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Thailand Seeks Israeli Security Solutions


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you should do some research before posting nonsense. Israel has sold weapons systems to PRC. Also previously to a number of questionable regimes in Africa. Israel is now ranked around 6th in value of worldwide weapons sales.

"The Jewish state, recipient annually of $3 billion in U.S. aid, is second only to Russia as a weapons provider to China, U.S. congressional investigators say".

Common sense should be used sometimesrolleyes.gif

Israel is US biggest ally in terms of weapons amongst many other things and rest assured Israel never sold anything "real or of value" to China

As a matter of fact, no sale takes place without US approval or involvement one way or another

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They ought to try to some lessons from a countries that know how to settle differences and not increase tensions with those who already are upset with them ... unless of course the goal is to keep the problems in the south going for many decades to come.

You should go visit and get an education on what is really happening in that region. You shouldn't just let your anti-semtic feelings and propaganda you believe too much rule your thoughts. Israel has been in Judea for more than 3000 years, longer than the two other Abrahamic religions have been in existence. The 6 million who live there make up less than 1% of the worlds population and a majority of them live in Tel Aviv which they built from scratch out of the sand 50 years ago. You have a lot to learn if you think you can blame everything on the jews or muslims. The unrest is that region is caused by extremist who will not accept peace for their own selfish reasons. If Israel is not bombed or attacked, the peace will come. And the last time I looked, the entire region is up in flames with Israel, Jordan, and Turkey looking to secure themselves. So it's a good idea that Thailand work with Israel and the USA, or would you rather Thailand align itself with Russia and North Korea?
Dude come off your rather high and bizarre horse. I am talking about a country that was founded in 1948 and about their politics and policies and not about religion.... especially Jews. And you really shouldn't incorrectly assume where I have been or what I have studied. Calling somebody anti-semitic that criticizes a country's policies and politics only serves to try to hide the truth and prevent honest discussion. It also shows a sign of being an extremist along with believing Thailand either has to turn to Israel (which you appear to say also means the US) or choose Russia or North Korea. Further extreme and ignorant (uninformed on a subject) is to in anyway imply somebody who criticizes the polices of Israel somehow supports the actions of extremists or their enemies.

And here is some news for you ... the problems Israel has with Palestinians isn't because they are disliked for being Jews or non-Muslims just as much as the problems in Southern Thailand are not about Muslims hating Buddhists. Like most conflicts it is about land, perceived freedom & oppression. And with most conflicts groups use their personal beliefs to justify terrible actions and use the differences of their enemy to see them as being less than human.

Your news is wrong and your information and ideas about the region and it's conflicts are incorrect. Your historical perspective is shallow and does not take into account the history of Judea and more recently, the fall of the Ottoman Empire which led to the destabilization and lack of law and order of Judea and the subsequent attempted genocide of the 60,000 jews living in Israel during the 19th century. Read about the Safed 1834 pogrom and the 1834 Hebron pogrom for 2 examples. In the 20th century before Israel was a country you can read about the 1929 Heron Massacre or the 1936 Jaffa Massacre. Attacks on Jews living in Judea have been going on for thousands of years. Do you really think that just because Israel exists now, that the current attacks are somehow different than the ones taking place just 150 years ago or 1,850 years ago? The only difference is that the jews can now defend themselves and protect their peace loving families and thats not ok with someone like you. Go to Israel and see the truth, ask the arabs living in Yafo if they want to move to another country, until then you have no right to talk about it.

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They ought to try to some lessons from a countries that know how to settle differences and not increase tensions with those who already are upset with them ... unless of course the goal is to keep the problems in the south going for many decades to come.

You should go visit and get an education on what is really happening in that region. You shouldn't just let your anti-semtic feelings and propaganda you believe too much rule your thoughts. Israel has been in Judea for more than 3000 years, longer than the two other Abrahamic religions have been in existence. The 6 million who live there make up less than 1% of the worlds population and a majority of them live in Tel Aviv which they built from scratch out of the sand 50 years ago. You have a lot to learn if you think you can blame everything on the jews or muslims. The unrest is that region is caused by extremist who will not accept peace for their own selfish reasons. If Israel is not bombed or attacked, the peace will come. And the last time I looked, the entire region is up in flames with Israel, Jordan, and Turkey looking to secure themselves. So it's a good idea that Thailand work with Israel and the USA, or would you rather Thailand align itself with Russia and North Korea?
Dude come off your rather high and bizarre horse. I am talking about a country that was founded in 1948 and about their politics and policies and not about religion.... especially Jews. And you really shouldn't incorrectly assume where I have been or what I have studied. Calling somebody anti-semitic that criticizes a country's policies and politics only serves to try to hide the truth and prevent honest discussion. It also shows a sign of being an extremist along with believing Thailand either has to turn to Israel (which you appear to say also means the US) or choose Russia or North Korea. Further extreme and ignorant (uninformed on a subject) is to in anyway imply somebody who criticizes the polices of Israel somehow supports the actions of extremists or their enemies.

