before.

Surely they must be on to something here. People just love to overreact.

I wonder whether Liverpool fans would be so happy to move on from this with a little fine if Suarez wasn't your world class best player!wink.png

This is the second time he's done this <deleted> and as someone else has said, what a day for the stupid pr1ck to steal the headlines

Nail on the head and to add insult to injury the LFC powers that be advise him to give his fine to the Hillsborough family group.

Imagine if it was Borini who did this or Sturridge? it just proves after he finished of King Kenny with his handshake debacle and now he can undermine Rodgers too..........why? ...........because he is a great footballer and the fans see him as more important than the management of the club and its forgotten principles.Ferguson has had his problems over the years with players but if they cross the line(he always gave them a chance) with him no matter how good they were he got rid.Liverpool cannot because Suarez is Liverpool at the moment,unless that big money offer comes and they cannot resist it of course.

Realistically Suarez career is dominated with biting,diving and being a racist in this country and i think LFC will sell him,all of his own doing unfortunately.


Conveniently forgotten about!!

Cantona made a mistake and paid a heavy penalty,he was banned for how long???

Not forgotten about but he was dealt with by the FA and the club.

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Liverpool fined him the max that is allowed. Any arguments about higher fines are meaningless because they simply can't happen. The maximum Liverpool are allowed to fine are two weeks wages, as has been said by the same person who then went on to try and say he should be fined more. Makes no sense.

Apparently Jamie Carragher writes for the Daily Mail (sorry StevieH!) and he wrote a well reasoned article about this:


Obviously he's not going to want a ban to be huge and he's biased as a Liverpool player but he speaks the same kind of sense that Gary Neville, a former Man United player spoke the day before.

Surely they must be on to something here. People just love to overreact.

I wonder whether Liverpool fans would be so happy to move on from this with a little fine if Suarez wasn't your world class best player!wink.png

This is the second time he's done this <deleted> and as someone else has said, what a day for the stupid pr1ck to steal the headlines

That was covered in that Carragher article. Please try to keep up.

Yes we know it's the second time. Your point? It's stupid? Should never have even happened once? Yes. I used all the synonyms already in a previous post so no need to say them again. Nobody's defending it. It's the "outrage" that gets out of hand and blown way out of proportion. He deserves a ban, obviously, but some of the suggestions of ban length are absolutely ludicrous for what actually happened.

I am keeping up. The club could have taken the proactive route and issued the ban but chose the soft penalty of a limited fine with a stupid cap.

The club has now left the door open for the bungling FA to balls matters up further.

Do you understand what i'm saying or am i not keeping up?

When do Premier League clubs ever ban their own players in incidents like these that took place on the pitch? If it's been done, it's been a long while.

And why should they when nobody else does?

Seems like you, as many have already, seem to want LFC to act in a way in which no other club is expected to act, and that's just unreasonable and unrealistic in my view.

And for the fine, there's nothing they can do about that. It's not their fault it's stupid or limited.

Even if Liverpool said, "We're going to ban him for 3 matches" or 4,5,6 or whatever, do you really think the FA would say, "Oh well you've banned him then, we'll just let it rest."

Not a chance. it's just not how the system is in the league with regards to these cases of retrospective action on the pitch.

As for keeping up, I was only saying to this quote:

I wonder whether Liverpool fans would be so happy to move on from this with a little fine if Suarez wasn't your world class best player!wink.png

That you were responding directly to my previous post and in that post, in the linked article, Carragher covered that issue quite frankly already.

Was just joking around with you...

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It's got nothing to do with Ivanovic. It has everything to do with decency.

A bad tackle is one thing, but to bite someone....

it's a vile, revolting thing to do.

If LFC don't sack him they shame on LFC.

