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Thai Army Chief Urges The Public To Stop Criticizing Gt200 Fraud


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The army stopped using the product 3 years ago except for those soldiers still useing it, he sounds like he should be in the government.

He would love to be.

Give it 6 more months and he probably will be. Phraer Viharn, corruption, amnesty, constitution.

The opportunities for this guy to rise to the top to save the country are endless.

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The army stopped using the product 3 years ago except for those soldiers still useing it, he sounds like he should be in the government.

I can just imagine a scene down south. A truck with some local terrorists is stopped at a military checkpoint. A Thai soldier with a tough look on his face walks up to the vehicle holding a GT2000. The terrorists look at each other, and burst into laughter.....
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The army stopped using the product 3 years ago except for those soldiers still useing it, he sounds like he should be in the government.

I can just imagine a scene down south. A truck with some local terrorists is stopped at a military checkpoint. A Thai soldier with a tough look on his face walks up to the vehicle holding a GT2000. The terrorists look at each other, and burst into laughter.....

They have been watching and laughing for several years. I feel so sick to think anyone could actually put this piece of crap in the hands of a soldier.

Then to refuse to investigate who was responsible, and the subsequent money trail is sub-human. It's one thing thing to be a stinky seller, but a complicit buyer, endorser and user when it isn't your life on the line, makes it hard for me to find words for how low this decision really is.

Pond scum is being generous. Millions of baht pocketed away on the back of soldiers. He may as well have given the soldiers a revolver with 5 bullets in the chamber and got them to play Russian roulette, it would be better odds.

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The Thai public are blaming it on the wrong persons.

That unscrupulous, selfish and immoral British criminal must bear sole responsibility Lock him up and throw the key away.

let the entire ripped off thai public hold accountable the 1 man who sold essentially empty boxes to the thai army who not only bought empty boxes with public money but also kept a % of it AND took bribes to KNOWINGLY buy empty boxes WITH public money AND keep a percentage.. dont blame them??!!

this 'unscrupulous, selfish and immoral British criminal must bear sole responsibility'.

they should all be given bonuses i suppose, for keeping the young soldiers safe...

and spending public money so wisely. they were not tricked, the public were as per usual and now you want them to be freed of any responsiblity....

it is because of attitudes like yours that Thailand will never be anything better than it is now.


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The 'general' may appear an incompetent buffoon and would be removed from his post in any country with an ounce of integrity and self-respect, however he has no choice but to take this stance. The Thai Army is infallible as the last bastion to a terminally ill system of patronage.

To think some supposedly educated people actually support these delusional psychopaths removing elected governments at the behest of their masters using the threat of force is very worrying indeed.

Being elected does not elevate politicians to sainthood, and, in this poor excuse for a democracy where you can buy a political party, it is not uncommon for sufficient criminals to be elected to form a government. When They then attempt to remove the feeble checks and balances that exist here, they need removing before they damage the country irrepairably.

Until democracy here matures sufficiently such that responsible and accountable government can be achieved, some form of ultimate restraint will be necessary. I am much more worried about a political party using a private militia to carry out violence in their name than the implied threat of force by the RTA.

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Being elected does not elevate politicians to sainthood, and, in this poor excuse for a democracy where you can buy a political party, it is not uncommon for sufficient criminals to be elected to form a government. When They then attempt to remove the feeble checks and balances that exist here, they need removing before they damage the country irrepairably.

I still struggle to understand why, given the vast amount of evidence to the contrary, why you seem to think the Army and their backers are any better?

You mention "checks and balances" yet vocally support military intervention in politics? A bizarre hypocrisy to be sure, especially when you consider that the Thai armed forces are accountable to almost no-one, and ultimately police themselves.

Having them remove corrupt politicians is akin to moving the fox into the hen-house.

As shown by the 'general's' continued arrogant remarks on any criticism shown towards the RTA, they (and many posters here too) seem to live in a bygone era. That will change as Thailand progresses and the disgusting hypocrisy of infallibility amidst the truth of murder and human rights abuses will be no longer. We can but live in hope.

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The Thai public are blaming it on the wrong persons.

