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Reds To Seek Impeachment Of Judges; Group Warns It Will Try To Block Their Salaries


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Reds to seek impeachment of judges

Chanikarn Phumhiran,
Prapasri Osathanon,
Patinya Iamtarn
The Nation


Group warns it will try to block their salaries as protest enters third day

BANGKOK Upset that the Constitutional Court judges have been ignoring demands for them to quit, the red shirts yesterday threatened to launch an impeachment campaign and have the Budget Bureau stop paying their salaries.

Pongpisit Kongsena, a red-shirt leader who led a protest, said his group would lodge a complaint with the Budget Bureau to stop paying the salaries of the nine Constitutional Court judges and also solicit 20,000 signatures from the public to file an impeachment complaint with National Anti-Corruption Commission.

The red shirts vowed to continue protesting to pressure the judges to quit or have them find another way out. Yesterday was the third day of the protest.

"The judges have been ignoring our demand for them to stop working as they think this is only a symbolic protest. Hence we are going to come up with a strategy to force them to respond to our call," Pongpisit said.

The red-shirt leaders took turns in making statements on the stage alternating with musical performances to entertain the protesters gathered outside the Constitutional Court.

Deputy Bangkok Police chief Pol Maj-General Parinya Chansuriya said the protesters were not there in large numbers and that police was at hand to maintain security. He added that hundreds of other police officers were ready to step in if the group widened the rally.

Parinya went on to say that the nine judges targeted had not sought security cover yet.

The red shirts yesterday briefly clashed with security officials manning the court when they tried to enter the compound. Nobody was injured.

Somwang Assarasi, deputy leader of the Democratic Alliance against Dictatorship, said the red shirts had the right to seek justice because they believed the court abused its power and meddled in the legislative branch's affairs.

"The Constitutional Court is the problem and is an obstacle that we must eradicate on our path to democracy. We have put up with them long enough and today the legislature is ready to fight against them. The court fears losing power so it has accepted the petition related to the amendment of Article 68," Somwang said.

He went on to argue that the court had ruled the 2010 uprising was not an act of terrorism but a riot, hence red-shirt leader Korkaew Pikulthong is a not a terrorist.

Meanwhile, a red-shirt representative, Thanachai Sihin, submitted a letter to court officials detailing what they think are "irregularities" committed by the court judges, for instance the ruling on Samak Sundaravej's cooking programme and the court's decision on Article 68 and accepting to rule on amendment of the charter's Article 291.

Constitution Court judge Jaran Pukditanakul said he had yet to seek police protection. He said court officials would consider and decide whether to take action against the protestors for alleged intimidation of the court.

"The court only carries a pen and does not have more power than that. I do not know what is wrong with our country. It is as if boxers are battling referees," he said.

Opposition Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva has given a moral support to the Constitutional Court judges, urging them not to be perturbed by the protest.

He said if judges succumbed to the pressure, the country will lose its principles.

Constitutional Court president Wasan Soypisuth said yesterday that his office had recorded the rally and would file a lawsuit against the protesters for contempt of court.

-- The Nation 2013-04-25

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More proof that the Red mentality has little place in the future direction of this country. They are mostly all far too ignorant to be lending an opinion, and I say that not based on a stereotype of being uneducated but on what is actually said from the stage in support of their cause and actions.

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""The Constitutional Court is the problem and is an obstacle that we must eradicate on our path to democracy."

The Deputy UDD leader Somwang Assarasi must have been listening to PHeu Thai party list MP and UDD leader Dr. weng who advocated to 'eradicate the Democrat party'. All democratically of course.

BTW when people say things like "court abused its power and meddled in the legislative branch's affairs" I always wonder if they know what they say and what it means.

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"The court only carries a pen and does not have more power than that. I do not know what is wrong with our country. It is as if boxers are battling referees," he said.

Correct, he doesn't know, because introspection can be difficult, and painful for some.

A better analogy would be the spectators beating up the referee.

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""The Constitutional Court is the problem and is an obstacle that we must eradicate on our path to democracy."

The Deputy UDD leader Somwang Assarasi must have been listening to PHeu Thai party list MP and UDD leader Dr. weng who advocated to 'eradicate the Democrat party'. All democratically of course.

BTW when people say things like "court abused its power and meddled in the legislative branch's affairs" I always wonder if they know what they say and what it means.

They clearly have no clue about the catch phrases they have been told to repeat.

So sad really, if they weren't so fundamentally dangerous.

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Reds showing their complete lack of understanding due process and law. The govt should invoke closure of this protest immediately. The Judges are the only protection left to Thailand to stop absolute dictatorship by the Shin clan as they continue to brainwash these people in their quest for greed and control.

And that is exactly the reason the government will do nothing to stop the red shirts.

"The red-shirt leaders took turns in making statements on the stage

alternating with musical performances to entertain the protesters

gathered outside the Constitutional Court."

The same game plan they used to urge there fellow dummies to burn Bangkok down.

I hear there pain and my heart pumps pure piss for them.

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""The Constitutional Court is the problem and is an obstacle that we must eradicate on our path to democracy."

The Deputy UDD leader Somwang Assarasi must have been listening to PHeu Thai party list MP and UDD leader Dr. weng who advocated to 'eradicate the Democrat party'. All democratically of course.

BTW when people say things like "court abused its power and meddled in the legislative branch's affairs" I always wonder if they know what they say and what it means.

Wonder no more they are clueless.

Those were not subjects in red shirt schools on democracy.

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I would love to see a live broadcast from any of the local tv stations interviewing the rank and file red shirt members at this rally (not the leaders) asking them what are the role and duties of the constitutional court judges.