And here is some news for you ... the problems Israel has with Palestinians isn't because they are disliked for being Jews or non-Muslims just as much as the problems in Southern Thailand are not about Muslims hating Buddhists. Like most conflicts it is about land, perceived freedom & oppression. And with most conflicts groups use their personal beliefs to justify terrible actions and use the differences of their enemy to see them as being less than human.

Your news is wrong and your information and ideas about the region and it's conflicts are incorrect. Your historical perspective is shallow and does not take into account the history of Judea and more recently, the fall of the Ottoman Empire which led to the destabilization and lack of law and order of Judea and the subsequent attempted genocide of the 60,000 jews living in Israel during the 19th century. Read about the Safed 1834 pogrom and the 1834 Hebron pogrom for 2 examples. In the 20th century before Israel was a country you can read about the 1929 Heron Massacre or the 1936 Jaffa Massacre. Attacks on Jews living in Judea have been going on for thousands of years. Do you really think that just because Israel exists now, that the current attacks are somehow different than the ones taking place just 150 years ago or 1,850 years ago? The only difference is that the jews can now defend themselves and protect their peace loving families and thats not ok with someone like you. Go to Israel and see the truth, ask the arabs living in Yafo if they want to move to another country, until then you have no right to talk about it.
For Gods sake stop trying to confuse the issue of a current country and criticism of it current policies and politics with all this off topic attempts to silence criticism and reasonable discussion. The OP is about Thailand possibly buying defense systems and taking lessons from the current country of Israel who after more than 50-years has not come close to resolving their problems with similar disgruntled groups.

Sadly fear and war benefit leaders.

Edited by Nisa
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Guys, you both are a bit off topic.

The OP is about Thais coming to Israel to purchase state of the art defense systems and technologies [to protect certain government buildings], which Israel is famous for inventing and producing (regardless of the reasons "why" it was required to come up with such inventions you are all discussing and/or how evil this side of another side of the jewish-arabic conflict is).

The OP is NOT about Thais coming to Israel to get dispute management lessons or anything related, so please let's keep it civil and stay on topic.

p.s. If you want to discuss the political and historical situation in Israel, please start a new post and do so, but rest assured, based on past experience, this will be an endless thread...

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Guys, you both are a bit off topic.

The OP is about Thais coming to Israel to purchase state of the art defense systems and technologies [to protect certain government buildings], which Israel is famous for inventing and producing (regardless of the reasons "why" it was required to come up with such inventions you are all discussing and/or how evil this side of another side of the jewish-arabic conflict is).

The OP is NOT about Thais coming to Israel to get dispute management lessons or anything related, so please let's keep it civil and stay on topic.

p.s. If you want to discuss the political and historical situation in Israel, please start a new post and do so, but rest assured, based on past experience, this will be an endless thread...

You're right. I misread or misunderstood the OP and thought in addition to getting advise on defensive systems they were getting advice on dealing with the security situation as a whole. I think the title threw me and then going into the article thought buying defensive systems was part of their broader recommendations. However, you can be damn sure they are getting an earful while there about how to deal with the unrest in the south ... but the OP is in fact not about this as you point out.

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you should do some research before posting nonsense. Israel has sold weapons systems to PRC. Also previously to a number of questionable regimes in Africa. Israel is now ranked around 6th in value of worldwide weapons sales.

"The Jewish state, recipient annually of $3 billion in U.S. aid, is second only to Russia as a weapons provider to China, U.S. congressional investigators say".

Common sense should be used sometimesrolleyes.gif

Israel is US biggest ally in terms of weapons amongst many other things and rest assured Israel never sold anything "real or of value" to China

As a matter of fact, no sale takes place without US approval or involvement one way or another

I am going to jump in without checking my facts and rely on memory...(not always the way to go but LC sounds so sure..)

Did not Israel provide the essentially complete stealth tech and airframe for China's latest jet? I'm sure they did! The Americans were/are not happy about this...