That unscrupulous, selfish and immoral British criminal must bear sole responsibility Lock him up and throw the key away.

let the entire ripped off thai public hold accountable the 1 man who sold essentially empty boxes to the thai army who not only bought empty boxes with public money but also kept a % of it AND took bribes to KNOWINGLY buy empty boxes WITH public money AND keep a percentage.. dont blame them??!!

this 'unscrupulous, selfish and immoral British criminal must bear sole responsibility'.

they should all be given bonuses i suppose, for keeping the young soldiers safe...

and spending public money so wisely. they were not tricked, the public were as per usual and now you want them to be freed of any responsiblity....

it is because of attitudes like yours that Thailand will never be anything better than it is now.


Perhaps it is time for you to take your sarcasm meter in for a check.

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And if the public does not stop criticizing the GT200 fraud what action will the army chief take if any?

It will be interesting to see what action will be taken...just been a piece on this scam on the BBC related to the sales of this kit in Iraq and the Iraqi goverment went after the people in the military who took the brown envelopes and believe they have jailed an army general for 8 years and there are a few more who they are going after as well.

Do we think the Thai goverment will do the same ?...not on your life...

Let the British goverment jail the scammer in the UK, but the Thai goverment needs to jail the people in Thailand who took the bribes as well

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From the BBC article:


"Iraq spent $85m on the devices, much of which went in bribes to senior figures, including the head of the Baghdad bomb squad, General Jihad al-Jabiri. He and two other Iraqi officials are now serving jail terms for corruption."

Wow, this does not bode well for the Thai generals with their hand in the till. No wonder they want criticism to stop...

Hahaha just kidding, absolutely nothing will happen to them. Watch and see.

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From the BBC article:


"Iraq spent $85m on the devices, much of which went in bribes to senior figures, including the head of the Baghdad bomb squad, General Jihad al-Jabiri. He and two other Iraqi officials are now serving jail terms for corruption."

Wow, this does not bode well for the Thai generals with their hand in the till. No wonder they want criticism to stop...

Hahaha just kidding, absolutely nothing will happen to them. Watch and see.

Nothing is going to happen, at all, period.

Army generals don't go to jail in Thailand, let alone have inactive posts. In fact they are already inactive save a few.

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From the BBC article:


"Iraq spent $85m on the devices, much of which went in bribes to senior figures, including the head of the Baghdad bomb squad, General Jihad al-Jabiri. He and two other Iraqi officials are now serving jail terms for corruption."

Wow, this does not bode well for the Thai generals with their hand in the till. No wonder they want criticism to stop...

Hahaha just kidding, absolutely nothing will happen to them. Watch and see.

Nothing is going to happen, at all, period.

Army generals don't go to jail in Thailand, let alone have inactive posts. In fact they are already inactive save a few.

LOL , well with 1800 generals to run a country that has never been at war in modern times and unlikely to in the future, it would stand to reason there would be quite a few inactive generals.... :-) Come to think of it, with all this spare time, and new mansions to buy as well as support of mia nois, it would stand to reason they would venture out into money making enterprises...
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had to put a glove on and pop me kidney back in i was laughing so much,,,,,,oh and by the way please stop going on about losing FACE how can they when they have so many ......like medusas got snakes,,,,,jogon

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  • 2 months later...

With regard to the fraudster, a more fitting punishment would have been to drop him off in Helmand with one of these detectors say around Laska Gar and told to get home using it through the IED minefield.

I could not agree with you more. These people are scum.

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Funny to see this story come back again. I have been waiting impatiently

for indictments coming down on this case, but strangely it seems to have

gone very quiet.... LOL

He got 10 years, which given our soft judicial system means he'll probably only do 7 years less time he has all ready spent in prison whilst being held on remand during and before the trial.

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Funny to see this story come back again. I have been waiting impatiently

for indictments coming down on this case, but strangely it seems to have

gone very quiet.... LOL

He got 10 years, which given our soft judicial system means he'll probably only do 7 years less time he has all ready spent in prison whilst being held on remand during and before the trial.

Yes I am aware he got jail time in Britain, and rightfully so. My post was actually in reference to the Thai generals, who raked in millions of dollars, and will face.......wait for it.........nothing.

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