I was thinking the same. And it would probably priceless to see

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The protesters call to stop the judges pay and the government reduces the court's funding. Nicely synchronised, possibly choreographed.

As they show a keen appreciation of the financial necessities of survival, I have to wonder who's paying the protesters in what could be their most rewarding occupation to date.

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I just picked this up on another thread where the cabinet set budgets.

"These include the Constitutional Court, which sought Bt294 million but

was allocated Bt180 million; the Courts of Justice, which wanted Bt26

billion but got Bt14 billion; and the Election Commission, which sought

Bt7.2 billion but was given Bt3.1 billion."

Kinda of like using the back door to get to dictatorship.

Having had a military-coup, to displace a time-expired caretaker-PM several years ago, and an alleged judicial-coup, when normal Parliamentary activity went against him, perhaps the Big Boss thinks it's time to try a budgetary-coup, to try to weaken the checks-and-balances which his supporters find so undemocratic ? wink.png

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And the orders from Mr. "I'm home sick and I want to go home waaaaaaaaaaaaah!" in Dubai keep pouring in. If he told the Red Shirts that the judges were aliens here to destroy Earth, they would believe him. They are so brainless.

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""The Constitutional Court is the problem and is an obstacle that we must eradicate on our path to democracy."

The Deputy UDD leader Somwang Assarasi must have been listening to PHeu Thai party list MP and UDD leader Dr. weng who advocated to 'eradicate the Democrat party'. All democratically of course.

BTW when people say things like "court abused its power and meddled in the legislative branch's affairs" I always wonder if they know what they say and what it means.

It is normal communist talk. Democracy with were fascists are not allowed to get elected (and everyone who isn't communist is fascist) so all other parties will be banned in the name of democracy. It sounds strange, but that is exactly the mindset of the commies and most even believe that it is for the good of everyone.

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I would love to see a live broadcast from any of the local tv stations interviewing the rank and file red shirt members at this rally (not the leaders) asking them what are the role and duties of the constitutional court judges.

I was thinking the same. And it would probably priceless to see

Yes. It would be interesting to ask an ordinary red shirt why they are there.

It would also be interesting to find out which ones are getting paid and if it was instigated by Thaksin's Skype to their colleagues on 10th April to bring the 'people' out against the CC

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The cost of the bags is already included in the price.

If anything, the retailer should offer a tiny discount if I choose not to use a bag.

Red protesters are bought by the bagful?

Wrong thread methinks. Interesting though that the current red shirt sloganeer liked it.smile.png

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""The Constitutional Court is the problem and is an obstacle that we must eradicate on our path to democracy."

The Deputy UDD leader Somwang Assarasi must have been listening to PHeu Thai party list MP and UDD leader Dr. weng who advocated to 'eradicate the Democrat party'. All democratically of course.

BTW when people say things like "court abused its power and meddled in the legislative branch's affairs" I always wonder if they know what they say and what it means.

It is normal communist talk. Democracy with were fascists are not allowed to get elected (and everyone who isn't communist is fascist) so all other parties will be banned in the name of democracy. It sounds strange, but that is exactly the mindset of the commies and most even believe that it is for the good of everyone.

The reds only link to communism is there colour scheme. They are fascists to the core, their thinking, their actions and complete intolerance of dissent are all remissisent of nazi Germany and fascist Italy.

I know many communist regimes had these same traits but in this case the actions and beliefs of the red shirts mirrors the mix of agrarian and disaffected working class support, rabid nationalism, populist and simplistic solutions to every problem, intolerance and readiness to use violence at every turn that nazis exploited in 1930s Germany.

Edited by Bluespunk
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"The red shirts yesterday briefly clashed with security officials manning the court when they tried to enter the compound."

That is what is worrying. The Reds are prepared to force their way in. The police should be stepping in on this now. But they are under Thaksins family control. The Army should be preparing with more precision and speed to take out those who wish to bring more mob rule and terror to Thailand. Thailand is going further down the toilet every day. Soon it will be controlled the same as its neighbours. And the Army is the problem? Thank God they are there as the final judicator for more years yet.

Interesting post. My wife's family come from Chantaburi. They take no part in politics; the area in which they live is not known as a PTP stronghold. What they do say is that they do not like or trust the police but they like and trust the army. My wife and I were taking some much needed supplies through to some displaced persons who live in a remore border area. The soldiers at a check point appreciated what we were doing and let us through - we came back with a gift for them but they absolutely refused it and then thanked us for helping others in need. (Would the police have refused?) My wife's family are poor farmers - they are good Buddhists in that they try and do the right thing according to their precepts. They are not involved or interested in politics. However they do feel threatened by the increasing power of the wealthy Shinawatra clan and firmly believe that this is bad for Thailand. When asked about the last coup, their opinion - and indeed the opinion of some of their neighbours with whom we discussed this issue - is that a coup is no bad thing if it keeps the "bad people" (quote) at bay. Given all the 'anti-coup' rhetoric on these forums, it is interesting to note that - contrary to western media opinion - coups which are there to support democracy and not to give power to some besotted general can work in favour of the nation as a whole.

An interesting insight, which tallies with what I've heard from a lot of friends and family.

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"BANGKOK Upset that the Constitutional Court judges have been ignoring demands for them to quit, the red shirts yesterday threatened to launch an impeachment campaign and have the Budget Bureau stop paying their salaries."

Or we will huff and puff and burn the city down............. againgiggle.gif


edit note, can not change the bold quote to no bold.

Edited by Chao Lao Beach
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