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you should do some research before posting nonsense. Israel has sold weapons systems to PRC. Also previously to a number of questionable regimes in Africa. Israel is now ranked around 6th in value of worldwide weapons sales.

"The Jewish state, recipient annually of $3 billion in U.S. aid, is second only to Russia as a weapons provider to China, U.S. congressional investigators say".

Common sense should be used sometimesrolleyes.gif

Israel is US biggest ally in terms of weapons amongst many other things and rest assured Israel never sold anything "real or of value" to China

As a matter of fact, no sale takes place without US approval or involvement one way or another

I am going to jump in without checking my facts and rely on memory...(not always the way to go but LC sounds so sure..)

Did not Israel provide the essentially complete stealth tech and airframe for China's latest jet? I'm sure they did! The Americans were/are not happy about this...

So where is the jet?whistling.gif

Whats next? MIG's are sold by Israel, not that any of it has anything to do with OP

Edited by lemoncake
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Nothing better than asking a bunch of terrorists how to stop terrorism

Looks like they will soon be building a wall in the South of Thailand then they will deprive people of basic human necessities then every couple of years they will rain down bombs on the people inside the wall.

Shame on you

Ignorance can be such a dangerous thing

Pray tell....what wonderful country are you from?

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Israeli security solutions immediately made me think of 6 day war.

But I see the security solutions are only for MP's and a new parliament building not for the rest of the country.

They have their priorities right again.

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33 of them going to Israel for a "tour" on the taxpayers baht, what few of them there are in Thailand. We'll see if Thais are willing to pay Israeli premium for the best security technology around.

I could see the point if it was a small specialist team but 33 MPs and I wonder if the wives will be going too on a government paid for " chopping trip " ? It doesn't matter what they see or learn the Thais do not have the determined application of the Israelis and never will plus add in the corruption, special interests and all the other " considerations " that apply here.

Will all the high up Thai Media be going also to learn proper reporting ..?? Oh, are are there any major sporting events happening there at the time ... ?

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Israel, an island oasis surrounded by sharks and predators. They are inspiring by showing the world they do not give up.

Yes, Thailand needs their help and in a bad way. Time to get tough and make life unbearable for the self serving terrorists!

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you should do some research before posting nonsense. Israel has sold weapons systems to PRC. Also previously to a number of questionable regimes in Africa. Israel is now ranked around 6th in value of worldwide weapons sales.

"The Jewish state, recipient annually of $3 billion in U.S. aid, is second only to Russia as a weapons provider to China, U.S. congressional investigators say".

Common sense should be used sometimesrolleyes.gif

Israel is US biggest ally in terms of weapons amongst many other things and rest assured Israel never sold anything "real or of value" to China

As a matter of fact, no sale takes place without US approval or involvement one way or another

I am going to jump in without checking my facts and rely on memory...(not always the way to go but LC sounds so sure..)

Did not Israel provide the essentially complete stealth tech and airframe for China's latest jet? I'm sure they did! The Americans were/are not happy about this...

And do you think the USA would be so stupid as to develop a technology 30 years ago that they couldn't counter themselves?

This isn't ww2 radar any more.

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I have been suggesting the Israelis for months for a solution to the Southern insurgents but I guess it takes 33 people on a second visit to figure out how to secure Bangkok. Do these fools ever get it right?

"I have been suggesting the Israelis for months for a solution to the Southern insurgents"

Yes you have, and it's as ridiculous now as it was three months ago.

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They ought to try to some lessons from a countries that know how to settle differences and not increase tensions with those who already are upset with them ... unless of course the goal is to keep the problems in the south going for many decades to come.

Ahh I see. Let's have a look at some of those countries that have "settled" differences.

Canada: Repaid with multiple threats including the recent planned bombing of a train.

Spain: Rewarded with lots of dead and maimed on a subway.

Denmark: Attempted murders and bombings.

Argentina: Successful terrorist bombing of religious and cultural center of a religious group.

There are many more examples.

The issue isn't just hostile states , but individuals who think they are a self appointed divine mission. If Thailand can pick up some tips or implement measures that will prevent the loss of lives, good.

Your simplistic condescending position doesn't do much for one of my friends that has been sent south. He isn't violent and he bears no ill will to anyone. He's going to provide relief for the public health personnel that are being targeted. I have restrained myself from responding with a flame, but you really pushed my anger button on this one.

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Israeli security solutions immediately made me think of 6 day war.

But I see the security solutions are only for MP's and a new parliament building not for the rest of the country.