On a day when Sport gathered together to respect those who died in the Boston atrocities, Liverpool Football Club and the English Premier League came together to respect a woman who spent her life trying to find justice for her son, this prick takes the headlines....

there you go, there's the context. suarez is an idiot. he tried to bite a fellow player. your last sentence sums it up though - the way some people are reacting to what suarez did is almost to bracket him with the boston bombers for christ's sake. "a vile, revolting thing to do"? that would be blowing up kids. trying to bite a footballer, possibly to get him to react and swing a punch to get him sent off? stupid, moronic, idiotic, worth a ban from the game. vile and revolting? all relative i guess, but the over-the-top outrage around this has just been ludicrous.

was it mental, stupid, violent, against the rules of football? yes, of course. will the fabric of society come crashing down? no. will he pay a penalty for it? yes. was it worse than roy keane premeditatedly trying to end a player's career by breaking his legs and then boasting about it in his autobiography? no. was it worse than ben thatcher's forearm smash on pedro mendes? no.

people have gone insane over this, the hysteria is just crazy. will he be punished? yes, and rightly so. but that's it. nobody died, nobody went to hospital, nobody is even injured. that's it. revolting, vile, sack him? give over.

I've tried not to read too much about it as its been boring from the off. Fact is, you get a ban for biting so give him a ban of three to five matches. The poxy fine is irrelevent to these guys anyway. Then thats it. Its over. End of.

Suarez i'd like to think must be so embarrassed about it. If not, he really does need concealing. Behaving like a tit they way he does is no way to go through life as someone else on this forum should take note of.

I did love the way Ivanovich looked so distressed during the whole debacle!!

He will also need counseling wink.png

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Liverpool fined him the max that is allowed. Any arguments about higher fines are meaningless because they simply can't happen. The maximum Liverpool are allowed to fine are two weeks wages, as has been said by the same person who then went on to try and say he should be fined more. Makes no sense.

Apparently Jamie Carragher writes for the Daily Mail (sorry StevieH!) and he wrote a well reasoned article about this:


Obviously he's not going to want a ban to be huge and he's biased as a Liverpool player but he speaks the same kind of sense that Gary Neville, a former Man United player spoke the day before.

Surely they must be on to something here. People just love to overreact.

I wonder whether Liverpool fans would be so happy to move on from this with a little fine if Suarez wasn't your world class best player!

This is the second time he's done this <deleted> and as someone else has said, what a day for the stupid pr1ck to steal the headlines

Nail on the head and to add insult to injury the LFC powers that be advise him to give his fine to the Hillsborough family group.

Imagine if it was Borini who did this or Sturridge? it just proves after he finished of King Kenny with his handshake debacle and now he can undermine Rodgers too..........why? ...........because he is a great footballer and the fans see him as more important than the management of the club and its forgotten principles.Ferguson has had his problems over the years with players but if they cross the line(he always gave them a chance) with him no matter how good they were he got rid.Liverpool cannot because Suarez is Liverpool at the moment,unless that big money offer comes and they cannot resist it of course.

Realistically Suarez career is dominated with biting,diving and being a racist in this country and i think LFC will sell him,all of his own doing unfortunately.


Conveniently forgotten about!!

Cantona made a mistake and paid a heavy penalty,he was banned for how long???

Not forgotten about but he was dealt with by the FA and the club.

Fined two weeks wages was he?

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Cantona was arrested and convicted for assault, resulting in a two-week prison sentence. This was overturned in the appeal court and instead he was sentenced to 120 hours of community service.

In accordance with the Football Association's wishes, Manchester United suspended Cantona for the remaining four months of the 1994–95 season, which ruled him out of first team action as United were still in the hunt for a second double. He was also fined £20,000.

The Football Association then increased the ban to eight months (up to and including 30 September 1995) and fined him a further £10,000. The FA Chief Executive Graham Kelly described his attack as "a stain on our game" that brought shame on football. FIFA then confirmed the suspension as worldwide, meaning that Cantona couldn't escape the ban by transferring to a foreign club.[20] Manchester United also fined Cantona two weeks' wages and he was stripped of the French captaincy.[21] His club eventually lost the Premier League title to Blackburn Rovers.

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I remember watching this creature,when he played for Ajax,and he was despicable at times,even bit someone then.His rants at the refs,with saliva frothing in his mouth,some crazy,stupid tackles,his moans, diving,complaining about everything and nothing,convinced me he was going to be the same creature in the EPL.

The man is BIG TROUBLE,always will be,but he is a great player,so that will win,as Liverpool arent strong enough to get rid,and they have no one else to score,

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