They have their priorities right again.

In fairness, the Israelis have quietly provided guidance on how to deal with trauma injuries. The USA has been very good in sharing its knowledge and experience with the world by way of the public health journals and at conferences. The Israelis are considered world leaders on care for burn victims. The UK has also become a leading expert at trauma care. There is a reason why the Pakistani girl that suffered a near fatal head wound was sent to the UK and not to China or Russia, who are big supporters of Pakistan. Although, the trauma strategies have arisen out of conflict they have been quickly applied to catastrophic incidents such as large scale crashes and explosions.

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They ought to try to some lessons from a countries that know how to settle differences and not increase tensions with those who already are upset with them ... unless of course the goal is to keep the problems in the south going for many decades to come.

Ahh I see. Let's have a look at some of those countries that have "settled" differences.

Canada: Repaid with multiple threats including the recent planned bombing of a train.

Spain: Rewarded with lots of dead and maimed on a subway.

Denmark: Attempted murders and bombings.

Argentina: Successful terrorist bombing of religious and cultural center of a religious group.

There are many more examples.

The issue isn't just hostile states , but individuals who think they are a self appointed divine mission. If Thailand can pick up some tips or implement measures that will prevent the loss of lives, good.

Your simplistic condescending position doesn't do much for one of my friends that has been sent south. He isn't violent and he bears no ill will to anyone. He's going to provide relief for the public health personnel that are being targeted. I have restrained myself from responding with a flame, but you really pushed my anger button on this one.

Your response is rather strange. Trying to find ways to settle the problems, especially in a case like the south were the problems are known and solutions available, isn't a reason to get yourself so worked up you bring in some nonsensical reply of your friend being shipped down there. If more people learned to think rather than react with emotion and assume .everything is black & white then the world would be a much better place and people wouldn't be so ignorantly led by their leaders. And for your information there has been horrendous acts on both sides down there.

It is interesting to see other comments about the hatred for entire groups because of the actions of a few and then see these people only to defend their hatred by claiming the other side has hatred. It is amazing how easily human sheep can be led by emotions.Of course hatred is justified if you are right as is war but the interesting thing is both sides always think they are right because they are too ignorant to open their eyes and look at the real issues and would rather fight against evil comic book villains like gooks, sand n---ers, rag heads, capitalist pigs and so on.

The problems in the South have nothing to do with one religion hating another except by those on both sides who want to try to make it about that to avoid dealing with the real issues which are widely known and easily looked up if anyone cared to do so..

Edited by Nisa
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They ought to try to some lessons from a countries that know how to settle differences and not increase tensions with those who already are upset with them ... unless of course the goal is to keep the problems in the south going for many decades to come.

Ahh I see. Let's have a look at some of those countries that have "settled" differences.

Canada: Repaid with multiple threats including the recent planned bombing of a train.

Spain: Rewarded with lots of dead and maimed on a subway.

Denmark: Attempted murders and bombings.

Argentina: Successful terrorist bombing of religious and cultural center of a religious group.

There are many more examples.

The issue isn't just hostile states , but individuals who think they are a self appointed divine mission. If Thailand can pick up some tips or implement measures that will prevent the loss of lives, good.

Your simplistic condescending position doesn't do much for one of my friends that has been sent south. He isn't violent and he bears no ill will to anyone. He's going to provide relief for the public health personnel that are being targeted. I have restrained myself from responding with a flame, but you really pushed my anger button on this one.

Your response is rather strange. Trying to find ways to settle the problems, especially in a case like the south were the problems are known and solutions available, isn't a reason to get yourself so worked up you bring in some nonsensical reply of your friend being shipped down there. If more people learned to think rather than react with emotion and assume .everything is black & white then the world would be a much better place and people wouldn't be so ignorantly led by their leaders. And for your information there has been horrendous acts on both sides down there.

It is interesting to see other comments about the hatred for entire groups because of the actions of a few and then see these people only to defend their hatred by claiming the other side has hatred. It is amazing how easily human sheep can be led by emotions.Of course hatred is justified if you are right as is war but the interesting thing is both sides always think they are right because they are too ignorant to open their eyes and look at the real issues and would rather fight against evil comic book villains like gooks, sand n---ers, rag heads, capitalist pigs and so on.

The problems in the South have nothing to do with one religion hating another except by those on both sides who want to try to make it about that to avoid dealing with the real issues which are widely known and easily looked up if anyone cared to do so..

Whats the real issue?

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